Doing good buddy !!
i think the studied dose is 750mgs with meals.
maybe kat can confirm?
Love to see the consistency and dedication. Keep it up!
Doing good buddy !!
THanks @Lynks8 and @Rocket3015 It feels good to be back in it and making real progress!

So this morning I definitely feel a bit leaner, and look leaner as well. I think I might be noticing some of the same skin tightening effect that I think @Lynks8 mentioned. Either way the physique as a whole is improving quickly. Still hard to tell if there is any local effect other than it looking a little tighter like mentioned. I am keeping a close eye on things to notice any change out of the ordinary when dieting. I think it is going to take a couple more weeks to get a real idea of what the effects are.

I will say that as of right now the losses are on par with times I have been using other stimulant based diet pills. My nutrition protocol is pretty on point for me and what I know to work extremely well for my body so there is that too. However if I can match last weeks losses this week or get close then I think we can safely say there is at a minimum a nice systemic effect.

Today is a lower body day and although I am actually feeling pretty good, I am hesitant to strain that spot yet. I don't want to do nothing either so may try some quick body weight stuff to see how it feels then do some VR conditioning. According to the calorie counter I burned 408 last night but it is calibrated for a 160lb person. By my rough estimate that is about 100 calories per 40 lbs so I am guessing just over 500 calories.
Observation / Discussion Point - Localized skin tightening

This is 3 of us now mentioning feeling tighter, not sure if this is having a direct effect on skin somehow or what but it doesn't seem to be just coincidence. I also noticed last night that I was sweating more in the application area which @love2liftkat mentioned in her log as well. I wonder if there is some sort of localized hydrophobic action from either the solvent or product. I know things like thiomucase can have a similar effect on local water distribution. Is there any ingredient in the solvent that could have this effect? I am hesitant to think this is due to noticeable fat loss s early in the beta test, but not ruling anything out.

Anyone have any thoughts or opinions on this?
Epichaos definitely made me sweat/heat up locally immediately after application when I was using it last fall.
I walked for 45 minutes at lunch then after work I applied my 2nd application took a preworkout the 30 minutes later did a few sets each of bodyweight lunges and squats but tweaked my hip attempting a mobility drill and called it there. No re-injury just a shot of pain to let me know I can't move it that way yet.

I decided to go in and do some more VR cardio, got in 48 minutes. Awesome sweat and my shoulders ended up toast but had a nice pump.
i think the studied dose is 750mgs with meals.
maybe kat can confirm?

I used 500mgs before bed to avoid any extra sleepiness throughout the day. It’s not the same as a fat burner suppressant but found that overall mood was better and appetite was smaller.
I used 500mgs before bed to avoid any extra sleepiness throughout the day. It’s not the same as a fat burner suppressant but found that overall mood was better and appetite was smaller.
Thanks Kat, for now just having some more coffee. :)
Nice work @MrKleen73 you never fail to inspire me when you get on a roll man.
Thanks Brother! Things are going nicely.

I weighed in at 203.7 this week so down almost 2lbs from 205.5 last week. Today I did a full body session at the gym then had my carb nite fiesta! Just finished the day at about 220p, 65f, 600c. I got in lots of salt and potassium and am expecting to look quite full tomorrow.

Again impressed with the fat loss, and am pretty sure there is some systemic assistance from the FLASHPOINT. I am still unsure on the lower chest fat loss being locally accelerated or not. The area is definitely tightening up and I am happy with current progress!
Thanks Kat, for now just having some more coffee. :)
Thanks Brother! Things are going nicely.

I weighed in at 203.7 this week so down almost 2lbs from 205.5 last week. Today I did a full body session at the gym then had my carb nite fiesta! Just finished the day at about 220p, 65f, 600c. I got in lots of salt and potassium and am expecting to look quite full tomorrow.

Again impressed with the fat loss, and am pretty sure there is some systemic assistance from the FLASHPOINT. I am still unsure on the lower chest fat loss being locally accelerated or not. The area is definitely tightening up and I am happy with current progress!

Sweet.. Sounds like great progress so far. Keep it up
Day 15 - Burn Day - Tonight is going to be more VR conditioning and more than likely will take a nice walk at lunch.

I took 2 days off Friday and Saturday last week, was just feeling beat up a little and also was missing my wife after 2 weeks of most of my time in the evenings being dedicated to fitness. I rested up Saturday and just chilled with the wife. Was just what I needed.

