My first injectable cycle has gone to ****. Need help/advice.



New member
I've been running underground gear now for a total of 7 weeks. This was going to be my first injectable cycle and was going to be test only.

All my gear has unfortunately been from underground labs and through friends of friends of friends type situations. Not ideal, i know..

I started with Sust250 taking 500mg a week and ran for 3.5 weeks. after feeling NOTHING at all (No change in libido, pumps, strength, sides nothing) I decided to bail and decided I'd givin it long enough and I'd at least feel a change in Libido by that point. I threw in the towel on the Sust.

The next day I hopped on some underground test prop from a different source running like 350mg or so a week, EOD. My source for the prop provided me with two different brand of prop. 3 vials of one type 1 vial of another brand all underground.

I went through one vial had a fever for one night and thought "YES! test flu! has to be real.." continued and then my source convinced me to try the other brand.

I'm now almost all the way through the second brand/ second vial and am feeling like ****. I've missed work twice this week because I feel like ****. I'm experiencing major lethargy, depression and no motivation. I also feel as if I have a really light cold. I keep sneezing and get stuffy at night for the past week. Have not been sleeping well. My Libido has been fine not problems in that dept.

I've been making my self lift and have been strong but nothing crazy or nothing I feel like I could not be achieving naturally. Same with my weight. I've been eating like a beast 3 or 4 major meals a day + 3 shakes a day 1 or two of the shakes have even been weight gainers. Easily taking in 4k+ calories a day. Scale has been pretty stagnant. Stuck at around 205Lb's.

Should I switch back to the first brand of prop? should I bail on this cycle all together till I get some human grade gear? Start a light PCT now? I had what I thought was a little nipple sensitivity so I started Adex at .25mg EOD

Need some advice. Thanks in advance.


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no telling what could be in the gear man. "Test flu" is common, but will only last 3-4 days.

id scrap the cycle and run a 4 week PCT to be safe. just look around more, all u can go on is trust with ur look for feedback on the brand etc.


New member
Thats the thing bro, I've now run three different brands of test, have no clue what's causing what and don't know where to turn. I have hundreds of dollars of unused gear on my shelf now and don't know if i should just toss it all or what..

I've tried researching al three brands with no luck. My boy swears the first Test prop I tried is legit. wondering if I should hop back on it. I have two vials left.


New member
sounds like you gear is bunk, and you are actually just ill. do pct, ditch the bunk UGL crap. ive gotten alot of mexican vet. gear that was bunk. once went thru 3 bottles of test cyp. that didnt do anything..point is, not unheard of to get juice that is "inert".


New member
ok - since its prop I guess I'll wait 3 days? and start pct. I was going to do something more elaborate with Clomid an Nolv. but I'm thinking now I should just run Nolva at a low dose for 2 or 3 weeks? I dont feel shut down and my nuts have not shrunk.

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