Marne’s XPG Ab-Solved Log (sponsored by SNS)



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I’ve been sitting on this product for a few months because I couldn’t quite squeeze it in properly, but I’m pretty sure I have the time to test this out. @sns8778 was kind enough to send this to me to either log or review, so I decided on a log as it will further help with accountability while I continue leaning out. I originally planned to start a lean bulk blast, but had to once again stop, this time for administrative reasons. So I figured I’d continue slowly cutting and will revisit the blast toward the end of next month. Probably smart to wait a tad longer while the shoulder improves more anyway.

I gotta give @ZOO some love in here. He’s been coaching me with nutrition the past few months while I was unable to properly train with the shoulder issues. I was floundering quite a bit with getting down to a lower body fat percentage, and he has been invaluable. This has been a rough year; I’ve lost a good amount of lean tissue and couldn’t train for a few months, but I also lost a decent amount of fat. So some good came out of this I suppose. But between Zoo and products from various board sponsors, including quite a bit from SNS, I’ve managed to avoid massive failures.

My plan for this is rather simple. I’m just going to dose per the instructions and keep calories in a slight deficit. By slight, I mean like 100 calories or so. It seems logical that the product should do it’s thing with this kind of deficit, whereas a greater deficit is going to produce results anyway and wouldn’t really be testing the product. That said, if my logic seems flawed, please say something and I’ll adjust.

Here’s a couple starting pics:

I have some fluff to get rid of in my love handle area and my abs are definitely weak, but I have lower ab veins for the first time ever. Anyway, wish me luck 🤘🤘


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good luck dude, great starting this product hormonal?


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In on this for sure!


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First impressions:

I applied two pumps this morning, one to each love handle and general lower abdomen area. The consistency is more viscous than water, but not as thick as toothpaste. It’s brown, and doesn’t stink or smell good. I wouldn’t use it to replace cologne, but it’s not going to fully repel the object of your affection. It dried fairly quickly, maybe within a few minutes. It’s not oily, but more like a lotion when it’s on the skin, and quickly starts to “thicken” after beginning application.

No complaints at this point at all, and the smell went away rather quickly.

Today’s workout was cardio. I stopped running several years ago due to multiple back to back knee surgeries, but still manage to hit cardio. I go to the gym specifically for cardio two days a week, where I hit an elliptical/stair stepper hybrid for a mile at a moderate pace, then substitute sprints with all out rows in one minute bursts with 30 second rest periods until my a$$ is kicked, then speed walk a mile on a track above the indoor pool which is a very toasty and humid room. That typically burns off around 1,000 calories and totally sucks, but skipping cardio is the dumbest thing we can do in this sport, especially if you’re playing with AAS. I also do LISS the other 5 days per week, sometimes before I lift, sometimes after my carb heavy meal. I try to walk for around 10 minutes after every meal to help digestion, but I’ve been slacking lately. Otherwise, I have a home gym but still go to the actual gym for my heavy leg day and the two heavy cardio days.

Anyway, I tend to blab about dumb sh!t, so that’ll do it for now.


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First impressions:

I applied two pumps this morning, one to each love handle and general lower abdomen area. The consistency is more viscous than water, but not as thick as toothpaste. It’s brown, and doesn’t stink or smell good. I wouldn’t use it to replace cologne, but it’s not going to fully repel the object of your affection. It dried fairly quickly, maybe within a few minutes. It’s not oily, but more like a lotion when it’s on the skin, and quickly starts to “thicken” after beginning application.

No complaints at this point at all, and the smell went away rather quickly.

Today’s workout was cardio. I stopped running several years ago due to multiple back to back knee surgeries, but still manage to hit cardio. I go to the gym specifically for cardio two days a week, where I hit an elliptical/stair stepper hybrid for a mile at a moderate pace, then substitute sprints with all out rows in one minute bursts with 30 second rest periods until my a$$ is kicked, then speed walk a mile on a track above the indoor pool which is a very toasty and humid room. That typically burns off around 1,000 calories and totally sucks, but skipping cardio is the dumbest thing we can do in this sport, especially if you’re playing with AAS. I also do LISS the other 5 days per week, sometimes before I lift, sometimes after my carb heavy meal. I try to walk for around 10 minutes after every meal to help digestion, but I’ve been slacking lately. Otherwise, I have a home gym but still go to the actual gym for my heavy leg day and the two heavy cardio days.

Anyway, I tend to blab about dumb sh!t, so that’ll do it for now.
Keep up the blabbing, it's great food for thought!

I'm in.


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In to follow along. I hope that you'll enjoy the product.

Btw... you mentioned the scent being pretty neutral. It's not an added scent, its the Pomegranate/Punicic Acid. And I agree, it goes away pretty quickly.


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In to follow along. I hope that you'll enjoy the product.

Btw... you mentioned the scent being pretty neutral. It's not an added scent, its the Pomegranate/Punicic Acid. And I agree, it goes away pretty quickly.
That’s a great way to put it; neutral. It’s far from bad, kind of medicinal, but not too much and it goes away fairly quickly.


