My proposed Epistane Cycle



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You wouldn't, by chance, be mega-dosing fish oil would you? When I take >15g fish oil per day I notice random bruising...which makes sense seeing as fish oil thins the blood.


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I had more chest acne than bacne on the M-Drol. I started getting bacne more during my crappy Formadrol Extreme PCT.
Man, I still can't believe you dosed that high - took Formadrol for PCT - and aren't currently milking yourself.


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I do consider myself lucky and it was a lesson learned. I was in mexico a week into PCT and would have started Tamox immediately if I had issues.

As for fish oil I am taking 6 - 1000mg capsuls so I am not megadosing like you are.


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Dude, can you please tell me what your name means? I keep trying to make sense of it, and its hurting my roided out brain.


Really nice job laying everythign out and posting. I agree with GMG760, you'll be popular!

This is a perfect example of the benefits of this site. I'm actually going to steal some of your workouts and apply them to my routine, just to F around and see what works.



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Dude, can you please tell me what your name means? I keep trying to make sense of it, and its hurting my roided out brain.
I am a car guy and on car forums also. I drive a modded Chrysler 300c with a 425 (stock) horse power 6.1 Hemi. It is silver also. :-:

Besides, beefcake was taken when I tried to use it on AM. LMFAO:toofunny:


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Really nice job laying everythign out and posting. I agree with GMG760, you'll be popular!

This is a perfect example of the benefits of this site. I'm actually going to steal some of your workouts and apply them to my routine, just to F around and see what works.

Thx for the props man and I hope to one day be a good example of going from fat to fit. I feel my workouts plan has pushed me futher than I ever thought I could go.

Several months back I measured my biceps and I could have swore they were 15" which I felt pretty good about. Before the cycle I measured and they were 16". I measured on Tuesday and with no pump they are 16.25" I was pretty stoked about the size and will be way more excited when I get my body fat down so it is more noticeable.

Also, yesterday I was at the gym and this young dude was there with his crazy poofy hair. Do young guys realize you get more muscle/definition by lifting over flexing? He could not take his eye off the mirror and was flexing his 13" arms for 30+ minutes. Enough already!:pose:


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I am a car guy and on car forums also. I drive a modded Chrysler 300c with a 425 (stock) horse power 6.1 Hemi. It is silver also. :-:

Besides, beefcake was taken when I tried to use it on AM. LMFAO:toofunny:

Alright, that explains it!


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This morning was Biceps and shoulders. Workout consisted of Hammer curls (25lb warmup, then 1 set at 45lbs, and 2 sets at 40lbs). Net up was concentration curls, incline curls, ez bar concentration curls and finished up with 21s.

Shoulders consisted of 2 sets of 60lbs dumbbell military press and 1 x 10 of 150lbs on the military press machine (This felt pretty good since when I first started working out I could only handle 100lbs). Also did side raises, front raises and shoulder shrugs.


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Thx for the props man and I hope to one day be a good example of going from fat to fit. I feel my workouts plan has pushed me futher than I ever thought I could go.

Several months back I measured my biceps and I could have swore they were 15" which I felt pretty good about. Before the cycle I measured and they were 16". I measured on Tuesday and with no pump they are 16.25" I was pretty stoked about the size and will be way more excited when I get my body fat down so it is more noticeable.

Also, yesterday I was at the gym and this young dude was there with his crazy poofy hair. Do young guys realize you get more muscle/definition by lifting over flexing? He could not take his eye off the mirror and was flexing his 13" arms for 30+ minutes. Enough already!:pose:
30 of flexing would turn someone purple, and if continued, probably lead to an aneurism over time. Arnold spoke of the hardening benefits of flexing that he believed in, but whether or not that is scientific fact, I dunno.


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Yesterday was leg day and for some reason I was not too motivated to lift. However, I went to the gym and plowed through the workouts. I did squats, lunges, leg press, leg extension, quad extension and calf raises.

I also did some situps before headed home for the day. Today I bump up to 50mg and continue at that dosage for the remaining 2 weeks (barring any issues). My body has done pretty well on 40mg and I am not having any libido problems so far. I am still at the 206ish mark but I am not overly concerned with weight gain. I might bring back the cardio 3 days a week though starting Monday.


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Woke up fairly sore today and my back was tight. I contribute this to a fairly intense leg workout on Saturday followed by working in the garage all damn day and then shopping with the wife. Besides a sore back and lethargy I am doing pretty good.

