Kleen - Project 50: Under Construction

Never heard of this Fogo place before but just pulled it up and see we have them locally, that' looks like a fantastic way to get some protein in 🤤🤤

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Go! Take your son or a buddy & put the hammer down on some meat sweats.
When you get to go to Fogo de Chao, you just thank God for smiling on you & worry about burning off the calories later!
Absolutely!!! I was like, well this will be a good anabolic meal after my lower calories the last few weeks.
Never heard of this Fogo place before but just pulled it up and see we have them locally, that' looks like a fantastic way to get some protein in 🤤🤤

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Oh yeah, and don't let their enticing salad / cheese bar entice you. Go in, order your drink and turn the flip coin to green and go! Also jealous if it is only $39 their for a dinner. You are dropping about $60 per plate for dinner at most of them.
Go! Take your son or a buddy & put the hammer down on some meat sweats.
Oh yeah, make it an event. Your boy will love it!!!! When you do go I recommend telling the gauchos you always want the outside cut, and if they don't have it just ask them to bring it out for you next. They will bring right to you the way you want it. If you like lamb, Fogo's lambchops and lamb picannah are amazing.
Absolutely!!! I was like, well this will be a good anabolic meal after my lower calories the last few weeks.
Oh yeah, and don't let their enticing salad / cheese bar entice you. Go in, order your drink and turn the flip coin to green and go! Also jealous if it is only $39 their for a dinner. You are dropping about $60 per plate for dinner at most of them.
Oh yeah, make it an event. Your boy will love it!!!! When you do go I recommend telling the gauchos you always want the outside cut, and if they don't have it just ask them to bring it out for you next. They will bring right to you the way you want it. If you like lamb, Fogo's lambchops and lamb picannah are amazing.

And make sure you decline the cheap cuts!
And make sure you decline the cheap cuts!
Amen to that! No you can keep that bacon wrapped chicken, and that sausage.
Lunch Cardio Elliptical - 35 minutes 427 calories

Came back and had Mediterranean grilled chicken, veggies and rice with a couple piece of naan bread to load up for my pull session tonight. Getting lots of slimming up compliments lately, even today after the giant meal yesterday.
Good Morning AM Family!

9/18/23 - Pull Session in Garage - 4-2-1-1 tempo

IronTec Lat Pulldowns 120x1RIR x 3 sets 15-8 reps
- Normally I am not the biggest fan of this pulldown, but I figured out a way to get a great stretch and really feel the lats even got them to burn a little bit. Using this is almost like having bands adding resistance as you pull because the bottom of the movement since on a shorter movement arm is angling away a little and also kind of binds up a little making it very hard at the bottom of the pull.

Db Low Incline Row - 50x10@1RIR, 50x7, Down Set 35x11@0RIR - These were challenging for sure. Had the bench at about a 15 degree angle, just high enough to get a really good stretch at the bottom. Felt good to do these, my thoracic area held up really well.

Rear Delt Swing Destroyer Drop Set - 35xFail>25xFail>10xFail - These were taken down to short partials with heavy emphasis on the negative at each weight. My rear delts were so pumped they were sticking out off of the back of my shoulders.

Hammer Curls with French bar - 55x0RIR x 3 sets - 15-11reps - Nice pump and contraction with these. Felt right in between a Hammer Curl, and a PinWheel Curl I will do these again for sure.

IronTec Preacher Curl - 20xAMRAP x 3 sets - I love this preacher curl attachment. There is great resistance at the bottom of the movement and even better resistance at the peak contraction. Also the way the handle is designed I can get slightly hyper-extended at the elbow giving a ridiculous biceps stretch at the bottom of every rep. Hands down this is my favorite Preacher Curl Machine. If the handles rotated would be the only improvement I would suggest.

French Bar OH Triceps Extensions - 55@3-4RIR x 3 sets - Just getting blood in there, still taking things easy because of the phuckery of AMRAP Bench with just the bar leaving my tricep tendon a lil aggravated. It felt decent yesterday but I figured go easy and then I can beat it up again in a few days.

That was it, called it a day. I was looking pretty pumped up by the end.

Nutrition was good yesterday, estimated macros for the day were around 160p, 40f, 210c, so about 1840 calories in a 6 hour feeding window.


9/19/23 - Morning Weight 201 on the dot. Woke up looking pretty tight again. I dropped 3lbs from yesterday, I am not sure if I am going to return back down into the 197 area so easily though. I feel like I am holding on to water better right now. I was probably low on sodium while eating challenged and just couldn't hold water, at least the muscles just felt super flat, even for lower calories if that makes any sense.

I am most likely going to do a 24 hour fast today, and just break my fast with a big solid dinner. Just going to continue with my big push to lean up some more before trying to asses new maintenance calories, and work my way up from there.

I could be wrong here, but I think that 300mg Test E a week right now should be enough to keep muscle on my frame over the next 10 days of lower calories, Especially with fasting tossed in for good measure. I put an order in for some goodies and they should be here in a couple weeks. Then I will start titrating up by adding in some Mast, and removing the AI.

Guys, go time is upon us! I am getting excited! I am going to push the rest of this week, then deload and actually start a new meso in the RP Hypertrophy App as I am bumping the dose a bit.
Go! Take your son or a buddy & put the hammer down on some meat sweats.
Oh yeah, and don't let their enticing salad / cheese bar entice you. Go in, order your drink and turn the flip coin to green and go! Also jealous if it is only $39 their for a dinner. You are dropping about $60 per plate for dinner at most of them.

ha, awesome. maybe i'll have to plan a date with the wife, Bellevue is about an hour away for us so it's a bit of an adventure navigating traffic in these parts nowadays.

the best and quickest 10lbs I ever gained was an all you can eat korean bbq where they cook the food at your table. We didn't understand what we were getting into and they didn't speak a lot of english so they kept offering us more food and we kept accepting not really know where that train was headed 😅😅

Guys, go time is upon us! I am getting excited! I am going to push the rest of this week, then deload and actually start a new meso in the RP Hypertrophy App as I am bumping the dose a bit.

let the good times roll 🤘

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Sounds like I need to find an All you can eat Korean BBQ!

