POLICE STATE 2011: 6 year old girl groped then drug tested by TSA



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It does appear to be that way, but I cant live with myself at an old age when everything changes and I know in the back of my head that I didnt try.

But it does appear thats the way it is, but that wont happen if you saw some of the new riot control technology in my other thread I know I wont be doing that.
When the mass' have had enough, I will fight for the cause regardless of the outcome.

Right now everyone is too scared, too ignorant, too stuck in this fascist capitalism or dont care.


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Im stuck and dont care anymore, to be honest.


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Im stuck and dont care anymore, to be honest.
what? lol

There is not much anyone can do not little may go a long way. Education and information are crucial. There is a reason everything hasnt come to full fruition yet, resistance to the NWO needs to be endless.

At the same time no reason for this to take over our daily lives and make us miserable, we need balance and not be overly emotional about these issues.


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Are these tsa checkpoints at all airports nationwide? I am flying with my daughter in 2 weeks, so trying to get a gauge


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Are these tsa checkpoints at all airports nationwide? I am flying with my daughter in 2 weeks, so trying to get a gauge
I dont know, but if not thats the goal. They have also raided train stations, bus stops, road side, etc....and looking to expand to shopping malls, stadiums, etc....more product more money, more police state is the goal.

They even invaded a high school prom.


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what? lol

There is not much anyone can do not little may go a long way. Education and information are crucial. There is a reason everything hasnt come to full fruition yet, resistance to the NWO needs to be endless.

At the same time no reason for this to take over our daily lives and make us miserable, we need balance and not be overly emotional about these issues.
Frustration is what your reading in my words, along with my own pessimism.

I feel its too little too late, honestly. Along with that, i believe the worst is yet to come.


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Spiderman gets patted down

Another Day, Another Child Molested by TSA

Kurt Nimmo
August 16, 2011

It is becoming the new normal. TSA goons putting hands on small children.

Is it possible the government really thinks the kid in the video below is with al-Qaeda, that he might have a bomb stashed in his drawers?

Gate rape is not about bombs or national security. It’s about domination. It’s about exercising control. It’s about sending you a message – the Fourth Amendment is dead and you have no expectation of privacy. It’s about acclimating you to the presence of Gestapo goons – in the airport and on the bus and train platform today, at the mall and on the corner of your neighborhood tomorrow.

The following video was taken at the Austin, Texas, airport and posted on Youtube on August 14, 2011.



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Big Sis Continues To Hide Details On Mobile Body Scanners

DHS makes a mockery of Freedom of Information Act
Steve Watson
Aug 18, 2011

In response to a Freedom of Information Act Lawsuit, the Department of Homeland security, headed by ‘Big Sis’ Janet Napolitano, has released just a handful of pages of documents pertaining to the use of mobile naked body scanners, half of which are completely redacted.
The documents were obtained by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) as part of it’s lawsuit to uncover details of a secretive program to install radiation firing naked body scanners in all manner of public places, beyond the nation’s airports, in surface transit and even street-roving vans.
The DHS wrote EPIC on August 8, stating “After further reviews we have determined that some documents that were originally withheld in full will be partially released to you.”
The new documents reveal nothing new at all, however, with entire pages having been blacked out by the agency.
The DHS invokes several FOIA exemption clauses, ironically including one that cites “invasion of personal privacy”.
“The privacy interests of the individuals in the records you have requested outweigh any minimal public interest in disclosure of the information.” the DHS writes.

“As a result of the agency’s failure to comply with the Freedom of Information Act, EPIC has filed suit to force disclosure of the records.” the watchdog responded yesterday.

EPIC’s suit asks a federal court to order disclosure of nearly 1,000 pages of additional records detailing the controversial program – records the agency has repeatedly refused to make public, despite freedom of information requests and appeals over the last ten months.

The lawsuit points to an agency under the DHS umbrella, the Science and Technology Directorate, which previously released only 15 full pages of documents on the mobile scanners, whilst heavily redacting another 158 pages and withholding 983 pages of documents.
In February,EPIC discovered (PDF) that the DHS had paid contractors “millions of dollars on mobile body scanner technology that could be used at railways, stadiums, and elsewhere” on crowds of moving people.

According to the documents obtained by EPIC, the Transport Security Agency plans to expand the use of these systems to peer under clothes and inside bags away from airports.
The documents include aSurface Transportation Security Priority Assessment” [PDF] which revealed details of conducting risk assessments and possible implementation of body scanners in “Mass transit, commuter and long-distance passenger rail, freight rail, commercial vehicles (including intercity buses), and pipelines, and related infrastructure (including roads and highways), that are within the territory of the United States.”

EPIC also notes that the DHS has actively deployed “mobile body scanner technology in vans that are able to scan other vehicles while driving down public roadways.”
“These vans, known as ‘Z Backscatter Vans,’ are capable of seeing through vehicles and clothing and routinely store the images that they generate.” EPIC’s lawsuit notes.
As we reported last year, while the focus remained on the TSA’s use of naked body scanners at airports, the feds had already purchased hundreds of x-ray scanners mounted in vans that were being used to randomly scan vehicles, passengers and homes in complete violation of the 4th amendment and with wanton disregard for any health consequences.

FEDs Using Mobile X-Ray Vans To Do Drive-By Scannings

WSBTV reported on once instance of the mobile scanners being used to check trucks for explosive devices at an internal checkpoint set up by Homeland Security, the Department of Transportation, and the TSA. Officials admitted there was no specific threat that justified the checkpoint, and although it was labeled a “counter-terror operation,” the scans were also being conducted in the name of “safety”.

Feds Radiating Americans at Roadside Checkpoints

As several states continue attempts to fight back against TSA airport tyranny, many travelers are unaware of the fact that the TSA and Big Sis are now roaming neighborhoods and highways with the same invasive technology.
EPIC hopes to fully bring this information into the public domain and should be commended for doing so.


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Ron Paul: Liberty is More Important Than the Illusion of Safety

Transcript of Ron Paul's weekly address posted in above video:

Recent incidents of violence in Norway and London have made us understandably uncomfortable here at home, as many fear that a worsening economy will lead to violence and unrest in American cities. This is why Congress must view the economy as its first priority and a matter of national security: unless and until we get our fiscal house in order to foster economic growth, civil society will continue to deteriorate.

The fundamental lesson every American should learn from these incidents is that government cannot protect us. No matter how many laws we pass, no matter how many police or federal agents we put on the streets, a determined individual or group can still cause great harm. Both Norway and England have strict gun control laws, and London in particular has security cameras monitoring nearly all public areas. But laws and spy cameras are useless in the face of lawless mobs or sick mass killers. Only private individuals on the scene could have prevented or lessened these tragedies. And we should remember that theft, arson, and property damage were not the only criminal acts in London–innocent bystanders were assaulted and killed as well. In those instances deadly force used in self-defense would have been fully justified.

Perhaps the only good that can come from these terrible events is a reinforced understanding that we as individuals are responsible for our safety and the safety of our families. This means, frankly, that we must safely own and use firearms to deter or prevent criminal assaults on our homes and persons. It is absurd to think police or government agents can protect 310 million Americans around the clock.

Thanks to our media and many government officials, however, Americans have become conditioned to view the state as our protector and the solution to every problem. Whenever something terrible happens, especially when it becomes a prominent news story, people reflexively demand that government do something. This impulse almost always leads to bad laws, more debt, and the loss of liberty. It is completely at odds with the best American traditions of self-reliance and individual responsibility.

Do we really want to live in a world of police checkpoints, surveillance cameras, and metal detectors? Do we want to imprison every disturbed or alienated individual who fantasizes about violence? Do we really believe government can provide total security? Or can we accept that liberty is more important than the illusion of state-provided security?

Freedom is not defined by safety. Freedom is defined by the ability of citizens to live without government interference unless they use force or fraud against others. Government cannot create a world without risks, nor would we really wish to live in such a fictional place. Only a totalitarian society would even claim absolute safety as a worthy ideal, because it would require total state control over its citizens’ lives. Liberty has meaning only if we still believe in it when terrible things happen and a false government security blanket beckons.


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Congressman Ron Paul on abolishing the TSA

Skip to minute 6:57



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Pre-Crime Face Scanner to Be Used For ‘Security Interrogations’

Dubious technology could frame thousands of innocent people as terrorists or criminal

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pre-crime face scanning lie detector technology set to be rolled out in airports and other public venues will aid authorities in conducting ‘security interrogations’ of individuals, despite the fact that the new device is even less reliable than the dubious polygraph test, and could easily lead to thousands of innocent people being framed as terrorists and criminals.

