Old guys approach to a pain free healing-recomp SARMS Log



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Day 38:


Arms are almost healed, hammer curl movement still painful but all other movements now pain free.
"Armaid' is the best tool , hands down.

After 3 weeks of strict diet, I can't loose any weight. I'm on 1700 kcal with 217 lbs. I weight my food and do only cheat Saturdays with 1-2 bottles of red wine ,barbecue and nuts. No ice cream, no excessive carbs , I swear !
That is unbelievable, at least to me.
Osta in combination with Cardarine and Ibutamoren seems to be stalling all weight loss. I notice changes in my body composition almost daily.
I dropped the Cardarine 2 days ago and replaced it with SR9009. If it's not placebo then I definitely feel more energetic. Not to the point that I could beat personal max-weight records, but I feel pleasure while working out.

Will now post pics weekly.







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Day 38:


Arms are almost healed, hammer curl movement still painful but all other movements now pain free.
"Armaid' is the best tool , hands down.

After 3 weeks of strict diet, I can't loose any weight. I'm on 1700 kcal with 217 lbs. I weight my food and do only cheat Saturdays with 1-2 bottles of red wine ,barbecue and nuts. No ice cream, no excessive carbs , I swear !
That is unbelievable, at least to me.
Osta in combination with Cardarine and Ibutamoren seems to be stalling all weight loss. I notice changes in my body composition almost daily.
I dropped the Cardarine 2 days ago and replaced it with SR9009. If it's not placebo then I definitely feel more energetic. Not to the point that I could beat personal max-weight records, but I feel pleasure while working out.

Will now post pics weekly.

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Nice job! Between 34 and 38 I noticed a huge difference in body composition! Keep it up!


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Since this website will need 10 bucks a month, I quit my blogs and use the money on supplements instead.
Obviously, the owner of this website is getting greedy. Goodbye and good luck.


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Ok, i got it...
It's April's fools day.
I'm a fool I guess.



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haha, they had you there :)

nice progress - keep it going


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Since this website will need 10 bucks a month, I quit my blogs and use the money on supplements instead.
Obviously, the owner of this website is getting greedy. Goodbye and good luck.
. Ha ha ha


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Day: 47

Eastern broke my diet.
I'm up 3 lbs and hoping that those 3 pounds are a huge turd, stuck in my colon, coming out any minute.
Goddamn those sweets my wife bought for the kids.
The gym was closed too.


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Day: 47

Eastern broke my diet.
I'm up 3 lbs and hoping that those 3 pounds are a huge turd, stuck in my colon, coming out any minute.
Goddamn those sweets my wife bought for the kids.
The gym was closed too.
Easter candy is a diet killer, that's for sure!


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Day: 47

Eastern broke my diet.
I'm up 3 lbs and hoping that those 3 pounds are a huge turd, stuck in my colon, coming out any minute.
Goddamn those sweets my wife bought for the kids.
The gym was closed too.
Probably water retention, u will probably crap it out lol.


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Day: 48

Today was legs and abs, very good workout ! The surplus of simple sugars over the holidays gave extra boost. :p
The Osta-Ibutamoren combo is fantastic for recomp ! Couldn't loose enough weight BUT I lost a lot of fat.
I will begin the lean bulk on Monday as planed, drop Osta and go with LGD, ramping it up from 3mg to 18mg over the weeks.
As LGD has to build up first, I will keep my low cal- intermittent fasting diet until the end of the next week.

My arms are healed to 85% and I feel confident to up the weights.

I'm at 30mg SR9009 daily and don't feel it at all. Will keep taking it until the second bottle is empty, who knows, it may kick in after a month and transforms me into a hairy Greek god.

Currently on:
Ostarine 20mg
Ibutamoren MK-677 80mg
SR9009 30mg
Whey, Casein, BCAA , Liver support


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Probably water retention, u will probably crap it out lol.
Nope, it did not come out... :( I did two days with only one meal after training to compensate. Sucks to be me. lol


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Do you sometimes cheat , and if so, what is it ? (Beer,Pizza,Ice cream...)
Honestly, haven't found a food or drink that I like enough to cheat with. The wife tells me I don't have the "food" gene! Lol. Hard gainer here for sure.


