Rich Piana



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Did this really happen this week??? And is he ok???
Yes, happened today.
Not okay, dead. Broke his neck.
Will abstain from back flips for awhile. <---- :)


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Damn! Where? That's really sad.
Died this weekend but video was uploaded today.
Africa, during a bodybuilding event in his hometown, KwaZulu-Natal.



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Yes, happened today.
Not okay, dead. Broke his neck.
Will abstain from back flips for awhile. <---- :)
Judging from that one, it wasn't something he did very often. And I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure that bringing both knees up to the chest probably isn't the best thing to do when someone has broken their neck.


Judging from that one, it wasn't something he did very often. And I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure that bringing both knees up to the chest probably isn't the best thing to do when someone has broken their neck.
Yeah, his form from the get go looked way off.


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That video circulated around here as a fail video and then a day later we all felt really bad about it. (didn't know he died) R.I.P one of the few actual good SA Bodybuilders.


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This is from TMZ

Bodybuilding superstar*Rich Piana*had 20 bottles of steroids in his home at the time of his medical emergency ... this according to the police report obtained by*TMZ Sports.

Cops were called to Piana's Florida home at 1:30 PM on Monday after the 46-year-old social media sensation suddenly collapsed in his bathroom while getting a haircut from his girlfriend,*Chanel.*

Piana's girlfriend says she tried to catch the former Mr. California bodybuilding champ when he collapsed but couldn't due to his massive size and weight. Chanel told officials Piana struck his head during the fall.*

The 911 operator instructed Chanel to perform CPR but she was unable to revive him.*

When emergency personnel arrived, paramedics found crushed up white powder on a table along with a credit card and straw and decided to give Rich 2 doses of Narcan (often used to treat opiate overdoses) to try and revive him.

Chanel told responders Rich had battled opiate addiction in the past but she believed he was clean.*

Rich never regained consciousness and was transported to a nearby hospital where he was placed into a medically induced coma.

The report notes that police found bottles and bottles of testosterone in the home, 20 in total. Chanel said Rich is an admitted steroid user who's been juicing for more than 20 years.*

Chanel also noted Rich had suffered from a slightly enlarged heart at one point in his life -- but didn't know if that contributed to the medical emergency.*

Chanel says Rich is*still alive and fighting*-- but has asked for prayers.*


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Only 20 bottles? Seems low


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Hair cut? I thought he had fake hair transplant, does it grow back?
The powder was probably creatine...


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^^^This. And just Test? I figured he would have other PEDs too, like HGH, Winny, etc.
All the other stuff he hides in his mattress. Its called a syringe bed. Each needle injects a different anabolic -or synthol.

I feel bad for mocking him while in coma...
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^^^This. And just Test? I figured he would have other PEDs too, like HGH, Winny, etc.
It wasn't just test the police aren't going to disclose that information as of now. He takes way more than just test. Way more


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Lol 20 bottles of test. Awesome to see the media perpetuating the general publics misconception of AAS abuse.


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Pisses me off. The media is going to make AAS look like it is the cause. We will see things like:
1. It was because he took AAS the daily snort had nothing to do with it.
2. AAS just wasn't enough anymore and it made him turn to recreational drugs.
3. AAS is the devil. Rich used to be an angel and then he started AAS unaware of the danger and now he is in a coma.

The media sucks.


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It even came in the German media with the title : "Rich Piana consumed steroids for 27 years , bodybuilding star (46) collapses - coma."

Well, the German media is as sneaky and manipulative as the US media.
Exactly! Now if people hear one uses AAS it's going to be "Don't you know how dangerous that is"
"You probably won't live long" "Did you see what it did to that other guy"


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For sure.

If his AAS use was a contributing factor in whatever went down then it is what it is. But for much of the public, its very tempting to lump AAS in with popular rec drugs. Y'know, the kind that can easily cause acute complications, or ODs. However, we know that if AAS are gonna fuk you up, its typically gonna be chronic in nature.

But if it is administered via a pin and acquired illegally, its in the same category as heroin etc and so comes with all the same associations, assumptions and baggage. Cos, 20 bottles of an illegal drug is "obviously" signs of gross abuse.


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Well it is true isn't it? This guy abused steroids and also probable he was using narcotics. Lets say he fully recovers and continues to abuse aas. How,long do you think he would live? We are foolish to think the peds don't negatively affect us. Even the stance on trt has changed. They now say testosterone contributes to heart problems and have to put a warning on the medication. And also that aging and low t is part of the process so your not actually replacing anything if its a natural part of life for test levels to decline. Lets be honest, I dont believe the media is painting it any type of way. I think Rich Piana has painted his own picture


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^^ I don't disagree with you at all. If we include the freaks of nature like Rich and any other IFBB pro yes AAS is dangerous and most likely you won't make I passed 50. However it's wrong to put (example) me in the same boat as them. I run 2 cycles a year for 15 weeks max. Lw dose, mainly test with support and bloodwork.

The media blow things out of proportion as well. I remember reading a local paper once claiming all aas CAUSES cancer and Testosterone can cause accute liver failure. I mean what?

