Jim: Performance is King Log.



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Skip the doc! I regret seeing mine yesterday.

I get that pain sometimes. It passes.
That's what I figured.

I hate doctors, every time I go they try to tell me there is something wrong with me. (except for army medicine, they are convinced there is never anything wrong with anyone)


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That's what I figured.

I hate doctors, every time I go they try to tell me there is something wrong with me. (except for army medicine, they are convinced there is never anything wrong with anyone)
CG is convinced something is wrong with me when there really isn't. Load of crap. Stupid JO's


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I figured as much lol.

Hit DE Lower today.

Pre: 3 Uptake, 3 Drive, 2 Uncut
Intra: SSDD

Warmup: Foam Roll, Hip/shoulder circles, BB Box Squat x bar x enough

DE Box Squat: 2x6 @185
Pause Squat: 2x2 @185 (2 sec hold)

Sled Drags: 180(+sled) x35-40yds, 270(+sled), 315(+sled)



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Pause Squats:



Sled Drags:

270: http://youtu.be/ChO1_T2y4Mk

315: http://youtu.be/hSivEykA41E

My chest looks like it drops during the squat, not sure if it's something I should try to fix or just leave. I never notice any discomfort during squats (DE, RE, or ME) but I don't know if that is going to limit my ability to squat heavier weight. Might have to focus on driving my neck into the bar in an effort to sit taller at the bottom of a squat....thoughts?


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I'd say play with high bar vs low bar to find a position where you're more vertical at the bottom. It'll make a bigger diff when you go heavier


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I'd say play with high bar vs low bar to find a position where you're more vertical at the bottom. It'll make a bigger diff when you go heavier
Those were low bar, FWIW.

I generally do all my squats as low bar, because it's my stronger squat. I use high bar as assistance mostly.

I will get some video of my high bar squat later this week (maybe) and see how they look.


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I've found that I tend to stay more vertical at the bottom when I keep my chin up, if that helps at all.


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Awesome updates brother! Love how you do the vids!!


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Damn everyone's thread got slammed. Lolz

About squatting... It takes a good deal of time to get that perfect form down. Every time I go in for em I feel I've learned more. I'm still working on speed with heavier weight. I take forever on the drop and feel like I waste a ton of energy in the process. Just keep at it Jim


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Yesterday's workout

22MAY2013 GPP

Pre: 2 Uncut, 3 Drive, 4 Uptake
Intra: SSDD

Warm-up: Agile 8 (7 actually, forgot my lacrosse ball lol)

Uneven Farmer's Carries: 97#/70# x 60yards x 2

Sled Rows: 180#(+sled) x 60yards x 2
Me: http://youtu.be/dadKFCRxxJY
Wife: http://youtu.be/jLHfr9M_w08

KB Front Carry: 97# x 40yards x 2

10 Minute Intermission (had to drive to stadium, people were using the field to PMCS equipment)

Ladder Drills --> 25M Sprint (Do the ladder drill, and go straight into a 25M Sprint)

- 2 Feet per Rung x 4
- 1 Foot per Rung x 4
- 2 Foot Hop x 2

4 x 50M Sprints (Sprint 50M, walk back, repeat.)

Ground Starts
- Push-up: 4 x 10-15M
- Kneeling: 4 x 10-15M

Notes: Found my breathing less labored after each sprint. My between set recovery has definitely improved, I noticed that I was ready to go at a much faster pace than my wife (and she is a machine, so that's a good thing). Worked on my acceleration and speed. I'm fast when I get going, but my acceleration is poor, so I busted out the ladder and worked on moving my feet+arms as fast as possible. Felt good when I was done.

Wish I could have videotaped some of the sprints as well, but there wasn't a lot of time for my wife to get me doing that. Oh well, maybe next time.


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Kick ass workout bro! You need to teach me all these diff exercises. I'm so stuck on the 80's lol


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Tonight I got in some DE Upper work. The intensity was a little lower, and I allowed myself a little more rest today between sets because of how high intensity the last 3 days have been. Focused on moving more weight, with less momentum for more sets.

