JustDidIt's Americell-Labs MMA-3, TREN & AH-89 PH Log



Day 30

Week 4 Day 30 Day off....Cardio

Weight: ??

Supplements: MMA-3 Xtreme 300mg (3caps), TREN Xtreme 90mg (3caps), Nutrilite Double X (3pills),Nutrilite Garlic (1pill),Nutrilite Digestive Enzyme Complex (3caps), Nutrilite Glucose (3caps), Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (2pills), ACL EFA-952 Xtreme (3gelcaps), Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Support (8caps), NOW foods ZMA (3caps), RPN Gut Health (3 caps),

Sides: noticed a bit more acne.
Strength: n/a.
Appetite: Normal...hungry
Overall: Enjoyed my day off. Gotta get some goggles tho for the pool.


Day 31

Week 5 Day 30 Day off....sleepytime.

Weight: ??

Supplements: MMA-3 Xtreme 300mg (3caps), TREN Xtreme 90mg (3caps), Nutrilite Double X (3pills),Nutrilite Garlic (1pill),Nutrilite Digestive Enzyme Complex (3caps), Nutrilite Glucose (3caps), Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (2pills), ACL EFA-952 Xtreme (3gelcaps), Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Support (8caps), NOW foods ZMA (3caps), RPN Gut Health (3 caps),

Sides: Crap... my GF noticed a few more zits..Whats wrong with you?"
Strength: n/a... PH Lethargy, Slept all day. :) Once TREN kicks in it'll really hit me.
Appetite: ECA keeping it in check.
Overall: Missed my first dosing, so i double my lunch dose to catch up on the MMA-3 & TREN.


Day 32

Week 5 Day 31 Chest Day

Weight: 204.5lbs

Supplements: MMA-3 Xtreme 300mg (3caps), TREN Xtreme 90mg (3caps), Nutrilite Double X (3pills),Nutrilite Garlic (1pill),Nutrilite Digestive Enzyme Complex (3caps), Nutrilite Glucose (3caps), Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (2pills), ACL EFA-952 Xtreme (3gelcaps), Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Support (8caps), NOW foods ZMA (3caps), RPN Gut Health (3 caps),

Sides: Felt a cold coming on. Rinsed my nose with salt water and took a lot of vit C. Gotta whip this sickness...can't let it bring me down.
Strength: Short chest day. Got up 275lbs x 3 on BB Flat Bench
Appetite: Hungry...ran out of E of my ECA..got go by walgreens and get more.
Overall: Good day...Got a few comments today.. "What are you taken man!? You look bigger!" :devil:


Day 33

Week 5 Day 33 Legs day

Weight: 204lbs

Supplements: MMA-3 Xtreme 300mg (3caps), TREN Xtreme 90mg (3caps), Nutrilite Double X (3pills),Nutrilite Garlic (1pill),Nutrilite Digestive Enzyme Complex (3caps), Nutrilite Glucose (3caps), Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (2pills), ACL EFA-952 Xtreme (3gelcaps), Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Support (8caps), NOW foods ZMA (3caps), RPN Gut Health (3 caps),

Sides: none really...feeling really crappy today. Plan 'ol sick.
Strength: Felt extremely weak today. Short workout, did only a few squats and broke out in a cold sweat...probably should have stayed in bed and slept.
Appetite: lost my appetite...but still got down 4 of the 5 meals.
Overall: Sick... hope i can get over it quick. I don't need this hindering my workouts/progress.
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

  • Established
Eh, being sick on cycle is the worst. Just try to maintain a good habit of eating fresh vegetables (a lot of greens) and lean meat with plenty of water and green tea. I hope you pull through quickly.
On a side note: I am going to get some people in here to follow this very detailed log.


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Looking for a good workout for my middle back...to be exact the Trapezius, middle part (Trapezius) High of the spinal column (between 4th and 9th vertebra) #2 in the picture...

I have tried face pull, close grip pull-ups, DB rows...

Anyone have any ideas?
Perhaps try some bent reverse dumbbell flies? Face pulls are another good idea I see you have listed, but those should work north of there... Also perhaps try single arm cable row.


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Also - further to Iron's comments. Try some high dose Vitamin C for the lethargy and general "crap feeling"... 500mg to 1g.
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

  • Established
Indeed. Add Echinacea in if you can. I always buy Celestial Seasoning Wellness Tea with Echinacea when I am feeling like sh*t. Works like a champ, especially with an added dose of Vitamin-C. And Spinach is your friend! (Raw)
Also - further to Iron's comments. Try some high dose Vitamin C for the lethargy and general "crap feeling"... 500mg to 1g.


