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I have some but I dont know if I want to use it rightnow for healing purposes or not, considering that the price increased big time from when I originally bought it. But then again, I need to heal up to get back into the gym anyway..SJ
I will say this, I am at the end of my second bottle, and the tendonitis in my left elbow was so bad 2 months ago I could hardly curl a dumbell, it usually takes ma few months to subside when it flares up that bad, and I have not felt it in weeks , it has been 100% and I have to attribute that to the OSTA RX, Although I still protest the absurd price(i bought both my bottles for 49.00 from a retailer when it came out) I will say this. OSTA RX has given me lean lean gains in a low -carb calorie deficit, with little to no sides (i think after 7 weeks its messing with my emotions a bit , but I am weird that way) This is a good product , I would use it again , and again for that matter but I aint paying $100.00 for this or any other supplement . If it ever gets down to 50 - 55.00 bucks again I would definatly use it. Btw The gains were evident for me at the end of week 3, so for me I gotta run two bottles, maybe that varies from person to person. Hope that was helpful (and objective)


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I will say this, I am at the end of my second bottle, and the tendonitis in my left elbow was so bad 2 months ago I could hardly curl a dumbell, it usually takes ma few months to subside when it flares up that bad, and I have not felt it in weeks , it has been 100% and I have to attribute that to the OSTA RX, Although I still protest the absurd price(i bought both my bottles for 49.00 from a retailer when it came out) I will say this. OSTA RX has given me lean lean gains in a low -carb calorie deficit, with little to no sides (i think after 7 weeks its messing with my emotions a bit , but I am weird that way) This is a good product , I would use it again , and again for that matter but I aint paying $100.00 for this or any other supplement . If it ever gets down to 50 - 55.00 bucks again I would definatly use it. Btw The gains were evident for me at the end of week 3, so for me I gotta run two bottles, maybe that varies from person to person. Hope that was helpful (and objective)
How were you dosing it? I ran it 6 wks at 2 caps ed (~13mg). Saw some improvements in my biceps tendonitis during the 5th week. Did lean up a bit, too, but nothing spectacular. It does appear that any tendon/joint healing effects take some time.

If this is the goal for using it, I wonder if running it at 1 cap ed for 12 wks would yield better results? I think this is closer to the actual protocol used in the clinical studies, so perhaps a lower dose for longer periods is the key to this compound - at least for its tissue healing properties.

Agree on the price, too - I'm not dropping $100 on the ORX to experiment :nono: Maybe $40, but IDK...


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I am continuing to use this. Today is day three. I have not added in any other test booster yet. I wanted to tun the Osta RX by itself for a bit. Anyway, I mam running it at three caps a day spread evenly apart. The only other supps I am using are my staples, ie, proetin, creartine, supercissus, Fish oil/Coq10.

Libido has been pretty good the past couple of days. Other then that nothing yet. Its hard to train obv. Been doing one arm workouts for the upper body, and have been training legs and abs like usual..



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How were you dosing it? I ran it 6 wks at 2 caps ed (~13mg). Saw some improvements in my biceps tendonitis during the 5th week. Did lean up a bit, too, but nothing spectacular. It does appear that any tendon/joint healing effects take some time.

If this is the goal for using it, I wonder if running it at 1 cap ed for 12 wks would yield better results? I think this is closer to the actual protocol used in the clinical studies, so perhaps a lower dose for longer periods is the key to this compound - at least for its tissue healing properties.

Agree on the price, too - I'm not dropping $100 on the ORX to experiment :nono: Maybe $40, but IDK...
I am taking 3 caps a day , sometimes 2 if I forget to take one to work


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A friend of mine is taking this now. He's never had mucuna pruriens before. He takes one OstaRX in the AM and the rest in the PM about an hour before working out. He said he fell asleep after his PM dose, lol. It made me pick up some l-dopa from NOW, and I dosed it in the afternoon one time and I had the exact same experience. Pretty funny.


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Agreed. STILL very $$$$


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Datbtrue says to stay away from osta-dangerous compound.. went on to say would even recomend ph over this. Posted on anouther thread I had a friend who got really messed up on prohormones in his 20s. Like to give osta a whirl but sounds like a bad gamble
Dangerous in what reguard ?


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Did not say but everyone say guy is like the top researcher in bodybuilding, he says to stay away from it and goes on to say would even recomend ph over osta, this gave me real pause after some of the problems friends have had with prohormones
I smell a troll...

he cannot even explain what he "thinks" is so dangerous about it, and we are supposed to just take his word because "everyone say guy is like the top researcher in bodybuilding", which I have no idea what that means.

thanks for contributing to this thread, come back when you have something to back up your statements.