“A sophisticated new camera system can detect lies just by watching our faces as we talk, experts say. The computerised system uses a simple video camera, a high-resolution thermal imaging sensor and a suite of algorithms,” reports BBC News.

“Researchers say the system could be a powerful aid to security services,” according to the report, adding that the technology is set to be rolled out first in airports for “security interviews” and that the system will also be used to conduct “covert truth tests in real time”.
The new system “successfully discriminates between truth and lies in about two-thirds of cases,” which equates to little more accuracy than chance alone, making it even less reliable than the notorious polygraph test, which has been widely dicredited and is habitually inaccurate.

The technology is focused around detecting emotions such as distress, fear or distrust, all of which a stressed traveler could undergo without necessarily being a liar. Indeed, such emotions would be expected in an environment where people are being naked body scanned, groped by TSA thugs, and subjected to lie detector interrogations.
In addition, such emotions could be registered when the subject fears not being believed by the authority figure. The person could be characterized as a liar when they are in fact completely honest.

As with everything we’ve seen rolled out in the context of airport security, this invasive technology is eventually planned to become a staple of the 21st century police state.
Vowing not to fly won’t be good enough to avoid Big Brother’s gaze – this technology is ultimately designed to be used to control access to shopping malls, sports stadiums, and other public events.
As we have previously documented, the Department of Homeland Security’s FAST program is based around similar technology that professes to detect “malintent” by means of pre-crime interrogations and physiological scans.

Back in May, the DHS was busy conducting field tests of the technology at an undisclosed location in the northeast United States, suggesting its rollout is close to fruition.
A promotional video for the program shows individuals who attend “security events” being led into trailers before they are interrogated as to whether they are terrorists while lie detector-style computer programs analyze their physiological responses. The subjects are asked about their whereabouts, and if they are attempting to smuggle bombs or recording devices into the “expo,” proving that the technology is intended to be used at public events and not just airports. Individuals who do not satisfy the first lie detector-style test are then asked “additional questions”.
Just like the lie detector face scanner, the FAST program will undoubtedly frame thousands of people as terrorists and criminals without them even having committed any crime.
“Steven Aftergood, a senior research analyst at the Federation of American Scientists, a think-tank based in Washington DC that promotes the use of science in policy-making, is pessimistic about the FAST tests. He thinks that they will produce a large proportion of false positives, frequently tagging innocent people as potential terrorists and making the system unworkable in a busy airport. “I believe that the premise of this approach — that there is an identifiable physiological signature uniquely associated with malicious intent — is mistaken. To my knowledge, it has not been demonstrated,” Aftergood told Nature. “Without it, the whole thing seems like a charade.”

"FAST" Coming to an Airport near YOU! - Future Attribute Screening Technology: The Machine That Reads

Future Attribute Screening Technology, or "FAST" - designed for the Department of Homeland Security.



New member
i agree...

the last thing i want is some terrorist strapping a bomb to his kid and blowing up the airplane

this doesnt affect me because i cant leave the state of nj... or my house after 12...



The video with the reporter's daughter was kinda funny. Why is mommy sitting there spoiling her little girl, and letting the girl go crazy on the TSA chick? If that was my mom I woulda been smacked and told to stay the hell still while the I was inspected.

I do agree that TSA should learn to inspect children, but children should KNOW to do as they're told.

and that is why I'm a proud child beater haha jk


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I think that body imaging technology was pretty nice. From the videos I saw of it, it seems to work pretty well, and who cares if it shows my lil peepee?

I remember people were complaining of the violation of privacy, I was like jeez... I'd rather violate your privacy than die a young beautiful man haha.


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Ok thanks for posting your thoughts vinny, I like to hear both sides of peoples opinions :)


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This is what Ive been trying to tell people all year, and last year...one they start they never stop, and its only going to get worse. Wait until they have the naked body scanners made for the sport stadiums, Im guessing they will be introduced at a Super-bol in the next 1-3 years and a breaking the ice point.

Police State expanded to NFL

NFL wants pat-downs from ankles up at all stadiums

The NFL wants all fans patted down from the ankles up this season to improve fan safety.Under the new "enhanced" pat-down procedures, the NFL wants all 32 clubs to search fans from the ankles to the knees as well as the waist up. Previously, security guards only patted down fans from the waist up while looking for booze, weapons or other banned items.
The stricter physical screening policy impacts the 16.6 million fans expected to attend live regular season NFL games this season. The more thorough searches will spell longer lines for ticket-holding fans seeking entry to games. It's sure to raise the ire of some fans who consider it an invasion of privacy.
The NFL recommended the new guidelines before the kickoff of the 2011 season which coincided with the 10th anniversary of 9/11. The league hopes fans will be "patient," says spokesman Brian McCarthy, and arrive earlier to games to avoid long, punishing lines.
"The enhanced security procedures recommended by our office before the start of the season will further increase the safety of fans but will require some additional time," McCarthy told USA TODAY in a statement Thursday. "We encourage fans to come early, enjoy their tailgating tradition, and be patient as they enter the stadium."
The NFL suffered damage to its family-friendly image when a South Carolina man was arrested for using an illegal stun gun on other fans at a New York Jets-Dallas Cowboys game Sunday night.
VOTE: Agree or disagree with NFL's head-to-toe patdowns?
THE HUDDLE: Brady tells Pats fans to start drinking early
The NFL predicts its live gate will be equal this year to last season's overall regular season attendance of 16,569,514.
The Buffalo Bills have announced the changes for fans attending this Sunday's home game against the Oakland Raiders at Ralph Wilson Stadium. The Bills' announcement reads in part:
The Buffalo Bills will be implementing an enhanced pat-down procedure starting with this Sunday's game and the organization wants to communicate this new process to all fans attending the game. The new procedure is a recommendation from the NFL in accordance with the league's Best Practices policies. Specifically, the enhanced portion of the pat-down is for the area from the knees to the ankles. Bills officials have long recommended that fans arrive early to the gates and continue to do so, especially with the enhanced pat-down now part of the security measures taken at Ralph Wilson Stadium.
UPDATE: The Indianapolis Colts also issued a statement Thursday announcing stricter security screenings for fans entering Lucas Oil Stadium:
At the direction of the NFL, fans attending this Sunday's Colts vs. Browns game, and future NFL games, will be subject to an enhanced personal security screening prior to entering Lucas Oil Stadium. The screening will include physical pat-down (above the waist as well as below the knees) and inspection of all items. The enhanced personal security screening is in addition to the process guests have typically experienced at NFL games since 2001. In order to accommodate this security enhancement, guests are asked to arrive earlier than normal to avoid longer security lines at the checkpoints. Guests may refuse inspections; however, management reserves the right to refuse entry.
The idea of being physically searched by strangers while attending NFL games has been controversial for years. Several fans have filed lawsuits across the U.S., challenging the league's physical screenings in court. But the NFL's policies were upheld in court.



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I'm not really seeing a problem with this, I understand the reason for it. As far as scanners at the games I think that would be tough for them to implement.
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NFL to Allow TSA Molestation at Stadiums: Alex Jones Reports

September 17, 2011

Alex Jones explains why the adoption of TSA-style pat-downs at sporting events has prompted his call to boycott of the NFL and its sponsors. The U.S. is being transformed into a police state right under our noses, and soon Homeland Security-led checkpoints will be a part of our lives everywhere.

Alex Jones Calls for NFL Boycott After Intrusive Pat-down Searches Announced

Kurt Nimmo
September 16, 2011

The NFL will roll out its new policy this weekend at the Ralph Wilson Stadium in New York.
Alex Jones has called for a boycott of the NFL following an announcement that the Gestapo zone concept will expand from airports to sports stadiums.
Jones argues the new intrusive pat-down procedure is part of an effort to acclimate the populace to the police state.
USA Today reports that the NFL has announced it will begin intrusive pat-downs of fans this football season. The organization wants all 32 clubs to search 16.6 million fans from the ankles up.
“The enhanced security procedures recommended by our office before the start of the season will further increase the safety of fans but will require some additional time,” NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy told the newspaper.
The new grope-down procedure is part of the NFL’s “Best Practices” policy and will begin this weekend at a Buffalo Bills game at the Ralph Wilson Stadium in New York. The Indianapolis Colts also said they will begin intrusive pat-downs of fans during a game between the Colts and the Browns on Sunday.