Great song!

9/19/23 - Elliptical 37 minutes - 462 calories - I am tempted to just let this fast ride overnight tonight. However tomorrow is a lower body session and I would probably do better to have a solid meal tonight, but I already have plenty of high carb food up here to fuel up. Since fat loss is the bigger goal right now, I think I may make it a 36 hour fast.
am tempted to just let this fast ride overnight tonight. However tomorrow is a lower body session and I would probably do better to have a solid meal tonight, but I already have plenty of high carb food up here to fuel up. Since fat loss is the bigger goal right now, I think I may make it a 36 hour fast.
just pour some maple syrup on your rice tomorrow morning, you'll be aiight
just pour some maple syrup on your rice tomorrow morning, you'll be aiight
That just doesn't even sound good at all. It might be, but it doesn't sound good for some reason. It would definitely get the carbs back up quickly though!
Good Morning AM Family!

9/18/23 - Pull Session in Garage - 4-2-1-1 tempo

IronTec Lat Pulldowns 120x1RIR x 3 sets 15-8 reps
- Normally I am not the biggest fan of this pulldown, but I figured out a way to get a great stretch and really feel the lats even got them to burn a little bit. Using this is almost like having bands adding resistance as you pull because the bottom of the movement since on a shorter movement arm is angling away a little and also kind of binds up a little making it very hard at the bottom of the pull.

Db Low Incline Row - 50x10@1RIR, 50x7, Down Set 35x11@0RIR - These were challenging for sure. Had the bench at about a 15 degree angle, just high enough to get a really good stretch at the bottom. Felt good to do these, my thoracic area held up really well.

Rear Delt Swing Destroyer Drop Set - 35xFail>25xFail>10xFail - These were taken down to short partials with heavy emphasis on the negative at each weight. My rear delts were so pumped they were sticking out off of the back of my shoulders.

Hammer Curls with French bar - 55x0RIR x 3 sets - 15-11reps - Nice pump and contraction with these. Felt right in between a Hammer Curl, and a PinWheel Curl I will do these again for sure.

IronTec Preacher Curl - 20xAMRAP x 3 sets - I love this preacher curl attachment. There is great resistance at the bottom of the movement and even better resistance at the peak contraction. Also the way the handle is designed I can get slightly hyper-extended at the elbow giving a ridiculous biceps stretch at the bottom of every rep. Hands down this is my favorite Preacher Curl Machine. If the handles rotated would be the only improvement I would suggest.

French Bar OH Triceps Extensions - 55@3-4RIR x 3 sets - Just getting blood in there, still taking things easy because of the phuckery of AMRAP Bench with just the bar leaving my tricep tendon a lil aggravated. It felt decent yesterday but I figured go easy and then I can beat it up again in a few days.

That was it, called it a day. I was looking pretty pumped up by the end.

Nutrition was good yesterday, estimated macros for the day were around 160p, 40f, 210c, so about 1840 calories in a 6 hour feeding window.


9/19/23 - Morning Weight 201 on the dot. Woke up looking pretty tight again. I dropped 3lbs from yesterday, I am not sure if I am going to return back down into the 197 area so easily though. I feel like I am holding on to water better right now. I was probably low on sodium while eating challenged and just couldn't hold water, at least the muscles just felt super flat, even for lower calories if that makes any sense.

I am most likely going to do a 24 hour fast today, and just break my fast with a big solid dinner. Just going to continue with my big push to lean up some more before trying to asses new maintenance calories, and work my way up from there.

I could be wrong here, but I think that 300mg Test E a week right now should be enough to keep muscle on my frame over the next 10 days of lower calories, Especially with fasting tossed in for good measure. I put an order in for some goodies and they should be here in a couple weeks. Then I will start titrating up by adding in some Mast, and removing the AI.

Guys, go time is upon us! I am getting excited! I am going to push the rest of this week, then deload and actually start a new meso in the RP Hypertrophy App as I am bumping the dose a bit.
Been getting after it man! Sounds like the AMRAP bench might not have gone as planned (Tricep wise)

sounds like you are setting up to start a monster meso cycle coming up! Will be excited to see you progress and make them gains!!!
Been getting after it man! Sounds like the AMRAP bench might not have gone as planned (Tricep wise)

sounds like you are setting up to start a monster meso cycle coming up! Will be excited to see you progress and make them gains!!!
Yes Sir, it is go time once this cut is over. I decided to go ahead and continue my fast overnight tonight to keep the fire stoked. Although I have made good progress and grown while leaning up, I am not as lean as I want to be before switching gears. This next little stint is going to be a bigger push to drop some more fat. I may even go ADF for the remainder of the month to see where it gets me.
Yes Sir, it is go time once this cut is over. I decided to go ahead and continue my fast overnight tonight to keep the fire stoked. Although I have made good progress and grown while leaning up, I am not as lean as I want to be before switching gears. This next little stint is going to be a bigger push to drop some more fat. I may even go ADF for the remainder of the month to see where it gets me.
What do you plan to cut to? Or you just going for looks and then bulking out?
What do you plan to cut to? Or you just going for looks and then bulking out?
Honestly I don't have a number in mind, and am considering just continuing to lean up during October as more of a recomp using Build and Burn days. I can be in a surplus on training days, and pretty good deficit on non training days so the average over the week ends up right at or just under maintenance but I am seeing good gains as well. Maintenance will be a nice increase from what I have been used to lately too!
9/20/23 - Morning Weight 197.8 - BOOM, right back down under 200!

