*Introduce Yourself!*


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Welcome! Pro, Hal, Genghis! Glad to have you here. Spread some knowledge. Later.

Dr of Golf

Welcome, Welcome, WELCOME!!!!!!

This board is going to be the KING of all Anabolic Boards!

ow ow ;)

John Benz

  • Established
big welcome to Hal and Pro. Missed you guys first time around. :)


New member
Howdy all!

I'm a 39 year old, 6'4" guy trying to turn back the clock a lil. I started out a little over a year ago with a weight of 247 and a bf% somewhere around 34%. I read an article that said if you were obesly fat when you hit the mid 40's-50's that you could have shaved 10+ years off your life. And unlike smoking, evern if you trim down the years are gone (wear and tear on the organs). Scared the bejeezus outta me! Add to it a history of family heart probs and it was time to do something...anything!
I read the Body for Life book and it got me going. I dropped my wieght to 218 and actually got some endurance going. I then decided I wanted to see some muscles for once in my life and started working on the bulking. I read everything I could find and by January was at about 257lbs with a bf% around 18-19 or so. Since then I've keto'd back to 235 and 13.5%. I have a long way to go to get to my goal but this board has been a good source of info and inspiration. I'm just happy I don't need a tow truck to drag my butt up off the sofa anymore. Add to it, I don't feel threatened by Russian Whaling ships anymore either! Keep the good info flowing...it makes a difference.


  • Established
Howdy all!

I'm a 39 year old, 6'4" guy trying to turn back the clock a lil. I started out a little over a year ago with a weight of 247 and a bf% somewhere around 34%. I read an article that said if you were obesly fat when you hit the mid 40's-50's that you could have shaved 10+ years off your life. And unlike smoking, evern if you trim down the years are gone (wear and tear on the organs). Scared the bejeezus outta me! Add to it a history of family heart probs and it was time to do something...anything!
I read the Body for Life book and it got me going. I dropped my wieght to 218 and actually got some endurance going. I then decided I wanted to see some muscles for once in my life and started working on the bulking. I read everything I could find and by January was at about 257lbs with a bf% around 18-19 or so. Since then I've keto'd back to 235 and 13.5%. I have a long way to go to get to my goal but this board has been a good source of info and inspiration. I'm just happy I don't need a tow truck to drag my butt up off the sofa anymore. Add to it, I don't feel threatened by Russian Whaling ships anymore either! Keep the good info flowing...it makes a difference.
welcome aboard bro...and congrats on what you've accomplished so far...kep it goin bro....you'll find alot of supportive bros here...no flaming to speak of and guys who really wanna help....at least thats been my experience. you may wanna check out yj's thread about common training styles...that'll give you alot of good ideas. and best of all i think this board has the best mods anywhere...very knowledgeable and helpful.
Iron Warrior

Iron Warrior

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I'm 22. I'm a Kinesiology student. Been training 5 years, but have been seriously training for 2 years. 5'11'' 300 lbs. 25% BF, goal is 230 @ 7% bf or lower. Played football until last year (too many nagging injuries and no pro potential)


New member
Another Newbie

Recently stumbled upon this board through a thread at another board I frequent. So far from what I've seen the signal to noise ratio here is great. Lots of good info without having to weed through a bunch of crap.

I just want to keep growing, in knowledge and size.


Re: Another Newbie

I'm 22. I'm a Kinesiology student. Been training 5 years, but have been seriously training for 2 years. 5'11'' 300 lbs. 25% BF, goal is 230 @ 7% bf or lower. Played football until last year (too many nagging injuries and no pro potential)

Welcome IW, Kines is great, best of luck with that, and you have some killer goals, hopefully we can help get you there and welcome....

Recently stumbled upon this board through a thread at another board I frequent. So far from what I've seen the signal to noise ratio here is great. Lots of good info without having to weed through a bunch of crap.

I just want to keep growing, in knowledge and size.
Welcome brother, what board were you linked from?


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lotsofsquats, ironwarrior, wreck... welcome aboard people, hope you enjoy it :D


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All new bros, Welcome! Be a sponge for knowledge and don't forget to spread it around. Later.


  • Established
Re: Re: Re: Another Newbie


I've learned a lot of good stuff there, but there's just too much to weed through to get it.
ya..there is alot of knowledge but just digest it a little at a time. you'll find everybody here is pretty helpful too. welcome to all new bros!
Iron Warrior

Iron Warrior

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Re: Re: Another Newbie

Welcome IW, Kines is great, best of luck with that, and you have some killer goals, hopefully we can help get you there and welcome....

Welcome brother, what board were you linked from?
I came from the now dead Fitness Board. I also love all the hotties in Kinesiology, they are great for motivation. Thanks for welcoming me YJ, and thanks for making me an anti-glutaminest. I have worked out w/out for 2 weeks now, and haven't noticed a difference. That money can now go to chicken, tuna, and more lap dances :cool:


New member
Hello all, been reading posts here for a few weeks - great info. I'm about 4 months into lifting after a 10 year hiatus, a friend who is very serious about weighlifing recommended the site as a way to get me to stop e-mailing him twice a day with questions. I'm an accountant, 27 years old, 6'0", 185, about 10% bf, looking to get to 200 by the end of summer. Thanks for all the information.


