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Day 47 of Ostar1ne

Sorry for the delay in posting guys, things have been a bit hectic at work, and then I took a four day weekend for Labor DAY :D

However, I DID NOT miss any lifting days!

No huge PRs lately, but not real strength loss either. I'm feeling like my calories are a bit over what they need to be right now, so dropping them down a bit to try to finish this out a bit more lean. As of last count, I had right at two weeks left on Sunday.

I hit my full range of Big Threes last week and so far this week, with my standard accessories. This morning, Deadlifts felt a bit off, I am cjhalking it up to loss of sleep last night. I'm actually not sure how many reps I hit today, as I kept hitting them after small rests (20 seconds or less) after a bit. It was 3+ week on my 5/3/1 cycle. The reps looked something like this:

Barbell Deadlift

145 X 5
180 X 5
215 X 3
250 X 3
285 X 3
320 X 3
320 X 1
320 X 2
320 X 3

At least that's what I remember. I may have done another sinlge, I should have written it down as I did it. Oh well, LOL.

Right hip felt a little "off" when I warmed up for high rep BBB Squats, so I just did high rep Hack Squats instead:

Hack Squat Machine

Weight listed is plates only. I know, the weights are pathetic ;)

20 X 10
20 X 10
25 X 10
25 X 10
25 X 10

Rest time was 1:30 between sets.

After that, I was going to do Leg Extensions, but I was in a hurry and all the machines were occupied. I called it a day.

No lethargy really at this point. Still, have great vascularity and good muscle fullness/hardness. I think strength will pick back up before my run is over. Still not really feeling "shut down", and the boys seem to be OK thus far.

Still waiting to hear back from the endo, might call today. My PCP sent a referral to them, as I mentioned I wanted a comprehensive panel.


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No lethargy really at this point. Still, have great vascularity and good muscle fullness/hardness. I think strength will pick back up before my run is over. Still not really feeling "shut down", and the boys seem to be OK thus far.
I don't really understand where people are getting this idea of lethargy ='s suppression or that suppression is even something that one can actually feel acutely.

Look at epistane, you can feel lethargic and like crap in the first week without suppression having really kicked in.

Let's put it another way, you can pin testosterone at high enough doses and for long enough that you end up being very suppressed, but you'll feel great :p

You can feel absolutely great and yet have non-existent balls, just depends on the compound(s) you're using.


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I don't really understand where people are getting this idea of lethargy ='s suppression or that suppression is even something that one can actually feel acutely.

Look at epistane, you can feel lethargic and like crap in the first week without suppression having really kicked in.

Let's put it another way, you can pin testosterone at high enough doses and for long enough that you end up being very suppressed, but you'll feel great :p

You can feel absolutely great and yet have non-existent balls, just depends on the compound(s) you're using.
Although I think you misunderstood my post, I agree ;)

I had a bit of lethargy at first when starting Osta. I was simply mentioning the fact that I don't feel lethargic any more.

I'm not getting any signs of shut down or suppression in my boys, either ;) Not sure if you can tell by that or not, but it seems promising. No massive atrophy, feeling soft, ascending, etc.

Perhaps I should have separated those statements into different paragraphs ;)


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Although I think you misunderstood my post, I agree ;)

I had a bit of lethargy at first when starting Osta. I was simply mentioning the fact that I don't feel lethargic any more.

I'm not getting any signs of shut down or suppression in my boys, either ;) Not sure if you can tell by that or not, but it seems promising. No massive atrophy, feeling soft, ascending, etc.

Perhaps I should have separated those statements into different paragraphs ;)
Ostarine is relatively mild compared to stronger roids/PH. So likely, not going to shrink your balls ;) It's also one of the compounds where you may be able to get away with not using a SERM if you are suppressed from it as from most accounts, it's one of the easier things to recover from (but SERMs will put you on the fast track back to recovering, probably would just need to half dose it rather than the full dosages required for stronger cycles).