In 2007, a federal appeals case gave a green light to pat-down searches of fans after a man brought a lawsuit, claiming the procedure violated his constitutional protection against unreasonable searches. A three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said the man, high school teacher Gordon Johnston, had forfeited his right to challenge the constitutionality of the pat-downs when he consented to them. The court also said Johnston doesn’t have a constitutional right to watch a football game.
At the time, the NFL argued that the searches “provide an essential layer of security in an age of constant terrorism threats,” according to the Associated Press. The NFL did not cite terrorism concerns when it announced the new, more intrusive pat-downs today. USA Today mentioned the arrest of a man for using a stun gun on fans at a New York Jets-Dallas Cowboys game Sunday night.
The Department of Homeland Security partnered with the NFL earlier this year. “Our partnership with the NFL and local law enforcement to bring the ‘If You See Something, Say Something’ campaign to Super Bowl XLV is a critical part of our efforts to ensure the safety of every player, employee and fan in the area for the game,” Napolitano said on January 31, 2011.
In November of 2010, Homeland Security boss Janet Napolitano said body scanners would eventually find their way into U.S. public transportation, trains and boats. “I think the tighter we get on aviation, we have to also be thinking now about going on to mass transit or to trains or maritime. So, what do we need to be doing to strengthen our protections there?” she said.

Napolitano suggested Americans undergo behavioral interrogation before they are allowed to enter sports events, rock concerts and shopping malls.
“We look at so-called soft targets — the hotels, shopping malls, for example — all of which we have reached out to in the past year and have done a fair amount of training for their own employees,” Napolitano said the following month.


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"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-Benjamin Franklin


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Another TSA Employee Accused of Rape

Kurt Nimmo
September 21, 2011

Another TSA agent has been arrested and accused of rape.
Clifton Lyles, who worked at the Nashville International Airport, was arrested earlier this week in Rutherford County, Tennessee, and charged with statutory rape. His bond was set at $10,000, according to NewsChannel 5 WTVF-TV in Nashville.
Earlier this month, a TSA employee was arrested in Nevada and charged with six counts of lewdness with a child.
In March of 2010, a TSA worker was arrested in Massachusetts and charged with statutory rape, enticement of a child and indecent assault and battery on a person 14 or older, a Boston news station reported.
The agency has weathered a number of criminal accusations since its inception in late 2001 following the September 11 attacks.
In February, the TSA admitted in federal court that a supervisor and two TSA agents were arrested and charged with stealing thousands of dollars in cash from the luggage of travelers. Another employee was arrested and fired for assaulting a co-worker in a dispute over a parking space.
Several days before the TSA admission of guilt, a TSA security officer at Newark Liberty International Airport pleaded guilty to accepting bribes and kickbacks from a colleague who regularly stole money from passengers during security screenings, Reuters reported.
Passenger theft by TSA employees is a nationwide problem, writes Howard Portnoy. According to TSA records, press reports, and court documents, around 500 TSA officers have been fired or suspended for stealing from passenger luggage.
Airports in New York City harbor the most flagrant offenders, according to Portnoy, “but virtually no city in the nation is safe from the TSA’s sticky fingers.”
Violence is also a problem. In August, a former TSA employee was charged with a federal hate crime after he allegedly attacked an 83-year-old Somali man on May 4, 2010.


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Sorry, ma'am, but your hair might contain explosives': Now TSA agents demand to search woman's afro

By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 8:33 AM on 21st September 2011

An airline passenger who had already been through airport security was left in tears after TSA officers insisted on checking her Afro-style hair in case she was concealing explosives.
Hairdresser Isis Brantley was stopped at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in Atlanta, Georgia, after she had passed a scanning device.
As she travelled down an escalator, she claims she heard someone yell: 'Hey you, hey you, ma'am, stop. Stop - the lady with the hair, you.’

'Hiding place': Hairdresser Isis Brantley was forced to undergo a humiliating pat down

Two TSA agents told her she could not go any further until they checked her hair for explosives, said Miss Brantley, of Dallas, Texas.
Reluctantly she allowed them to do it and the TSA staff patted her hair down right there instead of asking to return to a private area for screening.
‘And so she started patting my hair, and I was in tears at that point,’ Miss Brantley told NBC News. ‘And she was digging in my scalp.’
I was outraged,’ Brantley said. ‘I was humiliated. I was confused.’
After the pat-down, Brantley complained to a TSA supervisor at Hartsfield-Jackson who then apologized to her.
‘She said, "Ma'am, please, I promise you, I'm going to take care of it. I'm so sorry that happened to you,"' Miss Brantley said. ‘And I'm like, "OK, that's weird."'

Ordeal: Thousands of travellers have complained about TSA checks (file image)

Miss Brantley, who frequently travels across the U.S. to see clients, said has worn her hair naturally for 20 years and has never had her hair checked until Monday's incident.
She said she is scared she will be harassed again the next time she flies.
The TSA said: ‘Our screening procedures are designed to ensure the security of the traveling public,’ TSA said in a statement.
‘Additional screening may be required for clothing, headwear or hair where prohibited items could be hidden.
‘This passenger left the checkpoint prior to the completion of the screening process. She was offered but refused private screening.’


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Petition To Abolish The TSA Appears On White House Website

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, September 23, 2011
A petition to abolish the TSA has appeared on the White House.gov website, with the massive response evidence of how infuriated Americans have become at being groped not only at airport, but also highways, sports stadiums and at other public venues.

The petition appears on the “We The People” section
of WhiteHouse.gov, a new feature intended to be “a new, easy way for Americans to make their voice heard in our government.”
The petition already has almost 8,000 signatures, and has already passed the 5,000 mark required for it to receive some kind of response from WhiteHouse.gov.
It is entitled “Abolish the TSA, and use its monstrous budget to fund more sophisticated, less intrusive counter-terrorism intelligence,” and the full text reads as follows.
The Transportation Security Administration has been one of the largest, most expensive and most visible blunders of the post-9-11 homeland security reformation. It has violated countless constitutional rights of average Americans, caused miserable and expensive delays in an already-overburdened air travel system, and allowed multiple known instances of harassment, theft, extortion and sexual abuse by its employees. It has failed approximately 70% of undercover efficacy tests, and for all its excesses, has been unable to catch even a single terrorist since its creation. In our current economic situation, we can no longer afford to continue wasting taxpayer dollars on this kafkaesque embarrassment. Let us instead invest in saner, more effective solutions.



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Shocking Video: Terror Drill Terrorizes Children

Aaron Dykes
September 26, 2011

A drill involving a SWAT team at a Denver area elementary school subjected children as young as first grade to a traumatic and frighteningly realistic school shooter scenario involving simulated gunshots, explosions and loud alarms. Part of the Homeland Security-led Operation Mountain Guardian, it was only one part of a drill that took place at more than 10 locations, including Sports Authority Field at Mile High Stadium, where local, state and federal agencies practiced relocating children and other potential victims, a contingency planned for real events, including terrorism or other emergencies.

While the SuperDome in New Orleans became a symbol of the nightmare of federal emergency control– blocking organic local relief efforts while ‘mismanaging’ its own actions– it is seen as a place of refuge for authorities in Denver under a scenario is planned with more than 100 agencies over more than 18 months. The plan to use sports stadiums is in keeping with H.R. 645, the National Emergency Centers Establishment Act and other related martial law plans. Infowars.com reporters traveled there Friday to cover the drill.

Martial Law Drill Takes Over Denver Mall With Mumbai Scenario

A long list of agencies in the Denver area taking direction from Homeland Security conducted a terrorism drill known as Operation Mountain Guardian, envisioning among other scenarios, a “Mumbai Style” incident at an area shopping mall. Police, fire fighters, SWAT teams and many other response teams practiced their lock down at the scene, evacuating victims while sending in anti-bomb squads, positioning shooters at strategic high-rise positions and otherwise clamping down the area.



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Jesse Ventura Calls For NFL Boycott Over TSA-Style Groping

Former Governor also selects July 4th 2012 as national no fly day

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura has called for a nationwide boycott of the NFL in response to its announcement that attendees to all football games will be groped TSA-style, while Ventura also launched a campaign for a national no fly day set to take place on July 4th 2012.