Here from bb.com to check it out. This board defenitly has a lot less action. But at least it has some interesting things to read. So i'll be here mostly reading though.


Here from bb.com to check it out. This board defenitly has a lot less action. But at least it has some interesting things to read. So i'll be here mostly reading though.

Welcome, a lot less action.....for now. Enjoy.



Welcome, a lot less action.....for now. Enjoy.
I got no problem with that. I need to do some more learning and less talking about who Ronnie Coleman can and can't beat up. Not that theres anything wrong with that if you have the time :p .


I am a moderator on Anthony Ellis program at www.skinnyguy.net which is a private board , I started as a skinny guy at 120 lbs and im currently at 182lbs 8% BF, I hope to post some pics soon so everyone can flame me :). A special thanks to Draven which introduced me to this wonderful board , thanks and keep gaining mass all.
I got turned on to this site by these two characters...

Me, I have a 1967 Chevelle, hence the handle.
I'm 31, 5'11", and 162 as of last weigh in. Started around 140 last year.
I'm seriously motivated to put on even more muscle than I did last year, and maybe even get to diet down.

Nice to see so many friendly people here...

The Conqueror

New member

It took some research....but it looks like I have finally found someplace that has the quality of research and info that BB.com had a couple of years ago.

I bring AM.com 16 years of experience. I have only within the last year began using items like Trenabol-X from Higher Power.

(With the reverence of a tibet monk) So I have come here to be taught by the masters.

This is going to be the beginning of abeautiful friendship.


  • Established

I got turned on to this site by these two characters...

Me, I have a 1967 Chevelle, hence the handle.
I'm 31, 5'11", and 162 as of last weigh in. Started around 140 last year.
I'm seriously motivated to put on even more muscle than I did last year, and maybe even get to diet down.

Nice to see so many friendly people here...

Good to see you Mark. Finally decided to wander over, aye?
Last edited:


IVe been onhere a little while but i guess ill introduce myself--
Im a 24 yr olf law student, 6ft 219 and dropping, Ive been on CKD for three weeks(thanks Blindfaith for that post) and it seems to be working im down 8 lbs. Ive been lifting straight since september, but have lifted on and off since high school. Thanks for all the help everyone has given me and i hope that ican do the same for others.


  • Established

I got turned on to this site by these two characters...

Me, I have a 1967 Chevelle, hence the handle.
I'm 31, 5'11", and 162 as of last weigh in. Started around 140 last year.
I'm seriously motivated to put on even more muscle than I did last year, and maybe even get to diet down.

Nice to see so many friendly people here...
welcome bro...and congrats on the progress! imo this is about the best bb board on the 'net...thing i like best is no attitudes here really...btw truly awesome car....what color? and how u got it lookin?



welcome bro...and congrats on the progress! imo this is about the best bb board on the 'net...thing i like best is no attitudes here really...btw truly awesome car....what color? and how u got it lookin?
Thanks. I was hoping to make more progress in the last few months, but the local watering hole has hampered that. (And I suspect a culprit of my increased bodyfat.) But I haven't had a drink in 2 weeks, and my lifts have gone up on almost every workout. I just hope it starts reflecting on the scale.

As for the Chevelle...hehe...Project. I've been working on it for about 4 years now. Bought it as a basket case, pretty much just a rolling chassis, because the body is pretty straight. (It's hard to find rust-free cars here in NJ) But the body has been off the frame, powdercoated, all new brake lines, fuel lines, suspension, power disc conversion, and the motor (327) and trans have been dropped in. It starts, but does not drive yet.
And it's in primer until I someday work up the loot to actually get some bodywork done.
I also have a Harley chopper that I REALLY need to get working on so I can ride this summer.
All it takes is money...:rolleyes: I like my toys...:D

Nice to see a place where everyone is friendly, no attitudes, and the level of knowledge is varied from novice to expert.


  • Established

Thanks. I was hoping to make more progress in the last few months, but the local watering hole has hampered that. (And I suspect a culprit of my increased bodyfat.) But I haven't had a drink in 2 weeks, and my lifts have gone up on almost every workout. I just hope it starts reflecting on the scale.

