Recreate Feedback thread----Let the games begin!


two questions

#1-Anyone spreading out the dosage:

1-1-1, 2-2-2, etc.

I have not been doing 2 at one time, and Im liking it even more/any potential loss of potency by spreading out, I wouldnt think so, but figured I would ask.

#2-Im aware of the recommended dose, but anyone going high does? And what would be the max?

4 is the max.


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Week 1 Update:

Today's day 7 of Recreate and it has gone by very fast.

Weight was 179 today after my workout which I ate a huge (but clean) burrito before. That means weight is down -4 lbs as of today. I feel smaller, but I dont know if im losing fat or muscle or both. I say this because I really havent changed my diet at all except for when I cant eat as much from the appetite loss. Also I feel that the hyperdrol and mass amounts of bcaas I sip on throughout the day should be holding onto my muscle, but who knows. Strength is declining a little especially when I take the RC before lifting but I'm not tripping about it, yet.

Anyways, good stuff.... Im down 4 lbs and i haven't even felt like im cutting so rock on, unless its muscle :) I dont want to dip below 175 so Ill stop the RC if I do or Ill just get on some PH or something. Anyways, dats all for now folks.

-Dert Mcgurt


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Well buddy, If you don't feel that ReCreate is the cause of my bloating, which is even more pronounced today, I will allow you to explain yourself of why this can not be. Please be sure to explain how each of the compounds in the formula have been shown to not increase extracellular fluid retention, I would really like to know! :)

I respect your loyalty to the company in which you are sponsored by, and can appreciate your attempt to back up their harm in doing so. However, I start to begin having contempt for someone when they completely shut someone's concerns out because they "can't see it being the cause". However, I've moved past your comment and have allowed you to explain yourself without any prejudgments on my part. Cant wait to hear what you come up with, buddy.

Oh and btw, I got 2 comments today saying that i looked "puffier" , both from people who do not know that I am on anything. And my diet and supplement regiment has not changed for the past 5 weeks except for the addition of recreate.
wow, buddy, you must feel slighted. Nobody is trying to make your claims seem insignificant..
The solution is simple: stop taking Recreate, keep everything else the same, and see if you're still having the problem - just a double-check for the cause. If it is the cause, report your findings back to the thread.
My opinion has nothing to do with "blindly" backing USP; rather, it comes from personal use of the product and a personal opinion that it's not the root of your issue. As I did quantify before however (if you'll notice), supps do different things to different people..


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i am going to post my results after a little over a week.

Energy: good subtle energy. nothing crazy
thermo: i am cooking inside. i will get kind of cool but my feet start sweating.
appetite: this is were it shines for me. at first it was too much but playing around with the dosage and timing i have it down now. its the best i ever tried. i dont crave any junk food and get filled up pretty quick.
weight loss: i am not even working out due to being sick and worn out and i still lost 2 pounds but in the mirror my abs are coming in nicer.
muscle preservation: this is what i want to see results in the most. i would like to see how are other are doing in this category also.

i am trying recomp right now so i am staying around maintence calories right now but still managed to drop a few pounds even while taking this week off.

overall : i give 9/10 just cause its too early. i already had my friends pick some up and bought a fourth bottle for myself.


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two questions

#1-Anyone spreading out the dosage:

1-1-1, 2-2-2, etc.

I have not been doing 2 at one time, and Im liking it even more/any potential loss of potency by spreading out, I wouldnt think so, but figured I would ask.
#2-Im aware of the recommended dose, but anyone going high does? And what would be the max?

i like to know about the spreading out the dosage also? i do one 30 minute before breakfast and 30 minute after breakfast. then one pill before dinner


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I personally don't feel there is a set way to dose here, just like every product out there a recommended. Like a lot of things in this game you have to toy/try out different methods and see what you respond most positively towards. Just because a certain dosing scheme works for him doesn't necessarily mean it will be the best for you. Get out there and find what works :).


NutraPlanet NinjaMonkey Rep
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i am going to post my results after a little over a week.

