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Day 28 of Ostar1ne:

Sorry for the lack of updates lately, guys. Work and life in general has been a little crazy. Tuesday I hit Deadlifts for a top set on my 3+ week of 340 X 5.

I was quite happy with that :) After, I hit Standing and seated calf raises and high rep Squats. Legs are still a little sore today.

Been taking the bus lately, so I have been walking at least 2-3 miles every day.

Yesterday I really neglected my diet, and ended up only getting in about 1,400 calories and only about 60g Protein :(

The good news is that I hit another PR on Bench today :D

Still dosing at 25mg ED, and will most liekly stick with this. No sides to speak of except a little GI issues at times, and the strength is getting pretty good.

Here's my workout from this morning:

Barbell Flat Bench:

75 X 5
90 X 5
110 X 3
130 X 3
145 X 3
165 X 10 (3+ set) PR!

BBB Standing Barbell OHP

50 X 5
65 X 5
80 X 5 X 10

Dear god, the pump was ridiculous and painful from these. I took a scoop of IFN Max Out this morning, and the pump is quite noticeable from the GMS and KNO3 combo!

DB Bicep Curls

25s X 3 X 10

One Arm DB rows:

100s X 3 X 5

No straps this time. Full stop on the floor each rep.

"Rear Delt Destroyers"

30s X 60 (Partial ROM, "hang and swing")
15s X 30 (Partial ROM, "hang and swing")
10s X 10 (Full ROM)

Boy do these hurt! LOL.

Tricep Rope Pushdowns

150 X 3 X 10

Tricep Straight Bar Pushdowns

150 X 3 X 10

Overhead DB Tricep Extensions

30 X 3 X 10


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I can't get over the strength increase from last Friday's Bench day to today.

Not sure what to attribute it to, LOL.

Last week was 155 X 9, and today I hit 165 X 10. Just kinda crazy. If the strength gain is this massive on Ostar1ne, I wish I had found it a long time ago!


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Actually, this week you "should" be seeing strength increases from the Osta.


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I can't get over the strength increase from last Friday's Bench day to today.

Not sure what to attribute it to, LOL.

Last week was 155 X 9, and today I hit 165 X 10. Just kinda crazy. If the strength gain is this massive on Ostar1ne, I wish I had found it a long time ago!
I know you've been titrating up, but how many weeks do you think you have left?


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I know you've been titrating up, but how many weeks do you think you have left?
I think I have ~4 weeks left from Last Thursday. I am absolutely loving this stuff at 25mg! The strength gains are really hitting now.


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Day 32 of Ostar1ne:

I forgot to post my workout from Friday. Not a lot to report, as it was Squat day. Still working back up from my toe injury.

Today I had an awesome workout, despite only getting about 4 hours of sleep.

I nailed an all-time PR on OHP today. I have been struggling to get even one rep on OHP at 135 for a LONG time. Today I managed three! I was feeling strong this morning, but was scheduled to only do 125 X 1+. Said to hell with it, and I'm glad I did :) Third rep was a grinder, but I got it locked out!

Standing Barbell OHP

55 X 5
75 X 5
85 X 3
105 X 5
115 X 3
135 X 3 (1+ set)(ALL TIME PR)

BBB Barbell Flat Bench

75 X 5
95 X 5
110 X 5 X 10

After this, I did a lot of accessory movements:

Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns: 3 X 10

Tricep Rope and Straight Bar Pushdowns: 3 X 10 each exercise

DB Hammer Curls: 3 X 10

Face Pulls: 3 X 10

Overhead DB Tricep Extensions: 3 X 10


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I think I have ~4 weeks left from Last Thursday. I am absolutely loving this stuff at 25mg! The strength gains are really hitting now.
Strong OHP! Congrats on the PR! The next 4 weeks are going to be good. You should be recomping and noticing leaning out in the near future (assuming diet is on point ).


