SARM's, MK, & GW : A User's Guide



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So many options!
I was also thinking of running it when I run some of the Andros.

Trying to piece together my next several cycles over the next while :)
Always like to plan ahead and make sure I have everything in line.

Thanks for the advice!
I think it might stack real nice with 4-DHEA but I don't think you would need a lot of it. I would also be cautious in using too much in combination with dry or non-aromatizing compounds. When I ran it at 100mg with Osta, it noticeably lowered my libido. I think the combo of lowered T from the Osta and lowred E from the Formestane did the trick there. I've also seen people run it @ 200mg on injectable Test cycles in place of A-dex or A-sin so there's that too.


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I was thinking with 4-DHEA as well. I have a lot of TD Trest and thought it could be a good addition when using the Trest to offset the estrogen sides.


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I was thinking with 4-DHEA as well. I have a lot of TD Trest and thought it could be a good addition when using the Trest to offset the estrogen sides.
Should work great with Trest. I know you have stronger ancillaries just in case.


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A little three week update on my Ostarine cycle, just to add to some information here. Dosing has been one cap of Ostashred (12.5mg Osta, 25mg arimistane). Will be upping dose to two caps split 12hrs apart starting today.

As imagined, I am upping the dose going forward to see a bit more results going forward. So far I have noticed slight increases in strength, while being in a deficit, nothing drastic but a definite increase has been noticed this past week. Body composition showing not much difference then it would during past cuts at this point, except muscle fullness seems to be more prominent throughout the day. I have noticed, just recently because someone mentioned skin looks clearer then it has ever been before! Very significant difference on my face, and nothing cleaning wise has changed over the past 3 weeks. May low dose run this in the future to gauge this effect, really awesome. No lethargy, no change in pumps, no change in endurance.

Side effects
-Don't know how much to contribute this to the osta, but my libido is down significantly. Now it was already on the down slope before these three weeks, due to some other life circumstances. Also it always get worse as I cut down, so not very surprised but should be noted. May throw in some dermacrine later for the feels.
-Slighty itchy nipples? This may be a huge placebo, because it only happens when I think about it/reading about other peoples issues. Very worried about tits, so mostly mental at this point. No sensitivity really, and no difference in feel or look.
- Slighty more anxious throughout the day, like I have to be doing something. Thought this may be due to BP but I check it consistently and it has been fine (110/70). Not sure if this is due to osta or something else, but it is definitely there.

Notes Going Forward
Muscle Maintenance will definitely be tested the next couple weeks, still deciding if I will throw some dermacrine in, and possibly more arimistane. I don't have pre-bloods but I am looking into getting them for after, and after pct. Have Rebirth and some RC nolva on hand...but not happy taking RC honestly so it will be Rebirth until I can find pharma grade, which I am currently struggling to find. Also have super pct, and will probably be throwing in another goodie. Not doing a log because of lack of time, but will keep you guys updated on anything new and please ask or suggest anything if interest is there!
you may have Slightly itchy nipples not necessary because osta I had this problem when I use armistane in the past


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Should work great with Trest. I know you have stronger ancillaries just in case.
Yup:) Just want to see what Formestane can do!


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Yup:) Just want to see what Formestane can do!
Its good stuff. I used formastane with td trest (100mg ed) and 150mg of form had me taken care of.


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That's great! Ordered some from the UK (Epistane as well). Interested to try it.
Hopefully comes without problems!


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Its good stuff. I used formastane with td trest (100mg ed) and 150mg of form had me taken care of.
no you did not stop lying- JK

hey buddy
just given a shout


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Trest is solid solo too, strength and gains are definitely there but epistane wouldn't hurt your situation. Just something to consider. Will help you set up either one just let me know!
Thanks for your advice was just abit concerned as they are both orals would epi/trest not be too hepatoxic on the liver


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Epi is on the milder side of the 17 alphas. Trest is a 7 alpha not a 17 alpha and therefore not that toxic as well.


