How to quit vaping


title is self explanatory but I used to dip for about 5 years. used vaping/e cigs to help quit the chew. (I know it’s not any better but..) Now I have been vaping for about 8 years and would like to now stop that as well.

Besides the obvious patches/gums is there any advice anyone can give me or quitting stories. Maybe even tell me how you feel you have bettered your life since quitting?

title is self explanatory but I used to dip for about 5 years. used vaping/e cigs to help quit the chew. (I know it’s not any better but..) Now I have been vaping for about 8 years and would like to now stop that as well.

Besides the obvious patches/gums is there any advice anyone can give me or quitting stories. Maybe even tell me how you feel you have bettered your life since quitting?

I never liked the vape, but I actually smoked Newports, about a pack a day for a few years. Not this past December but December before I was getting back into boxing. In thecpastvi had failed to quit several times but once they said I could get a fight if I wanted to I literally threw the pack away and never bought another.

Cardio has improved, just general overall better feeling, food taste better, clothes don't stink and no nagging urges to have to have a cigarette like I use to.
I never liked the vape, but I actually smoked Newports, about a pack a day for a few years. Not this past December but December before I was getting back into boxing. In thecpastvi had failed to quit several times but once they said I could get a fight if I wanted to I literally threw the pack away and never bought another.

Cardio has improved, just general overall better feeling, food taste better, clothes don't stink and no nagging urges to have to have a cigarette like I use to.

Thanks smont.. what was your go-to thing to do when you had the urge to light one up? or was it just all mental?
Thanks smont.. what was your go-to thing to do when you had the urge to light one up? or was it just all mental?
Nothing, I got lucky, I wanted to fight so bad that I didn't even think about it till one day about 3 weeks after I quit I was shooting pool in a private club and there was ppl smoking right next to me. I didn't notice at first and when I did I was like, holy ****, I don't want 1. I just ate more food and was a little edgy for the first 2 weeks
You could try Zyn pouches. I mean it’s another nicotine thing, but no smoke, no spitting, and enjoyable IMO.
When I finally quit, I got super sick (sinus hell and sore throat from hell),to the point smoking hurt. I was sick for nearly two weeks. By the time I was better, I didn’t need nicotine anymore.
Thank you all. Will look into zyn pouches and try to find a lower nicotine juice
You're just trading one addiction for another. It's like quitting drinking hard alcohol and only having beer and wine You're not doing yourself any favors and you might as well just keep vaping
I'm not saying that you shouldn't find something to replace it with, but vaping is nicotine and you're quitting nicotine for another product that has nicotine so you're not actually quitting anything except for the act of sucking on an electric tube
You're just trading one addiction for another. It's like quitting drinking hard alcohol and only having beer and wine You're not doing yourself any favors and you might as well just keep vaping

I agree it is trading an addiction with the Zyn but zero tobacco or smoke or anything so I’d say it’s better but not the end all. Could help with the habit of having to smoke. Still going to need to take that final step for sure.
When I finally quit, I got super sick (sinus hell and sore throat from hell),to the point smoking hurt. I was sick for nearly two weeks. By the time I was better, I didn’t need nicotine anymore.

I have seen several people quit this way. It’s an odd catch bc like you don’t want to get sick but if it stops smoking it’s a win
I agree it is trading an addiction with the Zyn but zero tobacco or smoke or anything so I’d say it’s better but not the end all. Could help with the habit of having to smoke. Still going to need to take that final step for sure.
The drug is nicotine, not tobacco or smoke. Your not even trading one addiction for another. It's nicotine. You're not quitting anything other then how you administer your drug, you get what I'm saying. I'm not saying do t do it, Do whatever you like, but you're not actually quitting anything you're just changing your administration process. It's like if I said I'm not going to shoot heroine anymore I'm just going to sniff it. But in this case you're not smoking Nicotine anymore you're absorbing it through your gums but you're still using nicotine.
Quite a few people I know just got very low and then no nicotine e liquid

I like this option.
Keep using lower and lower nicotine concentrations, and then get a "no nicotine" vape, and after that just stop using vapes
The drug is nicotine, not tobacco or smoke. Your not even trading one addiction for another. It's nicotine. You're not quitting anything other then how you administer your drug, you get what I'm saying. I'm not saying do t do it, Do whatever you like, but you're not actually quitting anything you're just changing your administration process. It's like if I said I'm not going to shoot heroine anymore I'm just going to sniff it. But in this case you're not smoking Nicotine anymore you're absorbing it through your gums but you're still using nicotine.