Energy: good subtle energy. nothing crazy
thermo: i am cooking inside. i will get kind of cool but my feet start sweating.
appetite: this is were it shines for me. at first it was too much but playing around with the dosage and timing i have it down now. its the best i ever tried. i dont crave any junk food and get filled up pretty quick.
weight loss: i am not even working out due to being sick and worn out and i still lost 2 pounds but in the mirror my abs are coming in nicer.
muscle preservation: this is what i want to see results in the most. i would like to see how are other are doing in this category also.

i am trying recomp right now so i am staying around maintence calories right now but still managed to drop a few pounds even while taking this week off.

overall : i give 9/10 just cause its too early. i already had my friends pick some up and bought a fourth bottle for myself.
I hope you're keeping progress pictures. I find them extremely motivating, and there's also useful for tracking progress in addition to #'s.

Also spreading out the doses into 1,1,1 is good for some constant energy.


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I hope you're keeping progress pictures. I find them extremely motivating, and there's also useful for tracking progress in addition to #'s.

Also spreading out the doses into 1,1,1 is good for some constant energy.

ya i just took pictures last week. i am going to take them again in a week. i always take pictures. i agree its the best thing to determine whats going on.


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wow, buddy, you must feel slighted. Nobody is trying to make your claims seem insignificant..
The solution is simple: stop taking Recreate, keep everything else the same, and see if you're still having the problem - just a double-check for the cause. If it is the cause, report your findings back to the thread.
My opinion has nothing to do with "blindly" backing USP; rather, it comes from personal use of the product and a personal opinion that it's not the root of your issue. As I did quantify before however (if you'll notice), supps do different things to different people..
Well, Buddy King, your solution is retarded because nothing changed for 5 weeks before I started recreate and then I added recreate and it changed. Pretty clear to me what the cause is, which is fine; I just wanted to know WHY recreate was bloating me.

I never said you "blindly" backed USP so dont quote it like I did. ...and if it was just your OPINION, well then I apologize. I thought you actually were trying to be factual there for a minute, my mistake.

Yes supps do different things to different recreate bloating dertynasty. There we go, argument solved.

This was a good discussion, BuddyKing. :thumbsup:




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Hey, the King is Cool, I like that pic..
Do you have any known reactions to NSAIDS?


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Not that I can recall....

Im trying to remember if aleve used to bloat me, but im pretty sure it didnt. Im just telling you right now, my body is like a fukkin womans'. Eating too many carbs makes my face balloon up, drinking makes my face and body balloon up, sodium, most anabolics, and Powerfull (which i LOVE but cant take cause I dont want to have moonface. For the past 5 weeks though ive been doing quite well and as soon as I added recreate most of the little definition that I had has gone away and any sepperation that i once had between muscles is now filled in and is squishy instead of hard :(.... I can tell I AM getting leaner though which is pimpin.


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Hear ya on all those issues, I'm affected in the same ways (alcohol especially). Never had a problem with PowerFULL tho (thank God! good stuff..)
I bring up the NSAID q just because benzopyan is one; now, I'm not a chemist and don't know if this particular extract would still pose that issue, but it's the only thing I could think of.


This thread is about Feedback and help so lets not deviate into harsh conversation. The easy solution is to attack, but the best solution is to help.


Not that I can recall....

Im trying to remember if aleve used to bloat me, but im pretty sure it didnt. Im just telling you right now, my body is like a fukkin womans'. Eating too many carbs makes my face balloon up, drinking makes my face and body balloon up, sodium, most anabolics, and Powerfull (which i LOVE but cant take cause I dont want to have moonface. For the past 5 weeks though ive been doing quite well and as soon as I added recreate most of the little definition that I had has gone away and any sepperation that i once had between muscles is now filled in and is squishy instead of hard :(.... I can tell I AM getting leaner though which is pimpin.

Not sure the ingredient but it was pretty popular for weight loss. The users would bloat, have severe cramps, bed bound but they still used baffled me.


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Ok, two pills of this stuff absolutely murders my appetite. Today is my carb up and I'm usually extremely ravenous all day, even if I just ate 1500 calorie meal. I ate about 4 hours ago, and right now I feel like I'm full.... wow, good stuff.


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I must admit I've skipped through this thread somewhat so if these questions were already answered I apologize. I will be doing my first show in 9 1/2 weeks. So, in relation to that here's my questions:

1: Is this something you would recommend as a cutting agent in preperation for a show? (my diet is extremely clean as well right now)

2. Should I stack this with a product that has more of a stimulating effect?

for those who have done numerous shows...please excuse any niavete on my part.