Looking tight this morning, I think I am going to take my lunch earlier today, do some fasted cardio, or take a walk by the bayou. Then start fueling up for my lower body session after. I can easily get in 150+g of carbs in 2 feedings before I train doing that. Between that, and an intra drink I should be able to crush my session tonight.
9/20/23 - Morning Weight 197.8 - BOOM, right back down under 200!

Looking tight this morning, I think I am going to take my lunch earlier today, do some fasted cardio, or take a walk by the bayou. Then start fueling up for my lower body session after. I can easily get in 150+g of carbs in 2 feedings before I train doing that. Between that, and an intra drink I should be able to crush my session tonight.
Heck yeah!! Fuel up and smash that session today! 💪🏻
Just catching back up from the last week. I know you were glad to be getting your taste back. Looks like your cut is going really good. I do like the eating maintenance or slightly above on training days, and cutting calories or fasting on non training days. I believe that’s better on us older guys for recovery during a cut. And the time’s I’ve done that it’s really efficient and saves on muscle loss better than an all out cut.
Just catching back up from the last week. I know you were glad to be getting your taste back. Looks like your cut is going really good. I do like the eating maintenance or slightly above on training days, and cutting calories or fasting on non training days. I believe that’s better on us older guys for recovery during a cut. And the time’s I’ve done that it’s really efficient and saves on muscle loss better than an all out cut.
Yeah, it is something I have done multiple times. To be honest I have never done a true bulk or mass gaining phase. I have always been kind of recomping, I still add a good bit of size but I have pretty much always ended up leaner after every cycle.

9/20/23 - Lower Body - Tempo - 4-2-1-1 - Intensity - 1-0RIR

Pendulum Squat - 70x11, 70x9, 70x6
- This thing is an exercise in humility, but quads get so pumped!

Arsenal True Squat - Carriage only x20, 17 - Doing these after the pendulum squat pretty muched wrecked them for me. Plus I need to figure out the angle the foot platform it was different and made for better positioning but I had already decided I was going to do lunges when I realized I had not changed that.

Walking Lunges - 35x10, 35x8, 35x7 - Holy Burn, these were brutal, trying to do slow negatives and keep the weight on the front foot only had me lit up.

Arsenal True Squat - Facing in for Glutes - 270x17, 270x16, 270x15 - These really lit the glute up and a lot of good tension on the hamstrings too.

DB SLDL - 50x11, 50x10, 50x9 - Nice deep stretches, and thoracic area held up well with these.

Mega Mass Hack Squat Calf Press - 70x1RIR x 3 sets - nice pump here, calves were almost cramping during the warm ups, had to limit weight and focus on the stretch under tension a little more and was able to get in some productive sets.

All in all this was a great session, I had to increase my water intake during my sessions so I went with a half gallon for this workout and finally didn't run out. I am soaked to the core by the time I leave the gym nowadays. I also added a little extra salt into my intra as well.


9/21/23 - Morning Weight 200.1 - I am definitely not upset with this. I am still tight, but more full. I am feeding all day today as well because I am going to get a push session in tonight, and I can tell my legs need the food and multiple protein feedings. That also give me 2 feeding days in a row for my metabolism, and then fast again tomorrow.
Yeah, it is something I have done multiple times. To be honest I have never done a true bulk or mass gaining phase. I have always been kind of recomping, I still add a good bit of size but I have pretty much always ended up leaner after every cycle.

9/20/23 - Lower Body - Tempo - 4-2-1-1 - Intensity - 1-0RIR

Pendulum Squat - 70x11, 70x9, 70x6
- This thing is an exercise in humility, but quads get so pumped!

Arsenal True Squat - Carriage only x20, 17 - Doing these after the pendulum squat pretty muched wrecked them for me. Plus I need to figure out the angle the foot platform it was different and made for better positioning but I had already decided I was going to do lunges when I realized I had not changed that.

Walking Lunges - 35x10, 35x8, 35x7 - Holy Burn, these were brutal, trying to do slow negatives and keep the weight on the front foot only had me lit up.

Arsenal True Squat - Facing in for Glutes - 270x17, 270x16, 270x15 - These really lit the glute up and a lot of good tension on the hamstrings too.

DB SLDL - 50x11, 50x10, 50x9 - Nice deep stretches, and thoracic area held up well with these.

Mega Mass Hack Squat Calf Press - 70x1RIR x 3 sets - nice pump here, calves were almost cramping during the warm ups, had to limit weight and focus on the stretch under tension a little more and was able to get in some productive sets.

All in all this was a great session, I had to increase my water intake during my sessions so I went with a half gallon for this workout and finally didn't run out. I am soaked to the core by the time I leave the gym nowadays. I also added a little extra salt into my intra as well.


9/21/23 - Morning Weight 200.1 - I am definitely not upset with this. I am still tight, but more full. I am feeding all day today as well because I am going to get a push session in tonight, and I can tell my legs need the food and multiple protein feedings. That also give me 2 feeding days in a row for my metabolism, and then fast again tomorrow.
How are you liking the Arsenal equipment so far?
How are you liking the Arsenal equipment so far?
I really like it! Most of the machines allow a greater ROM so you can get deep into the stretched position, and the handle angles seem to be align more with how you might naturally press trying to create a lot of force. Like the chest press has 2 sets of handles and one of them is more like a 45 degree wrist angle like how you would put your hands if you were going to push someone away from you in their chest. It is hard to describe but the handles just seem to be in better angles to hit the movement and the targeted muscle. The one option is angled and the other one is more of a neutral grip set up. The shoulder and both chest press machines are this way. It is pretty cool. Their True Squat machine is awesome, better padding than most, and a completely adjustable foot plate that goes from almost flat to about 45 degrees so you can adjust for just about anyone's size or stance preferences. Their Side Delt Raise is my favorite medial delt exercise now, and the fly / reverse fly machine is the best I have used so far.
Sounds like some great equipment! This walking lunges are brutal makes me hurt just thinking of them. Weight sitting in a good spot, things are coming together!
Sounds like some great equipment! This walking lunges are brutal makes me hurt just thinking of them. Weight sitting in a good spot, things are coming together!
Yeah, I am feeling pretty good with how things are going. I have doms in my legs and glutes tonight, not sure if it will be gone or worse in the morning. LOL