Will live to be 60,70,80? Who knows? I could be hit by a bus tomorrow. We keep it a lot safer than any pro.


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a Lot of spelling errors etc. Stupid cellphone.


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Well it is true isn't it? This guy abused steroids and also probable he was using narcotics. Lets say he fully recovers and continues to abuse aas. How,long do you think he would live? We are foolish to think the peds don't negatively affect us. Even the stance on trt has changed. They now say testosterone contributes to heart problems and have to put a warning on the medication. And also that aging and low t is part of the process so your not actually replacing anything if its a natural part of life for test levels to decline. Lets be honest, I dont believe the media is painting it any type of way. I think Rich Piana has painted his own picture


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he has been doing this for a LONG time. What he is doing is not for the beginner nor avg nor intermediate users. I would bet that his cycle is not that much different than other Pros.

His cycle will probably last me 4-5 cycles. I think hes entertaining and will never follow his advice....maybe a couple.
Old post, I know. Just need to squash this idea that the top bodybuilders actually need 2-4g of gear/wk to look like they do.

What evidence is there for that? Every bodybuilder that came out at a later time consistently talked about modest doses. This idea that bodybuilders are made by their drugs is nonsense. I surely can't speak for every single one of them, I know this. But those top tier pros are top tier pros because they have discipline that none of us could ever fathom having. Period.

It takes incredible discipline and consistency FAR FAR BEYOND anything you could comprehend as possible and it's coupled with superior genetics, NOT ABOVE AVERAGE, but genetics that land on the top 1-5% of the bell curve of genetics. Rich Piana is not in the top 5% for genetics. If this isn't obvious to you, then perhaps that is why you'd say something like that. His arms look this way due to old school synthol + implants. While we all have this disorder to some extent, muscle dismorphia/bigorexia is real and it is a full grown in Rich. I doubt he'd deny this, btw.

It's all about priming the body, being consistent and yes, keeping a steady supply of test in the system to prevent any dips or atrophy in muscle, strength & recovery as they transition throughout the year.

Heck, I can think of three bodybuilders off the top of my head that did it while cycling steroids and coming off for 4-6 months annually. Lee Priest, Kevin Levrone and yes, Shawn Rhoden. These were/are top tier athletes - the closest thing to the champ without actually being the champ.

We need to kill this nonsense that you can just take copious amounts of gear to get that big and be that competitive, or that it is even necessary - because it isn't for those that are appropriately blessed with the genetic capacity. Yes, they get to be 250+ without doing dangerous doses of gear. Get over it.


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While I get what you're saying, fueledpassion, there is the case of Rich doing things like his monster AAS cycle. I don't remember when it was, maybe last year? But doing things like that perpetuates this belief that the bigger the guy, the bigger the cycle/blast.
I think there is still a lot we don't know, but I can definitely agree that most pro bodybuilders probably don't take nearly as much as people think.


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While I get what you're saying, fueledpassion, there is the case of Rich doing things like his monster AAS cycle. I don't remember when it was, maybe last year? But doing things like that perpetuates this belief that the bigger the guy, the bigger the cycle/blast.
I think there is still a lot we don't know, but I can definitely agree that most pro bodybuilders probably don't take nearly as much as people think.
I can tell you that I've started hanging around the top national amatuer level athletes, many of whom will be the next generation IFBB athletes, and there is nothing different about their cycles. It's the same 1cc of Test/Tren/Mast EOD and winny @ 50mg/day for them too. Some dabble in lower doses of GH too & some also use insulin to keep BG values down. Other than that, it's about the same. The only significant difference between the very competitive athletes and regular gym rats is the GH/Slin combo and even that isn't dosed as crazy as people think. The thing that makes people huge is never allowing their diet to take steps backwards. Thats it! They eat right and do copious amounts of stairmill cardio while prepping and they reverse diet out of it afterwards (which is the HARDEST part of it all) while everyone else just binges for months on end. It's a constant sacrifice of satisfying the flesh, a constant resistance to fulfilling the desires of the body that gets these folks the body they have.

Yes, Rich did take copious amounts of gear but only after he failed to make it to the pros doing it in a normal fashion. He talks about that cycle that he did everything he could to get there and added 52lbs of muscle in 6 months (or maybe it was 12). He talked about eating 10-12 meals a day and having irregular sleep patterns to make it happen. Yes, Tren, GH and slin was in the picture and yes, he takes crazy amounts these days but I reckon it's got more to do with his body being used to such high amounts of gear - he probably doesn't respond to the stuff like most people do nowadays.


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There's definitely a difference between using and abusing steroids.


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While I get what you're saying, fueledpassion, there is the case of Rich doing things like his monster AAS cycle. I don't remember when it was, maybe last year?
He did that MONSTER cycle early 2016, and called it "get BIG as FU CK". CK-steroid-cycle/

(take the space out)

"The steroid cycle requires the use of various bodybuilding drugs including the injectable anabolic steroids Deca Durabolin (nandrolone decanoate), Equipoise (boldenone undecylenate), Masteron (drostanolone propionate), Primobolan Depot (methenolone enanthate), Proviron (mesterolone) testosterone cypionate, testosterone enanthate and trenbolone enanthate; the oral steroids Anadrol (oxymetholone), Anavar (oxandrolone) and Dianabol (methandienone); the peptides human chorionic gonadrotropin (hCG) and Serostim-brand human growth hormone (hGH); and the anti-aromatase inhibitor Arimidex (anastrozole)."


