Hypertrop-X versus Christine sponsored



MST Reppin Hard!
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Not at all. I'm in PA but i'm right at the border for NJ and like 15 minutes from the border to Port Jervis, NY.


MST Reppin Hard!
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pocono mountains is the one near me...obvi, haha


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It was not bad, had a fireplace in the room and they had adult only massive pool like hot tubs.

Chest/leg day
I did deads and lunges for legs today supersetted with typical chest things :)

I started a new cardio regime so I thought I would write about it instead.

She wanted me to do 30 min of cardio
First 4 mins of brisk walking, I used a 4.5 incline. Then I jumped off the treadmill and left it running and had to do 30 secs of floor lunges alternating legs, jump back on and do 2 min of jogging sprints and then start over for 30 min.

My legs ached after this one. But where the HYP X helped most was the sprints, normally I get out of breath but I had goals to meet so I kept on it.


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Sigh well I'm exhausted and don't feel good. I had to pick up my daughter from school as in the third day she caught a stomach virus and threw up in the hallway.

I'm tired and grouchy and do not want to go train :( Someone tell me to quit whining and go!


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Sigh well I'm exhausted and don't feel good. I had to pick up my daughter from school as in the third day she caught a stomach virus and threw up in the hallway.

I'm tired and grouchy and do not want to go train :( Someone tell me to quit whining and go!
Ok C, quit whining and go

(in all honesty, I dont want to go tonight either)

Sorry to hear about you daughter, kids with stomach viruses are rough.

A funny side note, my nephew had one, and in the middle of the night threw up all over one side of his bed, then didnt feel like telling anyone, so he rolled over and went back to sleep


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Sigh well I'm exhausted and don't feel good. I had to pick up my daughter from school as in the third day she caught a stomach virus and threw up in the hallway.

I'm tired and grouchy and do not want to go train :( Someone tell me to quit whining and go!

You better get on that Gut Health C! :)


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Ok C, quit whining and go

(in all honesty, I dont want to go tonight either)

Sorry to hear about you daughter, kids with stomach viruses are rough.

A funny side note, my nephew had one, and in the middle of the night threw up all over one side of his bed, then didnt feel like telling anyone, so he rolled over and went back to sleep
EWWWWW!!! Gross, kids do the oddest things. I could never sleep in puke! She seems to be a bit better now.

LOL Z I am on the Gut Health. I think its all the stims and fat loss stuff I'm on along with more protein shakes than solid food.


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Well despite not wanting to go at all I hit back day anyway.

We started with one arm cable pulldowns for 10 reps per side at 4 sets.

Then we did the cable on the bottom and did a squat position and pulled it to our chest we did 10 reps here for 3 sets.

Then we did dumbell deads into a shrug for 15 reps and 4 sets.

Then we did a dead lift move up and took the dumbells up to shoulder height and squeeed it back between the shoulder blades for 15 reps 4 sets.

Then I did A standing version on the lat pulldowns at 70 lbs for 15 reps supersetted with 70lb low rows for 4 sets.

Then I did single armed rows at 15 per side supersetted with the extension machine at 90lbs for 15 reps for 4 sets.

Might have done a few other things but I'm too tired to remember.

I then did 30 min of cardio with 3 min on the stepper , 20 min on incline cardio at 15 incline with sprints, and then 10 min on the exercise bike with 2 min back on the treadmill to cool down.


MST Reppin Hard!
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EWWWWW!!! Gross, kids do the oddest things. I could never sleep in puke! She seems to be a bit better now.

LOL Z I am on the Gut Health. I think its all the stims and fat loss stuff I'm on along with more protein shakes than solid food.

Thats huge for me. If I drink more shakes than take in solid's for a few days, I start to feel awful. I just need my nutrients from food I guess.


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Arm day

We started with 15 bicep curls with a barbell, we did these with 20 crunches for 4 sets.

We also did the curls with a reverse grip thumb over the bar for 15 reps, 4 sets.
Then we did pronated curls with dumbells for 15 reps, 4 sets.

Then we did hammer curls alternating for 10 per arm and 4 sets.

Then we hit standing flat curls for 15 reps supersetted with 6 tricep pushups on the dumbells for 4 sets.

Then we did 4 sets of 20 reps bench dips.

