Oral Tren


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I need your personal experience with Oral Tren such as how many MCG will have massive results with dialed in diet and pushing yourself to the limit in the gym and also is it taken daily all at once or split doses morning,afternoon,night?


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Good drug for peaking strength, but that’s about it. You can feel/see acute strength & drive from as little as a 500mcg taken preWO. More of a cherry-on-top kind of finisher.

Almost every AAS you could think of will have better bodybuilding/tissue-accrual potential because running Mtren for even 2-3 weeks isn’t generally advisable. There are just a lot better drugs to gain size because you need to be able to actually eat enough food AND run it long enough to grow real tissue.

Same for strength development - even if you were after pretty fast strength gains, you could run most orals for 4-8 weeks. You can only train so often in 2 weeks, and even 4 weeks of Dbol is 100% more time to train.


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Good drug for peaking strength, but that’s about it. You can feel/see acute strength & drive from as little as a 500mcg taken preWO. More of a cherry-on-top kind of finisher.

Almost every AAS you could think of will have better bodybuilding/tissue-accrual potential because running Mtren for even 2-3 weeks isn’t generally advisable. There are just a lot better drugs to gain size because you need to be able to actually eat enough food AND run it long enough to grow real tissue.

Same for strength development - even if you were after pretty fast strength gains, you could run most orals for 4-8 weeks. You can only train so often in 2 weeks, and even 4 weeks of Dbol is 100% more time to train.
Combine this with the 20lbs in 10 weeks program and omg Mr Olympia!

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