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In & Following! Great log from what I have read so far....sick and being on cycle just doesnt mix, I usally dose Vitamin C through out a whole cycle
Delta Force

Delta Force

  • Established
subbed, I cant believe i missed this, nice log you got going bro.... getting sick on a cycle really sucks, you've been given good advice already but let me reiterate that staying hydrated is critical, drink plenty of water. You can also try good old fashion chicken soup and through in extra garlic since its a natural antibiotic. Good luck!


Day 34

Week 5 Day 34 Back

Weight: 203.5lbs

Supplements: MMA-3 Xtreme 300mg (3caps), TREN Xtreme 90mg (3caps), Nutrilite Double X (3pills),Nutrilite Garlic (1pill),Nutrilite Digestive Enzyme Complex (3caps), Nutrilite Glucose (3caps), Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (2pills), ACL EFA-952 Xtreme (3gelcaps), Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Support (8caps), NOW foods ZMA (3caps)

Sides: none.. libdo is 10/10.. sore from my leg work out yesterday, surprisingly.
Strength: I've never really done rack pulls but I've been trying to attack my middle and lower traps and rack pulls were listed as one of the workouts. I did 405lbs x 10 and 495lbs x 6 I don't know if that is that good but it seemed like a lot to me. The only thing is that there isn't much movement in the rack pull so I don't know how much this is really helping me.. oh well.
Appetite: HUNGRY...definitely got that back. I feel a little better now..not so sick. probably why.
Overall: Very happy with my workout. As i mentioned before I am trying to add width to my back by working out my middle traps. So i started the workout by doing wide grip pullups and trying to hold them at the top behind my head. When i couldn't do any more I jumped on the assisted pull up machine to keep going until my back/lats and bi's were shot.


Eh, being sick on cycle is the worst. Just try to maintain a good habit of eating fresh vegetables (a lot of greens) and lean meat with plenty of water and green tea. I hope you pull through quickly.
On a side note: I am going to get some people in here to follow this very detailed log.
Thx! I been eating plenty of fresh fruit and veggies along with my concentrated fruits and veggie vitamins...and gallons..literally of water. It must of helped. I didn't feel as bad today.


Trap workouts...

Perhaps try some bent reverse dumbbell flies? Face pulls are another good idea I see you have listed, but those should work north of there... Also perhaps try single arm cable row.
yea, i did this actually but i don't know if i was doing them right. I even went as far as doing reverse flies while laying face down on a incline bench. Didn't feel it as much in my traps as i did in my rear deltoids. Maybe i just need to push thru and keep doing it all. Thx for the advise.

I think im doing to do it again but try and keep my arms bent. I think this might help...i hope. what do you think?


Indeed. Add Echinacea in if you can. I always buy Celestial Seasoning Wellness Tea with Echinacea when I am feeling like sh*t. Works like a champ, especially with an added dose of Vitamin-C. And Spinach is your friend! (Raw)
I forgot to mention that. My family has always been a big believer in echinacea as well. So i definitely popped a few of those and I also boiled a grapefruit and then drank the pulp with a smidge of honey. Felt a lot better.


subbed, I cant believe i missed this, nice log you got going bro.... getting sick on a cycle really sucks, you've been given good advice already but let me reiterate that staying hydrated is critical, drink plenty of water. You can also try good old fashion chicken soup and through in extra garlic since its a natural antibiotic. Good luck!
In & Following! Great log from what I have read so far....sick and being on cycle just doesnt mix, I usally dose Vitamin C through out a whole cycle
Thanks for following guys.


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yea, i did this actually but i don't know if i was doing them right. I even went as far as doing reverse flies while laying face down on a incline bench. Didn't feel it as much in my traps as i did in my rear deltoids. Maybe i just need to push thru and keep doing it all. Thx for the advise.

I think im doing to do it again but try and keep my arms bent. I think this might help...i hope. what do you think?
Yeah, I stand and bend at the waist about 45 degrees.... arms bent and a slow contraction backwards.


Day 35

Week 5 Day 35 Arms

Weight: 203lbs...starting to look more vascular.