Yesterday's gym session was a full body but not a numbers logged workout.

Warm Up - rope mill 5 minutes

SuperSet 1 Hoist Roc It Machines - work sets in the 8-15 rep range
Decline Chest Press - 90x20ish, 140x20ish, 180x 3 sets @RPE8, 9, & 10
Supported Rows - 90x20ish, 140x20ish, 180x 3 sets @RPE8, 9, & 10

True Full Body Press - 90x20ish, 140x20ish. 180x 3 sets at RPE8, 8, & 9

Leg Press - Various foot placement and stances - I put 4 plates on and did several high reps sets with very little rest, I was putting my feet all over the platform to work all areas of the thigh. Created most of my own tension on these to make harder work while not putting the hip in a bad situation. Got a really good pump and pre-fatigued the thighs for the isolation work.

Super Set 2 - Leg Extensions and Lying Leg Curls - 5 sets each, worked up over 2 sets on both then finished with 3 RPE8+ sets.

Super Set 3 - Seated Triceps Extensions, and Preacher Curls - 5 sets each, worked up over 2 sets on both then finished with 3 RPE8+ sets.

Super Set 4 - Side Delt Raise Machine and Reverse Fly Machine - 5 sets each, worked up over 2 sets on both then finished with 3 RPE8+ sets.

I started this workout about an hour after starting my carb refeed so I could get a nice pump and be shuttling in nutrients throughout the workout. It was pretty awesome to see myself with a pump while having carbs in the old system. Then to continue growing throughout the evening as I got more and more full of glycogen it was pretty cool.

Yesterday I opted to not use FLASHPOINT other than my first application. With the nutritional set up it just didn't make sense to have my body trying to oxidize fat in a high insulin environment which would lead to redepositing it. I started back up this morning.

I noticed that with both, epichaos and ursa major
Yeah, I assume there is something in the solvent, but either way enjoying the effect.
Sweet.. Sounds like great progress so far. Keep it up
Agreed and thanks!
FLASHPOINT - First Bottle / Two Weeks In Summary

Application Schedule
- 3 applications daily - Morning, Pre-Workout or Activity, and Before Bed - 0.5ML to each side of my lower pec and armpit area.

2 Weeks in - 4 Lbs down from an already carb depleted state so not water weight but fat loss = Impressed

Targeted Effect - Seeing some systemic assistance from the product in my opinion but too early to tell on the spot reduction. Lower pecs are definitely tightening up but I am losing at a rate of 2lbs per week so hard to differentiate between spot reduction and overall reduction at this point. I need to have a little closer to my abs coming in before I can really start making definitive claims.

Application - Since not rotating application placement due to spot reduction I am starting to notice a little more sensitivity to the skin in the area. Especially my nipples. I know this may sound odd, but they sting a little now when I apply, similar to the initial warming of the area just more sensitive there. Also, just barely now 2 weeks in it and 3 applications a day seems to be starting to aggravate my eczema a little. Not much at all but enough to mention it. To counter this I added an application of lotion to the area once a day and it keeps it from drying out too much and controls the issue.
FLASHPOINT - First Bottle / Two Weeks In Summary

Application Schedule
- 3 applications daily - Morning, Pre-Workout or Activity, and Before Bed - 0.5ML to each side of my lower pec and armpit area.

2 Weeks in - 4 Lbs down from an already carb depleted state so not water weight but fat loss = Impressed

Targeted Effect - Seeing some systemic assistance from the product in my opinion but too early to tell on the spot reduction. Lower pecs are definitely tightening up but I am losing at a rate of 2lbs per week so hard to differentiate between spot reduction and overall reduction at this point. I need to have a little closer to my abs coming in before I can really start making definitive claims.

Application - Since not rotating application placement due to spot reduction I am starting to notice a little more sensitivity to the skin in the area. Especially my nipples. I know this may sound odd, but they sting a little now when I apply, similar to the initial warming of the area just more sensitive there. Also, just barely now 2 weeks in it and 3 applications a day seems to be starting to aggravate my eczema a little. Not much at all but enough to mention it. To counter this I added an application of lotion to the area once a day and it keeps it from drying out too much and controls the issue.
Nice work man! Two pounds a week is great 🤘
Will you rotate in any other application sites preemptively or are you going to drive it til the wheels inevitably fall off?
Will you rotate in any other application sites preemptively or are you going to drive it til the wheels inevitably fall off?
As of right now it is completely manageable, just giving a play by play on it. If it becomes more of an issue I may have to figure out a rotation of some sort. RIght now though, I am going to drive it until the wheels get wobbly.

