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would adding testosterone on top of trestolone reduct nip itching? From what I understand, increasing testosterone dose with nandrolone can often mitigate the sides.

typically with trest my nipples would be itchy and swollen by now, but I’m not noticing anything and I’m wondering if it’s because I’m running testosterone on top of it when typically I don’t

running 15 trest a day and 600 test


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would adding testosterone on top of trestolone reduct nip itching? From what I understand, increasing testosterone dose with nandrolone can often mitigate the sides.

typically with trest my nipples would be itchy and swollen by now, but I’m not noticing anything and I’m wondering if it’s because I’m running testosterone on top of it when typically I don’t

running 15 trest a day and 600 test
If side effect A is reduced by Drug B that does NOT mean side effect W will be reduced by drug B.

The nandrolone sides that test CAN counter are related to lack of DHT and lack of estrogen conversion. Adding test to nandrolone will provide more DHT(to counter the weak nandrolone produced DHN) and provides MORE estrogen conversion than nandrolone alone.

Trestolone sides you describe are due to TOO MUCH estrogen, methyl-estrogen actually, and adding testosterone would likely aggravate the issue further.

You want either an AI, SERM, or a DHT based compound like mast/primo(these 2 do NOT reliably offset E in all users.)

OR lower the dose/stop the trest or lower the test dose or both.


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To further the post above, Is adding more testosterone to nandrolones actually increases sides for many. 19nors + high estrogen = bigger gains That are usually accompanied by horrible side effects like gyno and a limp dick


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There's 7000 variables that can lead to 7000 outcomes.And these aren't questions that really Anyone can answer because the side effects and the situations are so personal. Some Guys gotta run their deca with no testosterone at all Otherwise they get gyno and a limp dick.

Other guys need lots of test to prevent the limp dick And in turn get gyno and acne.

The simple solution is to stop using compounds that are hard to control. All steroids roughly build the same amount of muscle as long as you have the basics in play so just pick the ones that give you the least side effects
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