I am going to bust my tail the last 2 weeks. I think dropping the cardio was good for building the muscle, but I think I need to start it back up. I don't feel like I have gained much weight, but I have had a few too many cheat meals. I feel the Epistane has increased my appitite some and that is tough for a recovering fat boy to take. :) Plus I still have some excess fat on my belly and chest that the only way to get rid of is cardio.


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Last night I blew up my chest and tris. I felt pretty good going into the workout and was able to push 165lbs x 10 on the incline, 225 x 6 on flat bench followed by 2 x 10 at 185lbs. I also did cable flies, dips, tricep press downs skull crushers, and tricep kick backs.

I followed that up with abs and 10 minutes on the elliptical.

I am still feeling pretty good and all sides are manageable. The back is constantly stiff/sore, but not to the point where it affects what I am able to do. I am still weighing around the same 205 -206 range which is fine. Minimal acne still. No libido issues whatsoever and I am still able to bring the pain so to speak. :)


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Last night was the first scheduled workout that I have missed in a long long time. However, Mom's are more important that workouts so I will have to maek up my back/abs workout.

I did go in this morning for my biceps/shoulders workout and felt fukking strong. I have been steadily moving up the weights with Biceps and this time I was actually able to complete 2 full sets of hammer curls using 45lb dumbbells. Followed it up with a final set of 10 using 40lbs. Then I hit concentration curls and finished biceps with 2 sets of 21s.

Shoulders consisted of military press, side and front raises followed by shrugs. I also did some decline situps and ab rotation machine. Cardio consisted of 2.25 miles on the elliptical in 15 minutes.

As for the Epi details, the pump is still great in the gym, back pumps are stronger now, but not dibilitating. I am not having any libido issues, but I can tell the boys are getting tighter down below. I am still not experiencing acne issues and my mood is pretty good. I have a week and a half left before PCT so the goal is to go full throttle the remaining days to ensure I get the most out of it.


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Nice job man.. sounds like you're executing perfectly.


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Latest updates:

Friday night I made up for my missed back/abs day. For my back I hit deadlift (still no straps), barbell and dumbbell rows, pullups, back extension machine and cable rows. For Abs I did decline situps and ab crunch machine. I followed that workout with 20 minutes on the Elliptical.

Today I did legs and I was impressed by the strength I had. After my warmup set on squats I did 8 reps at 315, 8 at 295 and 10 at 225. I also set my PR on leg press machine. I did my normal set of 10 reps at 285, 295 and 315. Then I felt like I should challenge myself and was able to press 385 (machine's max) for 8 reps. Finished up legs with leg extension and quad extension.

I also did a few ab exercises (decline situps and weighted side bends before jumping on the elliptical for 25 minutes. I know my body will be feeling that tomorrow.

As for sides...the back pumps are getting more intense and pretty sore when I wake up or sit in the same position for long periods of time. I only have one week left so I will keep popping the 40mg of Taurine and suck it up. Libido is good based on last night with no problems getting it up or finishing the deal. I was pretty worried about the last week based on other threads. Acne is still minimal which is a good thing.

So far I am pretty happy with the results. I feel I have gained noticable mass in my legs, shoulders, back, chest, etc, but I was hoping for a tad more loss in belly fat/excess chest fat. However, since I dropped the cardio for 4 weeks I am sure that impacted some of the potential recomp benefits. My goal is to keep the cardio full force 4 times a week during PCT as I gotta drop the excess bodyfat % so that I can show off this additional mass. I will post pics next week of the current status, but as stated before I am not a finished product.


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Wait... 40mg of Taurine??

You should be popping about 3 to 4 thousand mg...
Mach .78

Mach .78

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one teaspoon of Taurine (5 grams)

Don't mind me, carry on.


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Today I weighed in at 209.5. I still feel pretty good about the cycle, but I think I will be happy for it to finish. While both the body soreness and lethargy are manageable, I am ready to get back to normal. I am also somewhat excited to see if PRIME lives up to the hype during my PCT.

Questions about PCT:
Do I start PCT the last night of the cycle or wait until the next day?

Do I really need to start off with 40mg of tamox along with my dosing of PCS?

Do I split my tamox dosing across the day or just all at night?


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I never received any answers to the below questions and it might be due to the fact it was below my update so I will seperate.

Questions about PCT:
Do I start PCT the last night of the cycle or wait until the next day?

Do I really need to start off with 40mg of tamox along with my dosing of PCS? I would love to drop my dosage down to a 20/20/10/10 scenario if it would work.

Do I split my tamox dosing across the day or just all at night?

Thanks in advance for the responses!


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I never received any answers to the below questions and it might be due to the fact it was below my update so I will seperate.