Possible changes to combat would be .75 per side and only 2 applications a day to lessen the frequency of exposure to the solvent. That, or alternating from side to side with each application.

Beyond that if I have to change application site I would probably apply to my lower back since that is an area I hold fat that takes longer to come off as well. However I would like to complete the run using the same application area as long as it is not causing a problem. Right now it just requires an adjustment to keep the skin from drying out, but it stopped it so far.
Can i recommend you not put it directly on thine narples?
Yea figure out something. I don't think you need to do that ! Can you imagine
chapped narples!!?
Can i recommend you not put it directly on thine narples?
Yea figure out something. I don't think you need to do that ! Can you imagine
chapped narples!!?

I don't put anything directly on my Naples.
I don't want to risk making them sensitive, and I don't want to stimulate them. I feel like that can contribute to bad things happening.
I don't go out of my way to apply to the nips but I don't go out of my way to avoid it either. 🤷‍♂️
Thing's That Make You Go Hummmmmmmm
Thanks Kat, for now just having some more coffee. :)
Thanks Brother! Things are going nicely.

I weighed in at 203.7 this week so down almost 2lbs from 205.5 last week. Today I did a full body session at the gym then had my carb nite fiesta! Just finished the day at about 220p, 65f, 600c. I got in lots of salt and potassium and am expecting to look quite full tomorrow.

Again impressed with the fat loss, and am pretty sure there is some systemic assistance from the FLASHPOINT. I am still unsure on the lower chest fat loss being locally accelerated or not. The area is definitely tightening up and I am happy with current progress!

Excellent work!! Nothing wrong with a little extra coffee!

Day 15 - Burn Day - Tonight is going to be more VR conditioning and more than likely will take a nice walk at lunch.

I took 2 days off Friday and Saturday last week, was just feeling beat up a little and also was missing my wife after 2 weeks of most of my time in the evenings being dedicated to fitness. I rested up Saturday and just chilled with the wife. Was just what I needed.

Yesterday's gym session was a full body but not a numbers logged workout.

Warm Up - rope mill 5 minutes

SuperSet 1 Hoist Roc It Machines - work sets in the 8-15 rep range
Decline Chest Press - 90x20ish, 140x20ish, 180x 3 sets @RPE8, 9, & 10
Supported Rows - 90x20ish, 140x20ish, 180x 3 sets @RPE8, 9, & 10

True Full Body Press - 90x20ish, 140x20ish. 180x 3 sets at RPE8, 8, & 9

Leg Press - Various foot placement and stances - I put 4 plates on and did several high reps sets with very little rest, I was putting my feet all over the platform to work all areas of the thigh. Created most of my own tension on these to make harder work while not putting the hip in a bad situation. Got a really good pump and pre-fatigued the thighs for the isolation work.

Super Set 2 - Leg Extensions and Lying Leg Curls - 5 sets each, worked up over 2 sets on both then finished with 3 RPE8+ sets.

Super Set 3 - Seated Triceps Extensions, and Preacher Curls - 5 sets each, worked up over 2 sets on both then finished with 3 RPE8+ sets.

Super Set 4 - Side Delt Raise Machine and Reverse Fly Machine - 5 sets each, worked up over 2 sets on both then finished with 3 RPE8+ sets.

I started this workout about an hour after starting my carb refeed so I could get a nice pump and be shuttling in nutrients throughout the workout. It was pretty awesome to see myself with a pump while having carbs in the old system. Then to continue growing throughout the evening as I got more and more full of glycogen it was pretty cool.

Yesterday I opted to not use FLASHPOINT other than my first application. With the nutritional set up it just didn't make sense to have my body trying to oxidize fat in a high insulin environment which would lead to redepositing it. I started back up this morning.

Yeah, I assume there is something in the solvent, but either way enjoying the effect.

Agreed and thanks!