Then we did incline bench tricep kickbacks alternating at 10 per arm supersetted with 90lb tricep extensions on the cable machine for 6 reps.

We did a few other things and then I went off to do my 26 min of incline cardio at 15% with 2 min sprints every 4 mins.

I'm finally starting to drop some fat, who knows maybe I might look decent at the O!!


MST Reppin Hard!
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I don't do a lot of those arm movements, but it sounds like an intense day nonetheless.


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I don't do a lot of those arm movements, but it sounds like an intense day nonetheless.
It was a moderate day for me. I was feeling pretty good and stamina was up. Initially I had some moments where she upped a few on my weights and I was unsure if I could do all 4 sets, but I was able to get it done.

Now I just need to knock diet and daily cardio out to be ready for the O!


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Great work C, I'm sure you'll be a knockout at the O :thumbsup:
The Gut Health is yet another amazing RPN product and stacked with the NoXidant I've been feeling great - very content feeling.

CT - As you mentioned earlier, there's certain days when I have to travel an absurd amount and those days I usually consume more shakes than meals & I feel awful on those days. I feel very sluggish and get headaches :think:


MST Reppin Hard!
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CT - As you mentioned earlier, there's certain days when I have to travel an absurd amount and those days I usually consume more shakes than meals & I feel awful on those days. I feel very sluggish and get headaches :think:
I absolutely hate that feeling so much. The headaches are awful...I feel like i'm on a withdrawl for something. Damn lack of time.


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I absolutely hate that feeling so much. The headaches are awful...I feel like i'm on a withdrawl for something. Damn lack of time.
I'll tell you what I do if it gets bad, look for Mrs Freshleys healthy snacks. They have probiotic peanut butter bars that
taste excellent. Around 4 gr of sugar, I eat one of those. Its just enough to stop the naseau from no solid food.


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Did 20 min of AM cardio on the bike. Tonight is legs so I wanted to make sure I got some in. I will be testing the HYP hard on Tue. Nat will be cooking for me for the next 5 weeks. Time to see if a contest diet w/ Hyp will keep me from losing muscle!!! Game time is on!


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Did 20 min of AM cardio on the bike. Tonight is legs so I wanted to make sure I got some in. I will be testing the HYP hard on Tue. Nat will be cooking for me for the next 5 weeks. Time to see if a contest diet w/ Hyp will keep me from losing muscle!!! Game time is on!

Damn - that's what I need :thumbsup:
You've been putting in tons of super-hard work C, great job!


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good job C, I would love to have someone cooking for me. Good luck!!!!


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Leg day

We started with 20 barbell squats and supersetted them with 90lb leg extensions for 10 reps and 4 sets.

Then we did walking lunges for 4 sets with 30 lbs for 4 sets to one end of the gym and back.

Then we did stripper pole squats for 30 reps ass to ankle and supersetted them with 6 single leg standing curls at 20 lbs per leg. Did 4 sets.

Then we did pump lunges to one end of the gym carrying 30lbs and then we ran backwards with the weight. Did 3 sets here.

Then I did 25 jump squats up off the ground.

Then I did 6 sets of 10reps on calves at 140lbs.

I then did broomstick twists for 4 sets of 50 with 3 sets of dragon flags at 15reps.

Then hit some cardio again at 15 min and 15 incline and 3.0 speed.


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Your log is very impressive Crader, good job. I am also very inspired by your results, and congratulations on your 1st place results. :)


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Your log is very impressive Crader, good job. I am also very inspired by your results, and congratulations on your 1st place results. :)
Thank you. I did my best. I'm still going to keep going with it until the O!!


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Shoulder day.

I started with incline bench on the belly doing forward raises with dumbells for 15 reps x 4 sets.

Then I hit side raises for 15 reps and then hit the floor and did 6 push ups on the dumbells for 4 sets.

Then I did up and outs for 15 reps x 4 sets.

Then I did 15 (one rep consisted of) right and left arm alternating raises with a single 1/4 lateral pulse for 4 sets.

Then we put the dumbells out on either side of our feet and did a walkout and picked them up on the way back in and did a candlestick raise and dropped them back down again for 10 more. We did 4 sets of 10 here.

Then we did 15 raises at our sides and rotated them up and over our heads. We did 4 sets.

Then we hit the cable machine put on the rope handle and did 30 reps to our forehead.

