Good Morning AM Family!
9/18/23 - Pull Session in Garage - 4-2-1-1 tempo
IronTec Lat Pulldowns 120x1RIR x 3 sets 15-8 reps - Normally I am not the biggest fan of this pulldown, but I figured out a way to get a great stretch and really feel the lats even got them to burn a little bit. Using this is almost like having bands adding resistance as you pull because the bottom of the movement since on a shorter movement arm is angling away a little and also kind of binds up a little making it very hard at the bottom of the pull.
Db Low Incline Row - 50x10@1RIR, 50x7, Down Set 35x11@0RIR - These were challenging for sure. Had the bench at about a 15 degree angle, just high enough to get a really good stretch at the bottom. Felt good to do these, my thoracic area held up really well.
Rear Delt Swing Destroyer Drop Set - 35xFail>25xFail>10xFail - These were taken down to short partials with heavy emphasis on the negative at each weight. My rear delts were so pumped they were sticking out off of the back of my shoulders.
Hammer Curls with French bar - 55x0RIR x 3 sets - 15-11reps - Nice pump and contraction with these. Felt right in between a Hammer Curl, and a PinWheel Curl I will do these again for sure.
IronTec Preacher Curl - 20xAMRAP x 3 sets - I love this preacher curl attachment. There is great resistance at the bottom of the movement and even better resistance at the peak contraction. Also the way the handle is designed I can get slightly hyper-extended at the elbow giving a ridiculous biceps stretch at the bottom of every rep. Hands down this is my favorite Preacher Curl Machine. If the handles rotated would be the only improvement I would suggest.
French Bar OH Triceps Extensions - 55@3-4RIR x 3 sets - Just getting blood in there, still taking things easy because of the phuckery of AMRAP Bench with just the bar leaving my tricep tendon a lil aggravated. It felt decent yesterday but I figured go easy and then I can beat it up again in a few days.
That was it, called it a day. I was looking pretty pumped up by the end.
Nutrition was good yesterday, estimated macros for the day were around 160p, 40f, 210c, so about 1840 calories in a 6 hour feeding window.
9/19/23 - Morning Weight 201 on the dot. Woke up looking pretty tight again. I dropped 3lbs from yesterday, I am not sure if I am going to return back down into the 197 area so easily though. I feel like I am holding on to water better right now. I was probably low on sodium while eating challenged and just couldn't hold water, at least the muscles just felt super flat, even for lower calories if that makes any sense.
I am most likely going to do a 24 hour fast today, and just break my fast with a big solid dinner. Just going to continue with my big push to lean up some more before trying to asses new maintenance calories, and work my way up from there.
I could be wrong here, but I think that 300mg Test E a week right now should be enough to keep muscle on my frame over the next 10 days of lower calories, Especially with fasting tossed in for good measure. I put an order in for some goodies and they should be here in a couple weeks. Then I will start titrating up by adding in some Mast, and removing the AI.
Guys, go time is upon us! I am getting excited! I am going to push the rest of this week, then deload and actually start a new meso in the RP Hypertrophy App as I am bumping the dose a bit.