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Epi is on the milder side of the 17 alphas. Trest is a 7 alpha not a 17 alpha and therefore not that toxic as well.
So 75/75/75/75/75/ Trest and aromasin 12.5mg e3d sound ok ...then pct clomid 50/50/25/25 and OL super pct for 30 days


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Jep. While I would add the AI only as necessary or the least amount possible. To offset some estrogenic effects I would prefer to ad an strongly androgenic compound like the1 (if you could get it I think the combi would work wonders) or another "dry" compound like epi or furuza
And also I wouldn't run Trest that short.
But thats bith probably just me.


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So 75/75/75/75/75/ Trest and aromasin 12.5mg e3d sound ok ...then pct clomid 50/50/25/25 and OL super pct for 30 days
IMHO, thing with trest is, everyone has different AI needs. You have to adjust as needed.
Are you more chubby -or more skinny? If your bf percentage is higher, you probably should dose aromasin more frequently, like EOD.
Setup looks sound.


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IMHO, thing with trest is, everyone has different AI needs. You have to adjust as needed.
Are you more chubby -or more skinny? If your bf percentage is higher, you probably should dose aromasin more frequently, like EOD.
Setup looks sound.
Agreed. I took Trest @ 100mg for 8 weeks and never needed an AI during cycle. I started Adex at beginning of PCT @ .25 ed but started getting joint pain. Switched to .25 eod and still crashed my estro. Haven't dosed it in 4 days and starting to feel better.


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IMHO, thing with trest is, everyone has different AI needs. You have to adjust as needed.
Are you more chubby -or more skinny? If your bf percentage is higher, you probably should dose aromasin more frequently, like EOD.
Setup looks sound.
Im 5 feet 6inch 175 ..b/f% not sure was Always low due to being competetive cyclist for 10 years packed up 1 year ago and hit the weights put 22 pound on in 1 year so body fat up a bit but still fairly lean


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Im 5 feet 6inch 175 ..b/f% not sure was Always low due to being competetive cyclist for 10 years packed up 1 year ago and hit the weights put 22 pound on in 1 year so body fat up a bit but still fairly lean
I'm no authority for PH or AAS use, to make that clear.
As HardB0iled mentioned, we are all different when it comes to AI. He did not need an AI.
If I would have followed his regime, my tits would be like snow cones by now.
While on Trest (50mg TD/ 50mg oral), I used 0.5mg Adex EOD and got into nipple-trouble by day 4.
Bumped up to 1mg ED for 3 days, then to 0.75 ED and it went away. Trest is awesome but you have to handle it correctly.
Your dosing approach is good IMHO.


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So 75/75/75/75/75/ Trest and aromasin 12.5mg e3d sound ok ...then pct clomid 50/50/25/25 and OL super pct for 30 days
This looks great for starting doses. As mentioned already, you could definitely extend this cycle out and your ai might possibly need to be adjusted as well. Nips hurt=more exem, joints hurt=less exem. It's always fun getting your ai just right but you're on the right track.


Hey guys been following this thread for a while. Planning my next cycle, which will start in a month or so. It will be my second cycle.

Plan is
Radarine - 4/4/8/8/0/0/0/0
Ostarine - 15/15/15/15/20/20/20/20
Dermacrine - 3 pumps/day

Thinking of running arimicare on cycle, what do you think?

Exemestane on hand.

Pct will be
Clomid 50/50/25/25
Super pct as directed
DermaStrength unleashed
Epic unleashed

Should I start the DermaStrength and epic as soon as cycle is finished or 4 weeks in after the Rad? Planning on running them for 2 months.

Goal will be to recomp. What kind of results do you think I will see at a 200 cal deficit? Or should I stay at maintenance throughout? I figure I have about 12 lbs of fat to burn from my bulk. Anything you guys would do differently?


