Purified Water VS. Distilled Water?!?!

Addison Brown

New member
There are many commercials of bottled water. Some of them distilled, most of them purified.
Filtered water is actually the most basic form of cleansing water. Its utmost advantage is it helps reduce chlorine odor and taste. You can see this type of system in most appliances such as washing machines, coffee makers and refrigerators. However, some experts say it does not really get rid of most impurities that may be detrimental to health such as viruses. These things are too small to be filtered by an ordinary filtration system. This leads us to the purification process. This is the second best type of cleansing system. It helps get rid of those impurities that could not be removed by an ordinary filtration system. Viruses, cysts, and pesticides can be removed by this. Last but certainly not the least is the distillation process. This has been coined as the best way to render water clean. There are many companies today that provide distilled water. In this system, water is boiled in addition to filtering and purifying. This method will help get rid of any remaining contaminants and health threats in your water source. In that way, no other contaminant will be left surviving.

Addison Brown
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