Jungle Warfare Bloodwork



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The bloodwork posted shows nothing without prior tests to support, plain and simple.... JW can very well lower total test, but free test will be elevated, thus the ratio of free to bound will be significantly higher, thus putting us in a more anabolic state. Nettle has some literature showing slight thyroid elevation, but nothing out of normal ranges.


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The bloodwork posted shows nothing without prior tests to support, plain and simple.... JW can very well lower total test, but free test will be elevated, thus the ratio of free to bound will be significantly higher, thus putting us in a more anabolic state. Nettle has some literature showing slight thyroid elevation, but nothing out of normal ranges.
:goodpost: Great point with no basis for comparison the test results are meaningless.


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:goodpost: Great point with no basis for comparison the test results are meaningless.
not realy his test was 175..if it was any lower(b4 jungle warfare) he would have been knitting and singing show tunes


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not realy his test was 175..if it was any lower(b4 jungle warfare) he would have been knitting and singing show tunes


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Well I haven't posted in a long time, but I just read through this thread, and the lab results, and have to say that people are jumping WAY too quickly to conclusions here! There is no way of knowing what the heck is really going on with his Test #'s w/out having prior #'s to compare them to! Thats kind of like buying a supecharger for your car, and "normally your car should be making 250hp. With the super charger, u Dyno ur car and are up to 300 hp. You would be really pissed off if the SC you bought was supposed to be making 100 hp extra, right?! But what the heck was your car "REALLY" putting out before that? U wouldn't really know unless you Dyno'd it before adding the SC! SOrry if it's a bad comparison, but just trying to say that u can't jump to the conclusion that JW eradicates your test levels! Just my$.02


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I had blood work done in the last week of the Evolution Stack. My T3 uptake was also high at ~40. My free test was very high, and my total test was something like 480. Though, I cannot completely contribute these numbers to the stack.


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Well I haven't posted in a long time, but I just read through this thread, and the lab results, and have to say that people are jumping WAY too quickly to conclusions here! There is no way of knowing what the heck is really going on with his Test #'s w/out having prior #'s to compare them to! Thats kind of like buying a supecharger for your car, and "normally your car should be making 250hp. With the super charger, u Dyno ur car and are up to 300 hp. You would be really pissed off if the SC you bought was supposed to be making 100 hp extra, right?! But what the heck was your car "REALLY" putting out before that? U wouldn't really know unless you Dyno'd it before adding the SC! SOrry if it's a bad comparison, but just trying to say that u can't jump to the conclusion that JW eradicates your test levels! Just my$.02
I would totally agree with you if his test #'s were not so rediculously low! I mean 175. It is supposed to contain and anti-e. Why would test be so low? I have never seen an anti-e that dropped test before.

ADED (5a-dehydro-etiocholane-1,4,6-trien-3-one-17-ol)
Many are aware of both the positive and negative physiological issues relating to the naturally occurring aromatase inhibitory ATD. Most of the benefits are the result of one of its physiological 17-OH metabolites. ADED is a natural non-androgenic metabolite of ATD with improved oral bio-availability. Please, do not confuse this with ATD itself as the difference is very important both in structure and action: Some may recall this one from our Ultra H.O.T.ter matrix but to recap…By modulating estrogen build-up the negative feed-back look to the hypothalamus is put in check. The result is that the body optimizes natural testosterone production. We use our favorite aromatase inhibitor to do this and it works pretty well to modulate, instead of obliterate, estrogen. So we still have the right amount of estrogen for optimal growth of lean tissue and positive libido, without the excess water weight and fat feeding aspect.


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I had blood work done in the last week of the Evolution Stack. My T3 uptake was also high at ~40. My free test was very high, and my total test was something like 480. Though, I cannot completely contribute these numbers to the stack.
Would this be during the Restore then?
Maybe the order of the stack makes a little more sense now.


