Sinner's summer workout log



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Another Friday. I swear it never gets old. :)

Back and Biceps today, another reason why I love Fridays. I love training back. Did a bunch of dropsets with today's workout, trying to do this once every 4 weeks or so to keep things interesting, but not overtrain too much.

Barbell Rows: Dropset: 255*6 // 225*3
Standing DB Rows: 90*6
Weighted Pullups: Dropset: 90*6 // 45*9
Incline DB Curls: Dropset: 60*7 // 35*8 (This set was AWESOME. Really felt the rush of endorphins, adrenaline, and pump by the end of this sucker.)
One-foot Standing Calf Raise: 120*15 (each foot)
Decline Crunches: 25*15


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Hey now, you're not too little, yourself.
either way u rock my world everymorning i wakeup cranky to head to work. i log in see some phat workout and im like gosh darn why couldnt i do that at like 6am, then i remind myself that would be craziness !

anyways i did legpress 3sets of 50reps, omg i was rdy to passout when i stoodup lol, then shockingly enuff 3 sets of leg curls after for 50reps i think


Recovering AXoholic
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Nice lifts Sin. Also thats a sick Avi.

I was searching Radiohead videos on Youtube a while back. (HUGE Radiohead fan). Some guy named Gaston Vinas, username grapevineindustries, made some animated videos to go along with a few Radiohead songs as well as some of Thom Yorke's solo stuff, The Cure and Second Person. The artwork and graphics are pretty sweet. Avi is a screenshot from this video:

You might also look up 2+2=5. He did a really good job creating a silent cartoon of George Orwell's book, Animal Farm, which fits song to the perfectly.


Recovering AXoholic
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Good morning everyone.

Legs and Shoulders today. Had a pretty sick workout.
Front Squat: 225*16
Walking Lunges: 70*24
Bent Press: 75*9
Rear Delt Laterals w/ cables: 40*12
Donkey Calf Raise: 450*40
Roll-out/Walk-out: 6 / 12


Recovering AXoholic
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Good morning everyone.

Today's workout was chest and Triceps.

Weighted Dips: 135*11 (negatives)
Incline DB Press: 110*5
DB Pullovers: 105*12
JM Press: 225*5
Standing Calf Raise: 120*20 (for each foot)
Decline Crunches: 25*12

Overall, decent workout. Was hoping to beat my record of 110's for 6 on DB press, but I think I was too taxed after doing negative dips. Next time, though. Next time.

Forgot my science term of the week on Monday, so here it is today.
The Goldschmidt Reaction- I was shocked when my Inorganic Chemistry teacher didn't know what this was. The Goldschmidt Reaction is a redox between a metal oxide and aluminum, which forms a molten metal and aluminum oxide. (BTW, Aluminum is not technically a metal). The most common of the Goldschmidt reactions is the brand name, Thermite, which is a combination of Aluminum, Ferrous Oxide (i.e. Rust), and ignition agents which is used in welding railroad ties together by creating molten iron. The reaction is actually so damn hot, that if you put water on it, the water will split up into Hydrogen and Oxygen, which (under these extreme conditions) will autoignite, to form a blast of fire and steam.
Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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The Goldschmidt Reaction- I was shocked when my Inorganic Chemistry teacher didn't know what this was. The Goldschmidt Reaction is a redox between a metal oxide and aluminum, which forms a molten metal and aluminum oxide. (BTW, Aluminum is not technically a metal). The most common of the Goldschmidt reactions is the brand name, Thermite, which is a combination of Aluminum, Ferrous Oxide (i.e. Rust), and ignition agents which is used in welding railroad ties together by creating molten iron. The reaction is actually so damn hot, that if you put water on it, the water will split up into Hydrogen and Oxygen, which (under these extreme conditions) will autoignite, to form a blast of fire and steam.
sounds like something that could cure our energy crisis.


Recovering AXoholic
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Good Morning everyone.

Back and Biceps today.

Deadlift: 335*11+1
Seated Cable Rows: 220*7
Weighted Chinups: 90*6+1
Cable Curls using Tricep Rope: 120*13
Donkey Calf Raise: 360*50
Dragon Flags: 25

Good workout today. The cable curls are a new exercise I had been meaning to try out. Pretty neat exercise. I think I might keep it in my 4 week rotation for the rest of the summer.

I think I'm starting to get overdue for making a video (what do you think, crader?). Any suggestions?