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Honestly, haven't found a food or drink that I like enough to cheat with. The wife tells me I don't have the "food" gene! Lol. Hard gainer here for sure.
Now that explains your splendid physique!
If I could choose the one thing cheating were allowed with, it would be spaghetti, not the occasional plate but a huge bowl with meat balls and cheese, twice a day. Jack Daniels with Coke would come second.

Ah, haven't had a Whiskey with Coke in ages (one week ago).


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Now that explains your splendid physique!
If I could choose the one thing cheating were allowed with, it would be spaghetti, not the occasional plate but a huge bowl with meat balls and cheese, twice a day. Jack Daniels with Coke would come second.

Ah, haven't had a Whiskey with Coke in ages (one week ago).
Out of that line up I'll take ONLY the meatballs and cheese! Lol! See, I told you that my genes are messed up! Lol


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Day: 51

Today was shoulder and dead lift. All went well.
Did dead lift with 165kg (363lbs) x 6 , got over confident and tried for one rep with 185kg (408lbs). Got the weight 1.5 feet off the ground while almost ****ting myself.

Next week bulking starts, then I will get this bastard up, I swear !


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Day: 52

In preparation for the upcoming bulk, I changed all my routines, from "easy on the elbows" -to "advanced".
Yesterday, instead of using cables for shoulders I did seated military press (normally hate it) and front rises with a bar, instead of cables or DB.
I noted a huge difference in workout quality. The new exercises hit the muscles way better.

Today I changed the dips for Decline Barbell Press and instantly got from confident- to whiny wimp in a second.
Interchanged the heavy bar for the aluminum bar and put two smaller plates on.

Later, changed cables for skull crushers with z-bar and it transformed me into a girl instantly. Then close grip bench press and it transformed me from a girl to a yelping and trembling Chihuahua.

All in all, very good workouts and muscle pain for 3 days to come.


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Day: 58

6th day of the bulking cycle.
5 meals per day, no processed food, whey pre- post workout and casein at night. I'm up 2 lbs. Having my own little farm outside the city comes in handy.
Every day fresh eggs, cow milk and chicken, all organic.

Started Ligandrol at 5mg and upped it recently to 12mg once daily. I'm still on MK-677 at 80mg and SR-9009 at 30mg per day.
IMHO, SR-9009 is crap, or may be fake- or under dosed. 200+ bucks down the drain. Imagine how many cheeseburgers this would have bought me ( kidding).
After upping Ligandrol, I'm feeling a bit dizzy sometimes, light headache and BP got up. Bringing the BP down with some squashed garlic cloves, my wife and kids can smell me now through walls and doors.

My workouts are getting intense with 4 exercises for each muscle group. Each exercise has 1 warmup set , 3 sets at 12-15 reps, increasing weights and then 2 pump-out-sets (Pyramid up- down) , taking weight off.

2 days ago I approached the biggest guy in the gym. He has those round cannonball shoulders, and asked him to show me how shoulders are properly trained. I'm really glad I did. Apparently, a slight difference in the angle of the elbow and a little stretch at the end of the movement makes a HUGE difference. Also, for lateral rises and bent over raises he recommended lower weights and a 1 second pause at the end of the movement. That day, every exercise burned like hell and my shoulders got hart as iron. Will definitively ask him for advise again, since the so called "personal trainers" at my gym are douches, only gathering around the hot chicks, starring at their butts, while flexing their "upper body only" muscles.

My arms are okay but still not at 100%. Now- and then a sharp pain but the "Armaid" can fix it in 5 minutes.


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How long are you running LGD?
My plan was 8 weeks of Osta+GW+MK-677 to cut and recomp, then 6 weeks LGD + MK-677 lean bulk, then PCT (maybe with 10mg Osta?). The SR-9009 was an opportune experiment, call it a "snack" to try it.
My only concern NOW is, that my test levels may drop and nasty sides appear. In that case I will begin pct- or opt for weekly test-e injection.
Libido is still good, I don't feel a strengths increase but my weight is going up and the mirror shows good improvement.
I really feel like I am growing, literally. Pics follow next week.