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I must admit I've skipped through this thread somewhat so if these questions were already answered I apologize. I will be doing my first show in 9 1/2 weeks. So, in relation to that here's my questions:

1: Is this something you would recommend as a cutting agent in preperation for a show? (my diet is extremely clean as well right now)

2. Should I stack this with a product that has more of a stimulating effect?

for those who have done numerous shows...please excuse any niavete on my part.

I'm thinking it will stack well with ephedrine hcl.


I must admit I've skipped through this thread somewhat so if these questions were already answered I apologize. I will be doing my first show in 9 1/2 weeks. So, in relation to that here's my questions:

1: Is this something you would recommend as a cutting agent in preperation for a show? (my diet is extremely clean as well right now)

2. Should I stack this with a product that has more of a stimulating effect?

for those who have done numerous shows...please excuse any niavete on my part.
1. Yes along with enhanced mood you will find that appetitie is easier to control not to mention the fat burning effects

2. not necessary for the fat burning but you can as recreate has a low amount of caffeine in it.


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The rundown:

I have been following the same diet and cardio regimen for the last 4 weeks. My weight stayed within one pound for those 4 weeks. I added the Recreate in a little over a week ago. I have felt some thermo increase and appetite suppression. Nothing huge, but worth noting. The big thing is I am down 4 pounds in a week and a half with all other controls the exact same. I was shocked. Lets hope this continues on. If so then I may raise calories and just let the fat melt off while adding muscle (wouldnt that be nice?!).

Also, I am prescribed synthroid (t4) and I am just thinking maybe Recreate is making that seem more potent in itself as well.


  • Established
I must admit I've skipped through this thread somewhat so if these questions were already answered I apologize. I will be doing my first show in 9 1/2 weeks. So, in relation to that here's my questions:

1: Is this something you would recommend as a cutting agent in preperation for a show? (my diet is extremely clean as well right now)

2. Should I stack this with a product that has more of a stimulating effect?

for those who have done numerous shows...please excuse any niavete on my part.
dude, an ABSolutely great stand-alone cutting agent, def. would recommend for your prep. you could stack it with a stim if you need to, but I used this alone for my prep with great success, didn't need any other stim..


  • Established
The rundown:

I have been following the same diet and cardio regimen for the last 4 weeks. My weight stayed within one pound for those 4 weeks. I added the Recreate in a little over a week ago. I have felt some thermo increase and appetite suppression. Nothing huge, but worth noting. The big thing is I am down 4 pounds in a week and a half with all other controls the exact same. I was shocked. Lets hope this continues on. If so then I may raise calories and just let the fat melt off while adding muscle (wouldnt that be nice?!).

Also, I am prescribed synthroid (t4) and I am just thinking maybe Recreate is making that seem more potent in itself as well.

You and me are in exactly the same boat. Crazy, maybe your a lost brotha i dono about. I'm speakin to my mom about this...


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snagency, simpledude---thanks for the replies...


On my grind
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I was sent 2 bottles by Jacob before Recreate came out ( ur the bomb bro!) and started using it for a cut then fell off the horse and ate bad, did i burn fat? Nahhh, did i gain fat? HHEELLL NAAHH!!!! :lol:

Now since then i have purchased another bottle of recreate as i only had about 2 weeks left of my donated bottles, and have been on for about 3 weeks now id say. Ive dropped around 6 lbs. Diets dialed in, cardio is rediculous but this stuff is definately helping.

I find i have a better time with appetite if i do


Great product, and since im carb cycling i use AP on the carbup days. Im looking jacked, im just as strong, and im dieting like its a breeze!


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Recreate is working incredible for me! Appetite is completely gone, body temp is up, and definely more sweating during workouts!


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Yeah, I could care less about stim effects. The fact that internal temp is higher (thyroid effect working) and appetite is gone (suppressed) means it works. USPlabs is defintely at the top as far as supps.


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I was sent 2 bottles by Jacob before Recreate came out ( ur the bomb bro!) and started using it for a cut then fell off the horse and ate bad, did i burn fat? Nahhh, did i gain fat? HHEELLL NAAHH!!!! :lol:

Now since then i have purchased another bottle of recreate as i only had about 2 weeks left of my donated bottles, and have been on for about 3 weeks now id say. Ive dropped around 6 lbs. Diets dialed in, cardio is rediculous but this stuff is definately helping.

