Klaus' CEL m-test & XPG alpha-gel log - Journey to 75 Hard and Beyond

thank you very much for the input - the one thing i am nervous about cardarine is the potential increase in cancer risk, so that is something i will follow along for that.

Yeah, I stay out of the debates on Cardarine but I will say that its one thing that I would absolutely never ever use myself.

That's part of the reason behind wanting to do a supplement that is the closest thing that we can get to it safely.

as of Friday 9/20 75 hard is complete! I finished the challenge strong with some great workouts that i will be sharing below.

We celebrated over the weekend by going to Tavernetta in LoDo for Dinner and a bottle of wine

I was expecting to get seriously buzzed off a bottle of wine since its been over 75 days since having a drink- but was pleasantly surprised that it was very mild - i suspect its because i gave my liver such a long break to detox and regenerate that it was working at 100% efficiency lol.
Woke up sunday with no hangover symptoms either - I spent the day smoking a blunt and watching 7 hours of commercial-free football

I finished the challenge strong with the following workouts:

6 mile roundtrip bike commute
45 minute dog walk to park
pull workout:

6 mile bike commute
45 minute jog with dogs
Push workout:
Evening Workout
Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 20:22

backeards treadmill
Set 1: 0 mi | 5:00

Lat Pulldown (Cable)
Set 1: 85 lb × 12
Set 2: 120 lb × 12
Set 3: 120 lb × 12
Set 4: 120 lb × 12

Bent Over Row (Barbell)
Set 1: 45 lb × 12
Set 2: 95 lb × 6
Set 3: 135 lb × 6
Set 4: 185 lb × 4
Set 5: 185 lb × 3
Set 6: 135 lb × 8

Lateral Raise (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 30 lb × 20
Set 2: 30 lb × 20
Set 3: 50 lb × 4

Rear Delt Fly
Set 1: 30 lb × 15
Set 2: 30 lb × 15
Set 3: 50 lb × 8

Incline Bicep Curl
Set 1: 40 lb × 20
Set 2: 50 lb × 16
Set 3: 50 lb × 16
Afternoon Workout
Friday, September 20, 2024 at 17:25

backeards treadmill
Set 1: 0 mi | 6:00

Band Pull apart routine
Set 1: 3:00

Overhead Press (Smith Machine)
Set 1: 45 lb × 12
Set 2: 95 lb × 5
Set 3: 135 lb × 6
Set 4: 145 lb × 3
Set 5: 150 lb × 2
Set 6: 150 lb × 2
Set 7: 145 lb × 2
Set 8: 95 lb × 9

Chest Dip
Set 1: 9 reps
Set 2: +30 lb × 6
Set 3: +30 lb × 6
Set 4: 8 reps

Chin Up
Set 1: 7 reps
Set 2: +30 lb × 6
Set 3: +30 lb × 4
Set 4: 8 reps
Afternoon Workout
Sunday, September 22, 2024 at 17:03

backeards treadmill
Set 1: 0 mi | 5:00

Cable Crunch
Set 1: 67.5 lb × 12
Set 2: 82.5 lb × 12
Set 3: 97.5 lb × 6
Set 4: 62.5 lb × 12

Upright Row (Barbell)
Set 1: 50 lb × 13
Set 2: 60 lb × 12
Set 3: 70 lb × 8
Set 4: 70 lb × 8

Lunge (Barbell)
Set 1: 45 lb × 16
Set 2: 65 lb × 16

Pullover (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 40 lb × 8

Skullcrusher (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 40 lb × 20
Set 2: 40 lb × 20
Set 3: 40 lb × 20
Set 4: 40 lb × 20

Bicep Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 40 lb × 20
Set 2: 40 lb × 20
Set 3: 40 lb × 20
Set 4: 40 lb × 20

Wrist Roller
Set 1: 5 lb × 6
Honestly, I feel a little bit empty without the rigid structure of 75 hard - i have adapted to the need to do 2 workouts a day. but it feels good to not have to be tied to 45 minute time frames.

So where to go from here:
Ill be riding out the rest of September and 1st part of October doing a softer version of 75 hard- and enjoying some rest days as needed. As i wrap this log up and get ready for my next log : snowboard season 24/25

Wrapping this log up here are some takeaways on CEL M-test and XPG Alpha gel:

M-test at 6 caps and Alpha gel at 2-4 pumps per day was awesome. I consistently woke up ready to carpe the diem, and through out the day i felt like i could just keep going. Also experienced consistently deep sleep, whether it was 4.5 hours or 9 hours- i was out like a rock every time. Week over week strength increased as did my working capacity and ability to handle increased volume. Looking back at the workouts i am proud of the work put in and outside of the gym. I noticed an all day fullness to muscles after working out - the pump continues to hangout

GF consistently used Alpha gel nightly at 1-2 pumps for the 2nd half of the challenge and her reports are as follows: Consistent deep sleep and waking up very well rested - as is evident by her oura ring data for sleep stats and recovery scores. Slight but noticeable increase in libido as well

Overall we are happy customers and will continue to use both products as staples in our supplement stacks for the foreseeable future
Thank you everyone for following along and thanks to the AM community for all the knowledge within these boards

I really enjoyed logging and engaging with the community and this place feels like home

- Looking forward to writing more logs and reading more logs from the community
Thank you for the extremely detailed information. I'm really glad that you enjoyed the products.