Ventura responded to the news about the NFL announcing they would carry out TSA-style pat downs by telling the Alex Jones Show that such measures are already commonplace at many sports venues.​
“I’m a season ticket holder with the Minnesota Lynx, the women’s basketball team, and two times they’ve stopped me to wand me. The first one the guy stopped me because I had my wallet and my keys in my front pocket, and he stopped me and said ‘excuse me what’s in your front pocket’ – and I looked at the kid and I said ‘I’m the damn Governor’ – I said ‘don’t make me have to sue you like I’m suing TSA’. I said ‘what difference does it make I used to be the Governor here, use some common sense young man’, and I chewed his ass out,” said Ventura​
“I advocate a boycott of the National Football League and leave their stadiums empty,” said Ventura, adding, “That’s what this country needs to do to rise up – we the people have to start speaking back….how about a day of the year where nobody flies, I would love to see that happen.”​
Ventura then went on to select July 4th 2012 as the date for a national campaign when Americans would refuse to fly in protest against the TSA.​
“We’re supposed to be a country of the people, by the people and for the people, not them, right now we’re subservient to the government – our forefathers did not have that in mind, that’s not what this country was supposed to be, the government was supposed to be subservient to us,” he stated.​
“Why is it the government’s job to provide security for the airlines when the airlines are a private sector business?” asked Ventura. “Why not have the airlines provide their own security?”

Ventura also echoed similar concerns made public by Ron Paul, that the federal government was preparing to use the problem of illegal immigration to erect checkpoints on all major highways and force Americans to accept a national ID card.​
Ventura is currently engaged in a legal battle in a bid to sue the TSA for groping him during an incident last November. Ventura’s stance has put his career under threat – he has considered abandoning travel by air altogether if TSA pat-down policies are not amended.​
Ventura is constantly subjected to harassment by TSA workers when he travels as a result of his hip replacement which routinely sets off metal detectors.​
A federal judge is currently deliberating on whether the case will go to trial, a long delay that Ventura and his lawyer suspect may mean that the trial will proceed.​
“Any case like this has been ruled upon faster than this one, this is the longest any judge has held on to a case, I can state that unequivocally,” said Ventura, adding that it has been over two months since he last appeared in court over the issue.​
Ventura has vowed to call a press conference if his case is thrown out and he is denied a jury trial.


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Pentagon Developing Spy Drones to Spot “Adversarial Intent”

Predatory police state shifts focus to ‘guilty until proven innocent’
Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Pentagon is developing spy drones that can identify individuals by their facial features and also denote targets by their “adversarial intent,” part of the new approach of treating everyone as guilty until proven innocent as law enforcement across America turns to unmanned vehicles as a crime fighting tool.​

The Army has recently handed out six contracts to companies in the pursuit of developing a system that can tag and track an individual based on their facial biometrics and track them permanently even if they get lost in a crowd.​
“If this works out, we’ll have the ability to track people persistently across wide areas,” says Tim Faltemier, the lead biometrics researcher at Progeny Systems Corporation, which recently won one of the Army contracts. “A guy can go under a bridge or inside a house. But when he comes out, we’ll know it was the same guy that went in.”​
Once the system captures an image composed of just 50 pixels of the person’s face, it can then build a complete 3D profile and keep track of their movements from 750 feet away.​
“With backing by the Army, researchers from Notre Dame and Michigan State Universities collected images of faces at a “Twins Days” festival. Progeny then zeroed in on the twins’ scars, marks, and tattoos — and were able to spot one from the other. The company says the software can help the military “not only learn the identity of subjects but also their associations in social groups,” reports Wired.​
Related software designed to identify individuals “most likely to harbor ill will toward the U.S. military or its objectives,” is also being developed for the Army by Charles River Analytics. Their “Adversary Behavior Acquisition, Collection, Understanding, and Summarization (ABACUS)” tool uses information collated from phone calls, informant tips and drone footage to create “threat assessments of individuals and groups”.​
As we have previously reported, using technology to identify “malintent” is now the cutting edge of predatory police state technology set to be used against the American people as the entire focus of law enforcement shifts to guilty until proven innocent.
Pre-crime face scanning “lie detectors” are already being readied for airport and other “security” applications. If the technology judges you to be harboring emotions of distress, fear or distrust, you’ll be subjected to an interrogation. The fact that the system “successfully discriminates between truth and lies in about two-thirds of cases,” which equates to little more accuracy than chance alone, making it even less reliable than the notorious polygraph test, doesn’t seem to be a major concern for the developers.​
The DHS also recently field tested their “FAST” program, which is also based around forcing people to undergo interrogations and then measuring their physiological responses to decide whether or not they have “malintent” and could be a criminal or a terrorist.​
If you think that drone technology is solely for use against insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq, then think again. Everything developed for use in war zones abroad is already being tested domestically.​
The Department of Homeland Security has already given the green light for a helicopter-style drone that can tase suspects from above.​
“There’s a good chance ShadowHawk’s spine tingling buzz could be heard approaching a city near you,” reported Singularity Hub.​
“As a sign of new law enforcement tactics to come, the Sheriff’s Office of Montgomery County, Texas was recently awarded a grant by the Department of Homeland Security for a squadron of ShadowHawks. Montgomery County’s Chief Deputy Randy McDaniel is psyched. “We are very excited about the funding and looking forward to placing the equipment into the field. Both my narcotics and SWAT units have been looking at numerous ways to deploy it and I absolutely believe it will become a critical component on all SWAT callouts and narcotics raids and emergency management operations.”


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god i hope Greyhound starts introducing loyalty miles because I will NEVER get through an airport if they put this in place...


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Lori Dorn, Breast Cancer Survivor, Forced To Undergo Invasive TSA Pat Down Despite Identification Card

The Huffington Post
Dean Praetorius

Medical ID cards exist for a reason. So instances like this don't happen.
Lori Dorn, wife of Laughing Squid blogger Scott Beale, found herself humiliated before boarding her Virgin America flight to San Francisco from New York's JFK airport on Friday, after a TSA agent refused to look at her ID card. Dorn, a breast cancer survivor, currently has an implanted tissue expander that is known to be a problem for airport scanners.
But the identification card is intended to prevent situations like what happened. Dorn detailed the experience on her blog:
I told her that I was not comfortable with having my breasts touched and that I had a card in my wallet that explains the type of expanders, serial numbers and my doctor’s information (pictured) and asked to retrieve it. This request was denied. Instead, she called over a female supervisor who told me the exam had to take place. I was again told that I could not retrieve the card and needed to submit to a physical exam in order to be cleared. She then said, “And if we don’t clear you, you don’t fly” loud enough for other passengers to hear. And they did. And they stared at the bald woman being yelled at by a TSA Supervisor.
With her possessions out of sight the agent proceeded to pat her down, obviously finding nothing suspicious. Prior to the incident Dorn had been subjected to a full body scan, which evidently prompted the pat down.
Afterward, she took to Twitter with her complaint, as well as her blog (you can read her full post here).
Lori Dorn's Tweet following the incident:
Lori Dorn An @TSABlogTeam agent didn't believe I had implants due to breast cancer and insisted on feeling me up. Insensitive and power hungry, fab.
Sep 29 via Twitter for iPhoneFavoriteRetweetReply

The TSA did respond via Twitter, saying that if she sent more information, they would look into it. Despite a prompt response from the TSA after the fact, the incident has prompted renewed conversation about the methods of airport security agents.
This is far from the first time something like this has happened. In late August, Thomas Sawyer, another cancer survivor was soaked in his own urine after TSA agents gave him an equally invasive pat down. In June, an elderly cancer patient was humiliated when an agent forced her to remove her adult diaper before boarding a flight.


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i find this whole fiasco disgusting, my family had served in the US military for generations and for what seemed to be a good cause (or so we were told).
Now the enemy is within thy gates and the enemy cannot be identified cause no one knows. Geez, I thought now with Osama dead ( at least publicly admitted he is dead now vs from a while ago as speculated) the war on terrorism would have ended.
I guess as long as there is oil to steal, and countries to rape and pillage all in the name of $ecurity, the enemy will be whatever the media monster tells you, and guess what "you will obey"..

I will no longer support US companies that are involved in the destruction of what was once a great nation with my hard earned money, I suggest you all start figuring things out and start making the moves because we are all a part of history.
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The war is against us, not terrorism.


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The war is against us, not terrorism.
Its all retarded too, all a terrorist has to do is go to the airport and blow up hundreds of people clogged up at the airport waiting on line. Maybe we need to pat down and x-ray everybody on the freeway before they get to the airport. Maybe we need to hire a TSA agent for every house in America in case Americans blow up clogged up freeways too.

Terrorism is fought with old fashioned police work, not minimum wage people/child molesters and dangerous body scanners.

This simple logic on the silliness of the "war on terror" (which I dont understand how you declare a war on a tactic) supports the statement you made above ^^^


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Homeland Security moves forward with 'pre-crime' detection

By: Declan McCullagh October 7, 2011 4:00 AM PDT

An internal U.S. Department of Homeland Security document indicates that a controversial program designed to predict whether a person will commit a crime is already being tested on some members of the public voluntarily, CNET has learned.
If this sounds a bit like the Tom Cruise movie called "Minority Report," or the CBS drama "Person of Interest," it is. But where "Minority Report" author Philip K. Dick enlisted psychics to predict crimes, DHS is betting on algorithms: it's building a "prototype screening facility" that it hopes will use factors such as ethnicity, gender, breathing, and heart rate to "detect cues indicative of mal-intent."

