Not enough posts for PM..calling LG reps


New member
Hi, I am interested in taking Ph's for the first time. From the information I've gathered on this forum, it seems that this stack is perfect for what I want, which is small but steady lean gains. I am 23 years old, lifting for about 4 years, my diet is very clean at about 3000 calories a day with a gallon of water per day.

I just have a couple of questions about the dosing for the stack.
Firstly, how should M1D and Masterdrol be dosed as far as pre/post workout is concerned? Which one is taken pre and which is post? I eat a meal 1.5 hours before I get to the gym so should I dose at that time or take it sooner? Right now I take CellMass as soon as my workout is finished, I take it with me to the gym. Should I dose with that or take it with my shake an hour after the CellMass?

What about on my off days? When should I dose the M1D and Masterdrol as far as upon waking, midday and bed time is concerned? I will be ordering the stack with the free bottle of I-GH-1, how should I dose that? Can that be taken with M1D or Masterdrol?

I have never taken Ph's before and I want to make sure I am dosing at optimal times. I appreciate any advice/tips/help.

LG Sciences

LG Sciences

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It doesn't really matter except make sure you take the Masterdrol before working out at least 1-2 tablets


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Well, your comments are welcome too.
Thank you sir, Craig and I are close to being brothers;) I just don't want to beat a dead horse.. I'm sure he took great care of you as he always does, him and I are on the same page.. But I'm hear in case your need anything also:)


New member
Thank you sir, Craig and I are close to being brothers;) I just don't want to beat a dead horse.. I'm sure he took great care of you as he always does, him and I are on the same page.. But I'm hear in case your need anything also:)
Awesome, thanks.

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