Never enough
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Well I haven't posted in a long time, but I just read through this thread, and the lab results, and have to say that people are jumping WAY too quickly to conclusions here! There is no way of knowing what the heck is really going on with his Test #'s w/out having prior #'s to compare them to! Thats kind of like buying a supecharger for your car, and "normally your car should be making 250hp. With the super charger, u Dyno ur car and are up to 300 hp. You would be really pissed off if the SC you bought was supposed to be making 100 hp extra, right?! But what the heck was your car "REALLY" putting out before that? U wouldn't really know unless you Dyno'd it before adding the SC! SOrry if it's a bad comparison, but just trying to say that u can't jump to the conclusion that JW eradicates your test levels! Just my$.02
I don't think anybody is saying it eradicates it, but it throws a bit of a question mark into the statements that JW raises it :)


New member
Would this be during the Restore then?
Maybe the order of the stack makes a little more sense now.
Yes. The stack was: Weeks 1-2 JW, Weeks 3-4 BAM/JW, Weeks 5-6 BAM/Restore, Weeks 7-8 Restore. I had blood work taken in week 7. I discontinued the Restore after week 7; I did not complete the final week, as I experienced unpleasant side effects from the Restore (Cloudy Mind, Back Acne, Palpitations, similar to the Retain side effects I experienced).


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Well I haven't posted in a long time, but I just read through this thread, and the lab results, and have to say that people are jumping WAY too quickly to conclusions here! There is no way of knowing what the heck is really going on with his Test #'s w/out having prior #'s to compare them to! Thats kind of like buying a supecharger for your car, and "normally your car should be making 250hp. With the super charger, u Dyno ur car and are up to 300 hp. You would be really pissed off if the SC you bought was supposed to be making 100 hp extra, right?! But what the heck was your car "REALLY" putting out before that? U wouldn't really know unless you Dyno'd it before adding the SC! SOrry if it's a bad comparison, but just trying to say that u can't jump to the conclusion that JW eradicates your test levels! Just my$.02
this is seriously hopeless..jw is supposed to raise test..so basically your saying what if his beginning test would have shown his test at being 150 and now hes at 175 it raised it!!!:frustrate


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Now I start to wonder about all the stuff PA said...


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this is seriously hopeless..jw is supposed to raise test..so basically your saying what if his beginning test would have shown his test at being 150 and now hes at 175 it raised it!!!:frustrate
Slow down there! I am not saying anything like that! What I AM saying is that his total test is..........squashed, and his free test is not that impressive either! Rise boi's labs showed his total test di indeed drop( so ****e, I guess it does make your total test drop), but his free test DID go up! Now either there was something wrong with his levels to begin with, or JW especially in this particular person, is extremely suppresant! It may be (I'm not the one to know)! All i'm saying is that we should wait for more lab results with before and after like Riseboi (nice job by the way!) before any further assumptions are made. Again, I am not the one to know any of the facts, just stating my opinion, which is not to jump all over it and stomp on it and piss on it, from 1 set of "after" lab results. Hopefully we can all find out what the truth really is on this matter :cheers:


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Slow down there! I am not saying anything like that! What I AM saying is that his total test is..........squashed, and his free test is not that impressive either! Rise boi's labs showed his total test di indeed drop( so ****e, I guess it does make your total test drop), but his free test DID go up! Now either there was something wrong with his levels to begin with, or JW especially in this particular person, is extremely suppresant! It may be (I'm not the one to know)! All i'm saying is that we should wait for more lab results with before and after like Riseboi (nice job by the way!) before any further assumptions are made. Again, I am not the one to know any of the facts, just stating my opinion, which is not to jump all over it and stomp on it and piss on it, from 1 set of "after" lab results. Hopefully we can all find out what the truth really is on this matter :cheers:
For sho.........:cheers:


:goodpost: Great point with no basis for comparison the test results are meaningless.
I knew some people would post this. It's not meaningless. Like I said in my review there are a few conclusions that can be made from just the post bloodwork:

1. It didn't elevate liver enzymes outside of normal levels.
2. It didn't raise cholesterol outside of normal levels.
3. It didn't raise test to a high level.
4. It didn't raise free test to a high level either.

I still had great results from it, so you can also conclude that it must function through some mechanism other than raising test.


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I knew some people would post this. It's not meaningless. Like I said in my review there are a few conclusions that can be made from just the post bloodwork:

1. It didn't elevate liver enzymes outside of normal levels.
2. It didn't raise cholesterol outside of normal levels.
3. It didn't raise test to a high level.
4. It didn't raise free test to a high level either.