And thank you also for the information on how your gf used and liked Alpha Gel. There are so many guys that ask for things that would increase their wives/girlfriends libido, that's very good information - especially in that they could present it to them as helping with sleep quality too.
You should see a nice spike in recovery going to a less frequent training program too. So take advantage of that and push those single sessions hard, and feed the muscle for growth.
I think nicotine is more of an appetite suppressant isn't it?

I've pretty much played with everything you mentioned except the MK. I'm with Steve on the natty stack, anabolic XT and Anabolic Effect stacked with phosphatidic Acid XT have been great to me. I've run all of them multiple times. I have not tried Prime or Alpha one yet but have Alpha One in the mail headed my way now.

ultrahard has androsterone in it, which gives me awesome good vibes. makes me feel 16. only side I have noticed is maybe more hair shedding. But I've run sustain alpha, ultra hard, ultra epi, and dermacine. Dermacrine seems to cause gyno side effects for me so don't use it anymore. for DHEA I use XPG DHEA During the winter.

XPG Epiandro is great as well. On my most recent run, I ran epiandrolean (oral) stacked with ultra epi (IF) to get a double dose of epi and the results were pretty solid. I'm running gear cream now. my body has completely adjusted to it so it just feels 'normal' to be on it, but my waist size today was down to my normal 178-180lbs waist size, yet I weighed in at 192.

I think gear cream, and all these other products listed would show far more progress on a caloric surplus/bulk, but they've all served me well on cuts. I've used them all on bulks and cuts except the gear cream which I've only used on my current cut, and I do think it's created an appetite challenge for me. I'm always always hungry.

Why the DHEA only in winter?
Why the DHEA only in winter?

@sns8778 told me to take it if I feel like crying. 😅

honestly though, I am truly a SAD type person. (season affective disorder). Pacific Northwest is grey, dark, cold, and wet from about Oct-May. It usually hits me around Jan-March really bad. I admittedly struggle with energy, mood/depression, everything. The irony, is that I sleep more and usually hit my biggest strength PRs in the winter, I think because I recover better because more sleep. Also, I used to race BMX and snowboard, I had a number of scary head injuries and each year that goes by, I experience less and less depression so that may also be a positive contributor since I don't pound my skull against the ground very often anymore.
Why the DHEA only in winter?

Dustin tried it for a particular reason and he generally just cycles most things.

Most people use DHEA-50 Gel as a daily use supplement and use it year round because the ideal goal is to increase your DHEA levels by a steady amount year round. By doing so, most people will feel better in general and it will help with mood, libido, etc.

For me, part of my morning ritual is 1 ml per day.
DHEA levels by a steady amount year round. By doing so, most people will feel better in general and it will help with mood, libido, etc.

you know what's funny, no idea if it contributed or not (but I have no reason to think it didn't), last week when we were going through our major audits and recertifications for the biz, I did add my dhea (out of season) all week and man... my mood was top notch.
you know what's funny, no idea if it contributed or not (but I have no reason to think it didn't), last week when we were going through our major audits and recertifications for the biz, I did add my dhea (out of season) all week and man... my mood was top notch.

It really is something best used year round. DHEA levels aren't something that there is any reason to yoyo up and down; consistency is the best thing for them.

And DHEA-50 Gel is so inexpensive that it makes it easy to use year round bc 1 bottle basically lasts 100 days.
Good convo in here!
You should see a nice spike in recovery going to a less frequent training program too. So take advantage of that and push those single sessions hard, and feed the muscle for growth.
the rebound is real!

The last few weeks i completed my bottles of alpha gel and m-test
combined with the decrease in frequency in the gym, the introduction of alcohol again, and still eating big - ive ballooned up to 180.

definitely looking softer - full but with some spillover

I have been climbing 3x / week, bike commuting 5x / week , and only lifting 1-2x / week- climbing sessions have been great with the extra joint lubrication, and feeling very strong when lead climbing

Im holding on to the strength from the past 75 hard cycle, but at a lower training volume. Feeling good with this deload period

I can tell that in the past few weeks without the m-test and alpha gel i am missing something "extra" - which is that aggression, assertiveness, muscle hardening, and deep sleep

its been good taking the deload from both weight training, extra cardio, and the supplements to take some time to reset the body, CNS, and training cycle - but im excited for this next multi-month-long block for winter sports

nonetheless, I've got my order from DPS enroute with alpha gel, anabolic effect, m-test

And as a surprise goodie, i picked up some suppress C to try out. GF is excited to try the suppress-c and stack it with alpha gel for the deep sleep and stress/ cortisol-lowering effects -as she works as a nurse - we will be tracking her daily stress levels through her oura ring

picked up some mk-677 from a local shop here in Colorado as well

next week ill be starting a new log that will run until the last resort closes ( if were lucky A-basin will go through June) and im excited to throw some different goodies in and out of the mix as the season progresses
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quick arm session on sundaynight
felt full af at 180lbz after a 3 mile hike, eating boneless wings and watching football
Look at that horse shoe!
you guys make alpha gel? lookign to try after sustain alpha run to compare

Thank you for the post and question.

Alpha Gel is available at a variety of online retailers. If I'm not mistaken, DPS offers the best prices on it.

1 bottle - 37.49 - https://www.dpsnutrition.net/i/33144/xpg-xtreme-gels-alpha-gel-100-ml.htm
2 bottles - 71.21 - https://www.dpsnutrition.net/i/33214/xpg-xtreme-gels-alpha-gel-100-ml.htm

If you have any questions, please let me know. I'm glad to help.