


Well-known member
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Hey just got my bottles of R4W and was reading the lable and saw pregenolone. What is the main and secondary purpose of the ingredient, i have my own conclusions, but i want to hear it from the boss:think:
Force of Green

Force of Green

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Hey just got my bottles of R4W and was reading the lable and saw pregenolone. What is the main and secondary purpose of the ingredient, i have my own conclusions, but i want to hear it from the boss:think:
I'm not the Chuck Diesel, but I do have extensive use with pregnenolone. I even bought Sumani for a month long run just for the 15mg pregnenolone.

Pregnenolone not only boosts mood, improves motivation, increases sensetivity to stimulants, but it is the mother of all steroid hormones and from which it can bring a balance to the body's hormonal profile.


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yes i know all of what u said ,thank you ,but whats not to stop it from only converting to estrogen or any other bad hormones
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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Hey just got my bottles of R4W and was reading the lable and saw pregenolone. What is the main and secondary purpose of the ingredient, i have my own conclusions, but i want to hear it from the boss:think:
google pregnenolone.
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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Pregnenolone not only boosts mood, improves motivation, increases sensetivity to stimulants, but it is the mother of all steroid hormones and from which it can bring a balance to the body's hormonal profile.
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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yes i know all of what u said ,thank you ,but whats not to stop it from only converting to estrogen or any other bad hormones
preg converts to progesterone, then that goes to DHEA and on and on. Its not something that is a prosteroid or prohormone as in directly converts to Test or estrogen. Its one step away from cholesterol and no one ask "how do I stop cholesterol from converting to estrogen."


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I wouldn't be concerned about it converting to too much of anything since it has weak oral absorption.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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I wouldn't be concerned about it converting to too much of anything since it has weak oral absorption.
I get a very acute, noticeable reaction from 20-30mgs in tablet form and 50mg at once would be too much for me.


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google pregnenolone.

Not trying to start a debate or anything Chuck. But why do you never answer someone when they ask why you put something into one of your products? Telling someone to google something isn't very customer service oriented.



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Not trying to start a debate or anything Chuck. But why do you never answer someone when they ask why you put something into one of your products? Telling someone to google something isn't very customer service oriented.

From my standpoint a subject like Pregnenolone is a very difficult one to fully explain, and understand completely. I think in some cases searching the compound is only going to ensure that the definition you get is 100% accurate. I personally understand hormones, but I will admit it is a rather complex area to cover.


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From my standpoint a subject like Pregnenolone is a very difficult one to fully explain, and understand completely. I think in some cases searching the compound is only going to ensure that the definition you get is 100% accurate. I personally understand hormones, but I will admit it is a rather complex area to cover.
Oh I agree Trip. Not doubting that. Just when you do run a company, it is kind of your duty to explain the product to your consumers. Hormones is quite the subject, and one we know, but most do not. A simple explanation of what effect it has is all that really needed to be said. Telling someone to google it just sounded like a blow off, thats all.

Force of Green

Force of Green

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Some of the 'druggie' forums mention users utilizing pregnenolone to enhance trips. lol. Funny that Tripdog came in ;) LOL

Trip, what it do?


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Some of the 'druggie' forums mention users utilizing pregnenolone to enhance trips. lol. Funny that Tripdog came in ;) LOL

Trip, what it do?
:lol:, Hey Force long time no see. Can't say I ever saw one of those forums but i'll take your word for it. lol.


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thats the first thing i did and i know what it is and all but i wanted to know what role or its synergisim in the product


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Not trying to start a debate or anything Chuck. But why do you never answer someone when they ask why you put something into one of your products? Telling someone to google something isn't very customer service oriented.


Wow , I am glad I saw this post of yours Adam..I was doubting myself a bit on this..

I was thinking exactly the same thing reading this and previous posts of chuck.. asking myself : Why is chuck answering Q's of his custumors/hot prospects in a way a company should not..
I love your solide products, but the way answer dissapoints me each time I read many of your posts.

People could be not educated very well, noobs, non English, or even would be nice to inform any person in a nice way even his Q is kind of "stupid/naive"..

I hope you understand what I am trying to say here(in my dutchy english:)

Thank you for reading,


  • Established
Oh I agree Trip. Not doubting that. Just when you do run a company, it is kind of your duty to explain the product to your consumers. Hormones is quite the subject, and one we know, but most do not. A simple explanation of what effect it has is all that really needed to be said. Telling someone to google it just sounded like a blow off, thats all.