Supplements: MMA-3 Xtreme 300mg (3caps), TREN Xtreme 90mg (3caps), Nutrilite Double X (3pills),Nutrilite Garlic (1pill),Nutrilite Digestive Enzyme Complex (3caps), Nutrilite Glucose (3caps), Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (2pills), ACL EFA-952 Xtreme (3gelcaps), Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Support (8caps), NOW foods ZMA (3caps), 40mcg clen

Sides: none really. I think whatever I did yesterday to work my middle traps worked..really sore!
Strength/Workout: I normally do my triceps on the cable machine, but today I thought I'd change it around. Unfortunately I only had 30min to workout but believe me I was sweating when i was done. I did super-sets the whole time. I would go from BB curls to skull crushers. Didn't hit any PRs in the curls but was able to do 80x8, 90x8, 100x8, 110x8 PR skull-crushers in between sets of BB curls of 95x8, 115x8, 135x4, 135x2, 95x8. I know it wasn't much of a workout, but I only had 30mins.
Appetite: HUNGRY...all day. Need my ECA.
Overall: Well for the amount of time that I had, I felt it was good. I know I hit up biceps on back day and tri's on chest day so I don't feel that I cheated that much. I may hit them up again tomorrow when I do shoulders. The veins are really starting to come out. I hope this means that i'm leaning down and not that my heart is just working REALLY hard. :)


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Is this pharm grade clen tabs?

I've noticed the new rage is to apply the clen transdermally.... Supposed to eliminate the side effects, and in some cases work as well or better.

I haven't read about you having any jitters though, so it sounds like you react well orally.



Is this pharm grade clen tabs?
Not for sure what you mean... small white tabs that are scored so they can be split... I guess.

I've noticed the new rage is to apply the clen transdermally.... Supposed to eliminate the side effects, and in some cases work as well or better.

I haven't read about you having any jitters though, so it sounds like you react well orally.
In week 3 day 17 & 18 i don't remember the dosage but I did start to get jittery but by the 19th day my body had grown accustom to it. The themogenic feel i get from clen is amazing though. I haven't seen any transdermal clen, but yet again, with the stash i've got, I haven't been looking. Maybe if i get close to running out.


Day 36

Week 6 Day 36 Shoulders

Weight: 203.5lbs

Supplements: MMA-3 Xtreme 300mg (3caps), TREN Xtreme 90mg (3caps), Nutrilite Double X (3pills),Nutrilite Garlic (1pill),Nutrilite Digestive Enzyme Complex (3caps), Nutrilite Glucose (3caps), Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (2pills), ACL EFA-952 Xtreme (3gelcaps), Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Support (8caps), NOW foods ZMA (3caps), 80mcg clen

Sides: none... traps look swoll :) Triceps are a bit sore.
Strength/Workout: Good workout. a bit more aggression than normal. My prior BB overhead press pr was 135x a struggling 8, this time I powered up the 8 no problem and went on to do 155x6 new PR!
Appetite: not that hungry...ate several time today.
Overall: Good workout...my GF thinks my upper traps are getting to big. I explained that its almost impossible to workout shoulders without working my traps...she called me beefcakes! really!? :slap:


Well-known member
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What's the shoulder workout look like? The pressing movements shouldn't blow up your traps too much at all. I've noticed the same though, some girls love traps, others just think they are gross. However, all girls love shoulders. :lol:


What's the shoulder workout look like? The pressing movements shouldn't blow up your traps too much at all. I've noticed the same though, some girls love traps, others just think they are gross. However, all girls love shoulders. :lol:
HAHA i know. I was doing Dumbbell Deltoid Lateral Raises which do use your traps at the time. Its where you have your DB at your side and you bring them up to a little above shoulder height and hold for a count. Your body will make a T. I even found a picture of an 'ol guy doing them to give you an idea.

Here is the motion:

TECHNICALLY during Shoulder press the Primary Muscles are the Deltoid, Anterior (Shoulder - front) But theSecondary Muscles Deltoid, Lateral (Shoulder - sides), Supraspinatus (Rotary Cuff), Triceps Brachii (Triceps) Trapezius, Middle (Upper Traps), Trapezius, Lower (Lower Traps) Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations Pectoralis Major, Clavicular (Chest - upper pecs), Stabilizer Muscles Triceps, Long Head, Biceps Brachii, Short Head (Biceps), Trapezius, Upper (Upper Traps), Levator Scapulae (Shoulder - upper) are used... But your right, they don't blow up normally...I have been really focusing on my middle traps because i feel they need more work. The problem with me working out my middle traps, of course my upper traps usually get a workout as well and they swell up quick.


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That old dude is yoked.

You are right. On any given exercise you're going to engage a lot of muscles you didn't think of... For traps, the SIZE / Primary exercises that come to mind would be shrugs, deadlifts, and upright rows.