Excerpt from internal DHS document obtained by the Electronic Privacy Information Center
(Credit: U.S. Department of Homeland Security)
The latest developments, which reveal efforts to "collect, process, or retain information on" members of "the public," came to light through an internal DHS document obtained under open-government laws by the Electronic Privacy Information Center. DHS calls its "pre-crime" system Future Attribute Screening Technology, or FAST.
"If it were deployed against the public, it would be very problematic," says Ginger McCall, open government counsel at EPIC, a nonprofit group in Washington, D.C.
It's unclear why the June 2010 DHS document (PDF) specified that information is currently collected or retained on members of "the public" as part of FAST, and a department representative declined to answer questions that CNET posed two days ago.
Elsewhere in the document, FAST program manager Robert Middleton Jr. refers to a "limited" initial trial using DHS employees as test subjects. Middleton says that FAST "sensors will non-intrusively collect video images, audio recordings, and psychophysiological measurements from the employees," with a subgroup of employees singled out, with their permission, for more rigorous evaluation.

Peter Boogaard, the deputy press secretary for the Department of Homeland Security, provided a statement to CNET that said:
The department's Science and Technology Directorate has conducted preliminary research in operational settings to determine the feasibility of using non-invasive physiological and behavioral sensor technology and observational techniques to detect signs of stress, which are often associated with intent to do harm. The FAST program is only in the preliminary stages of research and there are no plans for acquiring or deploying this type of technology at this time.​
FAST is designed to track and monitor, among other inputs, body movements, voice pitch changes, prosody changes (alterations in the rhythm and intonation of speech), eye movements, body heat changes, and breathing patterns. Occupation and age are also considered. A government source told CNET that blink rate and pupil variation are measured too.
A field test of FAST has been conducted in at least one undisclosed location in the northeast. "It is not an airport, but it is a large venue that is a suitable substitute for an operational setting," DHS spokesman John Verrico told Nature.com in May.
Although DHS has publicly suggested that FAST could be used at airport checkpoints--the Transportation Security Administration is part of the department, after all--the government appears to have grander ambitions. One internal DHS document (PDF) also obtained by EPIC through the Freedom of Information Act says a mobile version of FAST "could be used at security checkpoints such as border crossings or at large public events such as sporting events or conventions."

Internal DHS document says FAST "will help protect the public while maintaining efficiency and security"
(Credit: U.S. Department of Homeland Security)
It also says that the next field trial of FAST will involve members of the public who "have food service experience" and are paid "to work at a one day VIP event." Most of the document is redacted, but each person is apparently told to act normally or to do something demonstrating "mal-intent," such as being told to smuggle a recording device into the VIP event. The trick, then, is to see if FAST can detect which is which.
It's not clear whether these people were informed that they're participating in a FAST study.
McCall, the EPIC attorney who has been pressing the department to obtain these internal documents, said it's time for the DHS Privacy Office to review the current state of the FAST project. What appears to be the most recent privacy analysis (PDF) was completed in December 2008 and contemplates using "volunteer participants" who have given their "informed consent."
"They should do a privacy impact assessment," McCall said.
DHS is being unusually secretive about FAST. A February 2010 contract (PDF) with Cambridge, Mass.-based Draper Laboratory to build elements of the "pre-crime" system has every dollar figure blacked out (a fleeting reference to an "infrared camera" remained).
Relying on ambiguous biological factors to predict mal-intent is worrisome, says McCall. "Especially if they're going to be rolling this out at the airport. I don't know about you, but going to an airport gives me a minor panic attack, wondering if I'm going to get groped by a TSA officer."
Update 2:12 p.m. PT: A Homeland Security spokesman has just provided this additional statement to CNET: "The FAST program is entirely voluntary and does not store any personally-identifiable information (PII) from participants once the experiment is completed. The system is not designed to capture or store PII. Any information that is gathered is stored under an anonymous identifier and is only available to DHS as aggregated performance data. It is only used for laboratory protocol as we are doing research and development. It is gathered when people sign up as volunteers, not by the FAST system. If it were ever to be deployed, there would be no PII captured from people going through the system." (The DHS Privacy Office has said that the system does contain personally-identifiable information and that FAST "is a privacy sensitive system." DHS defines a privacy sensitive system as "any system that collects, uses, disseminates, or maintains" personally-identifiable information.)

Read more: http://news.cnet.com/8301-31921_3-20117058-281/homeland-security-moves-forward-with-pre-crime-detection/#ixzz1aC8suSYD


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I'm stating this Police State is not for the terrorists.

Its for US.

When the **** hits the fan down the road, you will understand why. Yes, I am a doom and gloomer. I believe the earth is going to "shed" us.


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I'm stating this Police State is not for the terrorists.

Its for US.

When the **** hits the fan down the road, you will understand why. Yes, I am a doom and gloomer. I believe the earth is going to "shed" us.
Yes, I agree with you completely, that is the purpose of this thread. Hope that clears up what I was trying to get at before.


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Jones Family Confront Warrantless Checkpoint, Round 2

October 22, 2011
In a second round encounter with Border Patrol agents at the checkpoint 98 miles from the Texas-Mexico border, Alex and his family stand up to goons who try to search his vehicle without any warrant or reason. The whole system is not designed to stop drugs or illegal immigrants, but to make Americans feel guilty until proven innocent, as if they’d done something wrong. Agents admitted they were using their sniffing dogs to search for narcotics and human odor, despite the double-speak statement that they were checking citizenship status and ‘not’ looking for drugs.
Alex Exposes Unconstitutional Internal Checkpoint Round 2

Alex also features his latest video recorded earlier in the week at an internal checkpoint in southern Texas. He informed Border Patrol agents that they risked being sued if they violated his Fourth Amendment right by demanding he allow them to search his vehicle without probable cause or a warrant.


Alex went through the same checkpoint a few weeks before, with a near standoff to stand-up for his and his family’s rights to be free in their persons and possessions.



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Congressman: Secret Report On TSA Pat Downs, Body Scanner Failures Will “Knock Your Socks Off”

“Off the charts” failure rate “sort of like the record of the Marx Brothers”

Steve Watson
October 25, 2011

The chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, which oversees the TSA, has asserted that the release of a classified report on TSA security failures will renew calls for the replacement of the agency with private airport security personnel.
“The failure rate (for body scanning equipment) is classified but it would absolutely knock your socks off,” Florida Republican, Rep. John L. Mica told reporters during a briefing Monday.
Mica also asserted that recorded instances of pat downs failing to detect contraband are “off the charts.” This information is also currently still classified, but is due to be released within weeks as part of an upcoming committee report on the TSA’s first decade.
Mica suggested that the TSA’s performance report would read “sort of like the record of the Marx Brothers”.
The TSA has withheld results of its official security tests, despite repeated requests to release the information under the Freedom of Information Act.
The Department of Homeland Security has classified the results of the most recent random, covert “red team tests,” where undercover agents try to see what they can get past airport security. The reason they have done so, according to MIca, is because the results have been so shockingly and consistently bad for the past nine years.
Mica further slammed the TSA Monday, ripping into the agency’s latest experimental security “chat down” procedure.
The chairman referred to the pilot program of “behaviour detection” being tested at Boston Logan airport as an “idiotic mess”.
Describing the program as a poor man’s version of Israeli interrogation security techniques, Mica noted that that the pilot is merely an extension of an already existing program that the Government Accountability Office concluded had little scientific credibility and had cost “a quarter billion” in hiring additional TSA officers.
“This is no joke,” Mica told reporters at the briefing, adding that he had personally visited Logan airport and witnessed first hand the failures of the program.
“I put my ear up and listened to some idiotic questions,” Mica said of the “chat down” procedure, also noting that TSA officers expressed a lack of understanding of the program they had supposedly been trained to engage in.
“I talked to them about their training, which was minimal,” Mica said, adding “It’s almost idiotic… It’s still not a risk-based system. It’s not a thinking system.”
The program is set to be beta tested in Detroit next, before being rolled out nationwide.