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This looks great for starting doses. As mentioned already, you could definitely extend this cycle out and your ai might possibly need to be adjusted as well. Nips hurt=more exem, joints hurt=less exem. It's always fun getting your ai just right but you're on the right track.
Thanks for your much appreciated input


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I'm two DAYS into taking ostarine and in that timeframe have developed a fever that's bad enough that I don't want to train until it has subsided.

Am I good to just stop the osta and get back on when I'm feeling well? (No pct, etc) Was on 25mg each day


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I'm two DAYS into taking ostarine and in that timeframe have developed a fever that's bad enough that I don't want to train until it has subsided.

Am I good to just stop the osta and get back on when I'm feeling well? (No pct, etc) Was on 25mg each day
Yes, you're fine to stop without PCT, and carry on when feeling better.


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Yes, you're fine to stop without PCT, and carry on when feeling better.
on the other hand...
staying on could prevent muscle loss while sick, and the fever could turn into a quick thermogenic cut.
(silver lining? :dunno:)


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on the other hand...
staying on could prevent muscle loss while sick, and the fever could turn into a quick thermogenic cut.
(silver lining? :dunno:)
It's not really going to matter much either way. Being as though he's only 2 days in, the Ostarine hasn't done much of anything at all yet. If he were a few weeks in, I would suggest staying on to maintain the status quo.

Muscle tissue loss shouldn't be a concern over a two or three day period. His muscle and liver glycogen stores will be depleted but those levels can be restored quite easily.


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Hey Yates and Sanmarino.
Hope you guys are doing well!
Just wondering what your opinion is on Dylan Gemelli, I'm sure you guys must be aware about him. He is a big advocate of Sarms.
Sorry don't know how to tag from the phone.


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Hey Yates and Sanmarino.
Hope you guys are doing well!
Just wondering what your opinion is on Dylan Gemelli, I'm sure you guys must be aware about him. He is a big advocate of Sarms.
Sorry don't know how to tag from the phone.
yates84 sanmarino
MY personal opinion is that he should be banned from social media, the forums, and the Internet in general so he can no longer spout his bull**** and push his overpriced underdosed dumb f*cking products.
I'm sure he's a great guy though.


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Hey Yates and Sanmarino.
Hope you guys are doing well!
Just wondering what your opinion is on Dylan Gemelli, I'm sure you guys must be aware about him. He is a big advocate of Sarms.
Sorry don't know how to tag from the phone.
He's one of the biggest dbags on the internet, only driven by money he tells people exactly what they want to hear to sell product. This is the same idiot that started telling people sarms were only bioavailable (or some stupid sh1t) in liquid form. Wtf sense does that make?


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He's one of the biggest dbags on the internet, only driven by money he tells people exactly what they want to hear to sell product. This is the same idiot that started telling people sarms were only bioavailable (or some stupid sh1t) in liquid form. Wtf sense does that make?
Funny that's exactly what I was thinking. I used to read up some of his work back in the day which some of his advice did made some sense but recently saw one of his videos stating Sarms are safer than AAS (okay makes some sense) but then he says you will get better results by stacking Sarms even better than AAS, then found out he has started his own website linked with an RC site selling Sarms. Something is fishy here


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Funny that's exactly what I was thinking. I used to read up some of his work back in the day which some of his advice did made some sense but recently saw one of his videos stating Sarms are safer than AAS (okay makes some sense) but then he says you will get better results by stacking Sarms even better than AAS, then found out he has started his own website linked with an RC site selling Sarms. Something is fishy here
look at his body when he does his side pose- it looks like his skin is clinging together with some clear paste. he looks like one of those kids from a 3rd world country commercial. "just .32 cents a day can help him get a sandwich." every forum he has been apart of, every product he pushes ehhh.

hi Dylan germoly here- today lets discuss sarm f45- its a sarm to help expose your gallbladder and protrude your duodenum during side pose.