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Day 32 of Ostar1ne: I forgot to post my workout from Friday. Not a lot to report, as it was Squat day. Still working back up from my toe injury. Today I had an awesome workout, despite only getting about 4 hours of sleep. I nailed an all-time PR on OHP today. I have been struggling to get even one rep on OHP at 135 for a LONG time. Today I managed three! I was feeling strong this morning, but was scheduled to only do 125 X 1+. Said to hell with it, and I'm glad I did :) Third rep was a grinder, but I got it locked out! Standing Barbell OHP 55 X 5 75 X 5 85 X 3 105 X 5 115 X 3 135 X 3 (1+ set)(ALL TIME PR) BBB Barbell Flat Bench 75 X 5 95 X 5 110 X 5 X 10 After this, I did a lot of accessory movements: Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns: 3 X 10 Tricep Rope and Straight Bar Pushdowns: 3 X 10 each exercise DB Hammer Curls: 3 X 10 Face Pulls: 3 X 10 Overhead DB Tricep Extensions: 3 X 10
How's the toe feeling man? I did the same thing you did, except with a 25 pound weight.. Sucks man.


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I'm in. Great log so far!


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How's the toe feeling man? I did the same thing you did, except with a 25 pound weight.. Sucks man.
Much better! I actually haven't gone back to the doc, LOL.

I'm convinced the Osta helped it heal faster :)

Yeah, it really sucks to have that happen. Still waiting for the toenail to fall off, LOL.


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Day 33 of Ostar1ne

I feel like i am recomping nicely at this point, just as kenpoengineer said I would ;) I'm feeling and looking really solid, IMO. I'm interwsted to see the difference in my pics, lifts and measurements at the end!

Barbell Deadlift

150 lb x 5 reps
190 lb x 5 reps
225 lb x 3 reps
285 lb x 5 reps
320 lb x 3 reps
355 lb x 3 reps

Third rep on the top (+1) set was a little delayed from the other two, and it was a grinder, but felt good :)

Machine Hack Squat

50 lb x 10 reps (PR)
20 lb x 10 reps
20 lb x 10 reps
20 lb x 10 reps
20 lb x 10 reps

These are much harder than they look. Full ROM, barely touching bottom out point of machine, and slow contractions back to top. 1:30 between sets. Weight listed is just the plates. Have no idea what machine sled weighs, and I guess it doesn't really matter, LOL.

Standing Barbell Calf Raise

325 lb x 5 reps
325 lb x 5 reps
325 lb x 5 reps
325 lb x 5 reps
325 lb x 5 reps (PR)

2:30 between sets. Explosive contractions while toes on a board. 1 second squeeze at top, slow descent and exploding back up after a 2 second pause to kill momentum.

Seated Calf Raise

100 lb x 10 reps
100 lb x 10 reps
100 lb x 10 reps

These were done with a low squeeze to the top, 1 second squeeze at top, 2 second pause at bottom. 1:30 between sets. These hurt ;)

Leg Extensions

90 lb x 15 reps
90 lb x 15 reps
90 lb x 15 reps

1:30 between sets. Slow reps without fully locking out. Brutal burn!


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Can someone explain to me why one would use ostarine in PCT? The stuff is suppressive since it's essentially and exogenous androgen.


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Can someone explain to me why one would use ostarine in PCT? The stuff is suppressive since it's essentially and exogenous androgen.
I was only using XI-KT before, so this isn't more suppressive than that IMO.

The main reason, as I understand it, for low dose Osta in PCT is to preserve lean mass gains until your PCT kicks in to restore your natural production.

The name of my log is a bit deceiving, I suppose. XI-KT is not really suppressive enough to warrant a full PCT regimen. It is technically a PCT, but not in the sense that most people use the term (i.e.: SERMs, etc.) ;)


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I was only using XI-KT before, so this isn't more suppressive than that IMO.

The main reason, as I understand it, for low dose Osta in PCT is to preserve lean mass gains until your PCT kicks in to restore your natural production.
You would need to run 11-oxo pretty high for it to actually need a PCT. Ostarine on the other hand, that can get suppressive pretty quick even at some sub 20 mg doses. 20 mg's and above, you can be darn sure that it's going to be suppressive.

Initially people thought that ostarine makes sense to use in PCT because it wasn't technically a steroid or a PH. However, it's essentially an androgen in the body. All your body will know is that you have extra androgens in the body so back to what I mentioned earlier, after a certain dose threshold, it's going to be suppressive.

A SERM for PCT is the only way to go IF you actually need a PCT in the first place. Something like clomid you can also use to bridge in lower EOD dosing apparently.

I guess you can get bloods done to see if the dosages of ostarine you're using is suppressive or not, then again, you probably should have had bloodwork done before the 11-oxo run and after the 11-oxo run to see if it suppressed you in the first place.