As for the Chevelle...hehe...Project. I've been working on it for about 4 years now. Bought it as a basket case, pretty much just a rolling chassis, because the body is pretty straight. (It's hard to find rust-free cars here in NJ) But the body has been off the frame, powdercoated, all new brake lines, fuel lines, suspension, power disc conversion, and the motor (327) and trans have been dropped in. It starts, but does not drive yet.
And it's in primer until I someday work up the loot to actually get some bodywork done.
I also have a Harley chopper that I REALLY need to get working on so I can ride this summer.
All it takes is money...:rolleyes: I like my toys...:D

Nice to see a place where everyone is friendly, no attitudes, and the level of knowledge is varied from novice to expert.
i think what you'll find is the more improvements you see in your physique and how you feel the less important the watering hole will become..you're already seeing the positive benefits of clean eating, workout consistency etc. keep up da good work bro!

as for the chevelle...dude thats awesome. and that 327.....oh, man...grwoin up my granny had a 65 impala sport sedan with that motor and when i get enuf $$ i wanna get me one...when u get it finished man thats gonna b one sweet ride...


New member

Guess I should say that I'm 25 and I think this board is great. I lifted seriously back in college, but stopped. The last 8 months I've gotten back into it and have made great gains thanks to all the knowledge on boards like this. Hope to be contributing good stuff soon too. :)


New member
Hello. I've been registered for a little while, but not too long. I really enjoy reading this board, unfortunatly I feel like an idiot compared to some of the guys on here. I guess thats why I like it.

I've been a bodybuilder for years. I've been in the gym for the past 5-6 years, but I've only been serious for the past 2. I've made some great gains. I think I was blessed with some genetics as well. I am what I consider natural right now. I've used ph's once, and plan to again. I plan to work hard to hit my natural peak before I go for anything stronger. I'm ~5'10" anywhere from 190 - 220 (you know how it is) currently ~200 and 9%. I have 49" chest and 18.5" arms, 31" waist, 26" legs (really lagging but I'm busting my ass) 17" calfs. I've debated with the idea of competition but haven't commited yet. I'm 23.


<SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA"><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'MS Mincho'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA">I've been here since this board first started but never entered this thread.  Well I'm 6' 285 (now).  Lifted hard thought high school.  After I finished I went to Southern University in Baton Rouge LA as a football prop.  Ended up getting into an altercation with the coaches and didn't play.  Stayed down there for 2 1/2 yrs getting fat.  Move back to Md and stated to lifting hard again in late 2000.  I actually cut down to 255 and have been bulking and cutting since then.</SPAN></SPAN>


New member
What's up all I have been online almost non-stop for the past couple of weeks and love it. I came over from the glutamine loving, PH and AAS hating abcbodyboilding. I'm 26 and have been lifting since highschool, but I'm the traditional hardgainer only around 180-185 at 5'-9" and 10% bf. The handle is a wakeboarding thing, my other passtime. The knowledge is great and look forward to more (and YJ I will absolutely use the search before asking minor league questions...still trying to break rookie habits from abc!)


New member
Absolutely.... The index has helped me put together some nice routines, but man they hate on any kind PH or AAS questions... and man the religoius overtones are a bit much for me. I just want to move heavy **** around....simple as that!


New member
I have been lifting quiet sometime now since 6 years ago but get serious about 2 year ago. I have gained a lot by reading most of you guys knowledge, I love it here just like library no noise no name calling like some other board. I am a computer guru graduate from University of Paris and Northeastern Universtiy in Boston and still continue learning from you guys. God bless all.


New member
I am a computer guru graduate from University of Paris and Northeastern Universtiy in Boston and still continue learning from you guys. God bless all.
Small world...I graduated from NU a couple years back too.:D


New member
I am 37 years old and have been training for about 5 years. I really enjoy training - loosing inches and gaining strength - like to see the changes in my body! I am a personal training, but I am the only one I am training right now. I am workin on getting the fat percentage down - slowly but surely! Hence the reason for joining anabolics - trying to get more info. The site is geared more for men - but hey, I enjoy it and am getting good info anyway!


New member
Greets guys,

I am mainly a lurker here, soaking up the great information from all of the knowledgeable members. I caught on to this web site through BB.com where I also mainly lurk. I just recently registered and thought I would at least add one post to my total.


Hey guys. The name is Bling. I was once a regular on the bb.com chat, but now I'm here because it seems like all the cool people from the chat there are here.

Wut up YellowJacket! Its been awhile since I talked to you.


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Wut up YellowJacket! Its been awhile since I talked to you.
HAhahahah.... oh, er... ahem... scuse me... welcome to the new bros, I hope y'all enjoy the wealth of info (and the late night chats if you can make it... some funny **** goes down) :D


New member

HAhahahah.... oh, er... ahem... scuse me... welcome to the new bros, I hope y'all enjoy the wealth of info (and the late night chats if you can make it... some funny **** goes down) :D
late night? What about anabolic sleep ;)

but anways, when are the chats? everytime i go in there it's pretty empty


New member
HI ALL! John Benz referred me here, Phenominal site!

I run a small board (in my sig) but love the info you have here. Will learn lots!


John Benz

  • Established
HARDCORE, welcome brother. your board is growing by leaps and bounds. lots of knowledge there as well. I visit it everyday. :)


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what's up hardcore brotha! nice board you got over there, I must say.


Well-known member
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Sup hardcore! What part of the NW are you from?? If you want PM me with it!!

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