pulsing MMV


I know that MMV is a mild PH but I read an article (I know it is for epi but it would still be pertanent to MMV) that pulsing is easier on the body and you get the almost the same results. Read the following: Dosing something to intentionally avoid long term sides, such as HTPA suppression and liver damage. With pulsing, the serious, long term side effects of chronic oral treatment are avoided and short term side effect, like acne and mineral retention, are milder that usual. This allows for higher dosages to be used. Basically, if you dosed on an ED basis you would get 100% effect, 100% short term sides and 100% long term sides. If you dose EOD on a pulse protocol, you still get about 60% effect, 75% short term sides but only about 40% of the long term sides. That's not a bad trade off and very economical on the body and the wallet too! Of course if you would have gained 10lbs this means you will only gain 6lbs pulsing, but it also means you can do this for 2 or 3 times longer than a normal cycle. That equals about 2 months of worry free dosing, so the net effect is a gain of about 12lbs instead of 10lbs over twice the time frame with less sides and a milder PCT requirement if even needed at all. It's a great long term strategy and good for newer users looking to run fast, clean, cycles for 1 month with no PCT needed later. That's how I perfected it. There are two basic approaches to do it: EOD or 2on/2off depending on your workout schedule. Doses can be high (30-40mg) but take them close together preferably before 6pm (1 dose pre and 1 dose post-w/o instead of spread out like normal) or doses can be lower (10-20mg) if you want to stretch it to 2 or 3 months instead of just 1. Dose at least 3 times per week but not more than 4.
Any thoughts or experiences?


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I do not speak behalf for LG.

But pulsing on MMv2/3 should be no problem. The fact that it offers intensity and some aggression, its encouraged to be used on workout days more so than non workout days.

I used MMv2 and 3 on only workout days. And if you have M1D, just use it throughout without pulsing.


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theres an article here somewhere on pulsing... ill see if i can find it...
also bump for the reps


Thanks Inaruis. I am still on the fence whether this would be the ideal way to work the cycle but looking forward to more input (and the article!)


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Pulsing is great, for more stronger PH/PS's, that is why it was brought to light..Im not a fan in pulsing MMv2/MMv3, its so, so, mild i dont see a need for it, now , this is not to stop you from doing it. side effects are slim to none.. I love dosing this stuff 7 days a week, and kill it in the gym, I get so much agression from this stuff it isnt even funny..


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pulsing this stuff is pretty great for pre-workout, gives great instant stregth gains.

The only sides effects with this are prostrate problems. Id reccomend saw palmette,pygeym africum. Very Low shutdown, but it does exist.


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pulsing this stuff is pretty great for pre-workout, gives great instant stregth gains.

The only sides effects with this are prostrate problems. Id reccomend saw palmette,pygeym africum. Very Low shutdown, but it does exist.
I never seen anyone have any prostate problems with the product.. do you have some light to shed?


pulsing this stuff is pretty great for pre-workout, gives great instant stregth gains.

The only sides effects with this are prostrate problems. Id reccomend saw palmette,pygeym africum. Very Low shutdown, but it does exist.
I know with any PH there is always a risk but f__king with my prostate does scare me. I will try it at 3/day on WO and 2/day on off days.
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