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You would need to run 11-oxo pretty high for it to actually need a PCT. Ostarine on the other hand, that can get suppressive pretty quick even at some sub 20 mg doses. 20 mg's and above, you can be darn sure that it's going to be suppressive.

Initially people thought that ostarine makes sense to use in PCT because it wasn't technically a steroid or a PH. However, it's essentially an androgen in the body. All your body will know is that you have extra androgens in the body so back to what I mentioned earlier, after a certain dose threshold, it's going to be suppressive.

A SERM for PCT is the only way to go IF you actually need a PCT in the first place. Something like clomid you can also use to bridge in lower EOD dosing apparently.

I guess you can get bloods done to see if the dosages of ostarine you're using is suppressive or not, then again, you probably should have had bloodwork done before the 11-oxo run and after the 11-oxo run to see if it suppressed you in the first place.
Very true. I plan on going to an endo soon anyway, as IMO my test levels are not really where they should be. I'm edging up to the big 4-0 next March :eek:

I've already done my duty to the species through propagation ;) I'm only worried about my gains now :p


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Very true. I plan on going to an endo soon anyway, as IMO my test levels are not really where they should be. I'm edging up to the big 4-0 next March :eek:

I've already done my duty to the species through propagation ;) I'm only worried about my gains now :p
Yeah, beyond the matter of spreading more seed through the world, the main factor in trying to get your hormones back up is indeed so that you can maintain some of your gains. That and the possibility of rebound estrogen.


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Day 39 of Ostar1ne:

I amk still really enjoying this run. I am feeling and looking more and more lean, and hope the pictures and measurements reflect that at the end. I have roughly two weeks left at 5 caps (25mg) per day. I don't want the cycle to end, TBH ;)

Strength gains are still impressing me. Two weeks ago, I hit 120 X 7 on OHP, and today, I got 9 reps with that weight.

I've been using iForce Max Out as a pre, mixed with 2 scoops of BodyForge 2.0 lately, and the pump is ridiculous with the Osta.

I'd say two extra reps for an all-time rep PR is pretty good. After last cycle of 5/3/1, I upped my weights a bit more on OHP, dropped them a tad on DL, Upped on Bench and dropped Squats a bit.

I'm also planning to switch from LB Squat to HB Squat for a bit. I feel like my body is built more for a narrow stance Squat, so I'm gonna try it out for a bit.

I sometimes sweat a lot with Osta, but I feel great. Still averaging about the same amount of calories as well. Weight seems to be staying pretty steady now, but I'm starting to see the veins in my delts a little more than normal. My forearms are vascular all the time now.


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Congrats on the OHP PR reps! Sounds like you are doing well on Osta. Keep killing it brother. How's the energy on MaxOut?


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I'm for this.

Way past due on a Misfit log.

Strong OHP gainz!


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Congrats on the OHP PR reps! Sounds like you are doing well on Osta. Keep killing it brother. How's the energy on MaxOut?
Thanks, man! I'm loving Max Out so far. It's not a crazy energy, IMO. I'm really stim tolerant, though.

The best parts for me are the focus, pump and endurance. It may help a bit with strength over time as well, bc of the nitrates. It just gives me a good intensity while hitting the weights. I seem to be better at focusing on form after taking it :)

I'm for this.

Way past due on a Misfit log.

Strong OHP gainz!
Thanks for joining, bro! Congrats on the sig, I just noticed it!


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Day 39 of Ostar1ne:

I amk still really enjoying this run. I am feeling and looking more and more lean, and hope the pictures and measurements reflect that at the end. I have roughly two weeks left at 5 caps (25mg) per day. I don't want the cycle to end, TBH ;)

Strength gains are still impressing me. Two weeks ago, I hit 120 X 7 on OHP, and today, I got 9 reps with that weight.

I've been using iForce Max Out as a pre, mixed with 2 scoops of BodyForge 2.0 lately, and the pump is ridiculous with the Osta.

I'd say two extra reps for an all-time rep PR is pretty good. After last cycle of 5/3/1, I upped my weights a bit more on OHP, dropped them a tad on DL, Upped on Bench and dropped Squats a bit.

I'm also planning to switch from LB Squat to HB Squat for a bit. I feel like my body is built more for a narrow stance Squat, so I'm gonna try it out for a bit.