Mica repeatedly argued that the TSA’s role at airports could be undertaken in a more efficient and less costly manner by private companies, albeit ultimately still under the supervision of the federal government.
Back in March, the Congressman charged that the TSA intentionally fixed data to ensure that federal workers were employed to screen airport passengers, rather than private contractors.
“TSA cooked the books to try to eliminate the federal-private screening program,” said Mica at the time.
The Congressman was referring to revelations from federal auditors that cost differentials between federal employees and private contractors were overstated by the TSA.
Though the agency contends it was an “error”, The TSA made it appear that it was more cost effective for airports to use federal government workers for security “by increasing the costs for private-contractor screeners relative to federal screeners,” government auditors wrote.
The 2001 Aviation Transportation Security Act, which created the TSA, contained an option written in by Congress allowing airports to choose between using TSA workers and private screeners. It is known as the Security Partnership Program (SPP).
Currently, sixteen airports throughout the country use private contractors under the SPP, however, the TSA has since actively prevented other airports from joining the program, as more and more express an interest in dropping the federal workforce in wake of an epidemic of TSA scandals and failures.
Mica, who helped create the TSA after 9/11, has repeatedly stated that he believes the agency is now completely out of control and believes it should be radically reformed.



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New Street Lights To Have “Homeland Security” Applications

High-tech system to include speakers, video surveillance, emergency alerts
Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

New street lights that include “Homeland Security” applications including speaker systems, motion sensors and video surveillance are now being rolled out with the aid of government funding.

[video=youtube;yuWdBgOHLSk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuWdBgOHLSk&feature=pl ayer_embedded#![/video]

The Intellistreets system comprises of a wireless digital infrastructure that allows street lights to be controlled remotely by means of a ubiquitous wi-fi link and a miniature computer housed inside each street light, allowing for “security, energy management, data harvesting and digital media,” according to the Illuminating Concepts website.​
According to the company’s You Tube video of the concept, the primary capabilities of the devices include “energy conservation, homeland security, public safety, traffic control, advertising, video surveillance.”​
In terms of Homeland Security applications, each of the light poles contains a speaker system that can be used to broadcast emergency alerts, as well as a display that transmits “security levels” (presumably a similar system to the DHS’ much maligned color-coded terror alert designation), in addition to showing instructions by way of its LED video screen.​
The lights also include proximity sensors that can record both pedestrian and road traffic. The video display and speaker system will also be used to transmit Minority Report-style advertising, as well as Amber Alerts and other “civic announcements”.​
With the aid of grant money from the federal government, the company is about to launch the first concept installation of the system in the city of Farmington Hills, Michigan.

Using street lights as surveillance tools has already been advanced by several European countries. In 2007, leaked documents out of the UK Home Office revealed that British authorities were working on proposals to fit lamp posts with CCTV cameras that would X-ray scan passers-by and “undress them” in order to “trap terror suspects”.​
Dutch police also announced last year that they are developing a mobile scanner that will “see through people’s clothing and look for concealed weapons”.​
So-called ‘talking surveillance cameras’ that use a speaker system similar to the Intellistreets model are already being used in UK cities like Middlesborough to bark orders and reprimand people for dropping litter and other minor offenses. According to reports, one of the most common phrases used to shame people into obeying instructions is to broadcast the message, “We are watching you.”​
The transformation of street lights into surveillance tools for Homeland Security purposes will only serve to heighten concerns that the United States is fast on the way to becoming a high-tech police state, with TSA agents being empowered to oversee that control grid, most recently with the announcement that TSA screeners would be manning highway checkpoints, a further indication that security measures we currently see in airports are rapidly spilling out onto the streets.


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I just posted the video ^^^^ this morning here and now Homeland Security pulled the video? WTF? I hope some of you had the chance to see this Homeland Security Police State promo. If you didnt there is a repost down below this post unless Youtube is forced to have it pulled.

Promo Video For DHS-Backed ‘Spy Street Lights’ Pulled From You Tube
Company gets nervous after creepy ‘Intellistreets’ concept exposed by Drudge Report
Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
The company behind a Department of Homeland Security-funded project to install street lights that double as sophisticated surveillance devices pulled its promo video for ‘Intellistreets’ from You Tube hours after our article drawing attention to the issue was linked on the popular Drudge Report website.​

Having initially disabled comments on the You Tube clip, Illuminating Concepts yanked the video entirely this afternoon, presumably nervous about the negative publicity that could be generated from concerns about new high-tech street lights being used for “Homeland Security” purposes – their words, not ours.​
However, having gone to the trouble of putting together a promotional video for their product, and having already started installing the system in the city of Farmington Hills, Michigan with the aid of federal funding, the fact that the company attempted to prevent people learning about the “Homeland Security” applications for the street lights speaks volumes.​
If ‘Intellistreets’ is such a cutting edge concept that presents an array of wonderful benefits, as the promo video claims, then why remove it from You Tube? It’s almost like a kid getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Now that the company has tried to hide the video, it will only generate more suspicion about the true purpose behind ‘Intellistreets’ and the level of involvement on behalf of Homeland Security.​
As we documented earlier today, ‘Intellistreets’ is even more frightening a concept than the DHS-funded surveillance cameras that have blanketed America. Not only does this system have video surveillance capabilities, it also includes audio sensors and speaker systems that will be used by authorities to “promote civic awareness,” presumably in the same vein as Homeland Security’s telescreens in Wal-Mart stores that feature a message from Janet Napolitano encouraging Americans to spy on each other and report suspicious activity.​
Using street lights as Minority Report-style broadcasting platforms for advertising and government propaganda also dovetails with the Obama administration’s agenda to have complete control over communications by means of the Emergency Alert System and the program to have all new cell phones display mandatory “emergency” messages from the federal government by next year.

You can still watch a duplicate of the video for ‘Intellistreets’ below (until that too is pulled). The video is also still available on the company’s website.

[video=youtube;Qw10eKxaSDY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded& v=Qw10eKxaSDY[/video]


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DHS-Funded Taser Drone Launched in Texas

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, October 31, 2011

A Department of Homeland Security-funded surveillance drone deployed against insurgents in Afghanistan that can also be used to tase suspects from above has been unveiled by the Montgomery County Sheriff’s office and will be operational within a month.
“At $500,000 a pop, Montgomery county spent $250,000 to get the UAV. The rest was covered by a Department of Homeland Security grant,” reports KBTX.com

Although its initial role will be limited to surveillance, the ShadowHawk Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, previously used against suspected terrorists in Afghanistan and East Africa, has the ability to tase suspects from above as well as carrying 12-gauge shotguns and grenade launchers.​

“We look forward to utilizing it in a variety of capacities that protect our employees from harm to the extent possible and to enhance the protection to our citizens and their safety,” said Montgomery County Chief Deputy Randy McDaniel.

The ShadowHawk is a 50lb mini drone chopper that can be fitted with an XREP taser with the ability to fire four barbed electrodes that can be shot to a distance of 100 feet, delivering “neuromuscular incapacitation” to the victim. The drone can travel at a top speed of 70MPH and can operate for 3.5 hours over land and sea.

A video clip of the drone shows off its impressive maneuverability as it tails a suspect attempting to evade capture with sophisticated object tracking technology. Another video shows the drone conducting surveillance of two individuals involved in a firearm transaction.

More powerful military Predator drones are already being used to kill American citizens overseas, including 16-year-old Denver-born Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, prompting fears that drones could be used within the United States to meter out extrajudicial punishment, something that surpasses anything George Orwell predicted in 1984.

The fact that the drone was partly funded with DHS grant money further illustrates how the Department of Homeland Security is determined to turn America into a high-tech police state.

While the federal agency openly flouts immigration laws by authorizing illegal aliens to work in the U.S., billions of dollars have been poured into “homeland security needs” for state and local governments to keep tabs on the American people, including the rollout of a surveillance camera network that is now blanketing major cities across the nation.

Even more Orwellian are proposals also being backed by the federal government to turn street lights into sophisticated surveillance tools that can not only record video and conversations, but also have “homeland security” applications including displaying messages that encourage Americans to report on each other as part of DHS’ ‘See Something, Say Something’ snitch campaign.



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Evidence 4th Amendment of the Constitution is invalid under the current Martial Law in the USA.
Jesse Ventura loses bid to halt airport searches
Updated: November 3, 2011 - 11:18 PM

Jesse Ventura wants airport security screeners to keep their hands off "The Body." But a judge ruled on Thursday that the former Minnesota governor's concerns about modesty, personal freedom and constitutional rights were misplaced when he filed a federal lawsuit in St. Paul last January.

Challenges to the Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) procedures must be brought in Circuit Courts of Appeals, wrote U.S. District Judge Susan Richard Nelson in dismissing Ventura's lawsuit.

Ventura, who served as governor of Minnesota from 1999 through 2002 and earlier had a professional wrestling career as Jesse "The Body" Ventura, currently hosts a program on the truTV network called "Conspiracy Theory."