Force of Green

Force of Green

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Real retards, as in clinical retard... or 90% of the human population?



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Real retards, as in clinical retard... or 90% of the human population?

lol:afro:Actually as an owner/representative of a company I would never answer in that way.. and as long as the non clinical retards would not be offending me personally I would also not answer their Q's in that way..

Once again, This is not meant as an attack Chuck, This just annoyed me many times..
Force of Green

Force of Green

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lol:afro:Actually as an owner/representative of a company I would never answer in that way.. and as long as the non clinical retards would not be offending me personally I would also not answer their Q's in that way..

Once again, This is not meant as an attack Chuck, This just annoyed me many times..
This is true. I'm just teasin about that my friend.

Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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Oh I agree Trip. Not doubting that. Just when you do run a company, it is kind of your duty to explain the product to your consumers. Hormones is quite the subject, and one we know, but most do not. A simple explanation of what effect it has is all that really needed to be said. Telling someone to google it just sounded like a blow off, thats all.

I explain my products, how they work and any sides that may occur. Its not my duty to explain how each raw material works as GET DIESEL doesnt use any "proprietary top secret extracts" of stuff no one has ever heard of. Because of that the key to the products sucess relies in the formulation and synergy between the ingredients. Unlike other companies where the product is just one ingredient doing all the work.

So with that said, Im not going to go into this big huge exp. why preg. is in ready4war mainy because preg. may have some synergestic effect with something else in ready4war and its not my job to go posting that all over the internet so someone else can make better products.

So thats why I say stuff like questions on single ingredients, you can google the ingredient and find out all you need to know about it.


Most questions I avoid is questions that ask exactly why a GET DIESEL product is formulated the way it is.
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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thats the first thing i did and i know what it is and all but i wanted to know what role or its synergisim in the product
thats a proprietary question. I never answer any question about synergy of a GET DIESEL product's ingredients.

Thats like asking mc donalds why do they use blablabla and blablabla in the big mac sauce. You think they will tell you?


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thats a proprietary question. I never answer any question about synergy of a GET DIESEL product's ingredients.

Thats like asking mc donalds why do they use blablabla and blablabla in the big mac sauce. You think they will tell you?
Exactly, you can't expect a company to lay their blue print down for you. Look at the logs, and feedback, they tell the story!
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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Exactly, you can't expect a company to lay their blue print down for you. Look at the logs, and feedback, they tell the story!
Well people on here, esp other companies and reps of other companies (to me) always want to know not how the product works or if its good, they want to know more why its good and they want you to tell them. Some of it is the "home brew crowd" that want to reproduce something good at home.

Its like "boy this car is fast, how did you get it that fast, what mods did you make to it."


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I explain my products, how they work and any sides that may occur. Its not my duty to explain how each raw material works as GET DIESEL doesnt use any "proprietary top secret extracts" of stuff no one has ever heard of. Because of that the key to the products sucess relies in the formulation and synergy between the ingredients. Unlike other companies where the product is just one ingredient doing all the work.

So with that said, Im not going to go into this big huge exp. why preg. is in ready4war mainy because preg. may have some synergestic effect with something else in ready4war and its not my job to go posting that all over the internet so someone else can make better products.

So thats why I say stuff like questions on single ingredients, you can google the ingredient and find out all you need to know about it.


Most questions I avoid is questions that ask exactly why a GET DIESEL product is formulated the way it is.
This is the very reason I do wish the FDA over seen the supplement industry.



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Dammit, internet flaked and now have to retype.

Because this industry needs SOME type of regulations with matters like this. I respect your use of the proprietary formula, you have every right to do so, every company does. The issue I took is that you won't answer the question of the potential customers. I understand not giving away extract methods, or amount per serving. The actual formula is right on the bottle. Answering a question of why you added Preg to it gives away nothing. Just helps someone with your product.

I dont doubt you are busy as hell and that it can be a task at times, which is why I hope trip can step in here and work with the "Little Man" with these types of issues. he knows his sh*t... which is why you chose him of course.

Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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Dammit, internet flaked and now have to retype.

Because this industry needs SOME type of regulations with matters like this. I respect your use of the proprietary formula, you have every right to do so, every company does. The issue I took is that you won't answer the question of the potential customers. I understand not giving away extract methods, or amount per serving. The actual formula is right on the bottle. Answering a question of why you added Preg to it gives away nothing. Just helps someone with your product.