Upper Pull

Arsenal Lat Pulldown - 70x11,9,8

MegaMass Isolateral Supinated Grip High Row - 70x13,12,10

HS Iso-lateral Chest Supported Row - 100x1RIR x 3 sets 15-9reps

Single Arm DB Preacher Curls - 25x1RIR x 3 sets 12-8 reps

DB Hammer Curls - 15x1RIR 3 sets 25-15 reps

Was a good session, pushed myself hard and enjoyed it. Then I came home and had a big bowl of turkey spaghetti.

Tomorrow I am going to go ahead and do my push session that I had planned tonight before I pivoted due to the things I wanted to use being in use and the back stuff being open.
Just catching back up from the last week. I know you were glad to be getting your taste back. Looks like your cut is going really good. I do like the eating maintenance or slightly above on training days, and cutting calories or fasting on non training days. I believe that’s better on us older guys for recovery during a cut. And the time’s I’ve done that it’s really efficient and saves on muscle loss better than an all out cut.
Would you consider that same approach for cardio days, meaning the lower cals/below maintenance for cardio only days? Because I truly only take one "off" day per week, if cardio counts.
Would you consider that same approach for cardio days, meaning the lower cals/below maintenance for cardio only days? Because I truly only take one "off" day per week, if cardio counts.
Yeah, that’s exactly what I’ve done on those cuts. The lifting days were at maintenance or a little above, cardio days lower calories, rest day on Sunday was usually intermittent fasting. But the next time I do a cut, I was going to do maintenance on lifting days, low calories on cardio days (non lifting days), and 12 to 24 hour fast on the rest day (Sunday).
Would you consider that same approach for cardio days, meaning the lower cals/below maintenance for cardio only days? Because I truly only take one "off" day per week, if cardio counts.
No, I consider an off day any day I am not weight training.
Yeah, that’s exactly what I’ve done on those cuts. The lifting days were at maintenance or a little above, cardio days lower calories, rest day on Sunday was usually intermittent fasting. But the next time I do a cut, I was going to do maintenance on lifting days, low calories on cardio days (non lifting days), and 12 to 24 hour fast on the rest day (Sunday).
Yes, both of these methods work well. Now if I am doing a deficit I am almost always doing it fasting, but that will likely not be the way I do it during prep. I intend to work with a coach for prep and probably for about 20 weeks so they really know my body by the time we get to the real detailed stuff.


9/22/23 - 202 on the dot. Not too bad at all considering I ate spaghetti last night. Pasta always sticks with me a little more than rice or bread. I am sure just water but it is something I have always noticed.

I beat up my back decently, had a little discomfort in thoracic area last night, nothing worrisome and actually less than normal but I don't normally plan to train upper body again the day after back training since the injury. So nothing to worry about other than modifying the plan and having another Burn day today. So, I am doing another 36 hour fast today, I will go either walk, or do cardio in the gym to burn a little more.
No, I consider an off day any day I am not weight training.
Yes, both of these methods work well. Now if I am doing a deficit I am almost always doing it fasting, but that will likely not be the way I do it during prep. I intend to work with a coach for prep and probably for about 20 weeks so they really know my body by the time we get to the real detailed stuff.


9/22/23 - 202 on the dot. Not too bad at all considering I ate spaghetti last night. Pasta always sticks with me a little more than rice or bread. I am sure just water but it is something I have always noticed.

I beat up my back decently, had a little discomfort in thoracic area last night, nothing worrisome and actually less than normal but I don't normally plan to train upper body again the day after back training since the injury. So nothing to worry about other than modifying the plan and having another Burn day today. So, I am doing another 36 hour fast today, I will go either walk, or do cardio in the gym to burn a little more.
Yeah, if you do decide to do another log for your prep, I definitely want to follow that, to obviously encourage you, but also for any new nuggets of knowledge. Truthfully, in a cut, I had only added intermittent fasting and had always avoided longer fasts, but after seeing the success you, Hyde, and Dustin have had, I changed my mindset and realize how good of a tool it really is.
Yeah, if you do decide to do another log for your prep, I definitely want to follow that, to obviously encourage you, but also for any new nuggets of knowledge. Truthfully, in a cut, I had only added intermittent fasting and had always avoided longer fasts, but after seeing the success you, Hyde, and Dustin have had, I changed my mindset and realize how good of a tool it really is.
Yeah, I know one of the things that I will likely be doing during the upcoming cycle is to occasionally bump in a 36 hour fast to clean things up a little. So, I am wondering now since bodybuilders are starting to see fasting as a tool to get in shape. When are we going to hear about the guy who trains 5 days a week, then shoots 75mg of tren ace the night of his 5th workout and then fasts for two days while tren is there working to shut off muscle catabolism and increase activity on the fats AR to make fat burning even faster during fasting? I can't be the only person to have thought about that.
Yeah, I know one of the things that I will likely be doing during the upcoming cycle is to occasionally bump in a 36 hour fast to clean things up a little. So, I am wondering now since bodybuilders are starting to see fasting as a tool to get in shape. When are we going to hear about the guy who trains 5 days a week, then shoots 75mg of tren ace the night of his 5th workout and then fasts for two days while tren is there working to shut off muscle catabolism and increase activity on the fats AR to make fat burning even faster during fasting? I can't be the only person to have thought about that.
Talk about turbo charging your cut, now that would do it.
Talk about turbo charging your cut, now that would do it.
Right, getting a surplus in for 5 days for growth, then burn off close to 2lbs with close to 0 muscle loss, one could possibly grow themselves leaner. Of course it is all just me thinking out loud based on what I know about fasting, and the compound, but still it is an interesting thought.
Right, getting a surplus in for 5 days for growth, then burn off close to 2lbs with close to 0 muscle loss, one could possibly grow themselves leaner. Of course it is all just me thinking out loud based on what I know about fasting, and the compound, but still it is an interesting thought.
Oh yeah for sure, and probably little to none of your typical Tren sides.
Yeah, probably not. Wow, my lats are sore, and my legs still have some DOMS, very surprising. I am excited for push session tomorrow since I was in the mood for it today!
Yeah, I know one of the things that I will likely be doing during the upcoming cycle is to occasionally bump in a 36 hour fast to clean things up a little. So, I am wondering now since bodybuilders are starting to see fasting as a tool to get in shape. When are we going to hear about the guy who trains 5 days a week, then shoots 75mg of tren ace the night of his 5th workout and then fasts for two days while tren is there working to shut off muscle catabolism and increase activity on the fats AR to make fat burning even faster during fasting? I can't be the only person to have thought about that.