I’m glad you took you some time off to recover and enjoy yourself with your wife too!
Can i recommend you not put it directly on thine narples?
Yea figure out something. I don't think you need to do that ! Can you imagine
chapped narples!!?
LMAO, maybe I can get some pasties to cover them during application. Maybe even get some with tassles !!!!
I don't put anything directly on my Naples.
I don't want to risk making them sensitive, and I don't want to stimulate them. I feel like that can contribute to bad things happening.
Well hoping not to stimulate lactation like the cry of a baby or anything like that!!!! ;)
I don't go out of my way to apply to the nips but I don't go out of my way to avoid it either. 🤷‍♂️

Honestly laughing my ass off at the commentary. The nips are kind of a given considering that is where my targetted fat loss needs to take place. I will be fine it isn't painful or anything just obviously more sensitive and a little more heat feeling than other areas.

Excellent work!! Nothing wrong with a little extra coffee!

I’m glad you took you some time off to recover and enjoy yourself with your wife too!
Thanks Kat, I definitely enjoyed it. A little scary to allow unplanned days off while getting back in. The worry of backsliding creeps in but this was definitely the right thing for me.

I am about to go to the gym for lunch now. Going to do some light leg work to stimulate, and hope that the hip continues to behave for me. Hoping to get back under a bar in the next week. Adduction and internal rotation of the hip still a bit of an issue right now but improving. Oh what fun tripping over your own dog can provide eh? Just 2 weeks of muddling through.... that's okay making progress nonetheless.

SKIN SENSITIVITY UPDATE - ECZEMA Outbreak Appears Unrelated -
So I think this is good news, I am actually starting to get a bit of an outbreak of eczema in various places now where I typically break out when I have an outbreak. Places that are nowhere near my application sites. I tend to start on my lats and back of triceps, which are all places in contact with the application site. So when the eczema started I thought it might be related. However it appears that the change in weather, and I am sure my diet are effecting my skin overall and the eczema appears not to be related to the solvent which is great! Started applying my steroidal cream to the areas today and expect to nip that in the bud.
Day 16 - Lower Body and a little upper body weight work

I wanted to get a little more lower body volume in since I can't push any weight right now, not for a little bit longer anyway.

Leg Press - I warmed up over a few sets to 330 then did 5 sets 0f 15 at a 4-0-2-0 tempo

Superset Leg Extensions with Leg Curls working up to a heavy 10-12 reps then doing 4 sets

I wanted to get in a little more body weight training in so I did 3 sets of 5 pull ups and 2 sets of 6 v grip chins in between the lower body sets.

Finished the workout off with a set of 25 dips. Feel pretty good about that, I haven't been able to do them without discomfort in a while.

So as a little feedback, my wife commented "That stuff smells so bad!" from 5 feet away about 5 minutes after I put it on. Doesn't effect efficacy but she really doesn't like the smell.
The smell does not last long.
So as a little feedback, my wife commented "That stuff smells so bad!" from 5 feet away about 5 minutes after I put it on. Doesn't effect efficacy but she really doesn't like the smell.

Are you sure it's the flashpoint and not just your natural smell ;) Just kidding.
The smell does not last long.
At least not the potent part of it. However I have noticed it 30-40 minutes later doing a smell test if my shirt is off, but I don't know how it smells to others at that point. However it is the initial 10 minutes she says is kind of overwhelming to her. Easy solution apply when she isn't in the room or just refer her to @xR1pp3Rx 's post below!
Are you sure it's the flashpoint and not just your natural smell ;) Just kidding.
Could be! However I showered like 2 weeks ago so that can't be it yet. ;)
Tell her to buckle up.. that you must ATTAIN YOUR APEX!
she will love the smell once that is done...
LMAO! Oh she is used to me and my stuff by now. She has dealt with many an odd odor from my supplementation. I can't promise she will love this smell but I know she'll be loving me at my APEX!
Yes, our wives do put up with some "Stuff"
Hoi the gym up yesterday was a great session but I am on vacation weekend and not really dieting. Will hit the gym tomorrow but no official weigh in for the week. Starting to see what looks like might be spot reduction bit too soon to tell.
Hoi the gym up yesterday was a great session but I am on vacation weekend and not really dieting. Will hit the gym tomorrow but no official weigh in for the week. Starting to see what looks like might be spot reduction bit too soon to tell.