I dont doubt you are busy as hell and that it can be a task at times, which is why I hope trip can step in here and work with the "Little Man" with these types of issues. he knows his sh*t... which is why you chose him of course.

First of all your a rep (or owner, I dont know who u are) for a company that makes nootropics. to me only reason why u care is to maybe make a product similar to Ready4war.

I dont have to answer any question about how the product is fomulated or how one ingredient works with another, Im not here to teach a product fomulation class, Im here to tell you what the product will do and whats in it. To me as a consumer thats all I need to know.

U act like Im not telling consumers whats in the product.
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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Dammit, internet flaked and now have to retype.

Because this industry needs SOME type of regulations with matters like this. I respect your use of the proprietary formula, you have every right to do so, every company does. The issue I took is that you won't answer the question of the potential customers. I understand not giving away extract methods, or amount per serving. The actual formula is right on the bottle. Answering a question of why you added Preg to it gives away nothing. Just helps someone with your product.

I dont doubt you are busy as hell and that it can be a task at times, which is why I hope trip can step in here and work with the "Little Man" with these types of issues. he knows his sh*t... which is why you chose him of course.

He didnt ask a question about Ready4war or even Preg., he asked what sysnergy it has in the product. Thats not a consumer question, thats a product formulation question, a trade secret question. I always answer any questions about the product(s) on a whole.
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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Answering a question of why you added Preg to it gives away nothing. Just helps someone with your product.
Help somone how? Its still the same product producing the same resuls with the same amount of preg. before they ask the question.


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Again... more BS skirting the issue.

Thats the problem.. you dont have to defend your product. That was my reason for the FDA comment.

Enjoy man. I hope everyone gets their moneys worth.



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Thanks Chuck, and now that i have used R4W and will contuine to use it i know it works and that the ingrediants are there for a reason and that u dont need to explaine why this or that because it works and that all that matters \
in a way u kinda explaine things like my Dad


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I am getting Sunami myself. Chuck you include everything that I wanted to mix.
Thanks for the new product and please keep it active.
Thats the only one I really need to buy.

P.S. some pregnolene info I googled.
will put in quotes since I dunno if i am allowed to post the http link

("Pregnenolone is the precursor (building-block) for all other steroid hormones. It is converted directly into DHEA and/or progesterone. DHEA converts to testosterone and estrogens; progesterone converts to estrogens, cortisol, and aldosterone. It is this succession of conversions that makes human life possible. Without pregnenolone, there can be no human steroid hormone production.

Made from cholesterol, pregnenolone is a natural steroid hormone produced primarily in the adrenal glands, but in smaller amounts by many other organs and tissues of the human body, including liver, brain, skin, gonads, and even the retina of the eye.

Like many health-promoting hormones, levels of pregnenolone drop with age. Although the data are not as abundant or definitive for pregnenolone as they are for DHEA, Dr. Eugene Roberts, a pioneer in hormone research, believes that the age-related drop in pregnenolone is as dramatic as the drop in DHEA. At 75, our bodies typically make 60% less pregnenolone than at age 35. This is a point of great concern, considering pregnenolones numerous protective, health-promoting properties.

Energizing, Anti-stress Benefits
Some of the earliest investigations of pregnenolones many benefits showed it to be an energizing, anti-stress biochemical. During the 1940s, Drs. Pincus and Hoagland gave 50-100 mg/day of pregnenolone to various types of factory workers, as well as pilots and students trained to use a flight simulator. The factory workers noted improved production rates while taking pregnenolone. They felt less fatigued, better able to cope with their jobs and experienced an enhanced sense of happiness and well-being. Interestingly, workers in stressful job environments improved more with pregnenolone than those with less demanding tasks.

The flight simulation machine was designed to test hand-eye coordination, learning, memory and stamina. The subjects were to 'fly' the 'plane' correctly, avoiding obstacles and crashes. Half the subjects were airplane pilots; half were not. Tests conducted over several weeks showed that the ability of all subjects to 'fly' the simulated airplane improved significantly after taking 50 mg pregnenolone before each test run. The improvement was especially noticeable after the subjects had taken pregnenolone for at least two weeks. This suggests pregnenolones anti-stress benefits may be cumulative. Also, the professional pilots reported that they performed better in their real flying jobs and that they suffered less fatigue during their pregnenolone-supplementing period.