After getting a titanium implant in his hip in 2008, Ventura's lawsuit says, he started lighting up airport magnetometers. At first, screeners waved a magnetic hand wand over him and sent him on his way. But last year, the TSA initiated enhanced screening procedures, his complaint says, which meant he had to go through invasive full-body scans or pat-down searches.

The scans reveal too much and the pat-downs require a security officer to grope his body, "including private and sensitive areas," his suit says.

Last November, he triggered the extra search procedures at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. Having done so, the suit says, Ventura was not free to leave the area or to decline his scheduled flight to avoid the additional screening. Ventura argued that the TSA's policy results in an unreasonable search and seizure in violation of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution.

Certain members of Congress are exempt from the digital body screens and pat-downs, as are airline pilots, Ventura said, so why can't other frequent fliers get equal treatment? The judge said that if he really wants an answer, he'll have to ask the Circuit Court of Appeals.

Ventura's attorney, David Bradley Olsen, declined to comment. "Governor Ventura will speak to the press on Friday, Nov. 4, at noon, in front of the Federal Court Building in St. Paul," he said.

Dan Browning • 612-673-4493


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Follow up to previous post ^^^ Basically this court ruling (or non-ruling) is showing us direct evidence that this country is turning into a complete police state corporate ses-pool and citizens cannot challenge the TSA or constitutionally questionable offenses that the government aka corporations are posing on us.

Ventura Decries “Fascist” America After Judge Tosses TSA Case

Lawyer was told he couldn’t see ruling because of “national security”

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, November 4, 2011

Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura said he would now refer to the country of his birth as the “Fascist States of America” after a judge dismissed his case challenging airport pat downs, adding that his only recourse now would be to run for President.

“Ventura made his comments outside the federal courthouse in St. Paul, where in January he sued to challenge the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) airport security procedures,” reports the Minneapolis Star Tribune. “The suit was thrown out because Congress set up the law so that all such challenges must be brought directly in Circuit Courts of Appeals, wrote U.S. District Judge Susan Richard Nelson.”

“They said they don’t have jurisdiction,” Ventura told reporters. “Well my question is if the federal courts don’t have jurisdiction over a constitutional question then who the hell does?”​

A further detail that Ventura revealed on the Alex Jones Show which has not been picked up by mainstream media reports is the fact that Ventura’s lawyer was told he could not even look at the ruling due to “national security” concerns.​

Speaking to the Alex Jones Show today, Ventura spoke of his fury about how an American citizen was not even allowed to go to court to defend the Bill of Rights, adding that from now on he would refer to the U.S. as the “Fascist States of America” and would refuse to stand for the national anthem.​

Vowing to “never fly commercial” again, Ventura gave a passionate press conference today, expressing his anger at TSA grope down procedures that force people like himself with metal implants to go through humiliating pat downs every time they pass through airport security.

“I want a trial by jury. They tell me I can have a jury decide my fate!” Ventura said, refering to the judge who dismissed the case as a “coward”. “If given a jury, I will win,” he added.​

Ventura said the fact that he would have to go to the lengths of becoming President simply to have his day in court with the TSA was ridiculous. Asked by a reporter whether he was planning to run, Ventura responded, “I’m thinking about it.”​

“I will not, in a free country, be treated like a criminal,” said Ventura, adding that he and his wife intended to apply for Mexican citizenship.​

Referring to 9/11, Ventura questioned the reasoning behind the whole war on terror. “George Bush said we were attacked because they were jealous of our freedoms. So we take away our freedoms so they won’t be jealous anymore?” he said. “I think they’re winning.”​

During his interview on the Alex Jones Show, Ventura put out a ‘come and get me’ plea to the Libertarian Party, indicating that he will run for President if they approach him. Ventura has also said he would seriously consider being Ron Paul’s Vice-President pick if the Congressman was successful in the Republican nomination or if Paul ran as the Libertarian Party candidate.



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Follow up to 2 previous posts ^^^

Video: Ventura Expresses Fury At TSA Court Ruling


Jesse Ventura Berates Facist America Over Court Ruling 2011

One day after Jesse Ventura lost his legal challenge to airport pat-downs and full-body scans, the former Minnesota governor declared Friday that he will "never fly commercial again" and just might run for president so he can change passenger security measures.

Ventura made his comments outside the federal courthouse in St. Paul, where in January he sued to challenge the Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) airport security procedures. The suit was thrown out because Congress set up the law so that all such challenges must be brought directly in Circuit Courts of Appeals, wrote U.S. District Judge Susan Richard Nelson.

After getting a titanium implant in his hip in 2008, Ventura's suit said, he started lighting up airport magnetometers. At first, screeners waved a magnetic hand wand over him and sent him through. But last year, the TSA's enhanced screening procedures meant he had to go through invasive full-body scans or pat-downs, the suit added.

The scans reveal too much and the pat-downs require a security officer to grope his body, "including private and sensitive areas," the suit read.

"I will never fly commercially again," Ventura said to reporters Friday, adding that he hasn't flown since he was searched at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport nearly a year ago.

He complained that the federal courts are denying him constitutional rights, but said that he's unsure whether he will appeal Thursday's dismissal.

"I want a trial by jury. They tell me I can have a jury decide my fate!" Ventura said. "If given a jury, I will win."

He questioned whether he could trust a panel of three government-paid appeals court judges. But he left open the door, noting that he hadn't conferred with his attorneys yet.

Ventura contended that the TSA's procedures treat passengers as guilty until proven innocent. "I will not, in a free country, be treated like a criminal," he said.

Ventura added that he and his wife, Terry, intend to apply for Mexican citizenship and become dual citizens. The two have spent long stretches of time living in Mexico since he left office.

He then zeroed in on longtime political reporter Pat Kessler. After pausing for effect, Ventura said maybe the only way to change the rules at TSA is to become president.

Asked whether he was planning to run, Ventura responded, "I'm thinking about it." That's something he's done in previous election cycles, but he has never been a candidate for the White House.

"Jesse's on a roll!" he quipped.

Ventura, governor from 1999 through 2002 and earlier a pro wrestler as Jesse "The Body" Ventura, currently hosts "Conspiracy Theory" on the truTV network. His held up the press conference he called for a couple of minutes until his own crew could get set up.

One reporter noted that Ventura had expressed security concerns while he was governor in the wake of the 9/11 terrorism attacks. "Don't even get me started on 9/11," Ventura responded.

"George Bush said we were attacked because they were jealous of our freedoms. So we take away our freedoms so they won't be jealous anymore?" he said, incredulous. "I think they're winning."


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why isnt this stuff on the 10 oclock news?



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Why would Ventura be newsworthy?



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more of a blanket statement, than just "the body"........ lol

wrestler gone rogue, ha!!

i dont even turn on the stupid tube unless im watching football, baseball or hockey anymore, just the PS3.. love me some bluray and i refuse to pay for commercials. i mean cable.


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I hope Im getting through to some of you out there...This country is turning into a police state ses pool and we the American people need to do something about it.

FEMA's expanding police state powers is beta testing a complete Nationwide takeover of all the TV, radio/shortwave/internet/satellite etc...on November the 9th at 2PM.

What does this mean? Obama or any executive will be able to completely shut out ALL alternative media in a moment of crisis, and you will ONLY be able to get messages either from FEMA or the White House. This has been planned for years and its being beta tested in a few days. Do I have a problem with Emergency systems? No, of course not, but the issue here besides that its coming from the government mafia is that when this happens free press and news sources will be vaporized during a time of "crisis."

FEMA, FCC Announce Nationwide Test Of The Emergency Alert System

Similar to local Emergency Alert System Tests, this Test is Scheduled to Take Place on November 9, 2011


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Concern Over Public Anxiety Causes Feds To Shorten EAS Alert

Emergency Alert System broadcast will last just 30 seconds in response to distrust over government’s motive

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, November 7, 2011

Concern that Americans distrust the government so much that they might might panic in response to the Emergency Alert System test this week prompted officials to shorten the alert to just 30 seconds, illustrating how sensitive citizens are at the moment to the actions of federal authorities.​

The original alert message was planned to last up to three and a half minutes, but concerns arising out of the fact that the TV broadcast of the alert may not include the message “this is a test,” have led to the interruption to be shortened to just 30 seconds.​

The test will take place at 1pm CST on Wednesday, breaking into all conventional television and radio broadcasts, who for the very first time have no control over whether to allow the government to override their broadcasting platforms.​

“When it announced the test earlier this year, FEMA originally said it could last as long as three-and-a-half minutes, but the agency acknowledged to news organizations that it had reduced the test’s duration, apparently over public concerns,” reports Government Security News, citing “public anxiety” over the alert caused by emails and Internet stories being circulated that question, “the government’s motives behind the test.”​

“News reports cited one email distributed in a Washington D.C. school district that said there was “great concern” from local law enforcement and emergency management that the test would spark concern among residents,” states the report, blaming the fact that limitations of the EAS system will prevent the video message indicating the alert is only a test from scrolling across television screens in some areas.