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I can tell you that I've started hanging around the top national amatuer level athletes, many of whom will be the next generation IFBB athletes, and there is nothing different about their cycles. It's the same 1cc of Test/Tren/Mast EOD and winny @ 50mg/day for them too. Some dabble in lower doses of GH too & some also use insulin to keep BG values down. Other than that, it's about the same. The only significant difference between the very competitive athletes and regular gym rats is the GH/Slin combo and even that isn't dosed as crazy as people think. The thing that makes people huge is never allowing their diet to take steps backwards. Thats it! They eat right and do copious amounts of stairmill cardio while prepping and they reverse diet out of it afterwards (which is the HARDEST part of it all) while everyone else just binges for months on end. It's a constant sacrifice of satisfying the flesh, a constant resistance to fulfilling the desires of the body that gets these folks the body they have.

Yes, Rich did take copious amounts of gear but only after he failed to make it to the pros doing it in a normal fashion. He talks about that cycle that he did everything he could to get there and added 52lbs of muscle in 6 months (or maybe it was 12). He talked about eating 10-12 meals a day and having irregular sleep patterns to make it happen. Yes, Tren, GH and slin was in the picture and yes, he takes crazy amounts these days but I reckon it's got more to do with his body being used to such high amounts of gear - he probably doesn't respond to the stuff like most people do nowadays.
Yeah that's what I'm saying, most are the same. Just saying that there are guys out there, like Rich, that do crazy amounts and think it will make a big difference.
He did that MONSTER cycle early 2016, and called it "get BIG as FU CK". CK-steroid-cycle/

(take the space out)

"The steroid cycle requires the use of various bodybuilding drugs including the injectable anabolic steroids Deca Durabolin (nandrolone decanoate), Equipoise (boldenone undecylenate), Masteron (drostanolone propionate), Primobolan Depot (methenolone enanthate), Proviron (mesterolone) testosterone cypionate, testosterone enanthate and trenbolone enanthate; the oral steroids Anadrol (oxymetholone), Anavar (oxandrolone) and Dianabol (methandienone); the peptides human chorionic gonadrotropin (hCG) and Serostim-brand human growth hormone (hGH); and the anti-aromatase inhibitor Arimidex (anastrozole)."
Yep that's the one I was thinking of.


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Problem is, unknowing bodybuilders and weight lifters conflate Rich Piana's approach with all large and successful bodybuilders.

Just ain't true.


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Problem is, unknowing bodybuilders and weight lifters conflate Rich Piana's approach with all large and successful bodybuilders.

Just ain't true.


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Any news about Rich?
His first question when he comes out of coma is:
Did I lose any gains? <---would be my first question, LOL

Can't even imagine how it is to wake up in a hospital -and have skipped my TRT dosage of test for a week -or two.


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Would he even be able to stop taking test at this point?


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Would he even be able to stop taking test at this point?
Yes, he could. Hormonal, he will be like a newborn baby and should disinflate rapidly without test. Not sure, but I guess all the sudden protein from disintegrating muscles could stress his kidneys too.


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Your all forgetting contest prep, the loads of stuff that increases when contest prep begins and gets bigger as they closer to contest time.


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Your all forgetting contest prep, the loads of stuff they increases when contest prep begins and gets bigger as they closer to contest time.
Meaning? I'm not arguing the right or wrong of what he's been doing. His body, his choice. Guy had a plan and stuck with it regardless. I'm not a steroid guy, so I'm ignorant on a lot of this. I was just wondering if he was on cycle at the time of the accident, what happens? Would they be giving him something in the hospital, or did he basically just quit "cold turkey"

I hope he recovers fully from this, and keep checking for new updates to his condition, as well as some info regarding what actually happened.


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My guess is they are more worried about his life and survival then him just coming off steroids. We still don't know what really caused what happen to him, could of been something with the heart that was exacerbated by drugs, could be some other underlying issue we don't, but coming off of steroids probably us slightly down the list if thing to worry about.


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I was more commenting on they are doing modest amounts of steroids, I have no problem if they want to do them, but most of the stuff they are doing is around contest time then anything. Everything I've read and common sense says its a decent size of stuff and amounts they are doing.


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Got to remember that carrying that much muscle into your late 40's and into your fifties isn't exactly going to be really healthy for in the long run.


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I keep seeing reports from his family and company that he's stable. Haven't heard wether or not he's still in a medically induced coma or not.

And you're right. This could be any number of non-steroid related issues that plague any man in his mid forties. I just hope that the amount of time his brain went without oxygen is minimal.


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IMO , and I'm not in the know , but if he has drug addiction their going to have to address that along with his steroid use, for his own health he needs come off most of that stuff.


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IMO , and I'm not in the know , but if he has drug addiction their going to have to address that along with his steroid use, for his own health he needs come off most of that stuff.
He's got a whole host of issues that need addressing. Lol

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