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Ah, I acknowledge that I did not reach my goal while cutting. I jumped on the bulking wagon with at least 17% bf. My philosophy is:
" Grow around the fat " . Meaning, before starving myself to a lean girl, I prefer to get more muscular and can spend more calories daily afterwards, making a new cutting cycle easier.
Maybe bro-science, but hey, I'm convinced it will work :) .


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My plan was 8 weeks of Osta+GW+MK-677 to cut and recomp, then 6 weeks LGD + MK-677 lean bulk, then PCT (maybe with 10mg Osta?). The SR-9009 was an opportune experiment, call it a "snack" to try it.
My only concern NOW is, that my test levels may drop and nasty sides appear. In that case I will begin pct- or opt for weekly test-e injection.
Libido is still good, I don't feel a strengths increase but my weight is going up and the mirror shows good improvement.
I really feel like I am growing, literally. Pics follow next week.
Well you can try out BLRs Rebirth and they have a estro blocker that is so pose to be amazing coming out soon. That's good that you seeing change, can't wait to see your results.


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Well you can try out BLRs Rebirth and they have a estro blocker that is so pose to be amazing coming out soon. That's good that you seeing change, can't wait to see your results.
Thank you, will have a look at "Rebirth".


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One week into bulking.

Currently: 15mg LGD x day / 80mg MK-677 x day / 30mg SR-9009
Whey,Casein,BCAA,Liver Support, Potassium

In only 7 days I gained 7 lbs. That can't be good...
Strength is through the roof and I'm blowing up like a Puffer fish, to my shame also at waist level.
My guess is, it's mostly water and insulin resistance. I have to cut carbs and sodium to a minimum. Will pop R-Ala 3 times a day, change macros around and stop CHEATING.
I cheated heavily on my diet the last 3 days, like Chocolate late at night and to many nuts in front of the computer.

BP slightly up, but no more headache.
Last edited:


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One week into bulking.

Currently: 15mg LGD x day / 80mg MK-4033 x day / 30mg SR-9009
Whey,Casein,BCAA,Liver Support, Potassium

In only 7 days I gained 7 lbs. That can't be good...
Strength is through the roof and I'm blowing up like a Puffer fish, to my shame also at waist level.
My guess is, it's mostly water and insulin resistance. I have to cut carbs and sodium to a minimum. Will pop R-Ala 3 times a day, change macros around and stop CHEATING.
I cheated heavily on my diet the last 3 days, like Chocolate late at night and to many nuts in front of the computer.

BP slightly up, but no more headache.
7lbs in 7 days?! That's LGD for you lol. Yea I'd say you right about the water retention and insulin resistance.


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Day: 61 -Bulking phase-


Lat pull down (wide grip)
135 lbs x 15/12/14
Drop set 1: 105 x10
Drop set 2: 90 x10

seated row reverse grip:
157 lbs x16/14/12
Drop set 1: 120 x12
Drop set 2: 105 x13

Lat pull down narrow grip:
127 lbs x13/9/10
Drop set 1: 105 x10
Drop set 2: 90 x9

Straight arm lat pull down (rope)
62 lbs x 9/10/9
Drop set 1: 46 x9
Drop set 2: 38 x9

DB Biceps curls seated:

38,5 x 14/13/9
Drop set 1: 33 x8
Drop set 2: 27.5 x6

No pain in elbows or forearms ( but not ready for hammer curls).
The LGD is kicking in at 15mg, no doubt in my mind.
I'm growing fast, but also noticed some bloat. Libido is somewhat low and BP a bit high 148/95 ( I'm almost 47, but still high).

Here some pics for comparison:

day612 (1).jpg

day612 (2).jpg

Note: I'm showing my face, because I live in a virtually lawless, third world banana-country. :p


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Day: 63

I'm very focused on quality, each rep takes 3 seconds.

BB Bench press
187 x15/9/12 +2 drop sets

Declined BB bench
165 x 15
176 x12/8 +2 drop sets

Inclined BB bench
121 x 15
132 x12/8 +2 drop sets

Straight arm pullover
55 x12/9/8 no drop set

Not as many sets as CJNator pulls off, let's see how many sets he does when he is my age :p hehehe


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Day: 63

I'm very focused on quality, each rep takes 3 seconds.