Questions about PCT:
Do I start PCT the last night of the cycle or wait until the next day?

Do I really need to start off with 40mg of tamox along with my dosing of PCS? I would love to drop my dosage down to a 20/20/10/10 scenario if it would work.

Do I split my tamox dosing across the day or just all at night?

Thanks in advance for the responses!
I've never used Tamox... Most of the guys haven't - come to think of it.

I would search the boards if I were you.

I started Nolva the day after the last day... i.e. last dose of Epi on Monday - SERM starts Tuesday night. No need to break up the dose.


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I've never used Tamox... Most of the guys haven't - come to think of it.

I would search the boards if I were you.

I started Nolva the day after the last day... i.e. last dose of Epi on Monday - SERM starts Tuesday night. No need to break up the dose.
What did you use? I have the generic Nolvadex (Tamoxifen). Thx for the advice on when and how to use.


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What did you use? I have the generic Nolvadex (Tamoxifen). Thx for the advice on when and how to use.
That's what I used. :)

20/20/10/10 scheme - last thing I consumed at night with a full glass of water. Make sure you drink a lot of fluids with the SERM.


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Today I weighed in at 209.5. I still feel pretty good about the cycle, but I think I will be happy for it to finish. While both the body soreness and lethargy are manageable, I am ready to get back to normal. I am also somewhat excited to see if PRIME lives up to the hype during my PCT.

Questions about PCT:
Do I start PCT the last night of the cycle or wait until the next day?

Do I really need to start off with 40mg of tamox along with my dosing of PCS?

Do I split my tamox dosing across the day or just all at night?
If you don't want to run the Tamox at 40mg, maybe start with 40 and drop to 30 all in the first week. I ran Torem in my PCT. Most people recommend 120,90,60....I ran 100,100,75,50 and 3 days at 35mg. I also ran PCS at 4 caps (Split doses 2/2). I pulsed SD into my cycle also and I feel great now, everything works the way it should .....thank god! You should have no problems dropping your dose 40-30 week 1 and 30-20 week 2, then normal dosing after that. I'd imagine I was shut down alot more because of the SD. Good luck...


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I've never used Tamox... Most of the guys haven't - come to think of it.

I would search the boards if I were you.

I started Nolva the day after the last day... i.e. last dose of Epi on Monday - SERM starts Tuesday night. No need to break up the dose.
lol, get your facts straight timber. You used Tamox, and most of the guys use it as the primary SERM in their PCT regimen.

Silver - 20/20/10/10 should be fine for you. Dose at Night.


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lol, get your facts straight timber. You used Tamox, and most of the guys use it as the primary SERM in their PCT regimen.

Silver - 20/20/10/10 should be fine for you. Dose at Night.
I meant to say Torem... Got switched up there.

Silver has both - he wanted to use Torem initially - I was saying most of us hadn't used that before.


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I meant to say Torem... Got switched up there.

Silver has both - he wanted to use Torem initially - I was saying most of us hadn't used that before.
Ah... a lot of people who use torem like it. I haven't used it personally.


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I have AI's Post Cycle Support which I know is a big component for the OTC PCT. I would love to rely on that primarily and supplement with the Tamox. However, since this is a 6 week cycle it is probably best to do the 4 week of PCT with a 4/3/2/2 dosage and I will probably do the Tamox in a 30/20/20/10 dosage.

Monday was chest day and I focused a few extra sets on flies. I am still feeling the soreness in my chest 2 days later which lets me know it was time to change things up. Today is back/abs, Thursday is Biceps/Shoulders and Saturday is legs. I will make all of those count as it is my last week "on".


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Succesfully destroyed my back, abs, biceps and shoulders the last few days. Although I have not shot up in weight it must be doing something. Both guys and girls keep saying that I am getting huge. They also make comments telling me to lay off the roids. :) They don't even know what I am taking. Besides, I am not taking roids I am taking Pro Hormones. :)

I am getting lots of comments about my shoulders/traps getting huge. I can also see much more definition in my legs. However, due to the belly I have continued integrating cardio and have done 7 miles over the last 24 hours on the elliptical.


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They don't even know what I am taking. Besides, I am not taking roids I am taking Pro Hormones. :)
I'm not sure if that was sarcasm or not, but epi is real juice...


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I'm not sure if that was sarcasm or not, but epi is real juice...
Of course it was sarcasm. :toofunny: I know what I am taking, but I don't want everyone fully aware.


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I, personally, wouldn't go that far . . .
You, personally, would be wrong in that case.

It's an epithio class steroid. It's methylated and active. No two ways about it dude.