I still had great results from it, so you can also conclude that it must function through some mechanism other than raising test.
Dan i see your point, but the truth of the matter is unless you have baseline results to compare too, the results in regard to the effects of the product are in fact meaningless.


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All i'm saying is that we should wait for more lab results with before and after like Riseboi (nice job by the way!) before any further assumptions are made. Again, I am not the one to know any of the facts, just stating my opinion, which is not to jump all over it and stomp on it and piss on it, from 1 set of "after" lab results. Hopefully we can all find out what the truth really is on this matter :cheers:
Umm does this sound backwards to anyone but me? We should assume its safe and a wonder material without any kind of testing/documentation even tho there are some direct chemistry questions about ADED, and disregard the first couple of actual tests that show otherwise?


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Umm does this sound backwards to anyone but me? We should assume its safe and a wonder material without any kind of testing/documentation even tho there are some direct chemistry questions about ADED, and disregard the first couple of actual tests that show otherwise?
Ok first of all, when in any of my posts did I state that this product is safe? point it out please cause I can't seem to find it! Second, I didn't think it was the the "safeness" of this compound that was being discussed here, but more the question on it effects on testosterone levels. As for safeness, I would be looking more towards the liver values, and HDL / LDL levels, stress on kidneys, blood pressure, things of that nature. If something that supresses testosterone levles is not considered safe to you, then we can definately argue the safeness of.......then we can argue about how safe most of the really effective products out on the market today are! Testsosterone suppression is a given with any type of hormonal product, which is what post cycle therapy is for. Now before you jump all over me again, I understand the concern with JW, as it is "supposed" to raise test levels. Now as a few have stated before, Nettle is supposed to increase "free" test, but this has also been known to lower "total" test, and thus can be looked at as a suppressive compound ...I guess! As for ADED, I haven't followed what has been said about it from PA or anyone else for that matter, so I cannot comment on this chemical. NOW, what I am trying to discuss here is the point that his "total" test levels, as well as his "free" test levels , were both really low! The point that i am trying to argue here is not wether this product is safe, wether it lowers total test and raises free test! the point I am trying to argue is that his numbers are really , REALLY low in both "total" and "free" test, and that I don't think the assumption should be made that it was purely because of this product, with out having something to compare the before and after values! Could there have been an underlying problem to begin with( maybe a a pretty suppressive cycle with not enough/ proper PCT)? I am not trying to discredit anyone here, or start a cat fight over this, as I have no reason to!! I just don't think it is quite proper to make the assumption as of yet about this product! Lets ask for some real answers( hope the team at ALRI can be honest and helpful), before rumors start flying about a product which gives good results, and give it a wrongfully acussed bad rep. OUT!


Never enough
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Superdrol also gives nice results, and lowers testosterone. I'd rather assume the worst before I put a product in my mouth, and then see test results that prove i'm wrong. I still think that trying to find a reason to disregard test results that don't match marketing claims because its only the first set of test results is backwards. the marketing claims are made up by what? guesswork? desire for it to be true? blood tests are clinical, not imaginary. I'm afraid logic has to side with "So far to date there isn't any evidence to show that JW raises testosterone at all (if anything the reverse) and would be an iffy choice for PCT" rather than anything else.


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i wouldnt take this stuff for post cycle therapy period. unless proven otherwise, we have already seen what PA had to say and looks like he was right.