I’d split the Tren Ace up over 2-3 days vs jam it all at once if glucocorticoid inhibition is the primary use case.
I’d split the Tren Ace up over 2-3 days vs jam it all at once if glucocorticoid inhibition is the primary use case.
I actually thought about that after to avoid sides and have a more even effect. Then decided not to mention because it isn't something in my bag of tricks to employ this year.

Also, I have been thinking and as eager as I am to start the growth train, I still need to drop a few more body percent before actually changing directions if I want to have some room to run once I get going with massing. So I am going to continue to focus on leaning out until I feel I am in the right spot. I will still add in the mast next month, but won't bump up again after until it is time to push for some mass. I don't want to have to overdiet into the show so taking the time now to give myself a good long runway for gains is just the intelligent thing to do. I am thinking by Nov, I should be able to push for a 500 cal surplus and go from there.

I am going to the gym for my push session here shortly, pretty excited about hitting that up!

After that, me and the wife are going to see the 3 Doors Down, and 3 Days Grace concert. I will be eating out too, but I am going to see what I can do to keep everything nutrition friendly. I don't want undo my progress.
I actually thought about that after to avoid sides and have a more even effect. Then decided not to mention because it isn't something in my bag of tricks to employ this year.

Also, I have been thinking and as eager as I am to start the growth train, I still need to drop a few more body percent before actually changing directions if I want to have some room to run once I get going with massing. So I am going to continue to focus on leaning out until I feel I am in the right spot. I will still add in the mast next month, but won't bump up again after until it is time to push for some mass. I don't want to have to overdiet into the show so taking the time now to give myself a good long runway for gains is just the intelligent thing to do. I am thinking by Nov, I should be able to push for a 500 cal surplus and go from there.

I am going to the gym for my push session here shortly, pretty excited about hitting that up!

After that, me and the wife are going to see the 3 Doors Down, and 3 Days Grace concert. I will be eating out too, but I am going to see what I can do to keep everything nutrition friendly. I don't want undo my progress.
Sounds like a good time and pretty good bands I wouldn’t hesitate to see either one. Hope you two have a fun night out!!
I actually thought about that after to avoid sides and have a more even effect. Then decided not to mention because it isn't something in my bag of tricks to employ this year.

Also, I have been thinking and as eager as I am to start the growth train, I still need to drop a few more body percent before actually changing directions if I want to have some room to run once I get going with massing. So I am going to continue to focus on leaning out until I feel I am in the right spot. I will still add in the mast next month, but won't bump up again after until it is time to push for some mass. I don't want to have to overdiet into the show so taking the time now to give myself a good long runway for gains is just the intelligent thing to do. I am thinking by Nov, I should be able to push for a 500 cal surplus and go from there.

I am going to the gym for my push session here shortly, pretty excited about hitting that up!

After that, me and the wife are going to see the 3 Doors Down, and 3 Days Grace concert. I will be eating out too, but I am going to see what I can do to keep everything nutrition friendly. I don't want undo my progress.
Have a good date night mate!
I actually thought about that after to avoid sides and have a more even effect. Then decided not to mention because it isn't something in my bag of tricks to employ this year.

Also, I have been thinking and as eager as I am to start the growth train, I still need to drop a few more body percent before actually changing directions if I want to have some room to run once I get going with massing. So I am going to continue to focus on leaning out until I feel I am in the right spot. I will still add in the mast next month, but won't bump up again after until it is time to push for some mass. I don't want to have to overdiet into the show so taking the time now to give myself a good long runway for gains is just the intelligent thing to do. I am thinking by Nov, I should be able to push for a 500 cal surplus and go from there.

I am going to the gym for my push session here shortly, pretty excited about hitting that up!

After that, me and the wife are going to see the 3 Doors Down, and 3 Days Grace concert. I will be eating out too, but I am going to see what I can do to keep everything nutrition friendly. I don't want undo my progress.
Sounds like a good plan….the leaner you get before your bulk, the easier it is to add mass without too much fat. Then when you go into your next cut that added muscle should have you right where you want to be when you shred back down. And as successful as this cut has been you should definitely be ready for a competition after the next one.💪
I hope you and your wife have a great time at the concert and your able to find a good lean meal.👍
Sounds like a good time and pretty good bands I wouldn’t hesitate to see either one. Hope you two have a fun night out!!
We had a great time
Have a good date night mate!
Sounds like a good plan….the leaner you get before your bulk, the easier it is to add mass without too much fat. Then when you go into your next cut that added muscle should have you right where you want to be when you shred back down. And as successful as this cut has been you should definitely be ready for a competition after the next one.💪
I hope you and your wife have a great time at the concert and your able to find a good lean meal.👍
Thanks Guys! They were both good, although I had one of them wrong it was Candlebox, and 3 doors down, 3 days grace is coming with Chevelle next month and we are going to that. I love Chevelle, and they are awesome live! 3 Days Grace is too!