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About a week into trying this out and I gotta say, I’m starting to like the smell. As I said before, it wasn’t bad to start with, but I kind of like it now. Weird how that happens sometimes.

Anyway, no drastic improvements yet, but at one week in I wouldn’t expect results anyway. I think I might be a little tighter, but I’m a horrible judge with these things. I’ll try to post updated pics every week though so those following can see for themselves.


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Awesome. Will be cool to see side by side pics week to week at the end.


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I’ve noticed the temperature around my mid section start to increase throughout the day. Not like burning from the carrier, which doesn’t burn, but some thermogenesis. It’s not a ton, but it’s becoming more apparent with continued use of the product. Core seems to be tightening up more, little by little, with continued use as well. Still have some extra fluff where love handles seemingly attach to every dude on the planet at some point in their lives, but it’s slowly getting better.


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. Still have some extra fluff where love handles seemingly attach to every dude on the planet at some point in their lives
It's winter and holidays are coming up so you need that extra fluff to keep warm :)


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Going to do an early weekly update since I’ll likely allow myself some extra calories over the next couple days. Core seems to be getting less jiggly. It hasn’t just melted off fat, but I’m confident it’s getting rid of some or enhancing my slight caloric deficit. I didn’t want to say it out loud, but I also seem to be getting better pumps over the last week/week and a half. Not sure it’s anything to do with the product, but I haven’t changed anything else. So, maybe 🤷‍♂️. Just hit back and tris and the pump is pretty nice. Always my favorite workout. Anyway, here’s the latest progress pic.



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my slight caloric deficit
I wish i could use all these words in one sentence about my diet. With all the Thanksgiving get togethers about to happen i'm in surplus for sure.


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Coming up on the end of this short log. I really tested this stuff out the past couple days haha. Back on course now though. Core is still fairly tight, tighter than when I started this log. I’ll post up final pics and my opinion of Ab-Solved on Thursday or Friday.


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Final Review

Just like any other transdermal, I found it best to use cheap nitrile gloves and I even used sandwich bags for a couple days while waiting for an order of gloves to come in. I typically applied the product right after drying off from the shower, then finished getting things ready for the day with my shirt off waiting for it to dry.

It dries a little slower than some other TDs I’ve used, but not more than 10 minutes until I was good to finish getting dressed. I found that not waiting for it to fully dry made my shirt stick to the application site. No biggy, just know that it might take a little longer to fully dry than some other carriers.

Affects on skin:
I didn’t experience anything abnormal in regards to skin irritation. It did get a little toasty after a few days of application, but it wasn’t a burn like I would anticipate from applying a harsh carrier. In other words, the carrier was a little stronger than I’m used to, but I didn’t find it too rough at all.

Although the plan was to stick to about a 100 calorie deficit, I ended up eating around maintenance a couple days a week or so, then went nanners for thanksgiving and the following day. My skin still felt tighter and there seemed to be a lot less jiggle than before I started using this. Overall, I found Ab-Solved to be an effective spot tightening product. I only used it on my waistline, but I think it could be used on other spots to help tighten things up some.

Additional thoughts:
I think this would be a great addition to an actual cut with a real caloric deficit. If it can tighten things up in a slight, inconsistent deficit, I imagine it would be a powerhouse in a real cut. For the price, it’s not a crazy gamble of money anyway to see how it would work for you. Just my opinion of course.

Pics from this morning:


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Great review .. and thank you for the details.

I stacked it once with lean edge and loved it .. i can def feel the burn as well ..great product


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Final Review

Just like any other transdermal, I found it best to use cheap nitrile gloves and I even used sandwich bags for a couple days while waiting for an order of gloves to come in. I typically applied the product right after drying off from the shower, then finished getting things ready for the day with my shirt off waiting for it to dry.

It dries a little slower than some other TDs I’ve used, but not more than 10 minutes until I was good to finish getting dressed. I found that not waiting for it to fully dry made my shirt stick to the application site. No biggy, just know that it might take a little longer to fully dry than some other carriers.

Affects on skin:
I didn’t experience anything abnormal in regards to skin irritation. It did get a little toasty after a few days of application, but it wasn’t a burn like I would anticipate from applying a harsh carrier. In other words, the carrier was a little stronger than I’m used to, but I didn’t find it too rough at all.

Although the plan was to stick to about a 100 calorie deficit, I ended up eating around maintenance a couple days a week or so, then went nanners for thanksgiving and the following day. My skin still felt tighter and there seemed to be a lot less jiggle than before I started using this. Overall, I found Ab-Solved to be an effective spot tightening product. I only used it on my waistline, but I think it could be used on other spots to help tighten things up some.

Additional thoughts:
I think this would be a great addition to an actual cut with a real caloric deficit. If it can tighten things up in a slight, inconsistent deficit, I imagine it would be a powerhouse in a real cut. For the price, it’s not a crazy gamble of money anyway to see how it would work for you. Just my opinion of course.

Pics from this morning:
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Nice final review! Definitely looking tight around the mid section!

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