Concerns about the EAS alert were encapsulated by radio host Glenn Beck
when he questioned why the government had chosen to conduct the test on a Wednesday afternoon in the middle of a work day, “when the whole world is in revolution.”
Beck warned that the first of its kind test gave the government the pretext to take over all civilian communication outlets under the guise of a national emergency.​

“If the state wants to take control…they can just take it and there is nothing I can do about it,” Beck stated, adding that the process “seizes control of the broadcast frequency.”
As Alex Jones documents below, the EAS test is part of the federal government’s unfolding agenda to build an infrastructure that will allow all communications to be seized by authorities in a time of declared national emergency.

Obama Launches Total Takeover of Media: Emergency Alert System

[video=youtube;I4ZdbiSLnv4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded& v=I4ZdbiSLnv4#![/video]

Even the Washington Post describes it like something out of Orwell's 1984. The FCC has approved a presidential alert system. Obama may soon appear on your television or call your cell phone to warn you about the next specious al-Qaeda underwear bombing event.

Commissioners voted last week to require television and radio stations, cable systems and satellite TV providers to participate in a test that would have them receive and transmit a live code that includes an alert message issued by the president. No date has been set for the test, according to the Post.

Once again, the government has imposed an unreasonable and absurd mandate on business and the American people.

"The Federal Communications Commission today took action to help pave the way for the first-ever Presidential alert to be aired across the United States on the Nation's Emergency Alert System (EAS)," the FCC announced on February 3 in a press release. "The national test will help determine the reliability of the EAS system and its effectiveness in notifying the public of emergencies and potential danger nationwide and regionally."

As Next Generation EAS systems become operational over the next few years, they will complement other public alert and warning systems now being developed, including FEMA's Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) and the Commercial Mobile Alert System that will enable consumers to receive alerts through a variety of multi-media platforms on their smart-phones, blackberries and other mobile broadband devices.


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brb, busy getting my mcfatties, starbucks and cheap chinese junk at wallys.

leave a message at the beep
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The Government Wants to Seize Your Vitamins

November 11, 2011 by Chip Wood

The Food and Drug Administration has drafted a proposal to regulate what it calls “new dietary ingredients.”

No matter how many times you beat back a Federal power grab, it is almost impossible to kill the monster. Like the most terrifying villain in the worst horror movie you’ve ever seen, it keeps coming back to life and threatening the townspeople.
Consider the efforts by the Food and Drug Administration to make it impossible for you to buy the vitamins you want. The FDA first tried to make many supplements illegal in the early 1990s. But its overzealous persecution of vitamin makers (I was one of them) caused millions of consumers to demand that Congress block the FDA.
As a result, in 1994 Congress passed the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA). While the law was far from perfect (what Federal legislation ever is?), it did protect the right to take the supplements of our choice. The only way the FDA could intrude was if it could prove a supplement was unsafe. I don’t know of a single case in which that happened. So for 17 years, those of us who take vitamins to protect our health were safe from government meddlers.
Unfortunately, there was a dangerous loophole in that 1994 law. While supplements that existed at the time were protected by law, the FDA was given the authority to regulate any new ingredients that were introduced after Oct. 15, 1994.
What happened? At first, nothing did. For 17 years, the FDA took no action.
That’s been a good thing, because for 17 years the dietary supplement industry continued to innovate. It discovered new ingredients and formulations and found better ways to extract and concentrate the most effective natural ingredients. As a result, millions of consumers benefited. They protected their hearts and arteries, found relief from joint pain, improved their memory, protected their prostate and much more.
Meanwhile, some deadly dangers did exist. Pathogens like E. coli in food kill at least 2,000 people every year. Acetaminophen, the painkiller in Tylenol and other drugs, is known to kill hundreds more. An FDA researcher estimated that there may have been more than 27,000 deaths linked to the use of Vioxx before the FDA finally took the drug off the market.
Now, the FDA wants to act like the past 17 years never happened. The agency has drafted a proposal to regulate what it calls “new dietary ingredients.” If this proposal is implemented, some of the most effective nutrients you take will be pulled from the market. Nutrients like resveratrol, ubiquinol CoQ10, bacopa, strontium and more.
That’s not all. Under these guidelines, the FDA can define almost anything as a new dietary ingredient. For example:

  • If a supplement includes more of an ingredient than was used 17 years ago (even something like vitamin C), it’s new.
  • If an ingredient uses a different extraction process (like baking or fermentation), it’s new.
  • If a supplement uses an ingredient at a different “life stage” (such as using ripe rather than non-ripe apples), it’s new.
  • If a supplement duplicates an ingredient in a laboratory rather than extracting it from the food (even though it’s chemically identical), it’s new.
  • And if a probiotic formula includes a strain of bacteria that wasn’t found in yogurt 17 years ago, it’s new.
What would happen to these “new” ingredients? The manufacturers would have to take them off the market until they could prove the ingredients are safe — even if those ingredients have been safely used for 17 years.
What kind of proof is the FDA demanding? According to the guidelines, many companies would have to conduct animal studies using a dosage that’s 1,000 times the typical dose.
I’m not kidding. The FDA wants vitamin makers to do studies for a full year, at 1,000 times the typical dose.
So a fish oil manufacturer would have to conduct a one-year study in which animals are force-fed the human equivalent of 240,000 milligrams of fish oil each and every day. Do you think this outrageous overdose might injure or kill its victim? Of course it could. And that would give the FDA all the excuse it needed to outlaw any product that contained it.
But wait, it gets even worse. If one fish oil manufacturer performed such a study and it passed, it doesn’t mean that other fish oil makers can use the same data. No, sir. They are still required to go out and do their own studies before they’re allowed to sell their product.
These studies are very expensive. A study like the one above typically costs $100,000 to $200,000 to perform. Multiply that by several ingredients in several products and you get an idea of the cost.
Say a company carries six products containing six ingredients each. It would cost between $3.6 million and $7.2 million in studies before that company could even offer the products for sale. For a larger company offering 50 products or more, the costs would be astronomical.
Even if the company did all of that, every penny of those new and higher costs would be passed on to you, the consumer.
Anyone on a tight budget (and that’s almost all of us these days) would find the supplements they rely on becoming prohibitively expensive — if they were even on the market anymore.
Few supplement makers will be able to afford these studies. Many of them will be forced out of business. The ones that remain would still be at the mercy of the FDA. That’s because there are no requirements for the FDA to approve anything. It can approve or reject anything it wants. In the past, it has rejected the majority of ingredients submitted to it.
That means most of the nutrients you buy today will be pulled from the market and never return. Those that do return will be a lot more expensive — or may be available only as prescription drugs.
This is a blatant abuse of power. What the FDA is doing is performing an end-run around the existing law. According to the law, the FDA has to prove a dietary supplement is unsafe for it to be taken off the market. These new guidelines turn that on its head. They are clearly not what Congress intended.
Fortunately, these FDA guidelines have not yet been finalized. All Federal agencies are required to give the public an opportunity to comment on a draft before it is made final. In this case, the FDA has given interested parties until Dec. 1 to comment on the draft. That means there’s a small window of opportunity for you to voice your disapproval.
Frankly, I wouldn’t bother commenting to the FDA. The process is deliberately cumbersome. Those unelected bureaucrats don’t care what you think, anyway.
Instead, please contact the people you do elect: your Congressman and your two U.S. Senators. They have the power to rein in the FDA, and they have done so before — when enough voters complained.
We may not be able to kill the monster, but we can drive it back into its cave. Whether we do is up to you.
Until next time, keep some powder dry.
–Chip Wood

Source: http://www.personalliberty.com/conservative-politics/government/the-government-wants-to-seize-your-vitamins/?eiid=&rmid=2011_11_11_PLA_[P11532882]&rrid=394940233


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"America Better Damn WAKE UP!" Jesse Ventura On His Lawsuit Against The TSA Being Thrown Out

Former Governor Jesse Ventura goes on Judge Napolitano’s Freedom Watch to explain the suppression of his TSA lawsuit for violations of the Bill of Rights.

<font size="4">[video=youtube;ibGQGHy_3Nc]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibGQGHy_3Nc[/video]

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