So I did not succeed on the meal being healthy, or I should say I did do that but then had a couple IPAs and ended up making the bad decision to have "some" candy. Not the end of the world, I have some extra carbs in me for my lower body session here in a couple hours.

Yesterdays push session went well.

Relative Intensity Goal = 1-0RIR - Tempo 4-2-1-1 - tension is always constant in stretched position

Arsenal Horizontal Chest Press Ultra Wide Grip - 70x12, 10, 9
- Hands as wide as possible on grip for maximum stretch

Arsenal Straight Arm Fly - 100 x 3 sets 12-20 reps - Seat low to increase clavicular head of pec more engaged

Arsenal Horizontal Chest Press Close Grip - 35 x 3 sets 8-15 reps - Think of this as almost a jm press because the only thing limiting ROM is my biceps. I do get a nice bonus of some addition chest volume here but this is majorly triceps dominant.

Incline EZ Bar Skull Crushers - 45 x 3 sets 12-20 reps

Arsenal Medial Delt Raise - 50x3 sets 8-15 reps

Arsenal Reverse Fly - 70x 3 sets - 10-20 reps

Alternating Twisting DB Curls - 35x12

Alternating Pinwheel Curls - 35x9
- I took both biceps to 0RIR since I wasn't doing much volume there. Just a solid reminder I need it to keep the muscle around and add to the weekly volume.

I keep getting more and more compliments at the gym. One of the owners and I were talking because he had a neat form and I wanted to know why he was doing something. The while we were talking I said something about me not typically talking to people about their form unless it looks dangerous because they probably don't want to hear what I have to say anyway. He says "Dude! You are one of the most jacked and in shape guys here, if they don't want to listen to you they are stupid!" I was like Oh Wow, nice compliment there. We have some really well built guys, but only a couple who look like they might bodybuild. Either way, I took it as a major compliment. Then another kid wouldn't believe me when I told him I was 50. So things are going well.

Here is a picture of the wife and I from the concert last night.

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We had a great time

Thanks Guys! They were both good, although I had one of them wrong it was Candlebox, and 3 doors down, 3 days grace is coming with Chevelle next month and we are going to that. I love Chevelle, and they are awesome live! 3 Days Grace is too!

So I did not succeed on the meal being healthy, or I should say I did do that but then had a couple IPAs and ended up making the bad decision to have "some" candy. Not the end of the world, I have some extra carbs in me for my lower body session here in a couple hours.

Yesterdays push session went well.

Relative Intensity Goal = 1-0RIR - Tempo 4-2-1-1 - tension is always constant in stretched position

Arsenal Horizontal Chest Press Ultra Wide Grip - 70x12, 10, 9
- Hands as wide as possible on grip for maximum stretch

Arsenal Straight Arm Fly - 100 x 3 sets 12-20 reps - Seat low to increase clavicular head of pec more engaged

Arsenal Horizontal Chest Press Close Grip - 35 x 3 sets 8-15 reps - Think of this as almost a jm press because the only thing limiting ROM is my biceps. I do get a nice bonus of some addition chest volume here but this is majorly triceps dominant.

Incline EZ Bar Skull Crushers - 45 x 3 sets 12-20 reps

Arsenal Medial Delt Raise - 50x3 sets 8-15 reps

Arsenal Reverse Fly - 70x 3 sets - 10-20 reps

Alternating Twisting DB Curls - 35x12

Alternating Pinwheel Curls - 35x9
- I took both biceps to 0RIR since I wasn't doing much volume there. Just a solid reminder I need it to keep the muscle around and add to the weekly volume.

I keep getting more and more compliments at the gym. One of the owners and I were talking because he had a neat form and I wanted to know why he was doing something. The while we were talking I said something about me not typically talking to people about their form unless it looks dangerous because they probably don't want to hear what I have to say anyway. He says "Dude! You are one of the most jacked and in shape guys here, if they don't want to listen to you they are stupid!" I was like Oh Wow, nice compliment there. We have some really well built guys, but only a couple who look like they might bodybuild. Either way, I took it as a major compliment. Then another kid wouldn't believe me when I told him I was 50. So things are going well.

Here is a picture of the wife and I from the concert last night.

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It always feels good getting “your jacked” complements at the gym, because you know most of the people are there trying to get in shape as well, and then when you get told you don’t look 50, that’s icing on the cake.💪
That’s a good picture of you and your wife, looked like a fun date.👍
Sounds like a good show! That’s a great photo of you guys; wife looking very pretty (I say that respectfully!). Both of those bands have some classic singles that really fire up the crowd too, get you in the feels.

You have to love a compliment like that; real recognize real, as they say. People who have put the time in understand that Rome wasn’t built in a day!
When you get to go to Fogo de Chao, you just thank God for smiling on you & worry about burning off the calories later!

Last time I went there they tried to stiff me on meats. Do not stiff a man on anabolics of his paid meats. I won the battle of attrition and left in meat sweats. But the principle of the matter….
It always feels good getting “your jacked” complements at the gym, because you know most of the people are there trying to get in shape as well, and then when you get told you don’t look 50, that’s icing on the cake.💪
That’s a good picture of you and your wife, looked like a fun date.👍
Absolutely, all positives!
Sounds like a good show! That’s a great photo of you guys; wife looking very pretty (I say that respectfully!). Both of those bands have some classic singles that really fire up the crowd too, get you in the feels.