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Superdrol also gives nice results, and lowers testosterone. I'd rather assume the worst before I put a product in my mouth, and then see test results that prove i'm wrong. I still think that trying to find a reason to disregard test results that don't match marketing claims because its only the first set of test results is backwards. the marketing claims are made up by what? guesswork? desire for it to be true? blood tests are clinical, not imaginary. I'm afraid logic has to side with "So far to date there isn't any evidence to show that JW raises testosterone at all (if anything the reverse) and would be an iffy choice for post cycle therapy" rather than anything else.
Yes you are absolutely right, Superdrol does give nice results, BUT.......it kills your lipid levels! I tried it, but will not do it again because of the way it effected my BP. I also believe that it is better to exercise caution before taking a product, even though many of us will not, and simply act as giuea pigs based on manufacturer claims! Our quest for muscle lots of times does not lead to the healthiest things. I don't know who is trying to find a reason to disregard test results, I'm not! I see the test results, I believe them, I think the levels really suck, but I would not say for my self, that JW was the cause of this just based on "THOSE PARTICULAR" test results. Riseboi had a drop in total test, but he had an increase in free test. Another poster's(M1T) lab resluts show that his total test rose a lot during PCT, even though he was also taking Torem. As i did some searching on ADED so I know a little more about what is going on, and what I am talking about, it seems that it is a new ingredient that was added in place of mADT. I took JW about a year ago, and had no problems(although that is not to say that others won't have any issues with it). So maybe this new ingredient is the cause for the greater amount of shut down? Supposedly it is a Ph/Ps, but at a very weak dose which will only have Ai properties and should not cause problems. As for using it for PCT, it has been stated before by the likes of FnF and others, that JW should not be used during PCT. I guess it would make sense then, that they would set up their stacks starting with JW, and ending with Restore which "IS" meant to be a PCT type product. So lets see....hmmmm.....taking PCT because you came off cycle and trying to restore your normal hormonal production/ levels, and take a product that is not meant for PCT........hmmm wonder what that would do:think: So you are wrong when you say it is an "iffy" choice for pct, it is a "wrong" choice for Pct. Now one thing I do have a problem with, is all these products that state they are "Natural" but......I think a lot of them are "IFFY". I don't agree that it should be touted as an "Natural" supp, when it has hormonal derivatives and the like. But that is how this industry goes, we have to unfortunately in a lot of cases, take the word of the manufacturer, and make a decision based on that. We do have the ability to make our own choices though, and if something doesn't look, feel, smell safe or whatever, then it is ultimately up to the individual to take a chance with it or not. Just to reiterate something, so maybe people wont be too confused with the whole Pct thing, Nettle type products free up bound testosterone! they do not increase total test levels! They take what test you do have, free more of it up, so it can be used for better things such as building muscle and burning fat! So if you just came off cycle, you are pretty shut down meaning your test levels are really really low....why would you take a Nettle type product if you have no test to free up?!!! Save it for when your boys are up and running strong again, you have a good level of total test, and now you have something to free up! Make sense??? Boy, this whole discussion has gotten really deep, and bout to get off track, LOL!!


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Lets ask for some real answers( hope the team at ALRI can be honest and helpful), before rumors start flying about a product which gives good results, and give it a wrongfully acussed bad rep. OUT!

Dude your about 2 months behind, read the boards. There is no Team ALRI on this board any longer that is why questions go unanswered.

The labs that were done were for liver only. The test levels were optional for those who wanted to do them. It would be nice however is somoene chose to do full labs before and after JW for all hormone levels including estrogen and prolactin since it is marketed as an estrogen management product. Ive yet to see anyone do all the values really needed to make a good judgement on how it effects ones hormones.

ps. im talking posting actual copies of labs, not typed in numbers.


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Tatoopierced1 JW labs - 8 weeks cycle

These should of been posted already, I have permission from tattoo so here goes ...............





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Dude your about 2 months behind, read the boards. There is no Team ALRI on this board any longer that is why questions go unanswered.

The labs that were done were for liver only. The test levels were optional for those who wanted to do them. It would be nice however is somoene chose to do full labs before and after JW for all hormone levels including estrogen and prolactin since it is marketed as an estrogen management product. Ive yet to see anyone do all the values really needed to make a good judgement on how it effects ones hormones.

ps. im talking posting actual copies of labs, not typed in numbers.

LOL!!:toofunny: Thanks FnF! Yeah, I am about 2 months behind, I haven't had much time on hand for a while! I just learned bout you and Viper not being with ALRI anymore yesterday:eek: !! But yeah, that sucks.


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LOL!!:toofunny: Thanks FnF! Yeah, I am about 2 months behind, I haven't had much time on hand for a while! I just learned bout you and Viper not being with ALRI anymore yesterday:eek: !! But yeah, that sucks.