DE Upper 23May13

Pre: 3 Drive, 3 Uncut, 7 Uptake, 3g Mono
Intra: SSDD

Warm-up: Band external rotation, Band Dislocates, Foam Roll Back, Lacrosse ball Pec Minor, Bicep/brachialis, and Rear Delt/Mid Back, Band Bradford Presses, Band Pull-aparts, BB Bench with bands around forearms.

DE Bench: 135x2x7

Close Grip Bench Press: 135x5, 175x5x2, 185x3, 195x3

a1. 1 Arm Pulldown: 60x10, 80x8, 90x7, 100x7
a2. DB Pause Low Row: 50x8x2, 55x7, 55x8 (rest weight for 1 second deadstop on ground between each rep)

Koklov Press: 65x8, 75x8, 85x5

Reeves Variation Row: 90x7, 90x8, 110x5, 110x6 (+bar weight, used the shorter bar. No idea what it weighed, anywhere from 15-25lbs) *dead stop between reps*

Notes: Figured out why the BB Slants when I do most presses. My right Tricep is significantly stronger than my left, and you can notice it when the triceps begin to finish out the bench presses. Will begin doing more unilateral tricep work to attempt to correct this.


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Subbed. You've got some cool stuff going on in heah.


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Had a strong session today. Got some video updates for you guys again.

ME Lower 24MAY13

Pre: 4 Uptake, 3 Drive, 3 Uncut, 5g Mono
Intra: Gator + BCAA

Warm-Up: Agile 8, Thoracic Extensions, Foam Roll Mid Back, LBBS x 45# x alot

LBBS: 95x3, 135x3, 185x3, 225x3, 275x3, (+belt)315x3, 335x1, 335x3 (PR)
315: http://youtu.be/pVnl1DtMDRw
335x1: http://youtu.be/H3El0GhOJoY (racked it because it felt shallow, watched the video, saw it wasn't bad and then went for the set of 3 that I had meant to get)
335x3: http://youtu.be/mYTXpaKNxZw

HB Oly Squat: 135x8, 185x8, 225x8 (it's amazing how light the first two were after how heavy the LB was. The last set was not that way though lol)
135x8: http://youtu.be/xZk9Yg7hAHI
45 Degree Hypers: BWx15, +25x20

a1. Sprinter Sit-Up: BWx18x2
a2. Plank Walks: BWx10x2
a3. Superman: BWx8x2

Not a lot of volume today, but it was an extremely good workout. Legs were toast and the glutes were on fire after the hypers. Never really found myself short of breath though, which is funny because after the LB I was cooking between those sets. Had a PR today, my 1RM ~6 weeks ago was a 345x1 and today I hit the 335x3. Feeling good, about to smash some pizza when it shows up and then watch some worlds strongest man with the wife.


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Just smashed pizza myself. Squats are strong man. Are you more comfortable with high or low bar? Couple reps almost turned into a GM it seemed.

You gonna compete yet man?


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Pizza!! You bastages!


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Accessory work for the heavy squats. Your setup is nice and the drop is good but your lower back and core deficiencies are preventing you from sitting back at the bottom causing you to lean forward instead. Your shoulders (upper back) are rising after your hips which is the opposite if what you want. Reverse hypers, seated safety bar good mornings with feet forward, glute ham raises, and hyperextensions should help make your posterior chain much stronger which will improve your form and probably help you pass 4 hundo relatively quickly


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Just smashed pizza myself. Squats are strong man. Are you more comfortable with high or low bar? Couple reps almost turned into a GM it seemed.

You gonna compete yet man?
Generally, low bar is my stronger squat. I noticed that as well, they weren't uncomfortable for the lower back but they were too much like GMs.

Maybe, haven't decided yet lol.

Pizza!! You bastages!
Lol, I love me some post workout pizza.

Accessory work for the heavy squats. Your setup is nice and the drop is good but your lower back and core deficiencies are preventing you from sitting back at the bottom causing you to lean forward instead. Your shoulders (upper back) are rising after your hips which is the opposite if what you want. Reverse hypers, seated safety bar good mornings with feet forward, glute ham raises, and hyperextensions should help make your posterior chain much stronger which will improve your form and probably help you pass 4 hundo relatively quickly
I noticed that as well. Tight hip flexors are also part of that issue, its a work in progress lol.