I did 15 min of cardio on the bike in the AM and 13 min of uphill treadmill before my training. Nat wanted 20 min more but I had to do abs so I ran out of time.

I did 5 sets of broomstick twists x 100
1 set of crunches to 30
and 3 sets of 20 dragonflags

I also recieved the first of my food today. I will be eating every 2 hrs mostly tilapia , flank steak, chicken, asparagus, greenbeans, oatmeal and protein shakes for the next 5 weeks.


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I upped my dose of HYP X today because the above sets were done with very little rest in between, some sets we did no rest between. The lactic acid builds up quickly and my shoulders hurt quickly. I upped it to help give me the endurance to make it to the end. She is being rough on me to get me ready!


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Did 10 min of am cardio on the bike

Arm day

Started with 40lb barbell curls x 15 reps for 4 sets. These were supersetted with 10 pronated dumbell curls.

Then we did 10 flat curls per arm supersetted with 20 leg lifts for 2 sets and 20 crunches for two sets. We did 5 sets.

Then we did 10 walkouts dumbells at feet and then on the way back up we grabbed and did hammer curls. We did 4 sets here.

Then we did a few more bicep things and moved to tri's..

Started with 10 tricep pushups on the end of the bench supersetted with 10 tri push downs for 4 sets.

Then we did 10 per arm of dumbell skullcrushers with the weights held in front of your face and going one arm at a time. This put quite a bit of tension on the tri's of the arm we were not doing the exercise with. We did 5 sets.

Then we did kickbacks for 4 sets

Then we did bent over overhead cable extensions for 15 reps and 4 sets.

Did a few other tri things and then drank a shake and waited for 30 min for the kids karate to start.
Got dressed again and hit the cardio. I did a 4 min warm up and then did the routine of 2 min walking , 30 sec lunges, 2 min fast jog and repeat for 20 min all done at a 5.5 incline. Then for the last 10 min I kicked it up to a 15 incline and did short jogs.

Then I took my Atomic Meltdown and hit the tanning bed for 20 min to relax...ahhhh!

Started diet today..hate it! The food gags me, it will be a long 5 weeks. Sadly its quite a bit of things I hate so no matter how its cooked it still sucks for me.

Got my Osteo Sport Beta in the mail today, popped 2 caps to try to get this pain under control!!


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This is what ECA typically does. Very awesome.

The biggest differance I noticed was during cardio. I almost felt disjointed from my body. I went to do my cardio and totally zoned out. I could feel my legs but not the actual work they were doing. It made cardio very easy to do because my mind was elsewhere.


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Are you still getting the 'tingles' from the Beta-A with continuous use? I recently switched from GNC's Beta-A to bulk Primaforce and the bulk Primaforce Beta-A doesn't give me the slight tingly flush that GNC's did. And what's worse is I'm using 2 grams 2x a day of the Primaforce whereas before I was only using 1.6g 2x a day :think:


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I'm still getting them on the days that I'm really tired.


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I really can't remember my back day today. I know we did pulldowns both wide grip and reverse grip. We also did cable rows and bent over dumbell rows. We did the between the leg cable pull betweens for lower back. We did dumbell deads and used the cable machine to do a squat position and pulled the handle to our chest.

We did a few other things :) and we also did most of it supersetted with abs and mountainclimbers.

I hit cardio for 20 min at a 15 incline with interval sprints.

Diet has been good. Sigh I still have 2 more meals to go before I can call it quits. :( I'm also VERY sick of asparagus!


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It was warm. I'm just going to go with it. Hope its still good, its my next 4 days worth of food. It only has to make it until Tue.

I did chest with Matt today. Nat's in Cleveland competing.
We started with chest press machine , I did 4 sets at 50x10 for 2 sets and 60x10 for 2 sets. I did 6 walkouts with these also.

Then we hit dumbell flyes I did 4 sets of 15 here supersetted with 10 push ups.

Then we hit the cable machine and I did cable flyes at 30x 15, 40x15, 40x 15 and 50x10. I did standing alternating lunges for 10 per leg with these.

Then we hit incline machine, I did 4 sets here at 30, 40, 50, 60 for 10 reps.

Then we did pec deck for 4 sets 30, 40, 50, 50 x 15reps

Thats all we had time for. I'm going to do cardio Sat-Sun probably. Unless I die of food poisoning..lol :)


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It was warm. I'm just going to go with it. Hope its still good, its my next 4 days worth of food. It only has to make it until Tue.

