LDL - 450 Testosterone 318 TOTAL MESS Blood Tests


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35 year old, male, 185lbs, 11% BF, Paleo Diet, Strength Training (Squat/Dl/BP/PU), No AAS use

I have a major problem. Just got labs back and here they are:
Total Cholesterol: 506
HDL: 30
LDL: 450
Tri: 131

Total test: 318

So... super high cholesterol, super high LDL, high Tri's, and low HDL. LOW Testosterone, LOW TSH.

WTF!!! Where do I start to fix THIS freaking mess!????


New member
with results that high I'm surprised your doc did not order a retest.


35 year old, male, 185lbs, 11% BF, Paleo Diet, Strength Training (Squat/Dl/BP/PU), No AAS use

I have a major problem. Just got labs back and here they are:
Total Cholesterol: 506
HDL: 30
LDL: 450
Tri: 131

Total test: 318

So... super high cholesterol, super high LDL, high Tri's, and low HDL. LOW Testosterone, LOW TSH.

WTF!!! Where do I start to fix THIS freaking mess!????
4 one........talk to doc about lipitor.........best one for cholesterol

for test, they might precribe you test cyp 100mg a week or every 2.......should bring you to around 600-800


damn man............then they will probably put u on a crapload of **** at ur age........lol..........
The Matrix

The Matrix

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35 year old, male, 185lbs, 11% BF, Paleo Diet, Strength Training (Squat/Dl/BP/PU), No AAS use

I have a major problem. Just got labs back and here they are:
Total Cholesterol: 506
HDL: 30
LDL: 450
Tri: 131

Total test: 318

So... super high cholesterol, super high LDL, high Tri's, and low HDL. LOW Testosterone, LOW TSH.

WTF!!! Where do I start to fix THIS freaking mess!????
Need to look at lifestlyles as well as why the cholesterol is not being broken down, could be due to excessive of insulin production or low thyroid. There is a block into the cytochrome 450 pathways from cholesterol to steroids hormones. Was this done on empty stomach (fasted)?


Need to look at lifestlyles as well as why the cholesterol is not being broken down, could be due to excessive of insulin production or low thyroid. There is a block into the cytochrome 450 pathways from cholesterol to steroids hormones. Was this done on empty stomach (fasted)?
agreed...........prob problems with thyroid AND blood glucose
The Matrix

The Matrix

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agreed...........prob problems with thyroid AND blood glucose
Avoid statins at all cost. If lifestyle and other modifications have not worked then use as last resort. I have people cholesterol in 400 and had them down to 180 in 3 months. Its how bad do you want to achieve it is the question. i see a lot of elevated lipids on paleodiets because it may be causing hidden inflammation which drives up cholesterol synthesis or you have in ability to break it down properly.

Check TSH, ft3, ft4,rt3, TPO,TGAB, T4 and fasting insulin and total, HA1C, LP(A), Homocysteine levels then you will have a better answer. Insulin resistance is most likely the culprit which some times paleo can create in certain individuals.


I would get another test done to back up the results to be sure.
The Matrix

The Matrix

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I would get another test done to back up the results to be sure.
If he drank like a fish the night before it could alter or if it was not fasted. Other wise I would consider them valid, but if evaluating the persons lifestyles does not match with the testing results then I would retest absolutely before having the Dr make a finally decision.


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4 one........talk to doc about lipitor.........best one for cholesterol

for test, they might precribe you test cyp 100mg a week or every 2.......should bring you to around 600-800
i wouldnt do meds YET, definete retest... levels that high, very unusual with HDL like that.

Also u need to get a VLDL PARTICLE SIZE. thats important as well.

LOW TSH means HYPER thyroidism... which you probably do not have based on your cholesterol numbers. as cholesterol tends to drop when on t3.

test is low but within normal.

this needs to be retested, and with many more variables.

i would also STOP snacking between meals bc when you do that you produce MORE cholesterol.


good ideas guys........just trying to help the old timer out

i would just relax for a week, stay away from the gym and partying..........then go back and take it again......remember just because the levels are off, doesnt mean its like that forever. just take care of yourself......
The Matrix

The Matrix

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i wouldnt do meds YET, definete retest... levels that high, very unusual with HDL like that.

Also u need to get a VLDL PARTICLE SIZE. thats important as well.

