Maximus Stack - Non-serm Pct Options?



New member
H-DROL and WIN-ZTROL - stacked to imitate the Gaspari Maximus Stack.

There are so many mixed opinions on here about what works for post cycle, and some say that based on how mild this maximus stack is versus others, a non-SERM is ok. Gaspari recommends Novedex XT for this stack as an OTC (over the counter) but I have held off buying anything else until I get some good information from guys that have run it and what they did for post cycle therapy.

From what I have read here Novedex XT and the over the counter Post Cycle options are not enough at the end of the cycle. Yet, others have said that the maximus stack, being a milder stack, OTC is all you need. Please note that ultimately my goal is to go non-SERM and I will shovel a dozen pills if I have to. I realize that there must be guys out there who have had success with other non-serm options. What worked?

I think this information would serve the community of readers well. It may not be easy to get SERMs now and maybe even more so in the future. (For some) It is worth considering viable alternatives. Please share your knowledge and experience.


The 411: I am just short of 40 years old, have worked out on and off for 20 years, well structured just carrying too much fat (28%), going on a fat reduction phase prior to considering any cycle, so I don't plan on doing anything for quite some time - maybe as much as a year. I just want to get everything 100% in place and in the freezer ahead of time - already have the H-Drol and WIN-ZTROL.


Board Supporter
  • Established
A low dose AI is an option. I use 1 pill of ATD the last week of the cycle. then first week of pct take 2 pills and a cort blocker with activate. then taper back to one ATD and taper off the cort blocker. shorter cyles would be best without a serm. they have a new otc serm or some say it is. might give that a try. I'm just trying out the pulsing now and will til the new year.


New member
must be someone ....

Just thinking that there must be more people who did or are doing the maximus stack - what did you do for PCT?


Anabolic Innovations Owner
  • Established
To help returning things to normal and maybe even a little better, I would put some POST Cycle Support in there as well. It is available at Nutra Planet.


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