It's an interesting compound TBH. Though running it at higher doses for long cycles seems to be what has been shown to be most successful or even stacking it with a PH/DS. Relatively low toxicity. Less impact on the prostate. Pretty easy to recover from relative to other compounds. Etc.


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Ostarine is relatively mild compared to stronger roids/PH. So likely, not going to shrink your balls ;) It's also one of the compounds where you may be able to get away with not using a SERM if you are suppressed from it as from most accounts, it's one of the easier things to recover from (but SERMs will put you on the fast track back to recovering, probably would just need to half dose it rather than the full dosages required for stronger cycles).

It's an interesting compound TBH. Though running it at higher doses for long cycles seems to be what has been shown to be most successful or even stacking it with a PH/DS. Relatively low toxicity. Less impact on the prostate. Pretty easy to recover from relative to other compounds. Etc.
Indeed, that's why I was really interested in it. Seemed to be much less risk and decent gain. I really want to get this bloodwork set up!

I want to see how suppressed I am from this. I know I didn't have pre-cycle levels, but I did have my test checked back in January for my annual physical. I also have bloods from the previous year as well, so I have something to compare, hopefully.


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Indeed, that's why I was really interested in it. Seemed to be much less risk and decent gain. I really want to get this bloodwork set up!

I want to see how suppressed I am from this. I know I didn't have pre-cycle levels, but I did have my test checked back in January for my annual physical. I also have bloods from the previous year as well, so I have something to compare, hopefully.
I would definitely be interested in the findings as well. Looks like something worth running at higher doses safely for long cycles (8-12 weeks) without much sides.


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I would definitely be interested in the findings as well. Looks like something worth running at higher doses safely for long cycles (8-12 weeks) without much sides.
I'll be sure to post the result in here. I hope I can get in to get labs before my run is over. Although, as long as I am within a week or so, I think it should still show if and how much I am shut down.


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I'll be sure to post the result in here. I hope I can get in to get labs before my run is over. Although, as long as I am within a week or so, I think it should still show if and how much I am shut down.
Get bloods for a month or two after you finish your run as well, for comparison! :D


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Ugh, I may just go through privatemdlabs.

Ridiculous that I can't get an appointment to even be seen until October 6th, and they won't do a panel until after that.


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Day 49 of Ostar1ne:

Really tired this morning, and didn't sleep great. Still got some work in, though.

In fact, I hit another rep PR on Bench this morning :) An All-Time rep PR :)

Barbell Bench

80 X 5
100 X 5
120 X 3
140 X 3
155 X 3
175 X 8 (3+ week) Previous PR was 175 X 7 a couple weeks back on my 1+ week :D

BBB Standing Barbell OHP

85 X 5 x 10

1:30 rest between sets here. I almost didn't make the last couple of sets because of pump. Srs. My traps, tris and anterior delts were so pumped it hurt! That there iForce Max Out in full effect with the KNO3 :D

One Arm DB Rows

95s for 3 X 10 1:30 rest between sets. I was pouring sweat when I finished these. Dead stop at the bottom. Used straps for sets 2 & 3

Rear Delt Destroyers

30s X 60
15s X 30
7.5s X 10 (As full of ROM as possible with squeeze at top)

First two sets were "hand and swings" and man do these hurt!!!!

Cable Bicep Curls

I'm not too sure of the weights here, I just did drop set after drop set, trying to get at least 10 reps. First set was 20, then 18, then 15, then 10 and finally 8 if I recall correctly.

Tricep Rope Pushdowns

Same as the bicep work, except my tris were already pretty fried by the presses. I think I only managed 1 set of 20, then 2 sets of 10.

I'm sad to be nearing the end of my bottle of Osta. I am calling the Endo today to see if maybe I can see another doc instead. I also might get my PCP to set up my blood draw before I go to the visit, That way I can pick the day and early AM (like a Wednesday) to get an accurate draw. Then I can discuss the numbers at my appointment.


