New strength workout, critique please


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Hey guys, I've lost a lot of strength and some muscle (no changes in the fat department, unfortunately) since I injured my ankle badly at the very end of September. Since then, I haven't been able to work out at all.

Hopefully by early-mid December, I can start a new training program to help me gain back whatever strength I lost, and hopefully a little bit of the muscle I lost. I'd also like to work on my cardiovascular health since I've neglected cardio quite a bit for almost a year and to lose a bit of fat (did elliptical twice a week or so for the past year, but not too intensely).

I don't want a split routine because I'm tired and bored of those, so I'm considering a routine a guy at my gym did to add some strength. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I'd like to do 4 sets of bench, 4 sets of deadlifts, and 4 sets of squats. On off days, I would do some cardio (either running or elliptical, depending on my ankle).

Do you guys think this would be a good program for someone wanting to gain some strength? I may add 3 sets of pull-ups for back width as well (need to work on pull-ups anyways).

Maybe on a Saturday, just get into the gym and have a quick arm day (I know, I know, having a solo arm day isn't necessary for growth, but I've neglected arms for the past 6 months, so I'd like to see what kind of gains I could get with them, and in the past, having a day dedicated to them really helped) and a little bit of cardio.

Do you guys think this is a decent plan? Bobo, can you chime in? Thanks.


Power/ rep reange/ shock

Google this training routine. Eric Broser is the creater of this. I have used it for 10 weeks and seen the best results i have ever had.


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Your plan roughly sounds like a 5x5 routine, which is a solid plan for strength and/or mass.


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But I would only be doing 4 sets, and just doing those three compound exercises, nothing else. Isn't the 5x5 routine for each bodypart?

lilGiant, I'll definitely look that routine out. Sounds like one week, you do high reps, next week less reps, and the shock week, not sure, but I'll definitely read up more about it.


But I would only be doing 4 sets, and just doing those three compound exercises, nothing else. Isn't the 5x5 routine for each bodypart?

lilGiant, I'll definitely look that routine out. Sounds like one week, you do high reps, next week less reps, and the shock week, not sure, but I'll definitely read up more about it.
Yea its along those lines. You are constantly shocking your muscles. It might not be exactly what you want for strength but you can always modify the plan. Its very good for people who have nagging joint problems or minor injuries because its not the same compound movements over and over again, & after three weeks, you have and active recovery week!

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