Pro-memory Effects
Animal studies by Isaacson, Flood, Morely and Roberts have shown that injection of as few as 15 to 145 molecules (!) of pregnenolone directly into the areas of the brain that are thought to www.e memory improved the ability of mice to more quickly remember the way out of a maze that they had run before. Preliminary results of St. Louis School of Medicine researcher R. Sih have shown definite memory enhancement with pregnenolone. Dr. Sih gave 500 mg pregnenolone or a placebo to men and women three hours before they were asked to perform standard memory tests. Pregnenolone resulted in improved memory in both men and women, improved spatial memory and perception in men, and improved verbal recall memory in women.

Mood Elevation
Pregnenolone is known to modulate at least two key nerve receptor systems in the brain: NMDA receptors and GABA receptors. NMDA receptors, which weaken with age, are involved in learning, memory, and alertness. Pregnenolone enhances NMDA receptor function. GABA receptors promote relaxation, mental slowing, sedation and sleep. Benzodiazepine drugs (Valium, Librium, Xanax, etc.) activate GABA receptors, while pregnenolone inhibits GABA receptors. Thus, too little NMDA activity combined with excessive GABA activity would tend to promote mental sluggishness and depression. Since pregnenolone raises NMDA activity and lowers excessive GABA activity, pregnenolone seems to be a natural antidepressant. Indeed a recent study of 27 depressed patients found that their cerebrospinal fluid (which circulates through the brain and spinal cord) was significantly lower in pregnenolone than in 10 non-depressed volunteers. Cerebrospinal fluid levels are generally believed to accurately reflect levels of various biochemicals in the brain.

Anti-arthritis Effects
During the 1940s, pregnenolone was used successfully as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. A 1950 review article on pregnenolone reported on a study by Henderson and colleagues which found that 300 mg pregnenolone/day for 40 days resulted in a significant decrease in joint pain, tenderness, and spasticity, with improved strength and range of motion. Another study by Freeman and colleagues, with 64 patients, used 500 mg of pregnenolone daily for periods of 2 to 30 weeks. 24 patients showed striking improvements, and 20 showed minor improvements.

Unfortunately, the advent of the 'wonder drug' cortisone (Cortisol) in the 1950s caused pregnenolone to be passed by for arthritis treatment, since pregnenolones results were much slower to manifest. 'Coincidentally', pregnenolone couldnt be patented by the drug companies whereas synthetic variants of cortisone could be (and were) patented. By the time the nightmarish side-effects of excessive cortisone were widely known by the medical community in the 1960s (these side effects could include psychotic breakdown, adrenal failure, and even death), pregnenolone had been completely forgotten.

Pregnenolones Cortisol-neutralizing Power
Small amounts of cortisol are essential to promote health and even for life itself. Yet under the prodding of chronic stress and aging, our adrenal glands often over-produce cortisol. Indeed, cortisol is the only steroid hormone whose levels tend to increase with age. The level of all other steroids, including pregnenolone, tend to decrease (often radically) with age. Excessive cortisol promotes a host of negative side-effects. High cortisol levels promote depression, as does chronic, unremitting stress in many people (which results in chronically elevated cortisol). Experimental subjects such as factory workers and airplane pilots who were given pregnenolone under stressful conditions actually reported an enhanced sense of well-being and happiness.

Excessive Cortisol
The following are indications of an excessive cortisol level:
(1) accelerated skin aging and deterioration;
(2) damaged structure and function of mid-brain regions involved in memory;
(3) impaired wound healing, poor skin quality and excessive scar tissue;
(4) excess fluid retention and puffy, flabby skin.
(5) poor quality of sleep.

Most of these adverse effects of cortisol are directly counteracted by pregnenolone. For example, Papa and Kligman reported in 1965 that topical application of a pregnenolone-containing skin cream restored youthful properties to aged skin.

Experiments with humans and animals show that pregnenolone enhances the function of the same pro-memory areas of the mid-brain that are damaged by cortisol. A 1994 report by Guth and colleagues found that pregnenolone actually promoted successful healing of otherwise crippling spinal cord injuries in rats. Ray Peat, Ph.D., has reported successful use of pregnenolone to rid the body of cortisol-induced excessive fluid and puffiness, promoting a more lean and taut, youthful appearance to the face. Steiger (1993) used a mere 1 mg of pregnenolone in human volunteers to increase the restorative delta, slow-wave, stage IV sleep. (Larger doses of pregnenolone taken inappropriately at night may, however, also promote insomnia through 'over-energization'). Thus, pregnenolone seems in many ways to be a natural 'antidote' to the 'dark side' of cortisol, which tends to manifest ever more with aging and chronic stress.

