Lower Military Fitness Standards Will Come with Consequences



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I don’t know about you, but when I think of soldiers, I go back to my childhood playing with G.I. Joes. These action figures were lean, mean, and muscular. Growing up we’ve all seen Commando with Arnold Schwarzenegger. The dude was jacked and as badass as they come. Today, all of that has changed. Lower military fitness standards are changing the vision of a strong military.
Rather than putting war paint on their faces and lifting heavy weights, our military seems to be more focused on men in thongs twerking on stage and making TikTok videos in drag.
Physical fitness standards are the foundation and framework that our military should be based on. If you aren’t physically fit, you’re a liability not only to yourself but to your brothers on your left and right. They count on you as much as you count on them to stay safe. You need to be strong. You need to be quick. You need to be an asset.
That’s not happening with today’s lower military fitness standards.

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