Enjoy your vacation!!
Any special plans for the week ?
Enjoy your vacation!!
Thanks, it was short lived. LOL Just took Friday off and headed to San Antonio for the weekend since we were going to pick up the child.
Any special plans for the week ?
No, I am actually not only back already,but now having to go home and pack up for a trip to California for work. Lovely to have it happen in the middle of this. Trying to figure out now if I am going to be able to take the FLASHPOINT with me. I don't think the bottle is too big but need to look at the silly TSA rules. Not sure I will get to the gym much at all this week either with what is going on. Heading out for a trial that we just found out for sure is kicking off this weekend. So I have to go set up for it. Will be gone a week, and Los Angeles County just reactivated their mask mandate even for vaxxed people. Not sure what gym access will be. A lot up in the air with this trip but going to make things work.

I ate, like way too much the last 2 days. I am feeling it now and a bit bloated from the festivities. Back on the wagon today...
I don't think you will have any trouble taking your FlashPoint with you!
I don't think you will have any trouble taking your FlashPoint with you!

Yep! Just put it in a clear 2qt ziploc with your other 3.3oz/100ml or smaller liquid toiletries. You will pull this out of your carry on bag to set in its own tub when going through security, same as you would use a separate tub for your laptop.

If you put it in a checked bag, you don’t even need to do that.
Also, focus on not breaking your diet. It’s easier to cut with work/travel because all you need to do is abstain from junk.

You may have to intermittent fast and/or buy some protein drinks & nuts at convenience/gas stores, but you will make it work with your super busy work days.
Also, focus on not breaking your diet. It’s easier to cut with work/travel because all you need to do is abstain from junk.

You may have to intermittent fast and/or buy some protein drinks & nuts at convenience/gas stores, but you will make it work with your super busy work days.
logic is sound.
I don't think you will have any trouble taking your FlashPoint with you!
Nope, sure didn't.
Yep! Just put it in a clear 2qt ziploc with your other 3.3oz/100ml or smaller liquid toiletries. You will pull this out of your carry on bag to set in its own tub when going through security, same as you would use a separate tub for your laptop.

If you put it in a checked bag, you don’t even need to do that.
I was a little nervous when I saw no solvents or nothing flammable because I imagine this stuff could light up pretty easily.
Also, focus on not breaking your diet. It’s easier to cut with work/travel because all you need to do is abstain from junk.

You may have to intermittent fast and/or buy some protein drinks & nuts at convenience/gas stores, but you will make it work with your super busy work days.
Yes This is the bigger one here. I am sticking with intermittent fasting, and also keeping carbs low, but I am not in Keto right now, or perhaps in and out of it getting in 50-100g of carbs a day right now but still in a steep deficit. Definitely been keeping overall calories and insulin levels on the low end.

I am not going to bother weighing myself this weekend because I won't be on the same scale, but I am keeping up with walking at lunch when I can get out and brought my Quest for cardio sessions when I can squeeze them in.

Great news, the hotel gym is pretty awesome!!!! They have Hammer Strength machines, not leverage or isolateral but very nice!!!! I managed to get in there yesterday and did some legs. Since all new equipment to me I worked up to a hard set at 10-12 reps for an RPE9 then did 3 sets of each exercise at that weight going to an RPE10 on final set.

Yesterday -

Morning Cardio
- 45 minutes VR Cardio, got up a nice little sweat this morning before work.


Lower Body - 4-0-2-0 tempo

Leg Press 180x20, 230x15, 270x15, 330x12, 12, 11

Leg Extensions
- 205x8, 145x13, 145x11
Leg Curl 145x14, 12, 10


Evening - another 47 minutes of VR cardio

Changes to note, vascularity has increased, and the area around my serratus is starting to show some separation from the abdominal wall. That part is also getting indirect application when applying to lower pec and underarm area. So another possible point of accelerated fat loss. Before the two days of big eating I was looking pretty slim. Now I look like a mack truck. Slimming back up quickly now but my muscles sure appreciated those carbs.

Will be hitting up an upper body tonight before heading to the trial site tomorrow. Need to take advantage of this gym. Next hotel is small town stuff. Be lucky to have a treadmill and small DB set there.
i used to have to travel a bit for work.. i can totally relate.
It isn't often I have to travel especially as of late, and coming to LA I wasn't sure what the return of the mask mandate might do for the gym availability. Happy no effect here.
It isn't often I have to travel especially as of late, and coming to LA I wasn't sure what the return of the mask mandate might do for the gym availability. Happy no effect here.