I sometimes sweat a lot with Osta, but I feel great. Still averaging about the same amount of calories as well. Weight seems to be staying pretty steady now, but I'm starting to see the veins in my delts a little more than normal. My forearms are vascular all the time now.
Good stuff!!!

I love ostar1ne. Currently in week 2 and getting stronger each workout.


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Good stuff!!!

I love ostar1ne. Currently in week 2 and getting stronger each workout.
Thanks, brother! This stuff is amazing, I must say. I can only imagine what kind of gains you would get above 25mg ED!!

Update coming soon. I hit some nice DL numbers today, but Squat didn't feel right, so I ended up just doing some Hack Squat and Leg Extensions.

That broken toe really took its toll on my Squat numbers :(


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Thanks, brother! This stuff is amazing, I must say. I can only imagine what kind of gains you would get above 25mg ED!!

Update coming soon. I hit some nice DL numbers today, but Squat didn't feel right, so I ended up just doing some Hack Squat and Leg Extensions.

That broken toe really took its toll on my Squat numbers :(
Why would you even bother to see what even higher doses of ostarine would do? It's an exogenous androgen, might as well just jump full on into a real PH/DS cycle at that point.

Get some bloodwork done brother, very curious to see if your current 25 mg dosing of it has suppressed you or not.


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Day 40 of Ostar1ne:

Still feeling quite awesome, really. It's hard to believe that I am getting results like this. I feel strong and confident.

I'm hoping I can keep my gains from this run pretty easily. My official weigh-in will be Friday, as usual. At the end of the log, I will be taking before and after pictures, detail my before and after estimated lifts and my weight, BF% (estimated) and measurements.

Here's what I hit this morning:

Conventional Deadlift:

145 X 5
180 X 5
215 X 3
235 X 5
270 X 5
305 X 10 (11)

The parenthesis just indicates that I did one more rep after a pause. It felt too long to consider it part of the last set, but almost too short to be a single, LOL.

I had dropped this lift just a tad, but maybe I dropped it too much. I didn't use a belt at all for these sets, and straps only on the last set. I just don't like using a mixed grip for multiple reps, it feels weird to me.

Have a little twinge in my back now, maybe I pushed a bit too hard with no belt, LOL. I'm sure it will be fine after a rest day.

Hack Squat machine

20 X 10
30 X 4 X 10

I feel weak as hell with these. I decided not to Squat today because of my hip and back. I was doing high rep BBB Squats anyway, so no biggie. I can't believe how little I can do weight-wise on these. I just started using it recently. These are full ROM with a short pause at the bottom.

Leg Extensions:

80 X 20
90 X 3 X 20

Talk about some burn! This is the first time I have had leg "pump" in forever. The burn was freaking intense! I'm hoping it will spur a bit more quad growth, as my hammies are huge compared to my quads, LOL.


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Why would you even bother to see what even higher doses of ostarine would do? It's an exogenous androgen, might as well just jump full on into a real PH/DS cycle at that point.

Get some bloodwork done brother, very curious to see if your current 25 mg dosing of it has suppressed you or not.
Agreed, and I might actually do that eventually.

I will be doing some bloods after this, for sure. I'm curious as well. I don't feel shut down, but that is certainly not a way to tell ;)

I will most likely use the privatemdlabs, as I'm sure my insurance won't cover it anyway.


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Agreed, and I might actually do that eventually.

I will be doing some bloods after this, for sure. I'm curious as well. I don't feel shut down, but that is certainly not a way to tell ;)

I will most likely use the privatemdlabs, as I'm sure my insurance won't cover it anyway.
I think insurance covers bloodwork for testing hormones. Probably more dependent on the practitioner you are going to and if the practitioner takes the insurance plan or not.


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Strong deads Misfit.


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Thanks, brother! I'm chasing those 4 plates :)
It won't be long for you, for sure. I can't wait to get there either. Squats too. :)


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I might have missed it earlier, but I didn't notice.. What are you going to be running for "pct" of Osta?


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I might have missed it earlier, but I didn't notice.. What are you going to be running for "pct" of Osta?
I'll just be running an OTC Test Booster.

I'm pretty sure a SERM would be overkill. I didn't do pre-Osta bloods, but am trying to get in for post-bloodwork.


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I'll just be running an OTC Test Booster.

