OLYMPUS LABS taking over the rest of 2018!!


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The insider club was a limited time offer that we gave to AM members when OL grew to a medium tier company in terms of sales. It was a way to say thanks to those on AM who helped that happen.

Unfortunately that offer has been closed.
That's unfortunate. OL makes good stuff but I can't justify upwards of £300 of supports for a £200 cycle/pct. Lol


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What’s the new ignite going to be like stim strength wise comprared to the old one?


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What’s the new ignite going to be like stim strength wise comprared to the old one?
J Regina, Eria J & Rauw all removed so I am pretty confident in saying it will be weaker stim wise. If you are looking for a good stim kick the new version of bloodshr3d is going to be better option IMO.


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J Regina, Eria J & Rauw all removed so I am pretty confident in saying it will be weaker stim wise. If you are looking for a good stim kick the new version of bloodshr3d is going to be better option IMO.
Yeah i love ol products but I get the feeling this is gonna be crap unfortunately. And I’m a massive fan of ignite and Bloodshr3d
Olympus Labs

Olympus Labs

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Yeah i love ol products but I get the feeling this is gonna be crap unfortunately. And I’m a massive fan of ignite and Bloodshr3d

Can do 2 caps IGNIT3 1 scoop bs 2x a day to get that all day energy/fat loss stack going, and then .. throw in ASSASS1NATE


Just checked my order and it now says bloodshr3d will start shipping Nov 1.
Thanks dude. Just because it’s on the website doesn’t necessarily mean it’s in stock and shipping. I’ve been hurt too many times.


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J Regina, Eria J & Rauw all removed so I am pretty confident in saying it will be weaker stim wise. If you are looking for a good stim kick the new version of bloodshr3d is going to be better option IMO.
Yeah i love ol products but I get the feeling this is gonna be crap unfortunately. And I’m a massive fan of ignite and Bloodshr3d
Yeah not a fan of the new formula...it "was" the best all in 1 thermo out there. Me being very sensitive to "Y" can handle the Rauw. in the formula for some reason. I find it utterly enjoyable taking this....such a good product. Oh well...I'm sure there is a TON of OG formula floating around so won't have to worry. Just bought a new bottle and bought Assassinat3 for pre-meals.


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Yeah not a fan of the new formula...it "was" the best all in 1 thermo out there. Me being very sensitive to "Y" can handle the Rauw. in the formula for some reason. I find it utterly enjoyable taking this....such a good product. Oh well...I'm sure there is a TON of OG formula floating around so won't have to worry. Just bought a new bottle and bought Assassinat3 for pre-meals.
It is a shame that so many jurisdictions don't allow Rauwolscine and the various other sympathomimetic like compounds. Can always stack Rawoulscine with the new version, it is actually quite thermogenic in its own right - alot smoother energy for many though.


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Just ordered two bottles of the protein and excited to see how it tastes

Assuming the muscle building addition would have benefits to taking prior to bed due to the GABA, correct?


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Just ordered two bottles of the protein and excited to see how it tastes

Assuming the muscle building addition would have benefits to taking prior to bed due to the GABA, correct?
The most important dose will be post WO to reap the most benefits from GABA. Pre-bed is also great. I got my first 2 flavors today. Peanut butter cups and gingerbread cookies. Both are outstanding. Can’t wait for the other three next month. What flavs did you pick?


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The most important dose will be post WO to reap the most benefits from GABA. Pre-bed is also great. I got my first 2 flavors today. Peanut butter cups and gingerbread cookies. Both are outstanding. Can’t wait for the other three next month. What flavs did you pick?
The peanut butter and fruity cereal flavor.

I’ve been drinking a budget brand protein and the flavor is blah, very excited to see how these taste


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The most important dose will be post WO to reap the most benefits from GABA. Pre-bed is also great. I got my first 2 flavors today. Peanut butter cups and gingerbread cookies. Both are outstanding. Can’t wait for the other three next month. What flavs did you pick?
I have the blueberry pastry and gingerbread en route. Most likely going to pick up the mocha and pb cups in the next week or 2 as well. Can’t resist and I just know I’m going to need to keep some Superior Protein in the rotation


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Yeah not a fan of the new formula...it "was" the best all in 1 thermo out there. Me being very sensitive to "Y" can handle the Rauw. in the formula for some reason. I find it utterly enjoyable taking this....such a good product. Oh well...I'm sure there is a TON of OG formula floating around so won't have to worry. Just bought a new bottle and bought Assassinat3 for pre-meals.
I like rauwolscine (though I also have no issues with yohimbine) so I hear you. There are plenty of people who don't do well with it though, and unfortunately in many countries it is not compliant. We still offer rauw on its own as part of the Essentials line for anyone who wants to stack, which does give you some flexibility. Plus Ignit3 on its own will still be very effective for those who don't want to buy two products or who don't like rauw.
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What’s the half-life of the pharmaGABA I the muscle building version of superior protein?

Trying to plan out my meals a bit better
Olympus Labs

Olympus Labs

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Thanks dude. Just because it’s on the website doesn’t necessarily mean it’s in stock and shipping. I’ve been hurt too many times.
Set to ship this week. We actually have 2 products in the warehouse manufactured that haven't been released to the public yet. Prioritizing our content and marketing strategies before releasing product preemptively.
Olympus Labs

Olympus Labs

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Yeah not a fan of the new formula...it "was" the best all in 1 thermo out there. Me being very sensitive to "Y" can handle the Rauw. in the formula for some reason. I find it utterly enjoyable taking this....such a good product. Oh well...I'm sure there is a TON of OG formula floating around so won't have to worry. Just bought a new bottle and bought Assassinat3 for pre-meals.
Just buy a bottle of rauwolscine and it will last you 90 servings. 10% of the population likes rauwolscine we have an internal way to survey our customers on questions like this before we go to formulation stages and another vice is that its not compliant literally anywhere but the US. As a fat burner it will work better than the old version, there are many ways to add stims with the versatile 4 cap dosing as i've laid out above.