BB Bench press
187 x15/9/12 +2 drop sets

Declined BB bench
165 x 15
176 x12/8 +2 drop sets

Inclined BB bench
121 x 15
132 x12/8 +2 drop sets

Straight arm pullover
55 x12/9/8 no drop set

Not as many sets as CJNator pulls off, let's see how many sets he does when he is my age :p hehehe
Lol one day I'll find out. Still looks like a good workout, i can't see your pictures on the AM app. Will check em asap.


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Lol one day I'll find out. Still looks like a good workout, i can't see your pictures on the AM app. Will check em asap.
By now I gained 9 lbs in 9 days. No joke. It is water retention for sure.
It probably is the MK-677, as LGD is not known for causing bloat.

Two options:

1.Finishing the cycle as planned, lets see if I will mutate into Butterbean
2.cutting the MK-677 out - or lowering it (now at 80mg x day)

What would you do ?


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Since I only have one laboratory rat (me) to experiment on, I decided to stop the MK-677 for now.
Gaining 1 pound per day is too scary.
With the bloat comes elevated BP and it's better to be safe.

Will taper down from 80mg to 25 to 12,5mg to 0 in the next days.

When starting PCT in a few weeks, I may opt for taking MK-677 again, at a reasonable dose, to improve nitrogen balance -and stop catabolism.

From now on it's only LGD at 15mg x day.


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Since I only have one laboratory rat (me) to experiment on, I decided to stop the MK-677 for now.
Gaining 1 pound per day is too scary.
With the bloat comes elevated BP and it's better to be safe.

Will taper down from 80mg to 25 to 12,5mg to 0 in the next days.

When starting PCT in a few weeks, I may opt for taking MK-677 again, at a reasonable dose, to improve nitrogen balance -and stop catabolism.

From now on it's only LGD at 15mg x day.
Not sure if there is a waiting time in between how long you need till you can use Mk677 but I read its best to be used 5-6 months at 30mg is fine.


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I'd stay the course as I think this is water weight. Carbs bloat my stomach to the point I look pregnant. Drop the carbs back and make up cals with protein and healthy fats.


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Day: 61 -Bulking phase-


Lat pull down (wide grip)
135 lbs x 15/12/14
Drop set 1: 105 x10
Drop set 2: 90 x10

seated row reverse grip:
157 lbs x16/14/12
Drop set 1: 120 x12
Drop set 2: 105 x13

Lat pull down narrow grip:
127 lbs x13/9/10
Drop set 1: 105 x10
Drop set 2: 90 x9

Straight arm lat pull down (rope)
62 lbs x 9/10/9
Drop set 1: 46 x9
Drop set 2: 38 x9

DB Biceps curls seated:

38,5 x 14/13/9
Drop set 1: 33 x8
Drop set 2: 27.5 x6

No pain in elbows or forearms ( but not ready for hammer curls).
The LGD is kicking in at 15mg, no doubt in my mind.
I'm growing fast, but also noticed some bloat. Libido is somewhat low and BP a bit high 148/95 ( I'm almost 47, but still high).

Here some pics for comparison:

View attachment 118006
View attachment 118007

Note: I'm showing my face, because I live in a virtually lawless, third world banana-country. :p
Damn i notice a huge difference from the last pictures. Keep it up man!


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Thanks for your support guys!

Will dose down the MK-677 to 30mg and wait what happens. Since I'm using it for over two month now, it would be a shame to stop it, I agree.
BP is currently at 150/94. A year ago, when I was barely able to move (see pics) , my BP was 170/105 and I'm still here, jumping around, so I guess I will survive, lol.
I'm really feeling good overall. The regain of size at waist level is depressing though.

Kenpo, will cut out most carbs, keeping protein up. Luckily, I have 10 gallons of fresh pressed coconut oil, this will be a good fat to use (not all at once, lol).

CJNator, please clear your PM's , no more room


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Thanks for your support guys!

Will dose down the MK-677 to 30mg and wait what happens. Since I'm using it for over two month now, it would be a shame to stop it, I agree.
BP is currently at 150/94. A year ago, when I was barely able to move (see pics) , my BP was 170/105 and I'm still here, jumping around, so I guess I will survive, lol.
I'm really feeling good overall. The regain of size at waist level is depressing though.

Kenpo, will cut out most carbs, keeping protein up. Luckily, I have 10 gallons of fresh pressed coconut oil, this will be a good fat to use (not all at once, lol).

