Sarms and unusual reaction?



New member
I'm not sure if this is unusual or not, I've been taking OL lgd 4033 (sarm) for about 5-6weeks 4mg dose I weigh only about 72.5kgs (160lbs) at around 177cms (22yrs old) so the dosage may be suitable.

I've recently jumped off of it because I came down with a chest infection, due to the nature of my job. It's been nearly a week, and I don't feel suppressed or depressed, and still the same level of sex drive as it was before I even started sarms, and basically didn't even feel much of a difference between being on it or off it.. I felt a more "on" feeling when I was on mk-677..
Lol Just wondering if it is normal that now I don't feel any different being off it and my sex drive is still super high etc.

Any answers are appreciated thank you!


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Most of these SARMs don't cause as hard of shutdown in comparison to regular AAS. It's very possible you were lucky and bounced back on your own.

That said; no SERM, no cycle. At least get yourself some clomiphene to keep on hand in case you have to stop your cycle abruptly. Always have PCT in line before starting any cycle, brother!


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I can't speak on if your suppressed or not but the reason you didn't notice anything different on it is because 4mg is a dose a female would use. You want 10-20 mg with lgd


New member
Most of these SARMs don't cause as hard of shutdown in comparison to regular AAS. It's very possible you were lucky and bounced back on your own.

That said; no SERM, no cycle. At least get yourself some clomiphene to keep on hand in case you have to stop your cycle abruptly. Always have PCT in line before starting any cycle, brother!
Yeah true, I see what you're saying..
I'll be every careful from now on..
Should I just not bother with sarms anymore or up the dosage?
And what do you think about mk-677?


New member
I can't speak on if your suppressed or not but the reason you didn't notice anything different on it is because 4mg is a dose a female would use. You want 10-20 mg with lgd
It's so controversial though, you hear some people saying that going over 9mg is crazy and then others saying 10-20mh, so confused! Do you think I should up the dosage or nah?
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