Happy Friday everyone. :)


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yo what kinda jumprope u use i forget

ive done curls with tricep rope, its a nice fun change


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Just caught the Animal Farm interp, stuff was extremely original. I haven't read Animal Farm since 6th grade and was getting flashbacks of the book (although I don't distinctly remember that much cow on cow/ pig on pig action and porn lmao).

As far as the goldschmidt reaction, that just single handedly made me excited for inorganic chem on the horizon. Only I would be explaining it to people as I just made a terminator.


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I posted something over in the training forum about some tingling that is occuring on the left side of my body. I think it is a cramped muscle pushing/pinching my sciastic nerve. Any thoughts ?


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I think I'm starting to get overdue for making a video (what do you think, crader?). Any suggestions?

Happy Friday everyone. :)
I agree its video time!! Or picture collage time. Hmmm maybe you could do one on the roll out walkouts?


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Or you could come down here and do a day with Nat and video the whole


Recovering AXoholic
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yo what kinda jumprope u use i forget

ive done curls with tricep rope, its a nice fun change
I kinda ghetto-rigged my jumprope to perfection.

They sell this one kind of jump rope at Wal-Mart that has nice handles with bearings in them. The bearings don't really make you jump faster, but prevent the rope from wearing at the ends. Only problem is they use a Nylon Cord. Nylon is too weak and wears down too quickly.

You might as well cut this nylon cord off, because it will snap in half by then end of the week anyhow, and get a PVC cord. Valeo makes a super-cheap jump rope called, Neon Jump Rope. Comes in a little tube, and contains the much more durable PVC cord. You can usually find one of these at your local sporting goods store. Cut this cord off, and put it on the handles you got from Wal-Mart. To attach, simply wrap a paperclip around it, and clamp it down tight using a pair of channel-locks.

Lastly, although optional, I have a modified figure-8 knot tied about 1 foot from the center of the cord (at each end of the rope). Overhand knot, you don't twist the bite, just pull through the loop. For figure-8, twist the bite, and pull through the loop. Modified figure-8, twist the bite twice, and pull through the loop. This adds some extra weight towards then end of the rope to increase tension and to help you "feel" where the rope is. It also makes it a lot easier for the rope to get tangled when doing criss-crosses and such, so it's not totally necessary.

And there you have it, thesinner's jump rope.


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Good morning ladies and gentlemen....mostly gentlement....minus the gentle part.

Note to all gymgoer's: do not put on Aqua-Velva before going to the gym, especially in copious amounts. Aromatics become more volatile as bodyheat increases, thus increasing the range of this dollar-store cologne aroma. :sick: (I'm sure you can guess how my workout was this morning.)

Anyhow, Legs and Shoulders
Superset: Cleans // Upright Rows: 205*2 // 135*12
Walking Lunges: 70*24
Hamstring Curls: 70*5
Rear Delt Raise: 25*15
Roll-outs: 6+2+1 (hahaha, no more after that. I was done.)
No Calf workout today. Calves are taxed from running over the weekend.

Overall, decent workout. A little disappointed with my cleans, but then again, I haven't done them in 3 weeks, and power moves aren't exactly my "thang".

Bodyweight today was a whopping 193lbs. Since the last time I checked, I'm up about 5lbs, but that was a few weeks ago already, so I dunno.


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Sounds like a good workout, I had to laugh about the Aqua-Velva though!


Recovering AXoholic
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Sounds like a good workout, I had to laugh about the Aqua-Velva though!
In restrospect, it was funny. In doing my walking lunges past the smith machine this fella was working at, it was quite noxious. Seriously, fragrances make me light-headed.


Recovering AXoholic
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Good Morning

Chest and Triceps today.

Weighted Dips: 160*7+1
Hammer Strength Isolater Chest: 290*10
Floor Press: 335*5
Tricep Rope Pushdown: 80*9
Donkey Calf Raise: 450*40
Dragon Flags: 25

Since I forgot the science term of the week on Monday, here it is today. Nucleophile - although it sounds like a sexual predator, it comes from the greek definition, "Nucleus Lover" (so you're not too far off). It's simply a molecule that can donate 2 electrons in order to form a new covalent bond. They're used quite often in organic synthesis for "substitution reactions", literally swapping the nucleophile with another something else (usually a halogen). Finally, this brings me to the age old question, if the greek definition for "ped" is foot and "phile" is loving, why don't pedophiles like feet? (seriously, I don't know the answer)


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Good Morning

Chest and Triceps today.