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This morning I weighed in at 210 pre-dump. Lol. That is up 12lbs from where I was 6 weeks ago. Tomorrow is my last day on cycle. I also had to skip today's workout due to family obligations, but I will make up for it tomorrow AM.

I am ready to start PCT and give my body a chance to get back normal.


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Today was the last workout day on Epistane. I have finished off both bottles and PCT starts tomorrow. As stated, PCT will consist of the following components:
Tamox (SERM)
AI's Post Cycle Support
USP Labs Prime (Really looking forward to trying this out)
ECA+Y stack for weight loss
Napalm (figured it might help on the trouble spots)
Fish Oil

During Week 3 of PCT I will add Lean XTreme for cortisol control.

Details - I started the Epistane Cycle and ran it for 6 weeks in a 40/40/40/40/50/50 split. I started the cycle around 198lbs and finished the six weeks at 209. A majority of the gain was lean muscle and I had a pretty good recomp as a result of this compound. The sides were pretty minimal in comparison with M-Drol. I will try to put together a more detailed summary in the coming day. Feel free to check in on the status of USP Prime as I will try to give a detailed report on that product as well.


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Day 1 of PCT completed. I had a really good workout yesterday. I was able to do 2 x 8 of 225lbs which I have not attempted previously so I felt good about that. As stated before I have really picked up the cardio over the last 2 weeks and I am determined to drop my body fat %. I actually worked out for over 1.5 hours with cardio being almost 40 minutes of it.

I started the Prime yesterday as well. I think it is too early for it to make a difference, but I had a hell of a time staying awake for football last night. After the game was over I passed out immediately and slept like a baby (minus the piss breaks). Supposedly, improved sleep is an added benefit so I figured I would state my observations.


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Everything alright buddy? How you feeling on PCT?


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Everything alright buddy? How you feeling on PCT?
Thx for checking in homie. So far the PCT is going well. I am in day 5 of Prime along with AI's Post Cycle Support and my ECA+Y (Also Ragnarok pre-workout). Weight has stayed around the 208 range and I have been killing the cardio this week so far. I also felt the strength was increased this week on bicep day. I was able to do 3 full sets of hammer curls with 45lb dumbbells vs. my previous 45lbs/40lbs/40lbs.

I can also tell the boys are loosinging up more and more which tells me PCS + Tamox are doing the job. I started out the week with 40mg of Tamox day 1, 30mg day 2, 20mg for the rest of week 1 and 2. Then I will evaluate whether I can drop to 10mg for week 3 and 4. It is nice to have some energy back as the lethargy from a 6 week cycle was pretty rough.

Sides status...Acne is still minimal which I am very happy about. Back is still a tad stiff, but that could be due to my back workout on Wed.

I am looking forward to my leg day (Saturday) to see if I can continue with the gains.


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Just be careful with the cardio...

A) Still could have some BP issues..
B) You didn't gain too much, but you want your body to acclimate to the new muscle and weight...

Just keep the protein high, and get those BCAA's in... You're straight.


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Nice run silver, I"m into my 3rd week of Havoc and loving it. Have you done any research on how long this PH stays in your body? I was thinking about a PL'n meet but they do a pee test. I haven't found anything that tells me when it would be safe to test.
Depends what they are testing for. If they scan for elevated testosterone levels, you're hosed until at least two weeks after the cycle.


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Nice run silver, I"m into my 3rd week of Havoc and loving it. Have you done any research on how long this PH stays in your body? I was thinking about a PL'n meet but they do a pee test. I haven't found anything that tells me when it would be safe to test.
I have read about the half life of the compound and that its parent compound not in the list of banned substances for many of the drug tests. However, some will screen for increased test which should be affected with Havoc.

I guess I would see what the pee test screens for to protect yourself, but I haven't found how long you will have to wait for it to be completely out of your system.


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Hey man. I don't really want to make the drive or pay the fees unless I'm pretty sure it's out. Some say 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 6 months and the guy above states 2 weeks. I just can't seem to find a common answer. :)
I don't know why you're hassling Silver for an answer. He doesn't fight.

I just told you it depends what they are testing for... and if they test at all.


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Nice run silver, I"m into my 3rd week of Havoc and loving it. Have you done any research on how long this PH stays in your body? I was thinking about a PL'n meet but they do a pee test. I haven't found anything that tells me when it would be safe to test.
I have read about the half life of the compound and that its parent compound not in the list of banned substances for many of the drug tests. However, some will screen for increased test which should be affected with Havoc.

I guess I would see what the pee test screens for to protect yourself, but I haven't found how long you will have to wait for it to be completely out of your system.