I find i have a better time with appetite if i do


Great product, and since im carb cycling i use AP on the carbup days. Im looking jacked, im just as strong, and im dieting like its a breeze!

I do the exact same thing, but I use recreate during carb up days to keep cals in check. Carbs are a friggin drug, and I can easily eat 7000k cal no problem, but I'm shooting more for 4500k cal.


NutraPlanet NinjaMonkey Rep
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I do the exact same thing, but I use recreate during carb up days to keep cals in check. Carbs are a friggin drug, and I can easily eat 7000k cal no problem, but I'm shooting more for 4500k cal.
That's an interesting way to use Recreate. I personally have never carbed up from a keto state since I have yet to do a keto diet, but I know how much I love carbs and I can down bowls and bowls of oatmeal which can add up lol.


currently using napalm with this. i sweat furiously, but it's amazing. my body temperature definitely rises.

thinking about tossing in dcp and/or leviathan reloaded when i begin my second bottle of recreate.


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Gotta give props to USPlabs for rollin' with the punches. I noticed some threads where the were trying to beat you up.


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One more question.....Anyone have any GI problems on this? As I don't want to cut fat by sitting on the toilet all day.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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Some experience gastrointestinal distress from high levels of Forskolin, which ReCreate contains. However, the Forslean dose in ReCreate is not enough to induce that issue in most.


New member
One more question.....Anyone have any GI problems on this? As I don't want to cut fat by sitting on the toilet all day.
The first week almost killed me, but it got much better the second week. I am now back to normal and am down 6 pounds with no change in diet or activity. I did add some lipo pm which seems work synergistic with recreate. As standalone, I did not notice much from either one. Together, I must say that I am very impressed. I may get under 200 pounds for the first time since I was 3;)


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Some experience gastrointestinal distress from high levels of Forskolin, which ReCreate contains. However, the Forslean dose in ReCreate is not enough to induce that issue in most.
Personally I only noticed GI issues with the 20% that I have and going up to 100+ mg per day of the active. No problems with high amounts of the 90+% extract for me.


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I have never used any forskolin containing products and have had no GI issues since beginning ReCreate use. However I must add that my stomach is rather sturdy as far as GI issues are concerned and am not really sensitive to most things out there.


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Since I am taking Drive also at 6 caps a day, combined with recreate, do you think this is what could be causing my bloating? People have GI distress, and even though I am not, Im still looking soft and my face is like a fvckin cheezpuff. Im thinking about starting to take some RPM as a stim throughout the day so maybe that will aid in fatloss and keep me going because people are seeming to like recreate combined with other stims.

Lemme know what you think peepz


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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Since I am taking Drive also at 6 caps a day, combined with recreate, do you think this is what could be causing my bloating? People have GI distress, and even though I am not, Im still looking soft and my face is like a fvckin cheezpuff. Im thinking about starting to take some RPM as a stim throughout the day so maybe that will aid in fatloss and keep me going because people are seeming to like recreate combined with other stims.

Lemme know what you think peepz
How long have you been on Drive? Increased testosterone levels lead to an increase in aromatase, and eventual increase in oestrogen. This could be the culprit, in this particular instance.

ReCreate, in respects to fluid, should have a diuretic effect, not a retention effect.


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Starting my second week right now.

I started 1 and 1 just to see where it stood as far as stim's. I'm at 2 and 2 now and its great. I like it alot b/c its not a strong stim feeling. I have had experience with a strong stim b/f and didn't like it at all. It gave me the jitters and strong heartbeat and crash afterwards.

Recreate is nothing like that. It is more of a clear energy booster without the jitters and crashing. NO scary side effects like the other stim.

I haven't felt much of the appetite suppression yet, i actually feel hungry more often, but it seems like it read that don't kick in till like the second week, so i'm almost there.

I have only lost around a pound of weight according to the scales since starting Recreate, but i've only been taking it for a week and i'm still lifting heavy 2-3 times a week. My pants are still getting too big for me so that a plus.

I like it so far.


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Since I am taking Drive also at 6 caps a day, combined with recreate, do you think this is what could be causing my bloating? People have GI distress, and even though I am not, Im still looking soft and my face is like a fvckin cheezpuff. Im thinking about starting to take some RPM as a stim throughout the day so maybe that will aid in fatloss and keep me going because people are seeming to like recreate combined with other stims.