Day 37

Week 6 Day 37 Day Off

Weight: 203lbs

Supplements: MMA-3 Xtreme 300mg (3caps), TREN Xtreme 90mg (3caps), Nutrilite Double X (3pills),Nutrilite Garlic (1pill),Nutrilite Digestive Enzyme Complex (3caps), Nutrilite Glucose (3caps), Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (2pills), ACL EFA-952 Xtreme (3gelcaps), Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Support (8caps), NOW foods ZMA (3caps), 120mcg clen

Sides: none
Strength/Workout: n/a....sleepy!
Appetite: normal
Overall: good day off.


Day 38

Week 6 Day 38 Day Off

Weight: 203lbs... Felt lighter but surprisingly still at this weight.

Supplements: MMA-3 Xtreme 300mg (3caps), TREN Xtreme 90mg (3caps), Nutrilite Double X (3pills),Nutrilite Garlic (1pill),Nutrilite Digestive Enzyme Complex (3caps), Nutrilite Glucose (3caps), Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (2pills), ACL EFA-952 Xtreme (3gelcaps), Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Support (8caps), NOW foods ZMA (3caps), 120mcg clen

Sides: none
Appetite: normal
Overall: good day off.


Day 39

Week 6 Day 39 Chest

Weight: 203lbs... again felt lighter but weight still hanging in there. I really hope this either starts dropping off or that I'm gaining muscle and losing fat!

Supplements: MMA-3 Xtreme 300mg (3caps), TREN Xtreme 90mg (3caps), Nutrilite Double X (3pills),Nutrilite Garlic (1pill),Nutrilite Digestive Enzyme Complex (3caps), Nutrilite Glucose (3caps), Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (2pills), ACL EFA-952 Xtreme (3gelcaps), Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Support (8caps), NOW foods ZMA (3caps), 80mcg clen

Sides: none
Strength/Workout: Did DB presses again, but no PR. Worked a lot on Incline close grip presses trying to focus on middle upper chest. Have a feeling i'll be sore tomorrow.
Appetite: still normal, but i have been eating a lot cleaner last week or 2.
Overall: Good work out. Probably could have gotten a few more reps in each workout if I had a spotter. oh, well.


Day 40

Week 6 Day 40 Back

Weight: 202.8lbs... haha felt heavier and was actually lighter. Hope this is the cardio starting to kick in with the clen.

Supplements: MMA-3 Xtreme 300mg (3caps), TREN Xtreme 90mg (3caps), Nutrilite Double X (3pills),Nutrilite Garlic (1pill),Nutrilite Digestive Enzyme Complex (3caps), Nutrilite Glucose (3caps), Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (2pills), ACL EFA-952 Xtreme (3gelcaps), Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Support (8caps), NOW foods ZMA (3caps), 120mcg clen

Sides: none...really sore in my chest and tri's
Strength/Workout: Again focused on Wide grip pull-ups and my middle traps. Got up to 135lbs x 8 DB rows NEW PR. Before most I had done was 110lbs x 8.

Appetite: normal
Overall: 120mcg of clen really makes me hot/sweaty even when I'm not doing anything. Felt REALLY strong today. Workout was great. Within the 1st 15min I had already broken a dripping sweat. After I finished out 3 sets of wide-grip pull-ups without assistance, I then went over to the "assisted" pull-up machine to finish up with 3 more sets. I of course had to add more weight on each set to make sure i could get 8-10 each time. I also made sure i was squeezing at the top of each one to get the most out of each rep. Gonna be sore tomorrow.


Day 41

Week 6 Day 41 Legs

Weight: 203lbs

Supplements: MMA-3 Xtreme 300mg (3caps), TREN Xtreme 90mg (3caps), Nutrilite Double X (3pills),Nutrilite Garlic (1pill),Nutrilite Digestive Enzyme Complex (3caps), Nutrilite Glucose (3caps), Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (2pills), ACL EFA-952 Xtreme (3gelcaps), Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Support (8caps), NOW foods ZMA (3caps), 120mcg clen

Sides: none..reallys sore back from all those pull-ups and DB rows.
Strength/Workout: Another New PR, I got up 315lbs x 8 on BB squats. Before the most I was able to do was a struggling 6. I probably could have done 9-10 if I had a spotter...at least couldve pushed myself harder.
Appetite: normal...hungry
Overall: Clen is still burning me up all day. I guess this is good for burning fat, right? After leaving the gym, my GF praised me for my swoll legs. Made me feel good. Growing up I was known as chicken legs and "noassatall" and I had huge grin on my face when she squeezed my ass and made the sound "mmmmhhhmmm!"


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Nice work on the squats... that's some serious weight dude.

I'm with you on the thighs and ass growth. I've exploded the past year as well, much to the dismay of my jean collection.