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Just tried db rows with deadstop this morning. 120 4x12. Destroyed me. Wanted to leave the gym afterwards but I finished out my workout with bb rows and crazy 8s arms superset.


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Just tried db rows with deadstop this morning. 120 4x12. Destroyed me. Wanted to leave the gym afterwards but I finished out my workout with bb rows and crazy 8s arms superset.
I know man, they are way more exhausting than they look! GJ with 120s for 4 sets of 12!!! :eek:

I was doing 100s for sets of 8 last week, but decided to drop to 95s. My gym has DBS that go from 100s straight to 125s :mad:

You ever tried those rear delt destroyers? Doing those right after the DB rows made me wanna puke, LOL. I was literally soaked in sweat.


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I know man, they are way more exhausting than they look! GJ with 120s for 4 sets of 12!!! :eek:

I was doing 100s for sets of 8 last week, but decided to drop to 95s. My gym has DBS that go from 100s straight to 125s :mad:

You ever tried those rear delt destroyers? Doing those right after the DB rows made me wanna puke, LOL. I was literally soaked in sweat.
I use 100s on my lighter day. 4x12. I switched them out for one armed bb rows though. This week I basically used Meadows bb/meadows superset. 90lbs on the bar + whatever the bar weights. 4x8. If it was just the single armed bb rows, I do 4x12.

Haven't tried the rear delt destroyers. I've been doing seated db sh presses, 4 sets 8-10 reps. Used 70s throughout all 4 sets this week so it's time to go up to the 75s. Followed by banded seated db sh presses. Did a set with 45s followed by a drop set 40s, 35s, 30s, all banded. Then did lateral raises 45 2x12 50 2x12. Would have finished with db rear delt flies by I pulled my right glute so substituted that with rear delt flies on the pec deck, 155 4x12 or something. I think overall, that's enough delt work for one day :p Traps and squats to finish out the workout.


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I use 100s on my lighter day. 4x12. I switched them out for one armed bb rows though. This week I basically used Meadows bb/meadows superset. 90lbs on the bar + whatever the bar weights. 4x8. If it was just the single armed bb rows, I do 4x12.

Haven't tried the rear delt destroyers. I've been doing seated db sh presses, 4 sets 8-10 reps. Used 70s throughout all 4 sets this week so it's time to go up to the 75s. Followed by banded seated db sh presses. Did a set with 45s followed by a drop set 40s, 35s, 30s, all banded. Then did lateral raises 45 2x12 50 2x12. Would have finished with db rear delt flies by I pulled my right glute so substituted that with rear delt flies on the pec deck, 155 4x12 or something. I think overall, that's enough delt work for one day :p Traps and squats to finish out the workout.

I'll say, LOL! I used to do DB rows all the time for 5 X 10, but slacked off on them for a while. Now that I'm back at them, I may try the one arm BB rows, as I have the aforementioned lack of DBs ;)


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I'll say, LOL! I used to do DB rows all the time for 5 X 10, but slacked off on them for a while. Now that I'm back at them, I may try the one arm BB rows, as I have the aforementioned lack of DBs ;)
The single armed bb rows takes a little getting use to. Mostly on getting a stable stance. Pretty awkward at first but you'll figure it out :)


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Solid work today Misfit.

Lol on the destroyers. I know exactly what you're talking about. They're brutal.


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Solid work today Misfit. Lol on the destroyers. I know exactly what you're talking about. They're brutal.
Thanks, brother! That workout zonked me out, I was out like a light last night, LOL.


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Looking good! I just bought a bottle for a few months down the road. Amazing transformation. Hope you get what you want out of this cycle.


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Almost done with the bottle, update coming tomorrow. Feeling strong lately, but pretty lethargic.


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Keep it going Misfit! I can't wait to see the pic's.


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Almost done with the bottle, update coming tomorrow. Feeling strong lately, but pretty lethargic.
I felt the same on Osta. I'm looking forward to see your bloodwork. I bet you are suppressed.


