Just joined today, looking for help w/ diet and exercise


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I'm trying to use the diet tracker to monitor my food intake and I want to be very consistent with it, but when I try to add new foods to the tracker, it just redirects me to the forums every time. Not sure if anyone else has that issue or knows how to fix it, but would be very interested to know.

I am currently 6' and about 235 and body fat around 27-28%. My goal is to maintain my current muscle mass and drop to about 195-200 lbs by January.

What diet/workout plans would you guys recommend? This is my current dieting strategy.

Wake up 6 am: Fiber one bar and piece of fruit (banana, peach, nectarine, apple, orange, whatever i happen to be in the mood for) and a lo-carb monster energy on the way to work.

workout between 7-9 (planning for cardio every morning m-f, if someone has a better strategy please let me know. I want to vary my cardio, how would you suggest I do it?)

breakfast 9:30: 6 egg whites with salsa and vegetables (normally mix 6 egg whites with onions, olives, tomatoes, jalapenos, and mushrooms). at this point I'm wondering if I should throw in a cup of oatmeal with that meal as well?

normally have lunch at 13:30 (thinking of moving to a turkey sandwich with vegetables on a whole wheat bread)

next i would have a pre-workout shake at home (I use ON 100 whey gold standard normally 2 scoops and a scoop of NO xplode)

workout schedule I have used in the past was:

M: bi's and tri's
T: legs
W: abs
T: chest/shoulders
F: back

I would love some suggestions on workout strategies here.

Post workout I would normally have another shake (1 scoop protien and scoop cellmass)

dinner I have a freezer full of lean meat and vegetables. plan would be about .5 lbs of lean meat with 2-3 cups of vegetables, probably stir-fry

In the past I also took Nitrix 3 times a day (bfast/lunch/dinner)

Other things to consider, I currently have Anadrol, D-bol, Clenbuterol, Slim Extreme, and Nolvadex.

3 years ago I was about 12% body fat and 210 Lbs. I broke my leg and have since pretty much gotten lazy and only worked out maybe 30 tiems in the past 3 years, with some random body weight only workouts as well.

What direction should I take to end up around 200 lbs, and under 20% body fat in the next 6 months?


New member
I took a different approach than you are about to. I ate the most plain and boring foods everyday. I also ate the same, exact thing every day.
What you put down for food choices doesn't look too bad. Your fruit and sugar will be in the morning (low carb monster has some sugar in it). The only thing to recommend would be to make sure you are keeping track of what you are eating everyday. This way you will know what to change when you hit a plateau.

I couldn't tell you about the anabolics....I would save those till you could see a difference. Anyway, you will know how to get lean without them...just in case you don't have them. my .02


New member
The only thing to recommend would be to make sure you are keeping track of what you are eating everyday.
I'm trying to do that with the diet tracker on this site and I can not add any more foods to my daily diet. Every time I click add on a food it redirects me to the forum front page


New member
personally i would get rid of the monster drink and get e/c/a or coffee. this works much better. that monster is loaded with sugar!!!!! also you need protien when you wake up.


New member
I'm doing one of the lo-carb monsters, has like 4 grams of sugar i think


New member
4!!!!!!!!!!! that is 4 more than you need for 2 weeks!


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total body routine MWF, and HIIT on TTh. nothing will drop the pounds like when you do those and combine it with a low GI carb diet.

where's the mono fats in your diet?


Well-known member
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total body routine MWF, and HIIT on TTh. nothing will drop the pounds like when you do those and combine it with a low GI carb diet.
I agree. I would stick with 3-4 compound lifts MWF, and do some kind of sprinting or plyometrics on TR.

Deadlift, squat, military press, and bench press should be the cornerstones of your workouts, IMO.


New member
I've got cashews, peanuts and sunflower nuts in my cupboard, should I add some of those for mono fats? Not as good as unsalted almonds, but it's what I have atm.


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Welcome! Good Luck, I am traveling a similiar path, I am very grateful for this site, there are a ton of people who have created results and can help.


Well-known member
  • Established
I've got cashews, peanuts and sunflower nuts in my cupboard, should I add some of those for mono fats? Not as good as unsalted almonds, but it's what I have atm.

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