I'll increase my PC volume from this point forward, thanks for the critique brother.


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Viking Supremacy - By Hammer of Thunor

Posted on August 29, 2012 by Shatner

The Movement

I wanted to introduce you guys to a movement I'm founding called Viking Supremacy. That's not white supremacy. White supremacists aren't particularly supreme, so right off the bat it's false advertising. I'm tired of race politics anyway, and I'm especially tired of race politicians. I want to get back to the fundamental question when it comes to supremacy: do you do anything interesting in your life or are you content to do nothing much other than displace space? This is an arrogant movement and a stratifying movement. This isn't meant to bring people closer together, but to drive them apart and grade them according to their awesomeness.

I'm calling those men who commit themselves to a life of intensity...Vikings. Vikings were the nastiest, baddest and freest men to ever walk/row the Earth. They spread awesomeness, mayhem,destruction and their seed everywhere within reach of their longships, and they never even asked permission first! Even their afterlife was a vision of manly excess, with every day in Valhalla starting off with an epic melee in full battle dress, and ending with an all night drunken bender and hot serving wenches. If you're going to aim yourself at all you might as well aim high, so I'm not going for pirates or samurai or cowboys...it's ****ing Vikings!

The Problem

Now naturally every movement is a response to something. No movement has any value unless it addresses a real problem with how life and society are going along. Viking Supremacy (Vikingism for short) addresses what is not only the biggest problem of the last few generations, but what may actually be the biggest threat humanity has ever faced...people have become absolutely ****ing boring! The information age has crafted the lamest, meekest and most risk averse humans ever known to history. These people suck, they need to be told that they suck, and I'm gonna goddamn well do it. It wasn't but a scant few decades ago that our entire culture revolved around winning, intensity and pure testosterone. Then the proliferation of glowing rectangle based forms of escape sent almost everyone into silent worlds of vicarious adventure where everyone gets to win but nobody has to lose. Well guess what?Losing is a necessary part of stoking the desire to win, and nothing can replace the awesome feeling of actually winning in the real world. If you have never been tested against other men,you cannot yourself become a man, and you most certainly can't be a supreme one. Someone has to fight back against this dull, stale, mundane and insipid culture of quiet moderation, and it might as well be me since I hate it so ****ing much.

The Creed

How does Vikingism address the problems I just desribed?How does committing yourself to being an ass-kicking mother****er who sticks his boot up the world's ass and never apologizes for it going to solve the problem of people sucking so damn bad?Well, I don't think people want to suck, they've just been lulled into it and having some shining examples running around to show everyone the right way to do **** can have a ripple effect that re-energizes the culture and leads to a new era of manly excess and testosterone fueled glory. If not, it can at least lead to a few awesome dudes living awesomely for a short span of time and getting to enjoy being so ****ing awesome. But what is the essence of Vikingness? What is it that defines a life of awesomeness in contrast to the ordinary modern life? One word: intensity! A Viking Supremacist seeks out intense experiences, intense relationships, intense activities and intense scenes. The ordinary ******* seeks out pleasant experiences, tenuous relationships, safe activities and quiet scenes. Now there are people who like intensity out there right now, and they're damn cool people to hang out with, but a Vikingist makes a full and knowing commitment to it, he sees the meaning of life in the process of ordering himself rather than just attending to his desires as they arise.

The Prescription

If you like lists and easy to remember guidelines, then this is the part you've been waiting for. It's the gist of what makes up the Vikingist lifestyle, distilled down into bullet point format. Read it. Understand it. Internalize it. Live it. There aren't any DON'Ts because that's just not how a Viking Supremacist rolls.

DO -Be fearless. Live large and with confidence, truly owning the space you occupy. Vikings didn't worry about whether they were right or wrong, and neither should you. If you're right you're right, and if you're wrong you're right. You don't have to give a **** what's going on within in the brains of every little whining **** you come across. Stand up tall, do what you want to do and forget the rest.

DO -Have real opinions that matter, and say them out loud. Your favorite phone app for finding a ****ing Starbucks is not an opinion that matters.