Day 42

Week 7 Day 42 Shoulders

Weight: 203lbs...Deffinitely more vascular, even while weighing the same.

Supplements: MMA-3 Xtreme 300mg (3caps), TREN Xtreme 90mg (3caps), Nutrilite Double X (3pills),Nutrilite Garlic (1pill),Nutrilite Digestive Enzyme Complex (3caps), Nutrilite Glucose (3caps), Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (2pills), ACL EFA-952 Xtreme (3gelcaps), Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Support (8caps), NOW foods ZMA (3caps), 120mcg clen

Sides: none... libdo is out of this world 12/10! Seriously raging ALL day!
Strength/Workout: NEW PR started off with 115x8 on Standing BB Shoulder Press, no sweat, 135x8 no problem, 185lbsx3 New PR still had good energy, 205lbs x 1 New PR. I even had some energy to do 225x3 PR on the SmithMachine on top of the normal 185x10 for 3 sets. Everything else seemed about normal. Finished my workout with 15 laps in the pool.
Appetite: normal
Overall: Great workout AGAIN! I'm really enjoying my workouts now that the TREN Xtreme is kicking in. There rarely is a workout that I don't reach a new PR. I plan on hitting the track in the morning 8am with another trainer to do a full body workout. If I still have energy later on in the day, I hope i can break some more ARM PR's.


Nice work on the squats... that's some serious weight dude.

I'm with you on the thighs and ass growth. I've exploded the past year as well, much to the dismay of my jean collection.
I don't really know if 315lbs is overall that much, but it's a HUGE improvement over my 135x8 2 years ago.

I feel you on the jean collection. I had to get rid of 10 of my 13 pair pants, which is like throwing a huge amount of money away knowing the cost of designer jeans these days.


Day 43

Week 7 Day 43 Total Body Workout at the track

Weight: ??

Supplements: MMA-3 Xtreme 300mg (3caps), TREN Xtreme 90mg (3caps), Nutrilite Double X (3pills),Nutrilite Garlic (1pill),Nutrilite Digestive Enzyme Complex (3caps), Nutrilite Glucose (3caps), Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (2pills), ACL EFA-952 Xtreme (3gelcaps), Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Support (8caps), NOW foods ZMA (3caps), 160mcg clen

Sides: none
Strength/Workout: Piss poor...period. My cardio sucks bigtime. I didn't even last 30 min of HIIT of misc sprints and kettlebells before I felt like I was gonna hurl...:puke:
Appetite: normal
Overall: I've heard that the steriod trenbolone is known for being terrible on cardio shape of the user. So whether or not TREN Xtreme may have the same effect or not, I have no idea. All I know is that my capability of doing HIIT is horrible. No way in the world am I gonna do a ARM workout later today. Peace out. See Ya Monday.


Day 44

Week 7 Day 44 Day off

Weight: ??

Supplements: MMA-3 Xtreme 300mg (3caps), TREN Xtreme 90mg (3caps), Nutrilite Double X (3pills),Nutrilite Garlic (1pill),Nutrilite Digestive Enzyme Complex (3caps), Nutrilite Glucose (3caps), Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (2pills), ACL EFA-952 Xtreme (3gelcaps), Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Support (8caps), NOW foods ZMA (3caps), 160mcg clen

Sides: none
Appetite: wasn't that hungry...of course I haven't slept yet either.
Overall: I guess I should mention I work the overnight at my job. It was my GF graduation on Sunday, so after I got off work Saturday night 11p-8a Sunday morning I had to run errands all day until 3p when her family showed up. So I helped entertain them until they left at 9p. Luckily her family loves me and always has my back when my GF gets crazy mad at me. So we all got along well. Overall good day, just exhausted from no sleep.


Day 45

Week 7 Day 45 Chest

Weight: 203lbs... having a hard time believing the scale. I had hardly any sleep and didn't eat my first meal until 2pm. I felt really light and my obliques are really cutting up, but hey, can't complain...must be the clen.

Supplements: MMA-3 Xtreme 300mg (3caps), TREN Xtreme 90mg (3caps), Nutrilite Double X (3pills),Nutrilite Garlic (1pill),Nutrilite Digestive Enzyme Complex (3caps), Nutrilite Glucose (3caps), Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (2pills), ACL EFA-952 Xtreme (3gelcaps), Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Support (8caps), NOW foods ZMA (3caps), 120mcg clen

Sides: none
Strength/Workout: No PR today but I did several sets of 225 on BB Bench. I think my endurance is a little better although my cardio suffers. Usually after my 3 reps of 275 i drop down to 185 and do a couple more sets of it, but today I did 2 more sets of 225. Don't think this really qualifies as a PR but, felt good.
Appetite: seemed extremely hungry...after i finally woke up.
Overall: I was really surprised that I wasn't weaker, usually a deficiency in calories, I would think, would cause my strength to go down. I'm learning that sleep and a good diet is EXTREMLY important when trying to increase strength while cutting.