Welcome back :trout: Dont leave us again :nutkick: But it seems your back grew a mile while you were gone, so that makes up for it visually for me :toofunny:


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that mile is nothing compared to my new extra optical inch that my new norelco gave me!


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that mile is nothing compared to my new extra optical inch that my new norelco gave me!
:toofunny: Now if you would just post a picture like Swole did we can enjoy your benefits too :cool:


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Sogone2day's JW lab results- Before & After




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Nice to see mine posted up.
I havn't heard anything back from raven at Alri about the free products.


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Nice to see mine posted up.
I havn't heard anything back from raven at Alri about the free products.

Did you email her and tell her what you wanted ? Gave her your address ? if its been more than 2 weeks Id send a reminder,she may have overlooked it or sent it directly to shipping . Sorry :( I know they will make good on it though. PLease forward me the email you sent and I will help you out :)


Nice to see mine posted up.
I havn't heard anything back from raven at Alri about the free products.
Raven didn't respond to my email either. I ended up contacting Luke and he helped me out. Thanks again Luke!


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Ok maybe try him then at [email protected]. Im very sorry about this :( I would never disappoint you guys but I really cant do anything anymore but email as well.

Sogone2day : I just emailed Luke for you and copied ALR on it, so maybe you will hear from someone !


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i emailed him to and he has already gotten back to me thanks.


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i emailed him to and he has already gotten back to me thanks.
Great ! Im sure Luke will take good care of you. He doesnt want another FnF beating ;) He hates it when I beat his PR's in the gym too :toofunny:

I hope he isnt reading this thread :eek: LOL


Board Sponsor
Great ! Im sure Luke will take good care of you. He doesnt want another FnF beating ;) He hates it when I beat his PR's in the gym too :toofunny:

I hope he isnt reading this thread :eek: LOL
I am reading this!!! I dont get much time to post anymore, O is just around the corner and things are really starting to pick up. BTW I was reading over on bb.com yesterday and you evolved to super rep for AX, kudos to them for snatching you guys up.


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I am reading this!!! I dont get much time to post anymore, O is just around the corner and things are really starting to pick up. BTW I was reading over on bb.com yesterday and you evolved to super rep for AX, kudos to them for snatching you guys up.

Hey thanks Luke ! Have a great time at the Olympia ! Give Hattie a big hug for us too :D

Thanks again for helping out the guys here, they are a great bunch and have helped put some minds at ease .
Force of Green

Force of Green

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What happened to Team ALRI? It must be the Superdrol NG that made the team jump ship over to AX.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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I remember when you guys parted ways, but I wasn't sure if there were more reps or why you guys left...


So going by Sogone2day's results, it's fair to say JW does raise test levels afterall?

I'm confused and all these threads about Jungle Warfare are giving me a headache aswell as confusing the hell out of me.

I know this is months old, but i just want some clarification on wether this product is a steroid. Any help which doesn't lead to a half finished abandoned thread would be much appreciated. As would a link to a thread containing more proof of bloodwork. I've been searching but i'm afraid i'm just winding up lost and bemused.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers. :cheers:


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Yeah me too, I bought 4 bottles of JW some time ago and I would like to know if it's a steroid as well. I did do one cycle of it before all this talk about it being AAS came out. I actually developed some minor gyno that I got rid of with the help of nicotine gum (desperate times calls for desperate measures).


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well it is said to have androgenic activity so it would probably classified as a steroid.


Yeah me too, I bought 4 bottles of JW some time ago and I would like to know if it's a steroid as well. I did do one cycle of it before all this talk about it being anabolic steroids came out. I actually developed some minor gyno that I got rid of with the help of nicotine gum (desperate times calls for desperate measures).
Think i'm going to throw mine away.

No point putting all that work into your body, when you can't even take your shirt off because you've grown some titties.

What sort of gains did you make with it?


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Think i'm going to throw mine away.

No point putting all that work into your body, when you can't even take your shirt off because you've grown some titties.

What sort of gains did you make with it?
Heck if you don't want your JW bottles I'll take 'em :D


Ok decided to keep mine and run the cycle in 3 weeks. Only thing i am slightly concerned about is the possibility of gyno seen as tho i've run 1 superdrol cycle in the past (2 years ago)

Am i being paranoid?

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