Lemme know what you think peepz
ive mentioned this to friends, but not on here, but ive stopped using icariin products because they make me look soft, especially in my chest. I dropped icariin, and softness left, back on it, and soft I know its the icariin for me. Thats my personal experience, not saying icarin makes you look soft dont take it, just my own experience.


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In response to Mullet and John...

I used finished my havoc cycle just about 6 weeks ago now. PCT after included : AP, Pslin, Alpha driveXL, Post cycle support, Hyperdrol x2, Topical formestane, and Im not sure if I was taking drive. I have ran 2 bottles before but I dont recall it bloating me. However, when i took drive i was taking powerfull which DOES bloat me, so the drive could have been doing it as well. But then again to refute that statement, PCS contains icarin and i never bloated from that. All in all I really have no idea.

In this past week and a half I have dropped the alpha drive and switched over to Diesel test hardcore, about 3 days ago, and i dropped the Formestane and pslin cause i ran out.

Current supps: Drive, DTH, Bcaas, Recreate, Hyperdrol x2, and extasy. Just lookin soft and squishy everywhere so i really dont know. Judging by that last update i made my weight was down 4 lbs but Im not looking full and hard so maybe its glycogen? I hope its not muscle because of all of the pro-anabolic stuff Im ingesting.

Poor derty, what to do what to do :) mmm was thinking about pulsing some havoc or something 3x a week for the next 3 weeks, but I would definately like your guys' opinion on that.

Gonna switch my diet up today to include more veggies and possibly gonna just do some low intensity cardio after my workouts for 20 mins.. Even though im not really trying to lose any muscle tissue, I think some low intensity cardio would be good for recomping a bit. Talk to me my brothas/....


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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In response to Mullet and John...

I used finished my havoc cycle just about 6 weeks ago now. PCT after included : AP, Pslin, Alpha driveXL, Post cycle support, Hyperdrol x2, Topical formestane, and Im not sure if I was taking drive. I have ran 2 bottles before but I dont recall it bloating me. However, when i took drive i was taking powerfull which DOES bloat me, so the drive could have been doing it as well. But then again to refute that statement, PCS contains icarin and i never bloated from that. All in all I really have no idea.

In this past week and a half I have dropped the alpha drive and switched over to Diesel test hardcore, about 3 days ago, and i dropped the Formestane and pslin cause i ran out.

Current supps: Drive, DTH, Bcaas, Recreate, Hyperdrol x2, and extasy. Just lookin soft and squishy everywhere so i really dont know. Judging by that last update i made my weight was down 4 lbs but Im not looking full and hard so maybe its glycogen? I hope its not muscle because of all of the pro-anabolic stuff Im ingesting.

Poor derty, what to do what to do :) mmm was thinking about pulsing some havoc or something 3x a week for the next 3 weeks, but I would definately like your guys' opinion on that.

Gonna switch my diet up today to include more veggies and possibly gonna just do some low intensity cardio after my workouts for 20 mins.. Even though im not really trying to lose any muscle tissue, I think some low intensity cardio would be good for recomping a bit. Talk to me my brothas/....
Obviously, there is quite a few compounds in the aforementioned list which could contribute to fluid retention. If I am not mistaken, Drive contains Naringin, which elongates the half-lives of concomitants - this in itself could be a secondary cause, by extending whatever ingredient is inducing your bloat.

With so many compounds, it is hard to say which is conclusively causing you to look soft.


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heres my solution then....

I'll deal with it.

A few days before I leave to europe Ill drop everything cept the Diesel Test. Gotta keep that goin strong so i can spread my seed across many countries :)

Look out Western Europe, your about to get your azzhole infiltrated by dert mcgurt


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heres my solution then....

I'll deal with it.

A few days before I leave to europe Ill drop everything cept the Diesel Test. Gotta keep that goin strong so i can spread my seed across many countries :)

Look out Western Europe, your about to get your azzhole infiltrated by dert mcgurt
And that folks is why condoms and birth control were invented... ;)


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Appetite suppression on this stuff is absolutely retarded. It makes meeting my daily protein requirement a pain in the ass.

Other than that I'm liking it so far.


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If you want more of a stim effect, stack this with ephedrine HCL and some coffee. My appetite doesn't exist anymore.


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I'm being a cheapskate and only running 2/1 a day. That way it lasts a month.

Last week I was down 2 lb's, no change in diet.

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