I'm pretty sure a SERM would be overkill. I didn't do pre-Osta bloods, but am trying to get in for post-bloodwork.
You don't need the pre-ostarine bloods. You'll know if you're shut down or not from the bloodwork you get post. You're most likely shut down from the SARM and most likely was not shut down from the 11-oxo. If you're shut down, OTC test boosters are going to do next to nothing, DAA possibly may help a little bit but the OTC stuff are essentially nice add-ins to a SERM. A PCT always starts with a SERM first and foremost. You will eventually recover without a SERM but the whole point of using a SERM is to bounce back as quickly as possible so that you don't lose what you've gained running a cycle.

Plus a SERM is friggin cheap. In fact, most of the time cheaper than OTC PCT products. Why wouldn't you use a SERM if you are shut down? Makes no sense.

Also, there's really no such thing as a "mild" cycle. A "mild" cycle in terms of effects would essentially net you very little to no gains. When people say that something is "mild" it's more times than not referencing a compound's toxicity, not androgenic potency.


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You don't need the pre-ostarine bloods. You'll know if you're shut down or not from the bloodwork you get post. You're most likely shut down from the SARM and most likely was not shut down from the 11-oxo. If you're shut down, OTC test boosters are going to do next to nothing, DAA possibly may help a little bit but the OTC stuff are essentially nice add-ins to a SERM. A PCT always starts with a SERM first and foremost. You will eventually recover without a SERM but the whole point of using a SERM is to bounce back as quickly as possible so that you don't lose what you've gained running a cycle.

Plus a SERM is friggin cheap. In fact, most of the time cheaper than OTC PCT products. Why wouldn't you use a SERM if you are shut down? Makes no sense.
I will absolutely use one if I am shut down. I've just heard some bad things about SERMs like Clomid making you feel horrible and depressed, LOL.

I need my bloods to be certain.


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I will absolutely use one if I am shut down. I've just heard some bad things about SERMs like Clomid making you feel horrible and depressed, LOL.

I need my bloods to be certain.
Clomid could cause some mood swings, that's for sure. If you respond well to it (most people do, responding well as in the stuff being very effective), clomid is the most effective as it gets your HPTA back quicker than the other SERMs. There's always tamoxifen/Nolvadex that you could go with. That has the least negative side effects but may have estrogen rebound when you come off it (so running an AI may or may not be necessary, highly individual).


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Clomid could cause some mood swings, that's for sure. If you respond well to it (most people do, responding well as in the stuff being very effective), clomid is the most effective as it gets your HPTA back quicker than the other SERMs. There's always tamoxifen/Nolvadex that you could go with. That has the least negative side effects but may have estrogen rebound when you come off it (so running an AI may or may not be necessary, highly individual).
That's exactly what I have heard. Setting up an appointment for bloods now.


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That's exactly what I have heard. Setting up an appointment for bloods now.
Luckily for you, the two main SERMs along with letro are all very easily obtainable from a good research chem site ;) The internet has you covered.


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Luckily for you, the two main SERMs along with letro are all very easily obtainable from a good research chem site ;) The internet has you covered.
Searching that now :) I'm curious to see what the bloods show, as I was led to believe (through my own research) that Osta wouldn't shut you down much (if any). Especially under 30mg.


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Searching that now :) I'm curious to see what the bloods show, as I was led to believe (through my own research) that Osta wouldn't shut you down much (if any). Especially under 30mg.
That's what they originally believed. Turned out that @ the typical effective doses of 20-25 mg's, it ends up suppressing (which totally makes sense, it's a friggin active androgen in the body, all your body senses is a surge in androgens, that suppresses).

So yeah, the idea of using it for PCT was to maintain gains, of course that's going to work since you're putting exogenous androgens into your body, lol. The problem is that it's not going to recover HPTA so it's still suppressing. The point of PCT is to recover from suppression as quickly as possible, not to prolong suppression.

So there's a product called PCT IV by Blackstone Labs, it's the silliest thing because one of the purposes for that product was originally PCT (hence the name), but soon people noticed that they were still suppressed or newly suppressed from it and it became clear that it was the ostarine.

You also shouldn't think about these things as being "mild" in terms of suppression. An effective dose of androgens should be considered suppressive, plain and simple. Something being "mild" or not has to do with it's level of toxicity.

