Night shift Erase/OEP/Alpha log


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Week one of the mulligan is in the books. Had two exams and very little sleep during this time. Weight dropped by two lbs w/ about 80% dietary compliance and meeting my workouts.

Given that most of my workouts are kettlebell "smoke-out" type workouts, I'm not sure that my lifts have gone up any, not that it's my goal. I have noticed that I'm able to perform 4-5 pullups now, where just a couple months ago, I couldn't do any. We're planning a day in the gym to see where our squat, DL and OHP numbers are.


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keep it up man. just started this stack and love it so far.


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Ive always wanted to try the kettle-ball workouts...keep it goin man!
I highly recommend trying them out with a couple of caveats. Proper form is critical, so it's best to work with someone who knows what they're doing. And, to paraphrase Pavel, never fight over where the kettlebell wants to go.


The OEP does make you a little on edge. I am running OEP Alpha T2 and shift right now and the morning dose of alpha and OEP kills me. I get nausa and anxiety, but it has worked great so far this is my 4th week and I am avg. 2-4lbs a week.

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The OEP does make you a little on edge. I am running OEP Alpha T2 and shift right now and the morning dose of alpha and OEP kills me. I get nausa and anxiety, but it has worked great so far this is my 4th week and I am avg. 2-4lbs a week.
Yea that is likely due to the caffeine and 1,3-dimethylamylamine in OEP


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Yea that is likely due to the caffeine and 1,3-dimethylamylamine in OEP
I don't even notice the edginess now, although personally I'm not planning on using more OEP when it runs out.
Things are going well this week, despite missing a workout due to homework. I played around with our new sloshpipe we made this week and it's amazing what 10 minutes of fighting that thing will do for you.

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I don't even notice the edginess now, although personally I'm not planning on using more OEP when it runs out.
Things are going well this week, despite missing a workout due to homework. I played around with our new sloshpipe we made this week and it's amazing what 10 minutes of fighting that thing will do for you.
Homework killed my workouts for my entire college career lol...i know the feeling!


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Homework killed my workouts for my entire college career lol...i know the feeling!
This is one of the reasons I'm so excited over the new AnaBeta product. I'm hoping it might help me keep my gains despite missed workouts, or even make it possible to eliminate the 3rd day of training. I usually train MWF due to my lab/lifting partner's schedule (and we're in his garage), but often miss Wed's workout due to homework and/or lack of sleep.

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Sounds just like my college career was lol. Science major?

I always tried to get 3 days in, but was lucky to do so. I did a Push/Pull/Legs routine


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Anthro w/ a bio minor, working towards getting into physician assistant school. I'm done w/ the anthro stuff, it's all the bio stuff that's scheduled in such a way as to mess with my sleep. Always MWF w/ T or Th labs, and always right in the middle of the day, never a night-shift friendly early or late. :irked:

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I have some friends in PA school...they all love it. They are both in PA programs at DO schools (PCOM and LMU-DCOM). It is a great career...youll have a job the day you get out!


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I'd love to do PA school at a DO school, hopefully I'd learn some of the manipulative medicine. I have these delusions of being a PA that works w/ an antiaging or performance improvement practice. Too many of us get swept under the rug or looked at funny by our docs when we want labs done and are interested in keeping our health at optimum levels instead of simply "not sick".


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Belated weekly update: Last week was another rough one. Missed one workout due to school, Weight at 221 over the weekend. I'm noticing veins showing up on my chest a bit more lately, which is a promising sign in the face of a lack of weight change. My wife also remarked that I was looking better lately.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Belated weekly update: Last week was another rough one. Missed one workout due to school, Weight at 221 over the weekend. I'm noticing veins showing up on my chest a bit more lately, which is a promising sign in the face of a lack of weight change. My wife also remarked that I was looking better lately.
Missing a single training session is ok - so long as you take it in stride and don't let it affect further training sessions or your mind.

Sounds like things are going ok for you so far, though.


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Belated weekly update: Last week was another rough one. Missed one workout due to school, Weight at 221 over the weekend. I'm noticing veins showing up on my chest a bit more lately, which is a promising sign in the face of a lack of weight change. My wife also remarked that I was looking better lately.
Nice! Effects in the mirror are always the most rewarding IMO


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I'm a returning customer of your Erase and Alpha-T2 product. I stack those items with Oxylite Pro. I just reorder those three items (Erase, Alpha-T2, and Oxylite Pro) along with your Shift fat burner. Is it okay to stack all 4 of those products? Please Advise.