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They have multiple 30% off codes floating around also....for example Use GNO30 for 30% off
You sir, are a ****ing gangster.

@OL What is the new Kings Blood about? It doesn't show up under any categories on your website.


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I like the insider club even though I’m not a frequent customer. It’s sealed the deal on two purchases for me. That’s about once per 6 months but it made me choose OL hands down


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Just buy a bottle of rauwolscine and it will last you 90 servings. 10% of the population likes rauwolscine we have an internal way to survey our customers on questions like this before we go to formulation stages and another vice is that its not compliant literally anywhere but the US. As a fat burner it will work better than the old version, there are many ways to add stims with the versatile 4 cap dosing as i've laid out above.
New thermo > old thermo. Plus it’s easier for mass marketing.

Also seeing oleurperin and gingerols extracted for that percentage is pretty rare. Nice job


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New thermo > old thermo. Plus it’s easier for mass marketing.

Also seeing oleurperin and gingerols extracted for that percentage is pretty rare. Nice job
Thanks for the positive feedback


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Just buy a bottle of rauwolscine and it will last you 90 servings. 10% of the population likes rauwolscine we have an internal way to survey our customers on questions like this before we go to formulation stages and another vice is that its not compliant literally anywhere but the US. As a fat burner it will work better than the old version, there are many ways to add stims with the versatile 4 cap dosing as i've laid out above.
going to be trying your rauwolscine soon...I've been told it is the best available, pretty excited to try it.


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TrainerTone just notified me that the jug of protein I was selected to review is on it's way...mmm blueberry!!!

I asked for the pharmagaba and can't wait to try it out...my usual protein is 6 star from Walmart so this will be a significant upgrade!!!


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Set to ship this week. We actually have 2 products in the warehouse manufactured that haven't been released to the public yet. Prioritizing our content and marketing strategies before releasing product preemptively.
Please tell me it’s the new preworkout forum all I am Supreme


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TrainerTone just notified me that the jug of protein I was selected to review is on it's way...mmm blueberry!!!

I asked for the pharmagaba and can't wait to try it out...my usual protein is 6 star from Walmart so this will be a significant upgrade!!!
You have some other flavor samples on the way as well brother;)


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You guys dropping ashwagandha extract from your lineup? Has be out of stock on your website and on suppremecy for quite awhile now.


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Standalone PLCAR (or even included in formulas) seems pretty rare nowadays. Anyone know why? Always thought that would be a solid option for an essentials line


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TrainerTone just notified me that the jug of protein I was selected to review is on it's way...mmm blueberry!!!

I asked for the pharmagaba and can't wait to try it out...my usual protein is 6 star from Walmart so this will be a significant upgrade!!!
Definite upgrade for sure!! And we hooked you up brother!!

max silver

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Any possibility of a standalone urolithin b product at some point? The other two ingredients are super common and easy to obtain now, it's just hard to justify the high cost of Ep1logue basically for this ingredient alone.


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Any possibility of a standalone urolithin b product at some point? The other two ingredients are super common and easy to obtain now, it's just hard to justify the high cost of Ep1logue basically for this ingredient alone.
Curious how much of a public interest there is in urolothin B outside of the AM community (same goes for my PLCAR thought above, too)

max silver

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EP1LOGUE and MASSACR3 are some of or our most popular products sales wise.
Does that mean yes or on for the possibility of standalone urolithin b? It would be cool to be able to effectively combine urolithin b with Massacr3 for example instead of half doses of Massacr3 and Ep1logue, or any number of products out there that it would likely stack nicely with.


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Quick question..... I’m in the final stages of my PTC of clomid and Kingsblood. I’m about to add the new Eliminate and drop the clomid. I take Assassinate almost year around and was going to add the new Bloodshed to this. Any concerns with running these 4 together for a couple of months?


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Thats the discount? Hard pass for me. I have tried pretty much every OL product, but I just cant justify that price. Especially when Strong is having killer deals on other OL products. Was really looking forward to trying this and am at the bottom of what I currently use. Guess I will buy something else.
I just ordered on OL and I’m part of the email club so my total w/shipping is 35.98$


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Does that mean yes or on for the possibility of standalone urolithin b? It would be cool to be able to effectively combine urolithin b with Massacr3 for example instead of half doses of Massacr3 and Ep1logue, or any number of products out there that it would likely stack nicely with.
I’m sure. I meant how well that ingredient would do as a standalone as part of your essentials series
It isn't planned at this stage, similar reason as to why we didn't release a stand alone VASO6, this will in effect canabolize sales from each other and its another production line item etc.


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Does that mean yes or on for the possibility of standalone urolithin b? It would be cool to be able to effectively combine urolithin b with Massacr3 for example instead of half doses of Massacr3 and Ep1logue, or any number of products out there that it would likely stack nicely with.
You shouldn’t take too much Uro B as it’ll have side-effects


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^ AM doesn’t work properly on my phone anymore so I can’t edit posts

I do seem to remember finding out that epilogue and massacre contain the maximum safe dosage of Uro B
Olympus Labs

Olympus Labs

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You guys dropping ashwagandha extract from your lineup? Has be out of stock on your website and on suppremecy for quite awhile now.
It just got back in stock. I just asked when it'd be back up

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