I did chest with Matt today. Nat's in Cleveland competing.
We started with chest press machine , I did 4 sets at 50x10 for 2 sets and 60x10 for 2 sets. I did 6 walkouts with these also.

Then we hit dumbell flyes I did 4 sets of 15 here supersetted with 10 push ups.

Then we hit the cable machine and I did cable flyes at 30x 15, 40x15, 40x 15 and 50x10. I did standing alternating lunges for 10 per leg with these.

Then we hit incline machine, I did 4 sets here at 30, 40, 50, 60 for 10 reps.

Then we did pec deck for 4 sets 30, 40, 50, 50 x 15reps

Thats all we had time for. I'm going to do cardio Sat-Sun probably. Unless I die of food poisoning..lol :)
How's Matt compare to Nat? hehe :D


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excellent progress C, I know the dieting sucks, but, you are doing for a good reason and will reap the benefits


MST Reppin Hard!
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I couldn't picture ever getting sick of asparagus...I just love the stuff. I can however picture getting sick of the scent that asparagus adds to my urine. That....we can do without :)


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Well Miss Nat is going to be out on Thur-Fri so today we had chest/back day.

We started with 4 sets of chest press machine outside handles for 15 reps supersetted with 15 push ups. I struggled with these as they tore my shoulder up. The Osteo sport is helping but it takes time.

We then did 4 sets of incline belly down dumbell pulls for 15 reps then flipped over and did 15 presses.

Then we did a triple sets of low rows at 80lbs for 15 then did bent over dumbell rows 40lbs per arm for 10 per arm and then did 15 dumbell flyes. Did our 4 sets here.

Then we did 4 sets of dumbell pullthroughs for 15 reps supersetted with bent over rows to the chin for 15 reps.

Then we did overhead dumbell extesions for 15 reps superseted with straight bar lat presses on the cable machine for 15 reps and 4 sets.

I struggled with this day. The diet with minimal carbs is weakening me horribly. I fight to get it all done while my body says screw you woman! But she growls and tells me to get over it and i get it done.

I did a brief 10 min of cardio. She did watch me work and told me I was coming out quicker than expected in the cutting dept! So that helped to make the dieting better.


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I'm really going to be testing the endurance factor on the HypX as I'm wiped out!


MST Reppin Hard!
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Hey C, did you ever give a go at the shoulder capsule options I suggested? I think on an off day or a leg day, it would help with your soreness and pain.


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Hey C, did you ever give a go at the shoulder capsule options I suggested? I think on an off day or a leg day, it would help with your soreness and pain.
I'll be doing legs on Thursday or Fri I think. What should I do? Explain it to me so I do it right. I'm willing to try. I sleep with that arm under my head and it hurts enough that I'm having trouble doing that.


MST Reppin Hard!
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I'll be doing legs on Thursday or Fri I think. What should I do? Explain it to me so I do it right. I'm willing to try. I sleep with that arm under my head and it hurts enough that I'm having trouble doing that.

Do you have any resistance bands? They don't have to be heavy duty ones...even the real light ones. The point is not to feel as though you're lifting...but more so stretching it out.

Let me know if you have bands and I will post you some things as well as I can explain them. From kettlebells which is all olympic movements, to 4+ hours of tennis sometimes....I use the shoulder capsule work to keep my arm from flying off my body, haha. It works really well.


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I don't own any bands but I'm sure I could get some. My shoulder is taking a beating. Honestly all of this is taking its toll on me but perservere I must.

I think I might take a few days off after the Olympia.


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Had arm day today.

Started with incline kickbacks laying on the belly for 15 reps these were supersetted with 30 mountain climbers for 4 sets.

Then we did 15 hammer curls with 20 tricep bench dips for 4 sets.

Then we did 10 per arm of pronated curls triple triple setted with 60lb cable curls for 10 and 6 tricep pushups for 4 sets.

Then we did overhead skull crushers for 15 with tri pushdowns for 10 for 4 sets.

Did 6 sets of 6 barbell curls at 60lbs no rest.

Then we did 3 sets of reverse grip, thumb over curls with the bar for 15 reps 35lbs.

Might have done a few things I forgot about:think:
Today is Wed so its the day I'm at the gym from 6-8:45pm . So after training I did 20 min of tanning.