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look at his body when he does his side pose- it looks like his skin is clinging together with some clear paste. he looks like one of those kids from a 3rd world country commercial. "just .32 cents a day can help him get a sandwich." every forum he has been apart of, every product he pushes ehhh.

hi Dylan germoly here- today lets discuss sarm f45- its a sarm to help expose your gallbladder and protrude your duodenum during side pose.
Lmfao your posts are always pure gold


He was also one of the people telling EVERYONE that Sarms werent suppressive and that Ostarine "in PCT is an absolute must in order to keep gains".... untill people with Bloodwork started posting that they were still heavily suppressed after PCT...


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He was also one of the people telling EVERYONE that Sarms werent suppressive and that Ostarine "in PCT is an absolute must in order to keep gains".... untill people with Bloodwork started posting that they were still heavily suppressed after PCT...
And people still listen to him....


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The guy is an absolute freaking joke. And I'm trying to be nice and an adult about this. Lol


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Sorry. I'm ashamed I even took the 20 seconds to do that. That's what happens when I procrastinate doing work...


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Sarm B-FG- new by dylan germoli

Screen Shot 2016-02-22 at 6.11.09 PM.png


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Breaking news: a new study has actually just been released on the subject of the scientific anomaly that is Dylan Gemelli
tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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I got banned from evolutionary and n2buildmuskle because of Dylan. The guys an idiot. When LDG first surfaced 4-5yrs ago he said it wasn't suppressive (although phase one blood work was already out for the participants) not to mention he argued agains s4 and RNA/DNA transcription


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Not worth to waste more words about this salesman.
Despite the products of the well known company, which DG promoted once, weren't that bad, the aggressive pushing is annoying as fuxk.

I was a member on the Evo and Elite board too, but got banned every time I tried to write about the potential side effects coming from Bicalutamide. I mean, we have to collect as much as possible knowledge. And cencoring the "bad news" will only help the sales ongoing when the people think, they were on the safe side. They never talked about:
- potential long-term side effects
- the effect of GW-501516 on the muscle fibres
- effect of GH on the insulin-sensitivity
- potential teratogenic effect of Ostarine (which I have discussed with AstraZeneca)
- bad lipidvalues, especially on LGD
- other related stuff

But I red only about:
- "there is no PCT needed"
- "no problem, bro, just run *insert name of pushed product*"
- "nah, no side effects!"
- "SARM are the UBER ****"
- "just follow the EVO-diet" (which is in fact the Anabolic Diet. Nice try.)
- "use the Dylan-Gemelly-Super-Scheme for S-4. Never worry about vision side effects again"
- and so on...

Stupid to waste time to talk about this person. I feel bad for those, who don't know other boards or don't think rationally and collect infos from different sites.

I hope, you are this kind if users which use different informatiom sources and don't set everything on one card ;) Luckily, you are on a forum with good discussions :)

Enjoy the week.



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Not worth to waste more words about this salesman.
Despite the products of the well known company, which DG promoted once, weren't that bad, the aggressive pushing is annoying as fuxk.

I was a member on the Evo and Elite board too, but got banned every time I tried to write about the potential side effects coming from Bicalutamide. I mean, we have to collect as much as possible knowledge. And cencoring the "bad news" will only help the sales ongoing when the people think, they were on the safe side. They never talked about:
- potential long-term side effects
- the effect of GW-501516 on the muscle fibres
- effect of GH on the insulin-sensitivity
- potential teratogenic effect of Ostarine (which I have discussed with AstraZeneca)
- bad lipidvalues, especially on LGD
- other related stuff

But I red only about:
- "there is no PCT needed"
- "no problem, bro, just run *insert name of pushed product*"
- "nah, no side effects!"
- "SARM are the UBER ****"
- "just follow the EVO-diet" (which is in fact the Anabolic Diet. Nice try.)
- "use the Dylan-Gemelly-Super-Scheme for S-4. Never worry about vision side effects again"
- and so on...

Stupid to waste time to talk about this person. I feel bad for those, who don't know other boards or don't think rationally and collect infos from different sites.

I hope, you are this kind if users which use different informatiom sources and don't set everything on one card ;) Luckily, you are on a forum with good discussions :)

Enjoy the week.

