

  • Established
I would just like to thank LG sciences for creating the best product I have ever used!

You see, I am an ectomorph and as most people know we are skinny and tall. Gaining mass, or strength for that matter, is so incredibly difficult for us because of our metabolism. Ex: I got one rep on my max bench and 1.5 lbs in BW in 6 months lifting hardcore, eating 3500 - 4000 cals. ed. and, supplemented with every staple in the book discluding any and all AAS; you name it I took it. Any mesomorph or endomorph would have gained 5 - 10 lbs on my diet and training capacity.

After this extraordinary product my 1RM on bench went from 200lbs to 225lbs!!! I have never been able to put on four 45lb plates and rep it once. One benefit of ectomorphs is that when we gain strength or mass YOU'LL KNOW because of our frame. I can't even recognise myself after this product!

Thanks so much and will be recommending to all my friends! Cheers!:bigok:


Well-known member
  • RockStar
  • Established
very impressive max on bench my man!, glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for putting up some feedback:D


  • Legend!
  • Established
Nice work and I love the enthusiasm :bigok:


Active member
  • Established
Congrats man!

13 days into my natadrol and i can finally say i do believe its kicked in. Chest and back day today and killed it, set new PR's on every single lift done today, and i didnt want to stop honestly feel like i can keep going. No doubt if i can keep this training intensity i will see gains its ineviteable. So Im loving my run so far and its not even halfway over! I think its pretty cool how just over night i feel like a different person. Just yesterday i was writing it hadnt really kicked in yet. And the best part is the price everything LG sells is economical and every produt ive tried thus far seems to be effective.


  • Established
with so many good reports on nata, can't wait 'til i start mine. :):)


Well-known member
  • Established
:box:Congratulations!!I am also very pleased with nATADROL gain a bit of strength ,a ton of vascularity,lean out and keep the muscle ,and joint pain free!!great product!!


Well-known member
  • Established
Excellent review and progress! I too used it, in an 8-week stack. At my size, I used 8 per day and LOVED the results! I'm in PCT now with Formadrol (you are using PCT, aren't you?).


  • Established
Your welcome everyone! :veryhappy:

Excellent review and progress! I too used it, in an 8-week stack. At my size, I used 8 per day and LOVED the results! I'm in PCT now with Formadrol (you are using PCT, aren't you?).
A couple things I'd like to inform everyone about my 6 week Natadrol cycle...

I used two bottles solo (meaning no GHenerate or other outside supplements discluding whey and multi.) and for the first week and a half pulsed it strongly (8 caps) only on workout days. It seemed to work well for me because workouts were going strong at the beginning and near the end. After trying this I cycled it at 5-6 for the remainder; my workouts felt short at week 2 and 3 most likely because of the change in dosage. Because of this I wouldn't recommend starting strong; instead ease into it(unless you have an extra bottle).

After my experience I can safely say the only side effects were sleeplessness and acne; but those are VERY minor compared to some reputable products out there. Also, there's something about natadrol that makes me wonder how it works. In regards to the gains I made, it seemed to target my weakest area (bench). All other lifts increased but definitely not as dramatically as bench. My opinion is that Natadrol targets your weakest androgen receptors (if that's possible; but hey what do I know? lol).

And I am currently about a week in pct. I'm using iForce Humanatest (it was cheap lol) and minor gains are still shining through. I'm sure if I used Formadrol my pct would be similar if not better.

Next I'm trying ASGT. Can't WAIT to see how powerful my workouts will be!
Here's a great big shout out to LG for changing a life!!! :You_Rock_Emoticon:


Well-known member
  • Established
Your welcome everyone! :veryhappy:

A couple things I'd like to inform everyone about my 6 week Natadrol cycle...

I used two bottles solo (meaning no GHenerate or other outside supplements discluding whey and multi.) and for the first week and a half pulsed it strongly (8 caps) only on workout days. It seemed to work well for me because workouts were going strong at the beginning and near the end. After trying this I cycled it at 5-6 for the remainder; my workouts felt short at week 2 and 3 most likely because of the change in dosage. Because of this I wouldn't recommend starting strong; instead ease into it(unless you have an extra bottle).

After my experience I can safely say the only side effects were sleeplessness and acne; but those are VERY minor compared to some reputable products out there. Also, there's something about natadrol that makes me wonder how it works. In regards to the gains I made, it seemed to target my weakest area (bench). All other lifts increased but definitely not as dramatically as bench (which by the way is up to 230 now). My opinion is that Natadrol targets your weakest androgen receptors (if that's possible; but hey what do I know? lol).

And I am currently about a week in pct. I'm using iForce Humanatest (it was cheap lol) and minor gains are still shining through. I'm sure if I used Formadrol my pct would be similar if not better.

Next I'm trying ASGT. Can't WAIT to see how powerful my workouts will be!
Here's a great big shout out to LG for changing a life!!! :You_Rock_Emoticon:
You're gonna love ASGT, bro!!!!

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