Chemo-protective Action
A major determinant of the bodys ability to detoxify poisonous chemicals -- such as pesticides, medical drugs, industrial contaminants and auto exhaust -- is the health and effectiveness of the Cytochrome P450 enzyme system in the liver. This is one of the most broad-spectrum, universal detoxifying enzyme systems possessed by all mammals, including humans. Moderate levels of cortisol (the 'state-of-siege' anti-stress hormone) promote the activity of this detox system. However, larger amounts of cortisol (which is all-too-often over-produced by our adrenal glands due to aging or prolonged stress) degrade the P450 systems anti-toxin effects. Although pregnenolone does not affect the rate of synthesis of the enzymes in the P450 system, it does stabilize these enzymes against the digestive activity of liver proteolytic enzymes which would tend to break down the P450 enzymes. Pregnenolone thus increases overall P450 detox enzyme power by promoting conservation of existing P450 enzymes.

Fortunately, pregnenolone is amazingly safer than other steroids. Pregnenolone researchers working with both human and animal subjects since the 1940s have consistently commented on pregnenolones virtual absence of toxicity. For example, the classic review article on pregnenolone by Henderson and colleagues in 1950 states: 'It [pregnenolone] has an extremely low order of toxicity; [it] has not shown any adverse effects on endocrine [hormone] physiology ....'

Pregnenolone has been given orally to humans at doses as high as 500 mg/day for as long as 30 weeks without evidence of adverse effects. Mice given 5 grams (1/6 ounce) per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of body weight suffered no ill effects. This would be equivalent to a 154 pound (70 kilogram) human ingesting 350 grams (approximately 3/4 pound) per day! In a long-term study, mice that were given one gram pregnenolone per kilogram of body weight three times weekly for 50 doses suffered no toxic reactions -- including no changes in the size and condition of offspring produced after the 50 doses.

In one human study, eight people received 50 to 150 milligrams per day by intramuscular injection for 75 days, with no reported side effects. Dr. Eugene Roberts gave 20 Alzheimers patients 525 mg/day for three months with no toxicity. During rheumatoid arthritis experiments with pregnenolone, Dr. H. Freeman and colleagues gave 500 mg pregnenolone/day for up to 30 weeks, with no toxicity. And Drs. Pincus and Hoagland, two of the pioneer researchers on pregnenolone use by humans in the 1940s, found no toxic reactions with pregnenolone used by hundreds of men and women at dosages of 100 mg/day for four months.

The classic studies on pregnenolone and stress in the 1940s by Pincus and Hoagland generally used only 50 mg/day to achieve excellent results, while arthritis studies typically used 200-500 mg daily. Thus, although pregnenolone appears amazingly safe and beneficial, there are still many unanswered questions regarding proper dosage, metabolism, and clinical effects. Keeping these uncertainties in mind, here are some recommendations for dosage.

For those wishing to err on the side of caution, 50 to 100 mg pregnenolone per day would probably be suitable for use without physician monitoring. Perhaps an additional safety margin (for this already amazingly-safe substance) could be achieved through discontinuing use for one week every month. Those wishing to use the higher, anti-arthritis doses (200 - 500 mg/day) should probably do so only under the supervision of their physician, even though many human clinical studies with arthritis at these dosages yielded no problems or toxicities. Morning is the perfect time to take pregnenolone, and a single daily dose is probably best, since pregnenolone is fat-soluble, and probably follows the circadian highs and lows of DHEA and cortisol (highest in the morning, with a drop to baseline by late afternoon). On an anecdotal note, there have been patients taking 100 - 1,000 mg pregnenolone/day intermittently since 1987, with no discernible negative side effects.
While there has been no definite information published as to who should not take pregnenolone, on theoretical grounds, a few cautions can be suggested. Since pregnenolone (especially at high doses) may (in some people) increase estrogen or testosterone levels, I believe that men with prostate cancer (which may be worsened by testosterone) and women with breast or ovarian cancer (which may be worsened by estrogen) should probably take pregnenolone only with their doctors consent and supervision. Men with high PSA (prostate specific antigen) blood levels (possible indicator for undiagnosed or future prostate cancer) should also proceed with caution with pregnenolone use. Lastly, because of pregnenolones anti-GABA, pro-NMDA action, persons known to suffer from epileptic seizures or who are taking an anti-seizure medication such as Dilantin, Depakote or Tegretol should probably only use pregnenolone with their doctors supervision. Finally, as we age, the body produces ever-less of the enzyme which converts pregnenolone to DHEA. Thus, while supplementary pregnenolone taken during middle age and beyond will produce at least some normalization back toward more youthful (and healthful) levels of other steroid hormones, pregnenolone will not completely substitute for other steroid hormone supplements in those with medically demonstrated needs for various specific steroids i.e., DHEA, cortisol, estrogen, etc. ")


Force of Green
Could you direct me to these sites where it is stated that PREG in oral OTC from enhances drug trips?


p.s. i like your avatar. who is the shrouded character?