CJNator, please clear your PM's , no more room
All done


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Day: 64

I'm following instructions of the local "gym-monster":
1 rep = 3 seconds, hold 1 second at the top of movement.

Seated Leg Press
297 lbs x 15/15/15

Leg extension
195 lbs x12/9/9

Seated Leg curls
Max weight (no idea how much)

Calf raises seated ( 1 second on top )
160 lbs x 28/22/25
- cramped up badly in last set, walked funny afterwards, like having a turd in my pants

Seated Military Press Smith
110 lbs x8/12/6 (33 lbs plate each site, Bar is 44 lbs?... is this right?)
-I hate this exercise, it feels like my shoulder joints are breaking into pieces... I hate,hate,hate it, REALLY

Front rises with BB (1 second hold at top movement)
37 lbs 10/11/9
-with DB I could do it with 33 lbs each hand, since using BB, I turned into *****, it forces you to better form IMHO

Lateral rises (1 second hold at top )
16,5x2 x15/12/15

Bent-Over Rear Deltoid Raise (hold 1 second at top)
16,5x2 15/14/14

The thing with the "1 second on top" and "1 rep = 3 seconds", brought my weights down to half. But pump and burn is getting now almost unbearable.


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Just wanted to say that I have been enjoying the log so far. Keep up the good work!


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Just wanted to say that I have been enjoying the log so far. Keep up the good work!
Thank you!
I wished I had seen your current log earlier, very interesting approach and IMHO a success.
Loved the Food-Porn!


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Day: 65

Today was "off" but I wanted to "retouch" shoulders a bit, then I remembered, that I missed on Deadlift last time.

Stiff legged Deadlift
165 lbs x22 / 16 shrugs
253 lbs x10 / 16 shrugs
297 lbs x8 / 10 shrugs ( Here I realized, I forgot my weightlifting belt )

Plate grip Deadlift
First time trying those weird suckers....
121 lbs x15/15/12 (after that I had my fingers cramped into claws, like Nosferatu)

DB Lateral raise ( 3 second x rep, 1 second hold rule)
11 lbs x15
16.5 x10/10

Bent-Over Rear Deltoid Raise ( 3 second x rep, 1 second hold rule)
16,5 lbs x 12/8/7/8

Bent-Over One-Arm Deltoid Raise ( 3 second x rep, 1 second hold rule)
each side:
16.5 lbs x10/10/10

Bradford Press (Olympic bar)
counted each movement:

3 exercises of 2 sets with Olympic bar


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Thanks for your support guys!

Will dose down the MK-677 to 30mg and wait what happens. Since I'm using it for over two month now, it would be a shame to stop it, I agree.
BP is currently at 150/94. A year ago, when I was barely able to move (see pics) , my BP was 170/105 and I'm still here, jumping around, so I guess I will survive, lol.
I'm really feeling good overall. The regain of size at waist level is depressing though.

Kenpo, will cut out most carbs, keeping protein up. Luckily, I have 10 gallons of fresh pressed coconut oil, this will be a good fat to use (not all at once, lol).
Oooh, watch that BP! About the carbs, don't cut them out just reduce. Might help if you post weight, height and current macros. Do you track macros?


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Oooh, watch that BP! About the carbs, don't cut them out just reduce. Might help if you post weight, height and current macros. Do you track macros?
Tracked macros while cutting. Now I do it with the "Hand and Fist" rule, like:
On my plate I have size wise: 1 open hand meat, 1 hand of greens and a fist of mashed potatoes.
Should I count the macros more precisely?


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Tracked macros while cutting. Now I do it with the "Hand and Fist" rule, like:
On my plate I have size wise: 1 open hand meat, 1 hand of greens and a fist of mashed potatoes.
Should I count the macros more precisely?
Tracking them for me really helps so I know how much cardio to do the next day or if its necessary. I used myfitnesspal when I do a legit cut or I go into a lean bulk.


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You are right, will track them better, writing it down, starting on Monday. My weight gain has stopped for now but the bloat is still there.