Chris Dove
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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I'm a returning customer of your Erase and Alpha-T2 product. I stack those items with Oxylite Pro. I just reorder those three items (Erase, Alpha-T2, and Oxylite Pro) along with your Shift fat burner. Is it okay to stack all 4 of those products? Please Advise.


Chris Dove
Chris, yes it's ok to stack all four products.

I recommend dosing/timing as follows:

Dose 1 (first thing upon waking on an empty stomach) - 1 cap Alpha-T2 + 1 cap Erase + 2 caps OxyElite Pro
Dose 2 (6-8 hours post-Dose 1) - 1 cap Erase + 1 cap OxyElite Pro + either [1 cap Alpha-T2 + 1 cap Shift] or 2 caps Alpha-T2
Dose 3 (15-60 min pre-bed) - 1 cap Erase + 1-2 caps Shift (with or without food)



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Late post from weekend:

Weight now 220 lbs. Workouts lightened up a bit due to feeling a bit creaky due to lack of sleep (shocker). Diet consisted of greek yogurt, low carb wraps, chicken, FF sour cream, sriacha hot sauce, and a cheat meal at the local greasy spoon burger joint. I probably shouldn't have, but too late now. :)


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Weekly update:

Weight still at 220 lbs.
Made all three KB training sessions (FINALLY!) last week. Ended up getting called in to work over the weekend, which cost me some sleep and recoup time.

Began logging my dietary intake again this week. Even with the sleep deprivation, I should be able to make some sort of gains in the BF% department. I keep messing w/ the electronic Omron tester at my gym, but I feel it's too wonky for a reliable reading.


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I'm a bit late on this update. Just finished my bottle of AT2. Weight dropped to 218 lbs for a day, then back up to 220 at the end of the week. While the scale might not show much, I'm able to see veins in my arms that I have NEVER seen before, including a new one on my bicep I was actually able to palpate. I forsee future use of PES supplements for at least one more round during the summer, since I'll be able to get more sleep and de-stress.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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I'm a bit late on this update. Just finished my bottle of AT2. Weight dropped to 218 lbs for a day, then back up to 220 at the end of the week. While the scale might not show much, I'm able to see veins in my arms that I have NEVER seen before, including a new one on my bicep I was actually able to palpate. I forsee future use of PES supplements for at least one more round during the summer, since I'll be able to get more sleep and de-stress.
Excellent news - yes, scale weight is IRrelevant, since body composition changes can occur with little or no change in overall body mass.

Re your comment on the electronic Omron tester earlier, yes, anything that tests body composition electronically, etc. is going to be UNreliable as far as the actual measurement, because the measurement is dependent on so many factors, and at best, all they can be used for is to provide a starting point/baseline to see if progress has been made - also provided that every time you take it, you do it at the same time, in the same condition re training, food and fluid intake, etc., and only use it as a measure of progress.

Glad to see that you're loving the PES products :)


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I'm a bit late on this update. Just finished my bottle of AT2. Weight dropped to 218 lbs for a day, then back up to 220 at the end of the week. While the scale might not show much, I'm able to see veins in my arms that I have NEVER seen before, including a new one on my bicep I was actually able to palpate. I forsee future use of PES supplements for at least one more round during the summer, since I'll be able to get more sleep and de-stress.
Great to hear man -- glad you enjoyed the run


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I've reordered AT2 for another run this summer. Even though it's been a couple of weeks after I finished my stack, I've still maintained the amount of fat loss on my arms and legs, and I'm hoping for continued results now that summer is here, classes are over, and I'm able to get more sleep throughout the week.

  • RockStar
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I've reordered AT2 for another run this summer. Even though it's been a couple of weeks after I finished my stack, I've still maintained the amount of fat loss on my arms and legs, and I'm hoping for continued results now that summer is here, classes are over, and I'm able to get more sleep throughout the week.
Good plan...better sleep and more time to dedicate to your goals will make them come much easier
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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I've reordered AT2 for another run this summer. Even though it's been a couple of weeks after I finished my stack, I've still maintained the amount of fat loss on my arms and legs, and I'm hoping for continued results now that summer is here, classes are over, and I'm able to get more sleep throughout the week.
Great stuff :) Make sure that as long as your nutrition and/or training are in line with your goals, fat loss will be maintained or continued, and Alpha-T2 (when you start again) will just make it that little bit easier.

All the best with the last of your study for the year.

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