You have to love a compliment like that; real recognize real, as they say. People who have put the time in understand that Rome wasn’t built in a day!
Thanks, yeah, I am pretty fond of her. I tell her regularly I am a lucky man to have her.

It was also the last night of the last tour that Candlebox will be doing. So they had a big heartfelt goodbye, brought up everyone who worked on the shows with them and stuff up on stage before playing their biggest song as a send off. It was great, and then 3 Doors Down were so good, They sounded pretty on point, and you just forget how many hits they had even when you think you remember them. All in all a great show!
Last time I went there they tried to stiff me on meats. Do not stiff a man on anabolics of his paid meats. I won the battle of attrition and left in meat sweats. But the principle of the matter….
Oh boy, how can they stiff you on meats at a Fogo, that would be a real quick problem for me. My son said he took his granny back to the one we went to and everything was subpar. I told him I would have called the manager. Been like Hey, I brought my grandmother here for an amazing experience, you took my money but the experience sucks. What can you do to fix that for us? it's on you whether that is only bringing us the best cuts, or comping something...
9/25/23 - Morning Weight 205.1 - I am holding steady from the cheat on Saturday. I was 205.1 yesterday as well, which makes sense since I have been targeting around maintenance on training days. Today is a burn day, so fasting and cardio are on the schedule today.

Lower Body Training - 9/24/23 - Relative Intensity Goal = 1-0RIR - Tempo 4-2-1-1 - tension is always constant in stretched position

StairMill 3 minutes

Arsenal Super Squat (Facing out-Quad Focus) 90x12, 11, 10 -
I did extra warm ups on these to get broken in and find my movement patter and stance. The foot platform setting for me facing out is the lowest setting. Stance a little wider, toes out, getting more adductor involved.

Pendulum Squat - 25x13, long rest 25x15, 13, 11 - Stance feet kind of close, toes slightly out but closer to straight, brought more direct quad involvement.

GHR - 12, 10, 9 - Whew Major burning in hammies!

Front Foot Elevated DB Lunges - 20x10, 9, 8 - Jeebus, I found the best way to perform this set and ouch!

Hack Machine Calf Press - 50x a bunch x 3 sets - Just getting blood into them, and stretching them while pumped. I need to get some shoes with more of a bottom to them to go much heavier as the platform cuts into my feet with just the Bearfoots on.

This session took a while, I was just not in a hurry. I could have gotten it done in probably 90 minutes but ended up at the gym for 2.5 hours. I was working hard but taking longer rest, and breaks to chat in between exercises and just working at my own pace. I was also just kind of focusing on getting ideas for starting points for my next meso.

I have some decent DOMS in my chest, and my legs are not sore yet, but are definitely tired and recovering from yesterday's session. I am a little tired today too, so I think rather than actually doing cardio I might just take a walk. It really depends on the weather and how I feel in a couple hours but if still dragging a bit I will just walk instead of doing the elliptical.
It’s always good when your cheat day doesn’t add too much weight, sounds like your metabolism is doing it’s thing.
Our gym owner is looking at getting a few more machines, so he’s asking us what we thought and said he’s putting out a suggestion box. I have been so busy lately, and haven’t really researched machines lately, but I started looking at some of that Arsenal equipment and I may suggest some of that. We have a lot of older equipment, so I’m glad he’s looking to upgrade.
It’s always good when your cheat day doesn’t add too much weight, sounds like your metabolism is doing it’s thing.
Our gym owner is looking at getting a few more machines, so he’s asking us what we thought and said he’s putting out a suggestion box. I have been so busy lately, and haven’t really researched machines lately, but I started looking at some of that Arsenal equipment and I may suggest some of that. We have a lot of older equipment, so I’m glad he’s looking to upgrade.

If dips bother people’s wrists, the Arsenal plate-loaded seated dip has ball/grenade handles you palm that are honestly very cool for volume work. This is a poor machine to go very heavy on, but awesome for 10+ rep range work.

I think dips are a great movement that many people can’t do for various shoulder, pec, or wrist reasons after a point, but that machine was actually very cool.
It’s always good when your cheat day doesn’t add too much weight, sounds like your metabolism is doing it’s thing.
Our gym owner is looking at getting a few more machines, so he’s asking us what we thought and said he’s putting out a suggestion box. I have been so busy lately, and haven’t really researched machines lately, but I started looking at some of that Arsenal equipment and I may suggest some of that. We have a lot of older equipment, so I’m glad he’s looking to upgrade.
That is awesome, hopefully he can get you something nice.
If dips bother people’s wrists, the Arsenal plate-loaded seated dip has ball/grenade handles you palm that are honestly very cool for volume work. This is a poor machine to go very heavy on, but awesome for 10+ rep range work.

I think dips are a great movement that many people can’t do for various shoulder, pec, or wrist reasons after a point, but that machine was actually very cool.
Yeah, I love the dip movement, my triceps love it too. One of the bummers at the new gym is that their arm equipment leaves some things to be desired and I would love a dip machine like that. Currently the only 2 direct arm machines they have is a Preacher Curl that does not go down far enough to allow for a stretch, and a triceps extension machine that doesn't come up far enough for a stretch. Both are somewhat partial movements so I just avoid those and only do DB or Cable work for arms now. I am going to ask the owners if we can get something like this, or a real Dip Station, he has one that is a roman chair / dip station but the way the handles for the roman chair are positioned it gets in the way of the elbows facing one way, and the shoulders facing the other. Just a poor design. Luckily I have found a way to do Close Grip Pressing on the Arsenal Flat Chest press so I don't feel I am missing anything major.
We had a great time

Thanks Guys! They were both good, although I had one of them wrong it was Candlebox, and 3 doors down, 3 days grace is coming with Chevelle next month and we are going to that. I love Chevelle, and they are awesome live! 3 Days Grace is too!