Any theories as to why lgd negatively effects lipids soo much? Im running 16mg lgd for the last 3 weeks of my cycle and will get bloods prior to pct to see where mine are at.


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The question is: why do lipid values (like HDL/LDL) change?

One potential answer is the following: the effect of stagnating/raising LDL and decreasing HDL has the sams effect like "ball-shrinkage".
When you use Testosterone, your body won't need to produce its endogene Testosterone. Therefore: bye bye balls.

Same on HDL: it will lower, because the steroids (and probably SARM) in your system act as a transport "molecule". HDL for example transports besides sexual hormones also markers of inflammation.
But when using AAS/SARM, you hava a second transport system, which may be more "potent" than your endogen.
Your HDL is not needed anymore and will decrease. Stanozolol is the probably most aggressive steroid regarding increasing LDL and decreasing HDL (Boldenone is also not harmless, too).

Do Cardio (cardio is a micale regarding to increase HDL) and eat good fats while and after the cycle to keep the suppression as low as possible.


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The question is: why do lipid values (like HDL/LDL) change?

One potential answer is the following: the effect of stagnating/raising LDL and decreasing HDL has the sams effect like "ball-shrinkage".
When you use Testosterone, your body won't need to produce its endogene Testosterone. Therefore: bye bye balls.

Same on HDL: it will lower, because the steroids (and probably SARM) in your system act as a transport "molecule". HDL for example transports besides sexual hormones also markers of inflammation.
But when using AAS/SARM, you hava a second transport system, which may be more "potent" than your endogen.
Your HDL is not needed anymore and will decrease. Stanozolol is the probably most aggressive steroid regarding increasing LDL and decreasing HDL (Boldenone is also not harmless, too).

Do Cardio (cardio is a micale regarding to increase HDL) and eat good fats while and after the cycle to keep the suppression as low as possible.


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The question is: why do lipid values (like HDL/LDL) change?

One potential answer is the following: the effect of stagnating/raising LDL and decreasing HDL has the sams effect like "ball-shrinkage".
When you use Testosterone, your body won't need to produce its endogene Testosterone. Therefore: bye bye balls.

Same on HDL: it will lower, because the steroids (and probably SARM) in your system act as a transport "molecule". HDL for example transports besides sexual hormones also markers of inflammation.
But when using AAS/SARM, you hava a second transport system, which may be more "potent" than your endogen.
Your HDL is not needed anymore and will decrease. Stanozolol is the probably most aggressive steroid regarding increasing LDL and decreasing HDL (Boldenone is also not harmless, too).

Do Cardio (cardio is a micale regarding to increase HDL) and eat good fats while and after the cycle to keep the suppression as low as possible.

I understand the general theory, im kind of eluding to what is it regarding lgd that impacts lipids more than say osta etc. my lipids never moved on osta fyi.


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Geez, what am I missing out on? I don't even know who this Dylan Gemmelli (sp?) guy is, but he sure has provided me with some great reading on this thread alone! :biglaugh:


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The question is: why do lipid values (like HDL/LDL) change?

One potential answer is the following: the effect of stagnating/raising LDL and decreasing HDL has the sams effect like "ball-shrinkage".
When you use Testosterone, your body won't need to produce its endogene Testosterone. Therefore: bye bye balls.

Same on HDL: it will lower, because the steroids (and probably SARM) in your system act as a transport "molecule". HDL for example transports besides sexual hormones also markers of inflammation.
But when using AAS/SARM, you hava a second transport system, which may be more "potent" than your endogen.
Your HDL is not needed anymore and will decrease. Stanozolol is the probably most aggressive steroid regarding increasing LDL and decreasing HDL (Boldenone is also not harmless, too).

Do Cardio (cardio is a micale regarding to increase HDL) and eat good fats while and after the cycle to keep the suppression as low as possible.
Love your posts as always san, we're very fortunate to have people like you devoting time & knowledge to this forum. Thank you :box: :bigok:

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