Second Cycle of Superdrol - PCT review


New member
Hey, whats up all? Posted this earlier on the Anabolic forum, but believe it's better suited here as I didn't get many responses.

So in February I ran my first cycle of SD, it was pretty light 10/10/20/10... was alittle worried about side effects and what not. Regardless made some good gains, around 9 lbs. My PCT was ****... I kept some of the gains in strength but didn't do enough to keep my weight up.

I'm going to start another cycle, its been over 90 days. I'm thinking 10MG/20/20/10. Along with daily Milk Thistle, Multivitamin, Omega-3.

Here is what I had planned for PCT... lemme know where you'd change...

PCT for 4 weeks...
First week - 40 MG Nolva, 600 MG 6oxo, 75 MG Clomid
Second week - 40 MG Nolva, 600 MG 6oxo, 50 MG Clomid
Third week - 20 MG Nolva, 300 MG 6oxo, 25 MG clomid
Fourth week - 10 MG Nolva, 300 MG 6oxo, 25 MG clomid

Anyone cycle Nolva in with their final week of cycle? My main concern with cycles is getting the guys downstairs back to size and fully functional. As I understand... test levels basically shut down during these 4 weeks so that's why I'm curious if it's beneficial to start a week early with just Nolva?
What about creatine? Should I continue taking it during cycle or use with PCT?

Thanks and any advise is greatly appreciated.


New member
Also, I know you can't link direct brands / purchases... but any recommendations / experiences on certain brands would be helpful!


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  • RockStar
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I wouldnt start a week early with Nolva- No reason to jumpstart your bodys own natural test while you are still dosing with synthetic Test in the form of SD....just my two cents...and if you are running Nolva AND Clomid for a four week cycle....I think you should be okay....just my two cents


  • Established
Couple things...

You should only run the SD for 3 weeks, its harsh stuff. Something like 10/10/20 or 10/20/20

Also look into cycle support or cycle assist. That will cover liver also and help with lipids and blood pressure.

For PCT drop the nolva and run clomid 75/50/50/50, clomid is much more efficient at bringing your "boys" back. Two serms really isnt needed but if you insist run them each at half the starting doses you listed.


  • Established
Run the SD how you like as long as your safe.

Nolva 20/20/10/10 clomid optional 50/50/25/25.

Listen to RC about the dosing of SD hes a smart guy, clomid bringing your boys back quicker is debateable, but if you can afford it, the way i have it worked out up top would be awesome.


New member
Couple things...

You should only run the SD for 3 weeks, its harsh stuff. Something like 10/10/20 or 10/20/20

Also look into cycle support or cycle assist. That will cover liver also and help with lipids and blood pressure.

For PCT drop the nolva and run clomid 75/50/50/50, clomid is much more efficient at bringing your "boys" back. Two serms really isnt needed but if you insist run them each at half the starting doses you listed.
Thanks RCL. I think I'll give it three weeks... start with 10MG move to 20MG and see how the third week goes and decide on 10 or 20MG.

I've read a lot of debate between Clomid and Nolva. I have a complete nutrition real close to my house and they sell Nolva I believe. I've looked online and most bottles I find are 60 MG per pill... but most PCT programs require less than that?

When you say support cycle... what exactly does that contain? I mentioned Milk Thistle for liver, any other recommendations?

Thanks all and look forward to seeing some results and sharing them!


LIV-52 for liver.

Torem brings my testicular mass back in 3 days, no joke.

May run exemestane with torem for my next PCT.
Jeremy Brown

Jeremy Brown

  • Established
there is no reason that SD cant be run for 4 weeks, so long as a proper PCT is in place, there is also no reason that it cant be run at 10-20/20/20/20. however, there is no need to ramp the SD dosage down in the final week of your cycle.


New member
Sandman fyi you can't get nolva in stores. It is a prescription drug. Gaspari has a product called novadex xt it is not the same and will not do for pct. As far as clomid or nolva for proper pct they are both great. I like clomid personally because it really gets my libido up and running again. And for me it seems that the nolvadex kills my libido. Those are just my opinions and you should definitely research and read and make an educated decision


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Oh and I haven't tried torem yet but it sounds solid.


  • Established
Just to be clear, I wasnt saying you "cant" run SD for 4 weeks, its been done many times, i just think risk/reward 3 weeks is best. 20/20/20 is also very possible but the rule of thumb is usually use the smallest "effective" dose and up the dose when it becomes ineffective.

Serms arnt bought at stores, like already stated. Research chems are easily attainable and make dosing easy. A quick google search should help you out.

Cycle support is made by Anabolic Innovations and can be purchased at the planet. It is kind of an all in one organ protector and is much cheaper than buying everything seperate. The main thing to note are:

Hawthorn berry- BP
Celery seed extract-cholesterol/BP +
Nettle root & Saw palmetto- prostate support
And of course milk thistle


New member
Where would be the best Online Research labs to buy Nolvadex?

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