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How are those Nutrilite veggie and fruit caps treating you? Is your diet light on fresh vegetables and fruits? Or is this just to supplement your diet?


Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables tablets

How are those Nutrilite veggie and fruit caps treating you? Is your diet light on fresh vegetables and fruits? Or is this just to supplement your diet?
I would have to say that I get almost enough fruits but definitely not enough veggies. The benefits of the Nutrilite brand vitamins is they provides more than the five to nine daily servings of fruits and vegetables health authorities say are needed to reduce risk for a variety of cancers. They also deliver antioxidants to help fight free radicals generated by smoke, pollution, and exercise. In one serving there are enough phytonutrients from natural fruits, vegetables, and plants to equal over 10 servings, as well they contain no added sugar or sodium.

I think because all the vitamins that I was taken, I was able to fight off that sick feeling in only a few days vs. letting it drag me and my performance down.


Day 46

Week 7 Day 46 Day off...too exhausted from this weekend.

Weight: ??

Supplements: MMA-3 Xtreme 300mg (3caps), TREN Xtreme 90mg (3caps), Nutrilite Double X (3pills),Nutrilite Garlic (1pill),Nutrilite Digestive Enzyme Complex (3caps), Nutrilite Glucose (3caps), Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (2pills), ACL EFA-952 Xtreme (3gelcaps), Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Support (8caps), NOW foods ZMA (3caps), 120mcg clen

Sides: none
Strength/Workout: n/a just exhausted from not having enough sleep this weekend. I'll hit up back hard tomorrow.
Appetite: been more hungry than normal.
Overall: sleepytime.


Day 47

Week 6 Day 47 Back

Weight: 205.2lbs... haha crazy...still very vascular tho. Hope I'm not packing on ANY fat!

Supplements: MMA-3 Xtreme 300mg (3caps), TREN Xtreme 90mg (3caps), Nutrilite Double X (3pills),Nutrilite Garlic (1pill),Nutrilite Digestive Enzyme Complex (3caps), Nutrilite Glucose (3caps), Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (2pills), ACL EFA-952 Xtreme (3gelcaps), Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Support (8caps), NOW foods ZMA (3caps), 80mcg clen

Sides: none really other than chest is still sore from monday's chest workout.

Strength/Workout: Again focused on Wide grip pull-ups and my middle traps. Got another PR on DB rows with 150x6 on my left side but only 4 reps on my right. I think I'm gonna slow down the DB rows and focus on squeezing for a 2 count at the top of the pull. Hopefully this will help with my endurance. I'll do this of course with less weight. I was also able to get up 225x6 on BB rows a new PR, but then went back to 185 and did them with more controlled movements and felt more of workout than the heavier weight. Getting ready for work today, my GF made the comment that my upper back is getting cut-up. As well as family has commented that my back looks bigger. :thumbsup:

Appetite: HUNGRY ALL DAY...I don't remember being ever this hungry ever during the whole cycle. Makes it really hard to keep the weight down...thus my weight jumps back up to 205lbs. Gonna hop back on the ECA stack tomorrow, hope this will help with this.

Overall: Really disappointed in my workout. I really had to rush it inbetween school and work. I may it back again on shoulders day, I'll see how i feel.


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Nice work man. Thanks for the information on the veggie caps. Might scoop some of those up.
Delta Force

Delta Force

  • Established
log looks really good bro, how long you're running this cycle for?


log looks really good bro, how long you're running this cycle for?
I know most people would think that my decision for running this stack for 12 weeks plus 4-6 weeks for PCT is overkill, but I am pretty sure I know my body. I've also made sure almost every angle has been covered, but like anything else, things can go wrong unexpectedly. If I've left some things out, or if you have some experience with these types of PH's PLEASE advise. Thanks for following along.


Day 48

Week 7 Day 48 Legs

Weight: 203lbs...whew...weight getting back in check.

Supplements: MMA-3 Xtreme 300mg (3caps), TREN Xtreme 90mg (3caps), Nutrilite Double X (3pills),Nutrilite Garlic (1pill),Nutrilite Digestive Enzyme Complex (3caps), Nutrilite Glucose (3caps), Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (2pills), ACL EFA-952 Xtreme (3gelcaps), Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Support (8caps), NOW foods ZMA (3caps), ECAx2

Sides: none..really...just sweating A LOT! This was with just 2 doses of EC.