30 min of 15 incline cardio
20 min of bike

Then I hit some broomstick twists with dragon flags for 10 min.


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I think days like today are where this supp shines. I could not sleep last night and had my long gym day. I took it before I went and the HYPX pulled me through.


MST Reppin Hard!
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I don't own any bands but I'm sure I could get some. My shoulder is taking a beating. Honestly all of this is taking its toll on me but perservere I must.

I think I might take a few days off after the Olympia.

Okay...well if you can get some bands, try these out to start.

1. sit down with your legs straight out in front of you. Wrap the band around your feet and hold with an overhand grip. Pull straight back towards your chest so that you can feel your shoulderblades pulling together.

2. Standing have the band under your left foot. with an underhand grip in your right hand, pull the band out as far as you can to your right and back as far as you can without compromising your standing position. Switch hands and feet and do again from the other side.

3. Standing with the band under your right foot, hold with your right hand with an overhand grip starting relaxed at your side. Pull straight up until your elbow is level with your shoulder, then rotate your hand upwards from the down position so that it is level with your elbow and shoulder. switch hands and feet and do from the other side.

I normally do 3 sets of 6-8 after any extensive work with my shoulder. Try it out and let me know how it works for you.


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Did leg day with Matt yesterday.

Hit the presses first with stationary lunges in between sets.
Warmed up to test the knee with 90x15,130x15,230x10
10 per leg on the lunges.

Then we hit extensions

Then we did some curls, which hurt my knee to the point of not getting it done if I went over 50lbs. So I did 4 sets at that weight and sighed at injuries.

We did the adducter and abducter machines no rest 15 reps at 70lbs.

Then hit calves and did 4 sets of
Used 2 45's to warm up and then did the next 3 sets at 180lbs for 15 reps.

Not bad for a day off. I'm not sore at all today which is good as Mon is leg day with Nat.

Today I believe I'll do cardio and shoulders/arms maybe with a bit of back.


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Well I only had a limited time today to spend at the gym. So since I had trained all the parts earlier in the week I decided to do cardio. I'm holding a decent amount of muscle so I just want to bring the cuts in and lean out before the O.

I did 30 min of cardio.


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Leg day:

I find it really odd that a mainly plyo day can kill me while a heavy weight day feels fine.

I left the gym with legs shaky. I took 1 ephedra, 3 HypX, and 2 DCP before I left today.

We started with 10 per leg on alternating lunges for 2 sets. Then we did 2 sets of 10per leg backwards lunges. Straight into a front lunge and a bacl lunge on the right side for 10 reps then the same for the left side for 10 reps @ 3 sets.

Then lucky us we did a triple set of single legged squats 10 per side, 10 leg extensions at 70lbs, 10 leg curls at 70lbs. We did 4 sets here. (I've upped my fish oil and am using the Osteo Sport and the knee is getting better slowly)

Then we did 3 sets of 50 stripper squats ( Can't get sexier than that!)

Then we did 3 sets of a jumping lunge, right leg and left leg into a pop squat as a single rep. We did 10 reps, 3 sets!

Then I did 4 sets of 20 rep 90lb calve raises.

I did some biking cardio at the office earlier as I knew it was leg day;)


Leg day:

I find it really odd that a mainly plyo day can kill me while a heavy weight day feels fine.

I left the gym with legs shaky. I took 1 ephedra, 3 HypX, and 2 DCP before I left today.

We started with 10 per leg on alternating lunges for 2 sets. Then we did 2 sets of 10per leg backwards lunges. Straight into a front lunge and a bacl lunge on the right side for 10 reps then the same for the left side for 10 reps @ 3 sets.

Then lucky us we did a triple set of single legged squats 10 per side, 10 leg extensions at 70lbs, 10 leg curls at 70lbs. We did 4 sets here. (I've upped my fish oil and am using the Osteo Sport and the knee is getting better slowly)

Then we did 3 sets of 50 stripper squats ( Can't get sexier than that!)

Then we did 3 sets of a jumping lunge, right leg and left leg into a pop squat as a single rep. We did 10 reps, 3 sets!

Then I did 4 sets of 20 rep 90lb calve raises.

I did some biking cardio at the office earlier as I knew it was leg day;)
We need a video of the stripper squats..

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