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I have read about the half life of the compound and that its parent compound not in the list of banned substances for many of the drug tests. However, some will screen for increased test which should be affected with Havoc.

I guess I would see what the pee test screens for to protect yourself, but I haven't found how long you will have to wait for it to be completely out of your system.
I have never been a drug tested athlete in my adulthood, this is just what I have read and my own two cents.

Epithio's and Halodrol are quickly making their way onto the banned list in many of these tests for banned substances. They may not yet be on there, but if they are (and if they arn't yet, they will be in the future) they stay in your system for longer than 2 weeks, I couldn't say whether it's just a month or two or six months, but it's a while.

What Timber was saying is they may not test for residual steroids , but rather for just elevated testosterone levels, which is what all of these substances cause. In which case, he is probably right on with 2 weeks of elevated hormone levels because of the epi; however, theoretically one could fail because of a natty test booster, one used for PCT during this period of a month or two after the cycle has ended... that is assuming the natty test booster actually raised the test levels high enough that it is to the point of not "normal" hormone levels.

I'd be careful with trying to compete in any organization that tests for hormonal supplements if I was messing with my own hormones.


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What he's sayin is... don't be a punk ass cheater.

Steroids are banned in combat sports for a reason. If you want to run something - run it in training camp and give your body plenty of time to recover.


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Sunday update....

Saturday was my leg day and a couple notable stand out. Currently, 315 is the maximum I have attempted for a set of squats and I was only able to do 1 set of 8-10. This time was different and after my first set of time I decided to give it another try thinking I would have 6-7 in me. Fuk I kept going and was able to complete 2 full sets of 10 reps. I then finished squats with a set at 225 before moving to lunges, leg press, leg extension and quad extension.

My Saturday cardio consisted of the wife dragging my a$$ around IKEA furniture shopping. Then I won the grand prise and got to start assembling all the crap.

This morning was supposed to be an off day, but I wasn't feeling like relaxing. I went to the gym and hit the elliptical. I think I finished with 3.1 miles in around 28-30 minutes.

Week 1 of the PCT is completed as of today. I still plan to use the Post Cycle Support at 4 caps a day and continue Tamox at 20mg for the next week. I am feeling pretty good and all body parts are functioning as normal.

I am also still taking Prime at 6 caps a day. There is something to this product. I don't think it has fully hit my yet, but I can definately see the pumps in my arms at times when I normally wouldn't. I am also feeling some strange tightness in my stomach. This may sound weird, but since I never really worked out abs until the last year, the tightness might just be the fact that I am actually turning my old beer belly into something more.

Question on Yohimbime...I am currently taking 3 caps a day (2AM, 1 at lunch time) and the caps are 2.5mg. Is that dosage enough to be effective? I grew concerned with my dosage after seeing how much TG uses in his home brew workout drink.

One last note...The Cowboys ruined my damn weekend. What a crappy game.


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Sunday update....

Saturday was my leg day and a couple notable stand out. Currently, 315 is the maximum I have attempted for a set of squats and I was only able to do 1 set of 8-10. This time was different and after my first set of time I decided to give it another try thinking I would have 6-7 in me. Fuk I kept going and was able to complete 2 full sets of 10 reps. I then finished squats with a set at 225 before moving to lunges, leg press, leg extension and quad extension.

My Saturday cardio consisted of the wife dragging my a$$ around IKEA furniture shopping. Then I won the grand prise and got to start assembling all the crap.

This morning was supposed to be an off day, but I wasn't feeling like relaxing. I went to the gym and hit the elliptical. I think I finished with 3.1 miles in around 28-30 minutes.

Week 1 of the PCT is completed as of today. I still plan to use the Post Cycle Support at 4 caps a day and continue Tamox at 20mg for the next week. I am feeling pretty good and all body parts are functioning as normal.

I am also still taking Prime at 6 caps a day. There is something to this product. I don't think it has fully hit my yet, but I can definately see the pumps in my arms at times when I normally wouldn't. I am also feeling some strange tightness in my stomach. This may sound weird, but since I never really worked out abs until the last year, the tightness might just be the fact that I am actually turning my old beer belly into something more.

Question on Yohimbime...I am currently taking 3 caps a day (2AM, 1 at lunch time) and the caps are 2.5mg. Is that dosage enough to be effective? I grew concerned with my dosage after seeing how much TG uses in his home brew workout drink.

One last note...The Cowboys ruined my damn weekend. What a crappy game.
Your tight stomach is probably from the Epi and the Yohimbe, not the prime...

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