DO -Leave your house. You sure as **** aren't gonna kick ass and take names from inside of a sheetrock prison cell.

DO -Make friends, make enemies. You need a crew, a gang, a band of nasties to go around with and make trouble. You also need people you hate and want to choke on sight, because *****ry brings out the best in men.

DO -Lift weights. Get bigger; get stronger; get bigger and stronger. Feeling awesome is easier and more natural when you actually ARE awesome, and being weak and pathetic is most definitely not awesome. Be the beast.

DO -Get jacked on adrenaline. Live an "up" lifestyle and do things that keep your brain in go-mode. Thrive on stress. Drive yourself hard and make lemonade out of so many lemons. R&R is for bitch mode pussies...and women. Be 100% focused, 100% of every waking minute. A Viking Supremacist is always ready to go all in when the moment calls for it, and his body chemistry reflects that. You can have all the rest and relaxation anyone could ever dream of after you're dead, unless you get called up to the big leagues in Valhalla and the party rocks on. Burn twice as bright for half as long.

DO -Have fun. The whole goddamn point of being a kickass Viking type mother****er who isn't to be trifled with is so nobody can stop you from having the ****loads of fun you know damn well you deserve. Now if you're a rotten angry sonofabitch, be a happy angry rotten sonofabitch. Laughter is the best medicine, so if you aren't the type to laugh WITH people, you might as well laugh AT them.

DO - Arm yourself and train for melees. People who live massively and awesomely attract lots of attention, and often that attention is not admiration. Envy and spite are your new traveling companions, so you need to be 100% prepared to show what a Viking is all about and kick the living **** out of the people who test you.

DO -Push the limit. You don't know what you're really capable of unless you've gone to your absolute edge. Did someone tell you a story about trying something and failing?**** him. He's not you and he probably sucks and doesn't have the resolve that a VIKING has like you do. People who live out lives of failure like to go around warning people not to do **** because they want you to suck as badly as they do. Laugh at these people.

DO -Talk massive ****. Don't let pathetic weakness happen around you without commentary. Weakness is a condition that spreads like a virus when people are silent and polite. Be the medicine.

DO -Listen to 80s music and watch 80s movies. The 80s was the kickass decade because everybody was living out loud and going balls deep into everything and everyone. You need to saturate your brain with sounds that inspire action and beastliness, so absorb that culture, draw in all of its raw energy and then turn it out onto all the boring little ****s who inhabit this lesser decade.

DO -Level up. Learn as many skills as you can that don't just involve pushing buttons. You aren't saving princesses, killing terrorists, or conquering intergalactic forces of doom...you are sitting in a ****ing chair and staring at a rectangle. Get the **** up and learn how to do something.

DO -Indulge your whim. Moderation is for ***gots. You can't be a candle that burns bright by only taking little tiny puffs of oxygen at a time. Burn ALL the oxygen as fast as you can get it and be too goddamn bright for mortals to even look at comfortably. Stop living the eternal life and health fantasy, realize you are perishable, and go out of the world burning instead of rotting. Which brings me to the next point...

DO -Up The Dosage. There's one feature common to all men of the modern world who have any semblance of the prior glory of more interesting times: they UP THE ****ing DOSAGE. Augment your body with all the exogenous chemicals that are designed to max out your beast mode and turn you into a walking tidal wave. Being average sucks. Being awesome for being average also sucks. Be more awesome than nature intended. **** nature! **** her good and hard.


Live on the edge and WAY the **** over the top. The journey is reward, not the destination. You can't control how or when fate will strike you down, but you sure as **** have control over how you're gonna live your life in the mean time. Don't waste your hours away in a hidey hole. Join the ranks and let the interesting reign over the dull, the strong over the weak, the arrogant over the humble, the Viking over the thrall.
Manly excellence lol. Had a buddy show me this today, worth the read.


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Went in on Saturday to do some Core work mostly. Wasn't able to do the GPP stuff that I had planned because of the training holiday this weekend on post....