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Thanks guys! I just took my last three caps this morning :(

Had a good workout, as I have this entire time. I should have watched my intake a bit better and I would have probably had more recomp like effects. I am very happy with the strength gains that I got from Osta!

I will have official measurements and results coming up tomorrow. This morning I weighed in at ~233.4 lbs. and the BF analyzer said 22.8%. I honestly don't think it is totally correct. I know I have gained some lean mass, as my lifts have increased quite a bit, especially my OHP and Bench.

I hit Barbell Bench this morning for my 1+ week for 5/3/1, and got 6 reps. My previous all-time PR was 5 reps back in 2012, when I weighed about 50 lbs. more than I do now. I'd call that progress :D


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Very good progress!


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Thanks guys! I just took my last three caps this morning :(

Had a good workout, as I have this entire time. I should have watched my intake a bit better and I would have probably had more recomp like effects. I am very happy with the strength gains that I got from Osta!

I will have official measurements and results coming up tomorrow. This morning I weighed in at ~233.4 lbs. and the BF analyzer said 22.8%. I honestly don't think it is totally correct. I know I have gained some lean mass, as my lifts have increased quite a bit, especially my OHP and Bench.

I hit Barbell Bench this morning for my 1+ week for 5/3/1, and got 6 reps. My previous all-time PR was 5 reps back in 2012, when I weighed about 50 lbs. more than I do now. I'd call that progress :D
It's ok, my scale says I'm currently about 20% bf. I can assure you that I am way below that in reality. LoL.


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Thanks guys! I just took my last three caps this morning :( Had a good workout, as I have this entire time. I should have watched my intake a bit better and I would have probably had more recomp like effects. I am very happy with the strength gains that I got from Osta! I will have official measurements and results coming up tomorrow. This morning I weighed in at ~233.4 lbs. and the BF analyzer said 22.8%. I honestly don't think it is totally correct. I know I have gained some lean mass, as my lifts have increased quite a bit, especially my OHP and Bench. I hit Barbell Bench this morning for my 1+ week for 5/3/1, and got 6 reps. My previous all-time PR was 5 reps back in 2012, when I weighed about 50 lbs. more than I do now. I'd call that progress :D
Great job man! Do you use a handheld or a standing scale analyzer?


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It's actually an infrared thing at my gym that you measure at the bicep. Horribly inaccurate I know :)
Weight is carried differently from individuals, I don't see how that bicep measurement could ever be all that accurate :p


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It's actually an infrared thing at my gym that you measure at the bicep. Horribly inaccurate I know :)
Oh okay. Yeah I use a handheld and a standing and average them together. I honestly have no idea how accurate this is. I really want to use a bod pod or throw down some money for a dexa scan. I've never even seen one of these infrared things :blink:


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It's actually an infrared thing at my gym that you measure at the bicep. Horribly inaccurate I know :)
At the bicep? Seems like a strange place to measure, although I'm guessing it has to do with easy access... I have a handheld and I know those are not very accurate either. But also I use to give at least a sense of where I'm at.


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Oh okay. Yeah I use a handheld and a standing and average them together. I honestly have no idea how accurate this is. I really want to use a bod pod or throw down some money for a dexa scan. I've never even seen one of these infrared things :blink:
At the bicep? Seems like a strange place to measure, although I'm guessing it has to do with easy access... I have a handheld and I know those are not very accurate either. But also I use to give at least a sense of where I'm at.
LOL, agreed. Apparently some research study somewhere showed that the body composition at the bicep is comparable to the overall body, LOL.

Yeah, right ;)


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Final Update

I took my last 3 caps yesterday, and just thought I would give an update and stats from this run. I am having a hard time getting an appointment with an endo for some strange reason, even though I got a referral from my PCP. I really wanted at least a testosterone test to see where my level is right now.

I have to say that I am really impressed with this product. From the other experiences I have read, this stuff is the real deal! I experienced an increase in strength, vascularity, healing and muscle hardness during my run. As you know, I slowly tapered up to 25mg as a top end dose. I really am not sure a higher dose would be beneficial.

