Need Advice For Losing Weight At College


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Hey guys, I dont post a lot and really joined cause my friend recomended this site for weight lifting, etc.

Anyways the reason I am posting is that I am looking for some advice for losing weight while at college. I am 6 feet tall and about 305 for weight.

My daily CLASS schedule looks something like this:
Monday: 9:20-10:30 AM, 11:00-11:50 AM, 12:00-12:50 PM
Tuesday: 11:00-12:15 PM, 2:00-2:50 PM
Wednesday: 9:20-10:30 AM, 11:00-11:50 AM, 12:00-12:50 PM, 2:00-2:50 PM
Thursday: 11:00-12:15 PM, 2:00-2:50 PM
Friday: 9:20-10:30 AM, 11:00-11:50 AM, 12:00-12:50 PM

My EATING is generally:
Morning - If I have some sort of granola bar, ill eat it and some juice
Lunch - Sandwhich or similar at Subway or local dining center
Dinner - Assorted (sandwhich, pizza, hot dog, etc)
Snacks in between are anything from Wheat Thins to a bottle of Fruit Juice

Morning - Bowl of Special K Cereal w/milk
Lunch - Sandwhich or similar at Subway or local dining center
Dinner - Assorted (sandwhich, pizza, hot dog, etc)
Snacks in between are anything from Wheat Thins to a bottle of Fruit Juice

My sandwhiches are usually turkey or chicken on Wheat, no cheese, no mayo.

I dont drink water, for some reason it makes me gag (i think the lack of flavor gets me), but i do drink vitamin water or propel.

I am trying to cut down on the fruit juice and milk but the way i am set up now is kind of hard.

So if anyone has any suggestions on: meal changes, exercise plans, what i could generally change, etc, I would really appreciate it!



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If I ate that way I would blow up real quick. Cut down on the fruit juice and switch to whole fruit instead. Drop the Hot Dogs, Pizza and Subway. Try to get in more protein. I know for myself I cant even eat "healthy" brand name cereals due to the sugar content. And if you only drink juice and not water I'm sure you not getting anywhere near the amount you should. Lack of water will cause water retention (body is trying to hold on to the water to save you). Your going to have to man up and drink water. I would suggest adding oatmeal (not the sugar filled kind) to your list of foods. Chicken breasts, sweet potatoes, whole wheat (sugarless if possible) bread with cut up chicken breast for sandwiches. Don't use college as an excuse not to have time to eat healthy. I'm sure more members will give you ideas of what to add to your food list.

Good luck...


New member
How u doing bro, im in college too, and lets say its gotten to the point i prepare all my meals. Like he posted before u need protein, and complex carbs. My fridge is filled with eggs, turkey, chicken, shrimp, and water. Make oatmeal your friend and get veggies in there too. I do spend alot of money on food, because our cafe sucs.. Hope this helped.


  • Established
lets just say i live on a college campus.

my primary souce of food is the dining hall of course.

first of all, my primary source of calories is fat free milk, its extremely filling and its carb to protein ratio is GORGEOUS (steve irwin accent). both of the carbohydrates and protein types are high quality.

other than that, i eat more or less only grilled chicken and rice...yup. as boring as it sounds. It is possible to eat healthy using only the college dining hall.

replace a few of those meals with a protein bar.

and if we want to be serious about things, the best way for you to lose weight is just to just hit the treadmill or elliptical for 20-30 minutes a day.


i too am living on campus... and although its hard, it is definately possible to get shredded.. Here is my daily diet...
meal 1: have people at dining hall cook me up a dozen egg whites and have a cup of oats

meal2: Whey isolate shake

Meal 3: 3 grilled chicken breasts at dining hall w/ cup brown rice

Meal 4: Whey isolate shake/creatine/glutamine/ECA pre workout

Meal 5: Whey isolate shake/creatine/glutamine/oats Post workout

Meal 6: Tuna with mustard

Meal 7: 3 grilled chicken breasts

Yes it gets boring and it sucks, but hey, you gotta do what ya gotta do my man


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hey guys thanks for the input, its definitely got me thinking. Id like to clarify though, that my goal isnt to get extremely buff and huge muscle wise. I mostly want to lose the weight and then build some average muscle and tone.

Im not going for the huge bodybuilder style, more of, wanting to be skinny and then to have like decent pecs and biceps fo the ladiezzz..


New member
whats ur current bf, if u are below 18, i would think cutting would be pointless. Hit the gym hard and get ur diet in check and the muscles will develope, u prolly dont need to cut and would be a huge waste of time.


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Id like to clarify though, that my goal isnt to get extremely buff and huge muscle wise. I mostly want to lose the weight and then build some average muscle and tone.

Im not going for the huge bodybuilder style, more of, wanting to be skinny and then to have like decent pecs and biceps fo the ladiezzz..
Don't worry about it. If you don't want it trust me you wont get it :)


New member
if bf means bodyfat, uhh i think its like around 25ish? something like that, maybe slightly lower, maybe a bit higher. Im not sure on the definition of cutting but i think its something like getting your muscles ripped (as in bulk)?

thanks for the tips


New member
You need to find out what your BMR is, go to in the search type BMR and go to the first link and read. To "CUT" simply means to be in a calorie deficit. You slowly loose weight trying to loose no more than 2 pounds a week. To bulk you eat more than your BMR about 500 cals more and try to gain 2 pounds a week. Not the same. When you cut you are trying to get the muscle definition to show of what you have gained. If you think your Bf is around 25 ish then it prolly is best to cut. Have you trained in the past? Do you have any muscle mass? Just remeber your diet is the most important thing.


well bro if you wanna shred up, then i'd say do an hour of cardio at least 4 times a week, at a low intensity on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning if possible. Lifting weights will speed up the weight loss process. Cut out all simple carbs, and cut them out mid afternoon, and focus on protein/good fats as the night progresses. keep at 'er!


I'm in college too and recently lost 60 lbs since last summer

cut out the liquid calories and any sugar,
cut the carbs in the later half of the day
if you start to drink more water it may become an acquired taste, you might also wanna try some diet green-tea that tastes good and will actually help fatloss as oppose to the juices causing it

how do you get to class?
depending on the size of your campus walking can be a great way of getting the cardio in, no point in driving to each class if the distance isnt too far away

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