Weighted Dips: 160*7+1
Hammer Strength Isolater Chest: 290*10
Floor Press: 335*5
Tricep Rope Pushdown: 80*9
Donkey Calf Raise: 450*40
Dragon Flags: 25

Since I forgot the science term of the week on Monday, here it is today. Nucleophile - although it sounds like a sexual predator, it comes from the greek definition, "Nucleus Lover" (so you're not too far off). It's simply a molecule that can donate 2 electrons in order to form a new covalent bond. They're used quite often in organic synthesis for "substitution reactions", literally swapping the nucleophile with another something else (usually a halogen). Finally, this brings me to the age old question, if the greek definition for "ped" is foot and "phile" is loving, why don't pedophiles like feet? (seriously, I don't know the answer)
The "ped" for foot is Latin while the Greek version is for child (e.g. a pediatrician is a child physician.)


Recovering AXoholic
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Happy 4th of July everyone. Go celebrate our independence and go blow **** up. :)

Back and Biceps today.

Rack Pull: 385*4+2
Barbell Row: 255*10
Weighted Pullups: 100*4+1
Incline DB Curls: 65*5
Single Foot Standing Calf Raise: 120*12 (each foot)
Decline Crunches: 25*20


Recovering AXoholic
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Just a weekend update. I still have all my fingers.

I saw Macedaddy at the Zoo yesterday. I wanted to give him a protein bar or something, but the sign by his cage said, "Do Not Feed the Animals". :D

Went rollerblading with my old man, and then went for a good ol' beach run. Not too often I get to run on the beach, so I try to make it out there whenever I can. Anyhow, while running, someone had written in pebbles near the shore, "I <3 Bobby". I just wanted to say to all the ladies out there with the secret crushes on me that I much prefer cans to pebbles. ;)

Hope you're all having a great 4th of July weekend. Back to reality tomorrow.


Recovering AXoholic
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Good Morning everyone. Hope you all had a good weekend.

Legs and Shoulders this morning.
Front Squat: 245*12
Walking Lunges: 70*24
Arnold Press: 75*8
DB Side Laterals: 30*15
DB Shrugs: 110*12
Standing Calf Raise (stretch for 5 counts): 150*12
Hanging Leg Raise: 30


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nice lunges after those squats and 24 means feet? steps? yds?
Walking Lunges: 70*24


Recovering AXoholic
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I hate lunges but they are an evil necessity.
Yeah, you can always pick the ladies who do lunges out of a crowd. They usually have apparent assets which are acquired from doing regularly. :D


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Yeah, you can always pick the ladies who do lunges out of a crowd. They usually have apparent assets which are acquired from doing regularly. :D

lunges kick anyones tush, man they destroy muscles inbtw all my legs buttocks and whatever regions


Recovering AXoholic
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lunges kick anyones tush, man they destroy muscles inbtw all my legs buttocks and whatever regions
the sphincter? Are we talking about the same activity here? :D

j/k, I think I know what you mean. Depending on how far you step out, it really works the inner thigh muscles.


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the sphincter? Are we talking about the same activity here? :D

j/k, I think I know what you mean. Depending on how far you step out, it really works the inner thigh muscles.
well correct me if im wrong, but i go as far as possible in lunge motion, and sometimes go as far as i can on a 45degree angle basically reaching as wide as possible on left then going back to right and so fourth

i dont do small steps cuz that = lots of knee bend on front and even thought it seems its proven thats not harmfull in lunges but idk im always worried about that somewhat, looking forward to your response


Recovering AXoholic
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Good Morning all.

This morning's workout was Chest and Triceps.

Weighted Dips: 170*6
Inclien DB Press: 110*6
DB Pullovers: 125*11
JM Press: 225*11
Donkey Calf Raise: 450*45
Dragon Flags: 22

Science term of the week (because I forgot again on Monday) is flashpoint. I'm sure to some of your dismay, this has nothing to do with Mardi Gras Beads :(. Rather, a flash point is the temperature in which a substance is volatile enough to form a mixture in the air capable of ignition if an errant spark or something were to come in contact with it. They are usually really low temperatures. For example, regular unleaded gasoline has a flashpoint of -49 °F.


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Just a weekend update. I still have all my fingers.

I saw Macedaddy at the Zoo yesterday. I wanted to give him a protein bar or something, but the sign by his cage said, "Do Not Feed the Animals". :D

Went rollerblading with my old man, and then went for a good ol' beach run. Not too often I get to run on the beach, so I try to make it out there whenever I can. Anyhow, while running, someone had written in pebbles near the shore, "I <3 Bobby". I just wanted to say to all the ladies out there with the secret crushes on me that I much prefer cans to pebbles. ;)

Hope you're all having a great 4th of July weekend. Back to reality tomorrow.
LMAO! Actually.....I SAW YOU! Bob was kinda stunned in my presence....But, I calmed him down and we each went our seperate ways! :toofunny:

For all those wondering.........DUDE IS GETTING JACKED!:clap2:


Recovering AXoholic
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Good morning everyone. Friday yet again.