I remember reading something about the police chief saying he wasn’t going to enforce the mandate this go round.
Good for him !!!
Well guys and gals, sorry I haven't done any updating here in a few days. Trial set up is crazy work...

Here is a synopsis of the trip.

DIET - I did not stick to my diet plan, I won't say unfortunately because it was a decision and one I don't regret. I did maintain my Intermittent fasting and most of the time had very low carb meals. However the 2nd half of the trip was out in a brewery district and I chose to indulge in the rare opportunity to enjoy those local breweries. Overall I ended up having a flight or a couple of beers at 4 different breweries and found an AMAZING Jalapeno beer that was just tops in my book!!!! I also had a couple meals that had some carbs in them. However in the end I feel I was in a good deficit most of the time.

Product Application - Unfortunately about 3 days ago I had to stop the product due to a gnarly eczema outbreak on my lats and underarms. This was due to some chaffing and friction from hiking in a tank top and the areas of skin that were rubbing where my arms touch my lats just got really messed up and sensitive. The solvent of the product and that raw skin do not play well with one another so I stopped and plan to pick back up in a couple days once the rawness is healed up.

Weight Training - I lifted weights 3 times while there, One Lower Body Session, 1 Upper body session and one Full body session.

Conditioning / Fat loss based activity - I walk a lot when I am in a new area. I just like to walk around and see things, even if just a neighborhood. I would estimate I probably walked about 20 miles over the course of the week, if not more. I also played my QUEST VR for 3-4 sessions of sweat inducing fun.

Physique results - Although I am most definitely heavier than I was when I left for LA, I do not feel like I lost any of my progress with fat loss this last week. I actually look bigger, leaner and more vascular than when I left in my opinion. Amazing what filling back up with some carbs can do. Also my waist is going down, or seems to be, and I think it might be a result of less visceral fat being deposited with lower cortisone levels.

Plans Moving Forward - I am going back to a CKD style diet as before, but will more than likely do a refeed every 3-5 days post lifting session instead of once a week. The rush to 200 stopped once my daughter got home and I hadn't quite made it, so now just slightly less do or die cutting and focusing on improving both performance and composition with an adjustment that makes this look a little more like Carb Back Loading than Carb Nite Solutions. They both follow similar concepts but with a slightly different goal than cutting as much weight as fast as possible regardless of how it impacts performance.

I will post up some pics in the next day or two to show where I am when I start back up on the product with a fresh new weigh in so we can see where we go from here. I am expecting good things once this rash clears up.
I wanted to spend some time with the wife since I got home late last night from my trip. So I decided to just do a very quick session for a little stimulation and consistency.

Training -
Giant Set - Leg Press, DB Side Raises, Supinating Curls, OH DB Triceps Extension 3 Feeder sets each.

I used relatively light weight and flexing throughout the range of motion to create more tension. I repped each set until the lactic acid buildup made me decide to quit.

So good news, I got some feedback on my way out of the building today. One of the security people I often talk too at the front desk commented on my physique today. He was all "Man Chris, what happened, you look leaner, but you look a lot bigger too. I know that sounds weird but you do." He is familiar enough with my progress and my efforts because he sees me go on my walks and to the gym across the street all the time.

I told him no that I had just mentioned in my log that even after eating more over the week I was looking both bigger and leaner and that I was happy to hear him second the notion.

Also, I am thinking about changing my dietary strategy because my daughter just made a lot or progress recently with her food intake and choices. I want to try to help her keep that going and they had her eating a more balanced diet at her camp. She is trying to keep it going and has done well since she has been home. Knowing that I want to be able to prep some enjoyable meals for both of us. In the end the caloric balance is going to be the deciding factor regardless when it comes to fat loss.
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Also, I am thinking about changing my dietary strategy because my daughter just made a lot or progress recently with her food intake and choices. I want to try to help her keep that going and they had her eating a more balanced diet at her camp. She is trying to keep it going and has done well since she has been home. Knowing that I want to be able to prep some enjoyable meals for both of us. In the end the caloric balance is going to be the deciding factor regardless when it comes to fat loss.

Have you read the Body Opus by Dan Duchaine? In the first part of the book he showcases the Isocaloric diet .. its a precisely divided diet that has remarkable outcomes. Dan was way ahead of his time. Even if you didnt follow it exactly you could find massive amounts of info relative to your goals in cooking and sharing meals

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I always have enjoyed Dan Duchaine's wisdom.