So I did not succeed on the meal being healthy, or I should say I did do that but then had a couple IPAs and ended up making the bad decision to have "some" candy. Not the end of the world, I have some extra carbs in me for my lower body session here in a couple hours.

Yesterdays push session went well.

Relative Intensity Goal = 1-0RIR - Tempo 4-2-1-1 - tension is always constant in stretched position

Arsenal Horizontal Chest Press Ultra Wide Grip - 70x12, 10, 9
- Hands as wide as possible on grip for maximum stretch

Arsenal Straight Arm Fly - 100 x 3 sets 12-20 reps - Seat low to increase clavicular head of pec more engaged

Arsenal Horizontal Chest Press Close Grip - 35 x 3 sets 8-15 reps - Think of this as almost a jm press because the only thing limiting ROM is my biceps. I do get a nice bonus of some addition chest volume here but this is majorly triceps dominant.

Incline EZ Bar Skull Crushers - 45 x 3 sets 12-20 reps

Arsenal Medial Delt Raise - 50x3 sets 8-15 reps

Arsenal Reverse Fly - 70x 3 sets - 10-20 reps

Alternating Twisting DB Curls - 35x12

Alternating Pinwheel Curls - 35x9
- I took both biceps to 0RIR since I wasn't doing much volume there. Just a solid reminder I need it to keep the muscle around and add to the weekly volume.

I keep getting more and more compliments at the gym. One of the owners and I were talking because he had a neat form and I wanted to know why he was doing something. The while we were talking I said something about me not typically talking to people about their form unless it looks dangerous because they probably don't want to hear what I have to say anyway. He says "Dude! You are one of the most jacked and in shape guys here, if they don't want to listen to you they are stupid!" I was like Oh Wow, nice compliment there. We have some really well built guys, but only a couple who look like they might bodybuild. Either way, I took it as a major compliment. Then another kid wouldn't believe me when I told him I was 50. So things are going well.

Here is a picture of the wife and I from the concert last night.

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maybe it's just me but man, I feel like you look like you are leaning up in the face too already
also I agree with Hyde, wife is a smoke show.

They were both good, although I had one of them wrong it was Candlebox, and 3 doors down, 3 days grace is coming with Chevelle next month and we are going to that. I love Chevelle, and they are awesome live! 3 Days Grace is too!

I looooved seeing Candlebox at the OOOOLD Fenix Underground in Seattle years ago (ever see the movie Singles about life in Seattle in the early 90s?). Never got to see Chevelle but that would be a fantastic show. 3 Days Grace once played with Breaking Benjamin opening for Nickelback at the Tacoma Dome and that was awesome. I've never been a huge fan of BB, but 3 days grace I thought was GREAT!
maybe it's just me but man, I feel like you look like you are leaning up in the face too already
also I agree with Hyde, wife is a smoke show.

I looooved seeing Candlebox at the OOOOLD Fenix Underground in Seattle years ago (ever see the movie Singles about life in Seattle in the early 90s?). Never got to see Chevelle but that would be a fantastic show. 3 Days Grace once played with Breaking Benjamin opening for Nickelback at the Tacoma Dome and that was awesome. I've never been a huge fan of BB, but 3 days grace I thought was GREAT!
Oh yeah, all of those bands are great live. I do really enjoy BB as well though. Thanks on the wife, I agree, she is too pretty for this ol mug of mine.

Yeah, I definitely look leaner in the face. Although I am not seeing tons of progress on the scale weight I do feel I have been recomping a bit.


9/26/23 - Morning Weight 203.1 - I broke my fast early today to get the feeding started. Had some Ghost Pepper Curry Chicken with a cup of rice and .3 cups fage greek yogurt. Just ate lunch which was a serving a turkey chili with 1 tortilla and 1/3 cup Fage greek yogurt. Protein and carbs decently on point for the day so far. I will be going and taking a walk or getting on the elliptical here shortly then will be doing a pull session tonight.

I am not sure if it is just me pushing my limits as I go closer and closer to 0RIR or the lower caloric levels, but I have been getting a little bit of DOMs almost every time I train the last 2 weeks. It heals in time and everything but it is also something I am not that used to. I imaging it is a bit of both things converging on one another.

Also very sweet news, my goodies cleared customs and are on their domestic transit to the reshipper. I should have them within the week. If I don't have them on the 1st then I will just bump test for the first week and use a little more AI with the larger shot to get things going.
Oh yeah, all of those bands are great live. I do really enjoy BB as well though. Thanks on the wife, I agree, she is too pretty for this ol mug of mine.

our wives are very smart, they know that if they marry down a notch, we will work much harder for them lol 😅😅😅

9/26/23 - Morning Weight 203.1 - I broke my fast early today to get the feeding started. Had some Ghost Pepper Curry Chicken with a cup of rice and .3 cups fage greek yogurt. Just ate lunch which was a serving a turkey chili with 1 tortilla and 1/3 cup Fage greek yogurt.

remind me if I ever make it down to lift with you in TX to make sure we hit the gym BEFORE I let you introduce me to the spicy foods 😅😅
Yep. gotta stay impressive for the wife.

Yeah, definitely a good idea to space the heat out away from the workout or sometime after it.

Lunch Steps - Walked 65 minutes by the bayou.

Just finished some ground turkey and rice casserole here shortly to power up for my evening session. Really enjoying my good eats today!

I also started using Cronometer today instead of MFP for nutrition and macro tracking. It actually tracks all of your micronutrients for you. So you can see where you are throughout the day and add things to your diet to make sure you are getting your micronutrients too. So far I like it and it has a great database of foods too.