Some of the 'druggie' forums mention users utilizing pregnenolone to enhance trips. lol. Funny that Tripdog came in ;) LOL

Trip, what it do?
Force of Green

Force of Green

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Force of Green
Could you direct me to these sites where it is stated that PREG in oral OTC from enhances drug trips?


p.s. i like your avatar. who is the shrouded character?
Thanks living2die. Let me dig em up. The shrouded character... not sure. I guess it's just me.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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I found this on bluelight. You have to 'search' pregnenolone:

I think yaesutom was the one who turned me on to pregnenolone. I have 10 mg sublingual tablets. The instructions on the box say to take from 1 to 5 daily.

As for its effects, it subtly enhances memory-forming ability for the duration of its action and perception. The effect on perception is not unlike (though still very different) that experienced on very low doses of LSD or mushrooms: very mild color enhancement, mild increase in the ability to discern the edges of objects (= "sharper" vision), and generally increased sensory sensitivity. Small details and subtleties of sounds, sights, smells and tastes which are not normally noticed are more apparent without conscious effort.

It seems to be similar to piracetam in terms of perceptual changes, though not nearly as strong a cognitive booster. Pregnenolone is also similar piracetam in that the inexperienced user of drugs might not be aware of its effects.

It helps me to remember trips and dreams, as well as maybe increasing their intensity, though this effect on the overall intensity could easily be psychosomatic or unrelated to pregnenolone.


Can't remember where I read it but I think in relation to an individuals well being and dosage, correlation can be explained using a U shaped distribution. Effects of PREG are most pronounced in small doses, begin to taper off as doses increase, and then well being peaks once again at extremely high doses, so your sane dosing (around 30mg) makes sense even at a scientific standpoint.

Have you ever tried PREG TD ?

I get a very acute, noticeable reaction from 20-30mgs in tablet form and 50mg at once would be too much for me.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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Can't remember where I read it but I think in relation to an individuals well being and dosage, correlation can be explained using a U shaped distribution. Effects of PREG are most pronounced in small doses, begin to taper off as doses increase, and then well being peaks once again at extremely high doses, so your sane dosing (around 30mg) makes sense even at a scientific standpoint.

Have you ever tried PREG TD ?
Hmmm... never by itself in a transdermal. I hear that users rub it in their temples to achieve good results.


Is the logic behind this mode of application to directly increase the level of pregnenolone inside the brain, as many of the studies on PREG use the rat model, where injection of PREG directly into specific regions of the brain lead to a positive effect on cognitive thinking, etc.?

I hope this makes sense.

Hmmm... never by itself in a transdermal. I hear that users rub it in their temples to achieve good results.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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Is the logic behind this mode of application to directly increase the level of pregnenolone inside the brain, as many of the studies on PREG use the rat model, where injection of PREG directly into specific regions of the brain lead to a positive effect on cognitive thinking, etc.?

I hope this makes sense.
Good call living2die... I stopped researching on preg when I started researching the racetams and never got around to studies on transdermals.... I may just check it out now!


Force of Green,
Have you gained any gems of wisdom, for enlightening the community as to the benefits of applying PREG cream to the temple region ?
I just got the life-flo PREG product and have began therapy..will report back if there is any benefit in applying to temple region!

Good call living2die... I stopped researching on preg when I started researching the racetams and never got around to studies on transdermals.... I may just check it out now!
Force of Green

Force of Green

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Force of Green,
Have you gained any gems of wisdom, for enlightening the community as to the benefits of applying PREG cream to the temple region ?
I just got the life-flo PREG product and have began therapy..will report back if there is any benefit in applying to temple region!
Hmmm... I'm just taking a tab and it's working great. Source Naturals makes sick sublinguals vitamins and sublingual preg.


quit changing your i liked the spawn one you had before the best.

Hmmm... I'm just taking a tab and it's working great. Source Naturals makes sick sublinguals vitamins and sublingual preg.
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