Need diet help, with a practical edge as well.


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I'm looking for an honest diet critique that I can use. At the start of next week, I am going to begin cutting, and here is my bulk diet right now.

4 Eggs, 2 slices of white toast. water

mid morning
low fat, low carb, low sugar protien shake

tuna, with 2 tsps of mayo, and 2 tsps of relish ( need a substitute for this because I can't consume that much mercury, so I alternate eod
1 serving of applesauce (Is this good? I don't think it is)

mid afternoon (preworkout)
1 quarter pound of ground sirlion
2 servings of cottage cheese

3 chicken breasts, baked potato, vegetables, salad

after dinner

either a protien shake or vegetables

What can I get rid of to cut, what should I add in to it so that I can still get a lot of protien?

I added a picture, It's pretty pathetic, I know, but I am trying to get rid of that Fing chest fat, and I am workin on it.

Please add in whatever critique you would like, so that I can come up with a final solution




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I'm looking for an honest diet critique that I can use. At the start of next week, I am going to begin cutting, and here is my bulk diet right now.

4 Eggs, 2 slices of white toast. water

mid morning
low fat, low carb, low sugar protien shake

tuna, with 2 tsps of mayo, and 2 tsps of relish ( need a substitute for this because I can't consume that much mercury, so I alternate eod
1 serving of applesauce (Is this good? I don't think it is)

mid afternoon (preworkout)
1 quarter pound of ground sirlion
2 servings of cottage cheese

3 chicken breasts, baked potato, vegetables, salad

after dinner

either a protien shake or vegetables

What can I get rid of to cut, what should I add in to it so that I can still get a lot of protien?

I added a picture, It's pretty pathetic, I know, but I am trying to get rid of that Fing chest fat, and I am workin on it.

Please add in whatever critique you would like, so that I can come up with a final solution

You should figure out what your Maintenance level calories are, and subtract 300 from that. This will be the start of your calorie deficit. After a week or so of progress evaluation you can judge whether or not you need to drop your cals even lower.

Well, honestly you have a lot of junk in your diet above. First off you should drop the white bread for some kind of sprouted bread like Ezekiel.

The Mayo and applesauce should be cut out. Mayo doesn't provide the best kind of fat. Replace it with olive oil, PB or avocado. Unless you are having the Applesauce post workout, your body really doesn't need those kind of carbs in the middle of the day.

The sirloin is good, but you could probably lower the amount of cottage cheese and have some healthy fats and veggies.

For your dinner, drop the potatoe and just stick with protein, veggies and fat.

I realize that this diet was for when you were bulking, but you should change alot of things if you want to cut. Diet is the most important thing when it comes to losing fat. Drinking a lot of water (over a gallon a day) and eating lots of veggies will help you out a lot. Be sure to be getting healthy fats and lean meats in as well.


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You should figure out what your Maintenance level calories are, and subtract 300 from that. This will be the start of your calorie deficit. After a week or so of progress evaluation you can judge whether or not you need to drop your cals even lower.

Well, honestly you have a lot of junk in your diet above. First off you should drop the white bread for some kind of sprouted bread like Ezekiel.

The Mayo and applesauce should be cut out. Mayo doesn't provide the best kind of fat. Replace it with olive oil, PB or avocado. Unless you are having the Applesauce post workout, your body really doesn't need those kind of carbs in the middle of the day.

The sirloin is good, but you could probably lower the amount of cottage cheese and have some healthy fats and veggies.

For your dinner, drop the potatoe and just stick with protein, veggies and fat.

I realize that this diet was for when you were bulking, but you should change alot of things if you want to cut. Diet is the most important thing when it comes to losing fat. Drinking a lot of water (over a gallon a day) and eating lots of veggies will help you out a lot. Be sure to be getting healthy fats and lean meats in as well.
Good post.

And cardio might help a little. You didn't say anything about your training.


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I honestly feel that compound weight lifting movements are the best when it comes to fat loss. Adding a little cardio may help speed the process up, but you can always depend on things like Squats, Deads, Clean and Press and Chin-ups to get the job done. :)


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I honestly feel that compound weight lifting movements are the best when it comes to fat loss. Adding a little cardio may help speed the process up, but you can always depend on things like Squats, Deads, Clean and Press and Chin-ups to get the job done. :)
Couldn't agree with you more, but we never saw his training routine. All we saw was a diet layout. He may need help in his training, also.


New member
Thanks for the advice. I am planning to use this diet.


4 eggs, 2 slices of WHEAT toast.

Mid day

protien shake


Lean turkey, and veggetables

Pre workout

Baked potato (is this ok pre-workout)
2 chicken breasts
Veggetables, and grapes

Post workout

Lean sirloin 8-10 oz
2 slices of wheat toast
veggies and fruits, lots
2 glasses of 2% milk

How about that.

About my training,

I workout Mon, Tues, Thursday and Friday. It consists of a 1 1/2 hour lifting workout with a half hour of intense running, or wrestling.
Friday I do about a 45 min lift, and 45 min running.

How about this?


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I would say cut the potato pre workout and replace it with healthy fats. I would also suggest that you add fat to your lunch as well.


Yeah, healthy fats will help you bro. Try mixed nuts. Good stuff

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Mixed nuts it is! Don't you think the potato is ok as a preworkout though?


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A sweet potato or yam would be better. They have more nutrients and are lower glycemic than regular potatoes.

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