Day: 66

Today Biceps-Triceps

I read the news article (click on it in top bar) about low weight pre-pumping to failure, before each set.
Did it for all exercises. If you do it with 20% of max weight, as described, be prepared to do 100+ reps on the first set. LOL, training had 15 min overtime.
Pump was great, let's see if it does as promised.


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Day: 68


Lat pull down (wide grip)
154 lbs x 15/13/13
139 lbs x8 (3 seconds hold and squeeze)

seated row reverse grip:
170 lbs x15
139 lbs x10/12 ( 2 seconds hold and squeeze)
123 lbs x8 (3 seconds hold and squeeze)

Lat pull down narrow grip:
139 lbs x10
108 lbs x10x8 ( 1 seconds h & s)
92,5 lbs x11 ( 3 seconds h & s)

Straight arm lat pull down (rope)
70 lbs x 10/8
54 lbs x 7/7 ( 2 seconds h& s)

seated Biceps curl machine
108 lbs x7/7/8/8/7/7

Triceps close-grip-extensions (machine seated)
92.5 lbs x18 ( 3 seconds = 1 rep)
108 lbs x11 ( 3 seconds = 1 rep)
123 lbs x10/10/12 ( just pumping)

Very good workout for me, all weights going up, keeping optimal form. Upped the dose of MK-677 again to 50mg, since weight gain slowed down. LGD now at 18mg. Libido is getting a bit low, no morning wood noted.

I should counting carbs, like Kenpoengineer and CJNator are advising, but honestly, I'm to lazy.
I have 8 office hours in my stores , supervising everything and everyone, just can't find the time (and energy) to weight my food and count calories.

After adjusting my diet, as Kenpoengineer suggested,
my only carb meal is post workout ( today: 2 bananas, 1 cup whole wheat noodles, 1 handful of red grapes ). I'm taking 2 whey shakes (1 pre- 1 post) and 3 Casein shakes per day (last one before bed) .4-5 meals per day, mostly meat with greens, ground beef or Chicken legs. Once per day I drink a small cup of coconut oil, to get my daily fat.
My guess is, I'm getting 300+ grams protein, 120+ grams fat and 90+ grams carbs daily. Still feeling bloated, but I'm pissing more frequently, which is a good sign.


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Today I asked my wife if she noticed my body changing and if I looked a bit like a bodybuilder now.

Her response was:

"Yes, you look different. Not like a bodybuilder but more like an antique circus boxer. "




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Macro counting does suck lol
Yes, it sucks. I'm not training to compete. My goal is to have the strength to pull- and push my own body weight. When I'm 50 and older, I want to look like an older dude you don't wanna mess with. Best example is Paul Sr. from American Shopper.

To get visible abs, I would have to let go off a lot of fun in my life.



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Yes, it sucks. I'm not training to compete. My goal is to have the strength to pull- and push my own body weight. When I'm 50 and older, I want to look like an older dude you don't wanna mess with. Best example is Paul Sr. from American Shopper.

To get visible abs, I would have to let go off a lot of fun in my life.

View attachment 118261
That sounds like a good goal. You will definitely get there without a doubt.


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Day: 69

Woke up without morning wood and lethargic.
Thought the whole day about doing "off".
After work, I downed my pre- workout stimulant and did a great training session afterwards.
I use Matcha Green tea powder. One tea spoon in a bit of water. It hits you after about 15-20 minutes.
Using Matcha has his downsides, it can cause insomnia even after 6 or more hours.


Seated Smith Military Press
110 lbs 7/9/10/11/12
-still hating this exercise, that's why I did more sets, I'm a masochist , I guess

Front rises with Olympic BB (1 second hold at eye level)
-this hits traps really hard

DB Lateral rises (1 second hold at top )
17,5 lbsx2 8/8/8

DB Bent-Over Rear Deltoid Raise , with head resting on bench (hold 1 second at top)
22 lbsx2 10/7/8/9

DB Bent-Over 1 Arm Deltoid Raise ( 3 second x rep, 1 second hold rule)
22 lbs 10/10/10


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These are some well balanced lifting sessions. Awesome volume and weight being used. Nice job HG!

Most of us tend to eat the same foods week to week. Just track macros for a few days a week. This will give you an idea if your nutrition meets your goals. As far as carb tracking, I learned to avoid foods with processed sugar in them. Doing this alone helped reduce the waist size.

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