LOW TSH means HYPER thyroidism... which you probably do not have based on your cholesterol numbers. as cholesterol tends to drop when on t3.

test is low but within normal.

this needs to be retested, and with many more variables.

i would also STOP snacking between meals bc when you do that you produce MORE cholesterol.
Simply put
1. Erranous testing results for reason I mentioned
2. Poor lifestlyles
3. Insulin resistance
4. Hidden inflammation
5. Low thyroid (primary or secondary (adrenals high cortisol) )


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Simply put
1. Erranous testing results for reason I mentioned
2. Poor lifestlyles
3. Insulin resistance
4. Hidden inflammation
5. Low thyroid (primary or secondary (adrenals high cortisol) )

hidden inflammation can definetly be the cause as it happens in insulin resistance due to TNFa and IL6 oversecretion stimulating Nf-kB. ALA, high dosed will help supress the Nf-kB and FeverFew can as well.

the insulin resistance can cause all symtoms (except lifestyle choices) as youve probably seen in your practice, shawn
The Matrix

The Matrix

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hidden inflammation can definetly be the cause as it happens in insulin resistance due to TNFa and IL6 oversecretion stimulating Nf-kB. ALA, high dosed will help supress the Nf-kB and FeverFew can as well.

the insulin resistance can cause all symtoms (except lifestyle choices) as youve probably seen in your practice, shawn
What i found out is the key in optimal well being is modulation of the immune system as SSbackwasds pointed out. It drives the whole system. HIDDEN INFLAMMATION and its effect on the biochemistry and neurology on the body is the number one cause of health issues. People chasing hormones are not getting resolution because their Drs are looking esoteric not exoteric. In the next 10 years Drs are going to have to take a integrative approach in order to keep in the game. The future is now and I am one of its driving forces. There are a numbers of dr's which are starting to realize this and their patients are benefiting tremendously from it.


New member
The test was done fasted for 20hrs. I don't drink alcohol. And I had been eating low carb-VLC (under 100grams, and under 50 grams/day) for about a year. I can't post links, but I posted all my labs on paleohacks, if one were to google "Hack my RIDICULOUS blood work - 450 LDL?" it should be on top. Thanks in advance if anyone checks it out.

The Matrix

The Matrix

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The test was done fasted for 20hrs. I don't drink alcohol. And I had been eating low carb-VLC (under 100grams, and under 50 grams/day) for about a year. I can't post links, but I posted all my labs on paleohacks, if one were to google "Hack my RIDICULOUS blood work - 450 LDL?" it should be on top. Thanks in advance if anyone checks it out.
Body is in state of starvation check complete thyroid panel
total and free insulin

Why did you fast for 20 hours this could cause increase insulin levels in some people

You will probably get your answer.


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Body is in state of starvation check complete thyroid panel
total and free insulin

Why did you fast for 20 hours this could cause increase insulin levels in some people

You will probably get your answer.
Sounds like agouti is culprit here as it messes with hormone levels along with stress causing the rt3 you are effecting thyroid negatively.

Bring down agouti levels with high quality calcium
The Matrix

The Matrix

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Sounds like agouti is culprit here as it messes with hormone levels along with stress causing the rt3 you are effecting thyroid negatively.

Bring down agouti levels with high quality calcium
As nicely mentioned, genetics may play a huge part in this as well as possible leptin and insulln resistance, thyroid resistance, May want to check APOE may be stay away from saturated fats because if you have a defective gene it can kill you. I had a case like this and when evaluated his sat fats in EFAS where low so I recommended some EVCCO and other tyoes. On the next page I saw his genetic cardiovascular panel. Then it brought to my attention not in this situation would this be advisable. It could have ended up killing him literally. People sucking down EVCCO huge amounts may be not the best idea with out knowing their genetic disposition. MODERATION IS THE KEY even in rare instances could even be dangerous


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Avoid statins at all cost. If lifestyle and other modifications have not worked then use as last resort.
I have to agree here’s why for me:

  • 40mg of simvastatin – within 2 months I almost got permanent liver damage even thought I was taking NAC. HDL went from 25 to 3. I was drinking more back then, but I suspect it would have happened sooner or later anyway.
  • 5 mg of crestor – couldn’t get out of bed after a week.
  • 2 mg of livalo (which was half of what my doctor prescribed) – got the myopathy a month ago, right now I still feel like ****, strength and cardio are in the toilet. I thought if I’m real careful I’d catch it in time, but once it starts it’s hard to stop. Maybe because I work out I noticed it before any permanent damage and I’ll be back to where I was. HDL dropped to 10.
The enzyme the statins block interrupts a whole lot of pathways.

I know some people have no problem but I know some people who have some symptoms but are willing to live with it. I might be an extreme case, but I rather be dead, my wife agrees. My lifestyle is good and my family doc says he’s never seen anyone try harder.