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Did not say but everyone say guy is like the top researcher in bodybuilding, he says to stay away from it and goes on to say would even recomend ph over osta, this gave me real pause after some of the problems friends have had with prohormones
I'd have to see that quote myself. I respect a lot of what datbtrue says. He was one of the ones to debunk the myth of IGF-1-stimulated hypertrophy in users of the peptide almost years before research was published to support his argument. Never tried his protocol for GHRP/Mod GRF 1-29, but I'd like to sometime.


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I smell a troll...

he cannot even explain what he "thinks" is so dangerous about it, and we are supposed to just take his word because "everyone say guy is like the top researcher in bodybuilding", which I have no idea what that means.

thanks for contributing to this thread, come back when you have something to back up your statements.
I told him the very same thing in a previous post in another thread lol...While this super guru he mentions might think he knows something...scientific research from undergraduate, graduate and PHD level scholars (also the human trial and several documented and controlled human case studies) prove that Ostarine MK-2866 is HIGHLY anabolic and safe, while having no toxicity or side effect issues in controlled dosages with clean sourcing of the compound.


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Yeah his response answered my question .. I don't think its good practice to jump on a companies forum and cry wolf about an unsafe product unless you have some tangible evidence .... Now if you want to complain about a price increase ;) ... C'Mon I had too ..


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Yeah his response answered my question .. I don't think its good practice to jump on a companies forum and cry wolf about an unsafe product unless you have some tangible evidence .... Now if you want to complain about a price increase ;) ... C'Mon I had too ..
Oh I do complain about this too, and I do know of a reputable source for them to get their Compounds Main ingredient should they wish to switch their providers for a cheaper source with full spectrometer analysis ran by me and a friend at our college to prove its legit...only to make it more cost-friendly to the public of course haha. I do not represent anyone, but I think IML would benefit from this a lot ;p! Less Price=More Consumers :D!


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Celorza-jus let them know your from Texas and ya Don't Mess with Texas...HOW BOUT THEM COWBOYS!!!-only a matter of time before they rule the NFL again... if only we had Tom Landry, oh and of course Tony Dorsett...
That statement is right , BUT I do not like the cowboys haha not for a while now...Growing up they used to be my team but meh, they have gone down the drain recently :(...But how about some love for the cowgirls...hhhmmm YUMMY! hahahaha fine a*s cheerleader team right there hahaha


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For a while there my wife had me watching some show about the Dallas Cowgirls and making the cut and say what you like about the Cowboys-everyone knows they have the hottest cheerleaders. I grew up with them as my team and I just could not change teams-even though I was tempted to when Jones let Landry go...
I kinda was dissapointed way before from the cowboys, I liked the idea of adding Owens to the team, liking the old McNabb and Owens combo in the eagles was awesome, and thought owens would do good for the team...well we all know how that played out haha...But still the hottest b1tches in the NFL are there, so if I get a chance to watch their games live , I take it hahaha


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Can you give us results from these 8 weeks? Getting ready to jump into the same.
I was in between cycles, actually I had been off orals completely for months. The Osta started to kick in at the end of the second week. I purposely did not change my diet, training or anything else, nor did I use anything other than my basic supps. I noticed an increase in energy, strength, endurance, increased vascularity, fat loss and I did not lose any muscle.


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Solid results right there!


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Solid results right there!
Same results for me , Cept for I actually put noticeable muscle on , without eating more, there is no doubt it is anabolic . I ran it for 8 . If it ever goes on sale * hint * I will buy it again .


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Anyone doubting the effets of Osta can feel free to go into jstor (university database) and look up the results of case studies of individuals scientifically running their experience for them...Furthermore, they can google the results of the human medical trial proving that even at very low dosages it still yielded muscle mass in menopausal women and old men, without real changes to their diets. It IS a powerful and (until now) safe compound. I have not found one piece of evidence to support a so called guru's claims...


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Since the actual formula for MK-2866 has not been release how do we know what we are getting in Ostra RX?


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Unfortunately for me, Osta didn't work at 3x daily for 4 weeks. I wish I had bought a second bottle. No help with tendon healing as well. Although my dosing protocol was geared towards lean mass. I did notice more vascularity. At current prices I won't be trying it again. I think I'm pretty typical as far as responding to supplements go, so if your thinking of running this I would suggest running two bottles.


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I used it as part of PCT with great success
Even ended up gaining 5lbs.


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If you buy two bottles and use the OSTA25 code, it comes out to $63 a bottle. I was getting ready to buy a few bottles of Anabeta Elite anyway, while it was on sale, but still have a bottle on hand. So, for about $11 more a bottle, I figured I'd give this a run. I'll be 50 this month, so we'll see how it goes!


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I took 2 bottles of osta from a peptides site and felt both. They made my muscle more full and I leaned out more. Just my personal experience.

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