Strength/Workout: wait for it...wait...Another new PR, I got up 375lbs x 3 on BB squats. So stoked! Went on to do 4 more sets, but not your normal run of the mill squats. I don't want my legs to get used to my workout, so I did a set of squats with my feet close together. One with them extra wide and 2 more with my feet staggered. Making 6 sets total, my quads were screaming by then. But I still wasn't done, I did 4 sets on calves and 4 more sets on extensions. After that since I was needing to work my hammy's, I went on to do 4 sets of straight leg dead lifts and got a new PR doing 315 x 5. Most I had done before was 225 x 10.

Appetite: better, I think the ECA stack is helping with this.

Overall: Again another great TREN workout. Tomorrow is the beginning of my last week on MMA-3. So far I can say this supplement has been great for my LBM but it definitely takes a few weeks to kick in. Hopefully this will prove valuable by helping me keep my gains. I was really hoping to lose more BF, but its hard to tell how much I've lost since I never measured in the beginning. Anyone want to take a stab and agree that I was probably around 12ish%??


Day 49

Week 8 Day 49 Arms

Weight: 201.8lbs...WOW...big weight difference. I guess that's ok.

Supplements: MMA-3 Xtreme 300mg (3caps), TREN Xtreme 90mg (3caps), Nutrilite Double X (3pills),Nutrilite Garlic (1pill),Nutrilite Digestive Enzyme Complex (3caps), Nutrilite Glucose (3caps), Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (2pills), ACL EFA-952 Xtreme (3gelcaps), Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Support (8caps), NOW foods ZMA (3caps), ECAx3

Sides: none...really sweaty...sore from yesterday. Ever sense yesterday it seems like I haven't stopped stretching to help my quads.

Strength/Workout: Nothing crazy...short Arm workout. Skull crushers w/ ez bar: 95x8, 115x8 PR and 125x7 PR in between sets of BB curls 135x5 new rep PR. I don't know why I always feel rushed on my Arm days...I did however have time to do some tricep extensions, tricep reverse extensions, as well as concentrated curls and some really slow preacher curls. I finished my workout with more pullups on the weight-assisted pull-up machine cuz I love the burn. :)

Appetite: HUNGRY...all day... surpressant hasn't kicked in yet.

Overall: Pretty decent day, although I started to get some pain in my joint/tendon area where my bicep meets the elbow. I think I'm gonna lay off the heavy curls and concentrate on more reps to get more definition and ease up on my joints. I've heard that while on TREN and AH-89 that my joints will get dry. I plan on combating that with ACL JT-230 Xtreme Joint support but I still want to take it easy.


Day 50 & 51

Week 8 Day 50 & 51 Days off

Weight: 206.5lbs...WTF!!! I need more cardio or eat less to lean down more. I don't mind putting on weight as long as it is NO FAT on this stack. I think its all those bad carbs I had. ugh!

Supplements: MMA-3 Xtreme 300mg (3caps), TREN Xtreme 90mg (3caps), Nutrilite Double X (3pills),Nutrilite Garlic (1pill),Nutrilite Digestive Enzyme Complex (3caps), Nutrilite Glucose (3caps), Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (2pills), ACL EFA-952 Xtreme (3gelcaps), Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Support (8caps), NOW foods ZMA (3caps), ECAx3

Sides: Got a bloody nose for no reason on Sat. No biggie, I think I just have a weak membrane. It happens often when it's dry out.

Strength/Workout: n/a

Appetite: surprisingly back to normal, thx to the ECA.

Overall: I'm a little worried about my wrist. I stand all day and a terminal and the pods are a little short for me to use the mouse and keyboard. So after 8 hrs, I can feel the carpal tunnel pain. Not good for chest day on Monday! Oh well, suck it up and take some advil or tylenol.


Day 52

Week 8 Day 52 Chest

Weight: 205lbs... having a hard time believing the scale.

Supplements: MMA-3 Xtreme 300mg (3caps), TREN Xtreme 90mg (3caps), Nutrilite Double X (3pills),Nutrilite Garlic (1pill),Nutrilite Digestive Enzyme Complex (3caps), Nutrilite Glucose (3caps), Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (2pills), ACL EFA-952 Xtreme (3gelcaps), Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Support (8caps), NOW foods ZMA (3caps), ECAx4

Sides: none...felt strong/alpha male feeling? is that really a side effect?