Back and Biceps workout today.

Rack Pull: 390*4
Seated Cable Row w/ tricep rope handle: 200*10 (I figured I'd give this a shot, as it would allow for a greater ROM, but it jammed up my fingers. Not recommended.)
Weighted Chin-ups: 105*4+1
Straight Bar Spider Curl: 95*10
Single-footed Standing Calf Raise: 120*15 (each foot)
Decline Crunches: 25*20

Bodyweight this morning, 192.5lbs.


Recovering AXoholic
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Good Morning everyone. It's Monday, but it's Leg day (for me at least). The two somehow cancel each other out. Scientists are still trying to figure out how or why that is.

Superset: Snatches // Upright Row: 145*5 // 95*15
Split Squat: 145*11
Squat (the "regular" kind): 185*27
Rear Delt Raise: 35*12
Donkey Calf Raise: 450*30
Superset: Roll-outs // Walkouts: 8 // 12

Overall, a decent Monday workout. Hope everyone else is having a good start to the ever-dreadful work week.


Recovering AXoholic
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Good Morning all.

Chest and Triceps this morning.

Incline DB Press: 115*6 (That's a new record for me, kinda excited)
Hammer Strength Isolateral Chest: Dropset: 320*3 // 270*4
JM Press: 235*8
Tricep Rope Pushdowns: Dropset: 80*5 // 50*7
Donkey Calf Raise: 450*30
Dragon Flags: 24

Good workout today. It was actually kinda cool in the gym today, I think they finally got the air conditioner working, so it felt pretty good.


Recovering AXoholic
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Good morning everyone. Friday again. :)

Back and Biceps workout this morning.
Barbell Row: Dropset: 265*5 // 225*6
Standing DB Rows: 100*4
Weighted Pullups: 100*5
Incline DB Curls: Dropset: 65*5 // 40*8
Donkey Calf Raise: 450*35
Dragon Flags: 22


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ive missed u so just jumping in to say hi, heading to gym


Recovering AXoholic
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Hi nyc. Have a good workout at the gym, man.


Recovering AXoholic
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Good Morning.

Legs and Shoulders today.
Front Squat: 245*9
Walking Lunges: 75*16 (these were rough)
Bent Press: 80*7
DB Side Lateral Raise: 35*10
Donkey Calf Raise: 450*30
Roll outs: 12

Decent workout this morning. It's super humid out today, so I was sweating like Paris Hilton in church...... wearing a sauna suit. Not sure why I decided to upgrade to 75's, but it was rough. I had to stand there for a few minutes just to catch my breath after that last rep. Oh well, hope everyone has a good Monday (yes, that is somewhat of a paradox).


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You know I feel slightly better knowing that someone else has a leg day on Monday!


Recovering AXoholic
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You know I feel slightly better knowing that someone else has a leg day on Monday!
Well of course I do it on Monday. Most people usually do bench press on Mondays, so this means I have the bicep curl rack available to do squats at.


Recovering AXoholic
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Good Morning all.

This mornings workout was Chest and Triceps:
Weighted Dips: 180*4
Incline DB Press: 115*6
DB Pullovers: 130*9
JM Press: 245*7
Standing Calf Raise: 150*25
Decline Crunches: 25*16

Tried for dips at 180 again. The issue with doing exercises like dips and pullups is that when your bodyweight goes up, you're inherently lifting more although the weight you set on the belt doesn't go up. On that regard, it can be a little frustrating at times.


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Good Morning.

Legs and Shoulders today.
Front Squat: 245*9
Walking Lunges: 75*16 (these were rough)
Bent Press: 80*7
DB Side Lateral Raise: 35*10
Donkey Calf Raise: 450*30
Roll outs: 12

Decent workout this morning. It's super humid out today, so I was sweating like Paris Hilton in church...... wearing a sauna suit. Not sure why I decided to upgrade to 75's, but it was rough. I had to stand there for a few minutes just to catch my breath after that last rep. Oh well, hope everyone has a good Monday (yes, that is somewhat of a paradox).

i think i know why u went to 75s... cuz your trying to be like someone :bb3:

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