My solution is I’m switching cardiologists. In the mean time I’ve gone back to 2-3 grams of OTC Niacin spread thru out the day (the flush doesn’t bother me but I suspect it may interfere with sleep). It’s helped in the past (after 6 weeks LDL went from 180 to 155). After my blood test tomorrow (lipids, complete hormone panel, thyroid (always good), and glucose (always good)) I’m going to try red yeast rice. It still has a similar mechanism but doesn’t seem to have the side effects.

I’m not trying to vent or whine, it’s just that too many doctors believe the hype of the drug companies.
The Matrix

The Matrix

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I have to agree here’s why for me:

  • 40mg of simvastatin – within 2 months I almost got permanent liver damage even thought I was taking NAC. HDL went from 25 to 3. I was drinking more back then, but I suspect it would have happened sooner or later anyway.
  • 5 mg of crestor – couldn’t get out of bed after a week.
  • 2 mg of livalo (which was half of what my doctor prescribed) – got the myopathy a month ago, right now I still feel like ****, strength and cardio are in the toilet. I thought if I’m real careful I’d catch it in time, but once it starts it’s hard to stop. Maybe because I work out I noticed it before any permanent damage and I’ll be back to where I was. HDL dropped to 10.
The enzyme the statins block interrupts a whole lot of pathways.

I know some people have no problem but I know some people who have some symptoms but are willing to live with it. I might be an extreme case, but I rather be dead, my wife agrees. My lifestyle is good and my family doc says he’s never seen anyone try harder.

My solution is I’m switching cardiologists. In the mean time I’ve gone back to 2-3 grams of OTC Niacin spread thru out the day (the flush doesn’t bother me but I suspect it may interfere with sleep). It’s helped in the past (after 6 weeks LDL went from 180 to 155). After my blood test tomorrow (lipids, complete hormone panel, thyroid) I’m going to try red yeast rice. It still has a similar mechanism but doesn’t seem to have the side effects.

I’m not trying to vent or whine, it’s just that too many doctors believe the hype of the drug companies.
Naicin at that dosage can cause liver toxicity even with NAC works on a different pathways
Proper manipulation of thyroid and other hormones can help modulation cholesterol metaboism. Proper evaluation of his the person whole health history would be crucial to the proper pathology.


  • Established
Naicin at that dosage can cause liver toxicity even with NAC works on a different pathways
Proper manipulation of thyroid and other hormones can help modulation cholesterol metaboism. Proper evaluation of his the person whole health history would be crucial to the proper pathology.
Thanks, Matrix. I think my blood test should tell me most of what you suggested except maybe the inflammation issue. The only reason my PCP ordered this barrage of tests is because i insisted on it. He's a good man but I think I'm beyond his abilities. He asked my wife if I'm just "a little eccentric" she said "you have no idea." But I think i have a lot of company on this board.


New member
Body is in state of starvation check complete thyroid panel
total and free insulin

Why did you fast for 20 hours this could cause increase insulin levels in some people

You will probably get your answer.
I normally IF 18/6, just went a little over.

I stopped the heavy cream, and all dairy for now. Decreasing sat fat, tossed the bacon, halved my egg consumption. Increasing calcium,D,fiber,veggies,activity,C,B6


New member
Sounds like agouti is culprit here as it messes with hormone levels along with stress causing the rt3 you are effecting thyroid negatively.

Bring down agouti levels with high quality calcium
I increased Calcium as my level was low about 6 months ago. What is agouti???? other than a rodent?


No one has mentioned the fact that with his testosterone so low he is not using cholesterol to synthesize tetosterone, which will contribute to the higher levels. That would not account for levels this high, but it isn't helping. Maybe if he can get "the boys" working that would be another piece of the puzzle.
The Matrix

The Matrix

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Proper manipulation of thyroid and other hormones can help modulation cholesterol metaboism. Proper evaluation of his the person whole health history would be crucial to the proper pathology.
Cough cough ....look above...
Cholesterol metabolism goes into hormones down the chain:cheers:


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Apo e levels are important. Certain things can lower that level. Also with the fats if having trouble getting the right efas SDA found in hemp can raise the amount of EPA levels. It also has a good gla content and very low in saturated fats
The Matrix

The Matrix

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Apo e levels are important. Certain things can lower that level. Also with the fats if having trouble getting the right efas SDA found in hemp can raise the amount of EPA levels. It also has a good gla content and very low in saturated fats
A yes hempseed butter, natures gift to humans. I have been using it for over 6 years in my self and clients for years, Glad to see people are finally starting to actually listen to what I have been saying LOL As I have mentioned I am years ahead ....Glad its working for you...
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