Severe stomach issues kicked in on 3rd week of omnadren


New member
So I started my cycle about 3 weeks ago, 250mg of omnadren on Wed / Sunday (on top of HRT cypionate). I started .5mg of Arimidex in my second week, twice a week (on wed and sun).

Going into my third week, I pinned and injected, after I pulled out there was some dark blood that came out and it bled for another second or so. That night I started having severe stomach cramps, like a non-stop, up all night, cramping sensation. I ended up going to the Dr. two days later and he couldn't find anything wrong.

I skipped the injection that day and just took the arimidex to see if my body could fight off what I thought was just a bug before resuming. Two days after the Arimidex dosing, painful stomach cramps again. Up all night.

Has anyone had these symptoms on cycle before? Could this be from bad gear or the arimidex not agreeing with me? Any suggestions?

Also having the sweats and a little dizzy, but the bloating / stomach cramping issues are really what's bothering me.
That compound take about 3 weeks to fully kick in. So sides may start to appear then. It's not common but AAS can cause problems with the stomach lining by reducing the amount of protective mucus from an increase in stomach acid. Like I said it's very very uncommon but you can develop ulcers or make current ulcers way way worse. If it's bad or even seems like it may become bad you need to seek a doctor ASAP so he can sort things out. Best of luck mate, I hope it is nothing.
Thanks for the reply. I've got an appointment this morning to see what's going on. This is only my first real cycle but I've been on HRT for about 8 months now, 210mg of cypionate weekly.
Probaly just a fluk that this happening. I would just pass it off to being somthing ether than the gear. There's a lot of factors, diet, supps,etc.... Like mentioned before if it persist for a few days then I would consult a doc or take care if it your self and go back to your HRT dose. Also what quadrant is pain the persistant at ?
210mg seems like a random number lol but keep us updated

lol, yea the TRT guy bumps it up in 10mg doses. My levels last tested in at 972 / 17.9 Free.

The pain is actually in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen, near my gallbladder area. It's pretty persistent, I went in for my visit and gave him bloods / urine plus did a $600 ultra sound this morning. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll get some answers.

I'm hoping it's not gear related, but that's the only factor I've changed really. My supplements are pretty standard...cycle assist, beta alanine, creatine, etc. My diet is pretty "bro" for the most part, around 4-4500K and I start contest prep early next month. I did a few searches online for this being related to AAS and a found a few people who had identical issues, but the thread abruptly ended without the OP coming back to report the end result or diagnosis. I'll keep this updated so hopefully anyone who has identical symptoms to mine can get a better understanding of what could potentially be going on.
I went 18 months with them telling me I had ulcers. Turned out my gallbladder was trashed. Spent hours every night wishing for death. So hopefully it's not gallbladder issues man. They had to do some Mri type test on me. Pumped me with dye and scanned me for 45 minutes to determine it was dead.
Gah, I'm really hoping it's not gallbladder issues. My blood and urine results both came back normal so far.

How bad is the operation to have it removed if that's the case? Were you bed ridden?

Will get my ultra sound results back today.

Also, were the gallbladder issues caused by androgen use? Or is it something that's pre-existing and not correlated?
I've cut my injections in half and quit arimidex. Should I completely stop the cycle altogether or see if running at half the dose will bring everything back to normal?
Gallbladder pain comes right after eating, miserable stabbing pain. I was misdiagnosed with ulcers as well. Quick surgery with less than a month recovery. Take care of it before it becomes pancreatitis like mine did
Gallbladder is usually done lapro now a days depending of course of anatomy and the dx of whats actually happening with it.
Just to give a quick update. I ended up being referred to the GI specialist, he checked me out, double checked my ultra sound, liver levels, everything and couldn't find anything abnormal. One of his first questions was regarding androgen use so I told him I was taking Sustanon/Omnadren for about four weeks but quit for the prior two weeks, though the stomach issues continued. He didn't prescribe me anything other than a colonascopy but said it was unrelated to my current issues (he wanted a check up done for pollops I had when I was in my early teens).

Basically he prescribed me some high fiber and lactose free diet, nothing that I wasn't already on more or less and he had no idea what to tell me other than see if it goes away. As of last week I've had no more pains or discomfort. I quit pinning altogether and quit my arimidex even before that, I think it was just systemic and took a little while to leave my system because once it cleared I was good to go. I never quit my HRT dosing and kept my 210mg of cypionate a week.

I'm starting contest prep next week so I'm pretty relieved that I can hit it 110% without anymore irritation from eating. I do plan on pinning again in December but I'll be sticking to a single ester, most likely cypionate since my body is handling that well already and I'll more than likely keep Nolva on hand instead of Arimidex, not sure what else to do.