Strength/Workout: well... now I only have 5lbs more to meet my 315lb BB Flat BenchPress goal. I started off with my normal warm up and after a few reps it felt lighter than normal. So I warmed up a few more reps and took out a NEW PR 310x1. Finished off Flat bench with a set of 275x3 and 2 more sets of 225x8 and went on to incline and fly's. After all done to keep me limber and work on my support, I did several sets of pushups on the Bosu ball...till fail.

Appetite: fairly hungry..ALL day.

Overall: I know that I'm not lifting an abnormal amount for my height but I am surpassing all my expected goals on this stack and its only 2/3rds done. Not having a way to test my bodyfat yet, I'm concerened that I'm not cutting enough. I think once I start the AH-89 Xtreme, since I've almost hit all my goals, I'm gonna just lower my weight and increase the reps. Plus I've read multiple places that say TREN Xtreme isn't a good cutter. So I plan on just upping the doseage for the next two weeks and dropping it the last two weeks and run solo the AH-89. Hopefully this and the cardio will help me cut even more. This could also be better for my bodies recovery, using the TREN for only 6 weeks instead of the planned 8. If anyone can offer some advise, please let me know. For those who may be reading and not posting anything, feel free to offer any advise you may have.


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Careful with the nosebleeds - have you taken your blood pressure lately?

Also, understanding your goal here is to get shredded... What is your ultimate goal in LBM? 210? I wouldn't worry so much about the scale. You could always trim up a bit after the cycle. Personally, I would have run the clen as a standalone with a transdermal after your were completely finished with the run... but of course I also understand that summertime is coming. :lol:


Day 53

Week 8 Day 53 Back

Weight: 205lbs

Supplements: MMA-3 Xtreme 300mg (3caps), TREN Xtreme 90mg (3caps), Nutrilite Double X (3pills),Nutrilite Garlic (1pill),Nutrilite Digestive Enzyme Complex (3caps), Nutrilite Glucose (3caps), Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (2pills), ACL EFA-952 Xtreme (3gelcaps), Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Support (8caps), NOW foods ZMA (3caps), ECAx3

Sides: none

Strength/Workout: nothing big to report. I worked on higher reps in everything with a little lighter weight...feeling very thick through the chest/upper body region.

Appetite: hungry...

Overall: can't say much other than I was sweatin my butt off in the gym. I swear there wasn't any air flow. Hot as f*...sweatin balls.


Careful with the nosebleeds - have you taken your blood pressure lately?

Also, understanding your goal here is to get shredded... What is your ultimate goal in LBM? 210? I wouldn't worry so much about the scale. You could always trim up a bit after the cycle. Personally, I would have run the clen as a standalone with a transdermal after your were completely finished with the run... but of course I also understand that summertime is coming. :lol:
Anyone else, I would have some concern. But my nose bleeds in the slightest bit of weather change. If its the least bit dry out, it'll start to leak. Must have weak inner membranes.

To be honest I didn't really have a LBM goal. I'm guessing if I'll probably get really close to 208lbs....More or less I just want to to get cut up, but the way the MMA-3 Xtreme (1,4 AD or BOLD product) seems to work with TREN Xtreme is that it will put on muscle even if you cut your calories while burning fat. Honestly, if I was to put more effort into cardio, I bet the results would be different. I really don't do enough, and if I had, my weight would have dropped off more and I would have gotten more of the shredded look I was aiming for. Once the AH-89 and TREN start working together, I may see more of the fat drop off. I can only be happy of the strength gains I have gotten. I've BLOWN past my goal of 1000 pounds in 3 lifts. Not too shabby.


Day 54

Week 8 Day 54 Legs

Weight: 205lbs

Supplements: MMA-3 Xtreme 300mg (3caps), TREN Xtreme 90mg (3caps), Nutrilite Double X (3pills),Nutrilite Garlic (1pill),Nutrilite Digestive Enzyme Complex (3caps), Nutrilite Glucose (3caps), Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (2pills), ACL EFA-952 Xtreme (3gelcaps), Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Support (8caps), NOW foods ZMA (3caps), ECAx4

Sides: found a 2 little zits on my leg....not sure if thats really a side effect.

Strength/Workout: kept it simple today on legs. Did several high rep sets on squats, presses, extensions and dead lifts. However, did manage an easy NEW PR 425x1 on BB Deadlift. Actually felt really good, as to where I maybe could've done more...but I went back to the high reps and burnt myself out...legs felt nice and swoll. :)

Appetite: hungry...Still

Overall: Had a really good euphoric feel that day, never felt better on a day of high reps...Good workout. I really think that my "healthy feel good" comes from my body getting all the essentials from the vitamins plus a little "boost" from the MMA-3 & TREN.

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