I started this log at 224.4#, and what registered as 19% on the BF% monitor. This morning, I was at 234.4# and yesterday registered at 22.8% BF. I don't feel like my BF went up quite that much, but I think I did have a little fat gain. Here are my measurements from 7/20/2014:

Here's my measurements as of this morning, all done just after waking and unflexed:

Chest: 45"
Arms: 14"
Forearms: 11.5"
Waist at navel: 38.5"
Hips: 40"
Thighs: 24"
Calves: 15.75"
Here are my measurements from this morning:

Chest: 46" (1" gain)
Shoulders: 52" (a 1.5" gain :eek:)
Arms: 14.5" (.5" gain)
Forearms: 11.75" (.25" gain)
Waist at navel: 38.5" (no change, maybe not as bad as I thought)
Hips: 41" (1" gain)
Thighs: 25" (1" gain)
Calves: 16" (.25" gain)

My shoulders just freaking blew up. Explains my estimated 1RM increase in Bench and OHP, I suppose ;)

Estimated 1RM from start of log until today:

Around July 18 (when I first dosed Ostar1ne, my estimated 1RM were as follows:

160 X 6 (194# estimated 1RM) on 7/24/2014
185 X 6 (224# estimated 1RM) on 9/11/2014

120 X 5 (142 estimated 1RM) on 7/21/2014
130 X 4 (151 estimated 1RM) on 9/1/2014

215 X 3 (239 estimated 1RM) on 8/1/2014
210 X 8 (258 estimated 1RM) on 9/12/2014

330 X 5 (387 estimated 1RM) on 7/22/2014
340 X 2 (364 estimated 1RM) on 9/9/2014

So overall, a good run of strnegth increases. I just finished my third consecutive cycle of 5/3/1 without a deload, so I'm feeling pretty beat up, LOL. The Deadlift thing is an outlier, IMO, as my sleep has been less than stellar lately. I'm also adjusting form a bit as I go, so it may not be a true indicator.

Pictures in a bit :)


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Awesome run with some great results!


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Awesome run with some great results!
Indeed! I'm really surprised by the Bench, not so much by the Squat. I had broken my toe before this, so I expected rebound strength to occur. I expect my leg drive is now better on bench as a result of the toe being healed as well.

The Osta really did help with healing the broken toe, IMO. It also helped a lot with my left wrist, where I have tendon pain quite often.


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Nice work misfit! Those increases in measurements with no increase in waistline are stellar.


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Nice work misfit! Those increases in measurements with no increase in waistline are stellar.
Thanks, man! Now I need to cut down the rest of the way :)

I took some final pics, just have to put them up in a collage for easier comparison, and work has kept me busy lately. I'm also going to do a final review.

I can tell my recovery is decreased now that I'm off Ostarine.


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Very nice results with Osta and congrats on all the great progress you made! Great job in here!!


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30 days of clomid @ 100 MG ED roughly is like $40. If you did something that is milder, you can get away with 50 mg's of clomid ED making it $40 roughly for 2 PCT cycles.
Many dudes are running this and nolva at 20 mg a day for 2 weeks, and 10 mg a day for 2 weeks. Why would you take 100mg a day?


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Many dudes are running this and nolva at 20 mg a day for 2 weeks, and 10 mg a day for 2 weeks. Why would you take 100mg a day?
I'm talking about it in the context of it being the only SERM you decide to run and after a strong cycle.

Why are you assuming I'm suggesting 100 mg's of clomid stacked with nolva? :p


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I'm talking about it in the context of it being the only SERM you decide to run and after a strong cycle. Why are you assuming I'm suggesting 100 mg's of clomid stacked with nolva? :p
I'm not assuming you are suggesting stacking both of them. I'm saying they are running 20mgs a day of one. Was just wondering why 100mg a day was thrown out there.


