Ostarine MK-2866 + Androgel?? Need advice..


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I'm already on 40.5mgs of Androgel ED and I'm going to be getting my Ostarine soon. I'm gonna get my bloodwork done soon as well, and I'll post the results, but would I be able to STAY on my Androgel while doing a light cycle of Ostarine?

Something like 4 to MAYBE 6 weeks. I'll probably start out with 10/10/10/10/15/15/ for my Ostarine cycle and just stay on the 40.5mgs Androgel ED, then stop taking Ostarine after weeks 5 or 6 and just get back on the Androgel only 40.5mg... Since they're such low dosages, would I even need a PCT after the Ostarine cycle? Could I just keep using my Androgel as a PCT?

Does that sound like something that might help me gain a tiny bit of lean muscle mass or what are your thoughts on this?
Thanks guys.


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I'm already on 40.5mgs of Androgel ED and I'm going to be getting my Ostarine soon. I'm gonna get my bloodwork done soon as well, and I'll post the results, but would I be able to STAY on my Androgel while doing a light cycle of Ostarine?

Something like 4 to MAYBE 6 weeks. I'll probably start out with 10/10/10/10/15/15/ for my Ostarine cycle and just stay on the 40.5mgs Androgel ED, then stop taking Ostarine after weeks 5 or 6 and just get back on the Androgel only 40.5mg... Since they're such low dosages, would I even need a PCT after the Ostarine cycle? Could I just keep using my Androgel as a PCT?

Does that sound like something that might help me gain a tiny bit of lean muscle mass or what are your thoughts on this?
Thanks guys.
using androgel negates any need to run a PCT. just stay on it the whole time like you never cycled.


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Give the osta to someone you dont like and run lgd at 20+mg

10mg of sarms is about as usefull a poop flavored popsicle, well, if your a 100lb female or a hyper responder to anabolics 10mg will work, But for most people it's just a waste of time


New member
I'm already on 40.5mgs of Androgel ED and I'm going to be getting my Ostarine soon. I'm gonna get my bloodwork done soon as well, and I'll post the results, but would I be able to STAY on my Androgel while doing a light cycle of Ostarine?

Something like 4 to MAYBE 6 weeks. I'll probably start out with 10/10/10/10/15/15/ for my Ostarine cycle and just stay on the 40.5mgs Androgel ED, then stop taking Ostarine after weeks 5 or 6 and just get back on the Androgel only 40.5mg... Since they're such low dosages, would I even need a PCT after the Ostarine cycle? Could I just keep using my Androgel as a PCT?

Does that sound like something that might help me gain a tiny bit of lean muscle mass or what are your thoughts on this?
Thanks guys.
Because my first post I was made in the wrong section and I didn't know so it got deleted so I went and found the right section to put it in.


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using androgel negates any need to run a PCT. just stay on it the whole time like you never cycled.
Hey, I was wondering, if I just ran a 20/20/20/20 Ostarine + 40.5mg Androgel daily, do you think that would be a better cycle than my original cycle plan of 10/10/10/10/15/15/ Ostarine + 40.5mg Androgel? Also, if I want to gain any amount of lean muscle, what would I eat? Just 1.5-2grams of protein per pound of body weight daily, or should I also throw some carbs in there?


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I'm already on 40.5mgs of Androgel ED and I'm going to be getting my Ostarine soon. I'm gonna get my bloodwork done soon as well, and I'll post the results, but would I be able to STAY on my Androgel while doing a light cycle of Ostarine?
I'm confused. In another thread you made it sound like the Androgel wasn't prescribed and you were just using it because you got it for free. In that case, get off the Androgel and then get your test checked. Then you might want to PCT and then drop the Androgel post cycle but you can still use it on cycle.

If you're getting your test checked while on Androgel and you're not on prescribed TRT then the numbers are nearly worthless. I just want to make sure we're on the same page here.


New member
I'm confused. In another thread you made it sound like the Androgel wasn't prescribed and you were just using it because you got it for free. In that case, get off the Androgel and then get your test checked. Then you might want to PCT and then drop the Androgel post cycle but you can still use it on cycle.

If you're getting your test checked while on Androgel and you're not on prescribed TRT then the numbers are nearly worthless. I just want to make sure we're on the same page here.
How did I make it sound like the Androgel wasn't prescribed? The reason I said I am now getting it free is cause my insurance changed and now they pay for it. I wouldn't spend money on Androgel online.

And I did get my test checked, hence the Androgel prescription. I've also got another order for blood work to be done to check my levels I just need a ride to the hospital to get it done.


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How did I make it sound like the Androgel wasn't prescribed? The reason I said I am now getting it free is cause my insurance changed and now they pay for it. I wouldn't spend money on Androgel online.

And I did get my test checked, hence the Androgel prescription. I've also got another order for blood work to be done to check my levels I just need a ride to the hospital to get it done.
I don't know. Maybe it was the way I interpreted it but it sounded like you said you were only using it because you got it for free. If you're using it for legit TRT, then just stay on it year round forever (unless of course you want to blast test). There is no need for enclo or any other SERMS to PCT.

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