Pre: 7 Uptake (mostly just to push blood into the sore muscles), 3 Drive, 5g Mono
Intra: Water

Warm-Up: Agile 8, Foam Roll/Lacrosse Ball Hip Flexors, Shoulder Dislocates

Standing Cable Crunch (extra emphasis on pausing at the top with a braced midsection): 60x13, 70x13, 80x13, 80x14, +took a step away 90x12
Standing DB Side Bends: 20x8, 25x8, 35x8

GHR: BWx8, +45x8, +55x8

BB Roll Outs: BWx8, BWx5

Notes: Went in and did some core and then a little more PC volume. Roll Outs always f*** me up, so my abdominals are a little sore today (which is a good thing in some ways). The GHR's felt good, not very difficult with that weight, but it was enough for a good contraction and to force some blood into the tight glutes/hammies.

Training Changes: I'm going to be doing a lot more direct core work to supplement my carries for the foreseeable future, more Posterior Chain volume on lower body days and possibly on GPP days as well. Will also be doing some unilateral tri work to help strengthen the left tricep.

I may or may not be programming a 10 week "Cube for Strongman" training cycle. I've read the book (found it on Scribd, thanks Sean) and Strongman events are probably the coolest thing you can do as a weight trainer (fact). A lot of that will depend on equipment though, I'm not particularly unhappy with what I'm doing now, because it works. But, it may be time for me to transition to something that I would want to compete in. :thinking:


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First time I've seen this! Subbed.


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Awesome update brother JIM!! Hope you and fam have a great holiday weekend! Keep smacking them weights!


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They have that 175 weight class for strongman. Actually getting to compete in it would be fantastic. There was a strongman event right next to our power meet. I almost missed my flight because I was too caught up watching them press the axle.


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They have that 175 weight class for strongman. Actually getting to compete in it would be fantastic. There was a strongman event right next to our power meet. I almost missed my flight because I was too caught up watching them press the axle.
May have to look into that....

See my Strongman thread? Waiting for you to add some input....


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I had not . . . looking into it now.


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Morning weight fasted: 173.6 (wait, wut?)

Hit ME Upper today. Weighed in this morning, wasn't really surprised by what I weighed (I weighed myself yesterday afternoon and was a little over 174) so yeah, don't know how it swung that hard. My guess is that I was depleted when I last weighed myself?...


ME Upper 27MAY13

Pre: 3 Uncut, 7 Uptake
Intra: Gator + MBCAA

Warm-Up: Foam Roll/Lacrosse Ball Upper body

DB Bench: 40x10, 50x10, 60x4, 70x4, 80x4, 90x4 (PR), 100x2 (PR)

Tate Press: 35x10, 35x9, 40x7

a1. Dante Rows: 140x5, 160x5, 180x5, 200x5, 230x5 (PR)
a2. Rear Delt Raise: 15x5x2, 20x5x2, 30x5

b1. Trap Bar Shrugs: 185x12, 275x11
b2. BB Curls: 60x10, 60x9

BB Roll Out: BWxF

Plank: BWxF (maybe 60 sec?)

Notes: Hit a PR on the DB Bench. Had intended to get 100x4 but she just wasn't there today. Left arm said, and I quote, "NO MORE!" Had a lot of focus today, went in with the intention of hitting the big boy dumbbells and I sure did it. From there I tried Tate Press for the first time, was definitely a good exercise choice for my supplemental lift. Really smoked the triceps. Wanted another set of the shrugs/curl superset but the gym was closing and I needed to hit my core today. On that note, tried to do rollouts again but my core was too sore and I couldn't do it :cry: so I did a plank until the gym closed. Which was probably around a minute. Afterwards, we went to the pool and got some sun. Played a little volleyball (which I found out I'm awful at) and we're calling it a day.


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Good workout man. I think tate press is my favorite triceps supplemental exercise.


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Tate press was a big key when my benching was strong. Get good at them.


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If they ever bug you, just wrap a hand towel around the handles to fatten up the grip.


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Of course, fat gripz are best. I just look to the nearest thing I see.


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And farmers carry bar, and yoke.

And Atlas stones.

I just want to open my gym. With a ton of cool stuff in it.


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I can knock $500 off of that wishlist with PVC and hand towels, bruh. I think it's my calling in life, to rig up wonky lifting setups.

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