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I'm not assuming you are suggesting stacking both of them. I'm saying they are running 20mgs a day of one. Was just wondering why 100mg a day was thrown out there.
A stronger cycle using clomid only, probably good to go with 100 mgs ED at least for the first week or two, then maybe drop it down to 50 mgs ED after that. If used with Nolva, 20 mgs of Nolva + 50 mgs of Clomid ED maybe?


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Ugh, I don't know why I can't get these pics to work. I'm still working on it.

Work has been crazy busy lately, sorry for not really putting up anything else here yet.

Quick update: I have been off of Ostar1ne now for almost two weeks, and have not noticed any fat gain or muscle/strength loss at all. In fact, I am stioll looking better. I think now that I am keeping calories high and had an AI on board, that I seem to have solidified my gains :) I honestly feel like Osta is minimally suppressive, as all I have run is a natty test booster and AI so far, and my libido is good, as well as strength.

I now have to shop for XL shirts again, btw, not from my stomach/abs area, but from my shoulders/arms and chest!! I would recommend this for anyone.

I apologize for not being able to get bloods, as being busy with work and home life, as well as the endocrinologist not getting back to me in time all played a role.

I of course cannot confirm or deny the lack of suppression, or how much actually occurred, without test results. I am VERY happy with the results I have had from this product.

BTW, at the beginning of this log, I was nursing a shattered right big toe and left wrist tendinitis that bothered the crap out of me. After my Osta cycle, both feel absolutely awesome, and my Squat went back up as well :)


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Good stuff. Plan on running OL Osta later this year along with EP1C and DermaSTRENGTH.


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Ugh, I don't know why I can't get these pics to work. I'm still working on it.

Work has been crazy busy lately, sorry for not really putting up anything else here yet.

Quick update: I have been off of Ostar1ne now for almost two weeks, and have not noticed any fat gain or muscle/strength loss at all. In fact, I am stioll looking better. I think now that I am keeping calories high and had an AI on board, that I seem to have solidified my gains :) I honestly feel like Osta is minimally suppressive, as all I have run is a natty test booster and AI so far, and my libido is good, as well as strength.

I now have to shop for XL shirts again, btw, not from my stomach/abs area, but from my shoulders/arms and chest!! I would recommend this for anyone.

I apologize for not being able to get bloods, as being busy with work and home life, as well as the endocrinologist not getting back to me in time all played a role.

I of course cannot confirm or deny the lack of suppression, or how much actually occurred, without test results. I am VERY happy with the results I have had from this product.

BTW, at the beginning of this log, I was nursing a shattered right big toe and left wrist tendinitis that bothered the crap out of me. After my Osta cycle, both feel absolutely awesome, and my Squat went back up as well :)
Why do people think that suppression is something one can necessarily "feel" is beyond me. Plenty of people going around with low-T and not even notice it.


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My point is:

No strength loss
Little to no weight loss
NO LBM loss that I can tell
No fat gain

My diet has stayed right around the same as it was. I even took a deload week right after I finished my cycle.

Wouldn't I have some strength/LBM loss if I was suppressed? If not, then I don't really care if I was suppressed, LOL ;)


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My point is:

No strength loss
Little to no weight loss
NO LBM loss that I can tell
No fat gain

My diet has stayed right around the same as it was. I even took a deload week right after I finished my cycle.

Wouldn't I have some strength loss if I was suppressed?

How do you think bb'ers years ago use to do it? They weren't as informed about PCT as people are now. How about all those people jumping on the OTC Hdrol 50 from Gaspari? You're making a lot of jumps to conclusions there buddy ;) People didn't use PCT for a long while back.

I think there's a study that was done on AAS users. They found that some of them were still suppressed 6-12 months later after a cycle. Pretty sure those guys didn't even realize that they were suppressed until they took part in the study.


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Agreed. I just enjoyed my time on Osta.

I'm definitely not jumping into another cycle of anything anytime soon. Bad part is that I will most likely be fully recovered whenever I have my blood test, LOL.

Stupid policy of not getting bloods done prior to the appointment :(

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