So where does ostarine fit in then? Probably best time to use it is on cycle, as it's providing additional androgens minus the toxicity, but the stuff is kind of expensive. You can also use it as a bridge between cycles, but that ends up keeping your suppressed for longer (suppression from the ostarine and then continued suppression from your PH/DS cycle). The longer you are suppressed the longer it's going to take to recover from. So I guess one can interpret something being "mildly" suppressive or not based mostly on the length of time on rather than the actual compound having some sort of suppression scale rating.


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That's what they originally believed. Turned out that @ the typical effective doses of 20-25 mg's, it ends up suppressing (which totally makes sense, it's a friggin active androgen in the body, all your body senses is a surge in androgens, that suppresses).

So yeah, the idea of using it for PCT was to maintain gains, of course that's going to work since you're putting exogenous androgens into your body, lol. The problem is that it's not going to recover HPTA so it's still suppressing. The point of PCT is to recover from suppression as quickly as possible, not to prolong suppression.

So there's a product called PCT IV by Blackstone Labs, it's the silliest thing because one of the purposes for that product was originally PCT (hence the name), but soon people noticed that they were still suppressed or newly suppressed from it and it became clear that it was the ostarine.

You also shouldn't think about these things as being "mild" in terms of suppression. An effective dose of androgens should be considered suppressive, plain and simple. Something being "mild" or not has to do with it's level of toxicity.

So where does ostarine fit in then? Probably best time to use it is on cycle, as it's providing additional androgens minus the toxicity, but the stuff is kind of expensive. You can also use it as a bridge between cycles, but that ends up keeping your suppressed for longer (suppression from the ostarine and then continued suppression from your PH/DS cycle). The longer you are suppressed the longer it's going to take to recover from. So I guess one can interpret something being "mildly" suppressive or not based mostly on the length of time on rather than the actual compound having some sort of suppression scale rating.
I just saw that product the other day, LOL.

Makes total sense, guess I'm still a noob when it comes to androgens. I should have played it safe and had a SERM on hand just in case. Live and learn :)


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I just saw that product the other day, LOL.

Makes total sense, guess I'm still a noob when it comes to androgens. I should have played it safe and had a SERM on hand just in case. Live and learn :)
It's all good. You're not alone. MANY people jump on a cycle without planning a post cycle. It's completely illogical because what happens post will dictates how much of the gains you made you get to keep.

The thing with androgens is that we take them to create a supraphysiological environment for anabolism. That meaning it is something that can not be achieved naturally, your body simply will not make enough androgens (testosterone, etc.) to create that supraphysiological effect. So one takes exogenous androgens to achieve that effect but then of course the body suppresses natural production since it sees no sense in producing your usual levels because you have all this excess.


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not from what I've seen online.
30 days of clomid @ 100 MG ED roughly is like $40.

If you did something that is milder, you can get away with 50 mg's of clomid ED making it $40 roughly for 2 PCT cycles.


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30 days of clomid @ 100 MG ED roughly is like $40.

If you did something that is milder, you can get away with 50 mg's of clomid ED making it $40 roughly for 2 PCT cycles.
Yep, the problem is finding a legit source.


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Yep, the problem is finding a legit source.
Yup, that is definitely the biggest problem. One thing you can do is get the clomid from one source and the nolvadex from another. Highly unlikely that they both end up being bunk.


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30 days of clomid @ 100 MG ED roughly is like $40. If you did something that is milder, you can get away with 50 mg's of clomid ED making it $40 roughly for 2 PCT cycles.
Most sites I've seen it for $60. I can find t-boosters for like 20$. I'm not saying they are that effective in pct though.


I just got in enough pharma grade serms yesterday to run 6 full pct"s for under $100...
That's $16 for a proper pct minus the AI..
Google is your friend man..


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Most sites I've seen it for $60. I can find t-boosters for like 20$. I'm not saying they are that effective in pct though.
Typically I've been seeing it for about $50. With a discount code it gets it down to $40-$45. Depending on your PCT needs, that will get you enough clomid for 1-2 full 30 day PCTs. A test booster is typically like $30 on average.

$60 for around 6 grams of clomid is within the ballpark, but if you look around, you can either 1) knock the price down via discount codes or 2) just shop around.

I just got in enough pharma grade serms yesterday to run 6 full pct"s for under $100...
That's $16 for a proper pct minus the AI..
Google is your friend man..
^ See, there yah go :p

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