I think trading smoking for vaping fits your scenario. My point was doing something to stop the smoking habit due to it’s possible deadly effects would be beneficial. Then you would have to still quit nicotine after, but a big portion of that is the smoking habit itself. Saying this as someone who smoked for years. Actually more than a decade. The habit is tough to break just as much as the drug…at least for me. Maybe not for the OP I guess, or you if you smoked. To each their own.
I think trading smoking for vaping fits your scenario. My point was doing something to stop the smoking habit due to it’s possible deadly effects would be beneficial. Then you would have to still quit nicotine after, but a big portion of that is the smoking habit itself. Saying this as someone who smoked for years. Actually more than a decade. The habit is tough to break just as much as the drug…at least for me. Maybe not for the OP I guess, or you if you smoked. To each their own.
I smoked a pack of Newports a day at one point I do understand the act of smoking is a addiction in itself.
I like this option.
Keep using lower and lower nicotine concentrations, and then get a "no nicotine" vape, and after that just stop using vapes
I tried this method at least 10x and it never worked for me, same for my girlfriend. We actually started smoking cigarettes with less nicotine and then started cutting the cigarettes in half and then quarters. We ended up just buying more and more. I don't actually know a single person who successfully slowly weaned themselves off of nicotine. My godfather quit smoking like 15 years ago and started chewing the gum and he still chose the nicotine gum to this Day and can't stop. I'm sure it works for some ppl but I'd have to guess it's a small a.ount. until I just finally said no more and 100% cold turkey I was always unsuccessful in quitting. Most the ppl I know who traded cigarettes for the vape just have been vaping the past 5+ years
I don’t have much advice or strong advice as I still dip a can a day.

I have quit 2 different times once for a year once for 3-4 months.
The best way for me was just cold Turkey, if I tried anything else it made it harder.
Absolutely could not drink for the first month, booze made me want nicotine.
long drives where the absolute worst for me because bored and that’s when it would get to me the worst.
I've known several people who have quit smoking with the aid of Nicotine gum, and and few who quit smoking using patches.
I’m most likely going to just try to lower the nic strength on the juice and then go to zero nic. then I will just have to break the habit of vaping itself. probably going to take a couple months which I’m okay with
Quitting an addiction is not an easy job. I have quite an experience in that. And for someone like you who’s been doing that for 8 years, it might be more difficult. But the point is that once you get rid of it you’ll know that you made the right decision. Now when I quit vaping I used to go back at it again and again from time to time. First I stopped the daily usage and then I just reduced the amount of nicotine slowly. It wasn’t easy but yeah after some time it got manageable and then I completely stopped.
Vaping seems like it might be harder to drop than smoking since it is such a transient act, i.e. just a puff here and there whenever, not a whole cigarette.

When I quit smoking cigarettes I just spaced out my smoking times further and further. So like I stopped having the after meal smokes, then I stopped the on the drive home smoke, then the break time cigs, then eventually was down to just one in the morning and when that pack ended I thought, "what the hell am I doing smoking one cigarette a day? This is stupid." And that was that.

My wife swapped cigarette for vape and is still vaping 8 years later. She stopped completely while pregnant with my son but went to vape after that and it seems like a stronger addiction because of the aforementioned ease of use. She didn't smoke cigarettes in the house but that vape is on the nightstand.
It is tough. It’s so constant. At work I try to leave it in the work truck while I’m doing something. but at home it’s in my hand at all times smh
Lol I've been trying to quite for a year... It's not really the nicotine at this point for me, I'll go the weekend without it easy. Once I step back in the car for work driving around though, I just HAVE to do it out of habit.

Trying a new approach with my wife. She GPS tracks me and calls me anytime I'm anywhere I can buy them(getting gas 99% of the time). So we'll see how stalking goes. I've been trying to distract my mouth with gum.

Quitting alcohol was so much easier than this and I was a final boss alcoholic. I hate this ****
A random thing I used to help me not dip was just pretending the shredded beef jerky was a pinch and put that in my lip instead. Don’t know if it’s available wherever you are tho

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A random thing I used to help me not dip was just pretending the shredded beef jerky was a pinch and put that in my lip instead. Don’t know if it’s available wherever you are tho

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I used this to help quit dip. I would get yelled at for having a can of Skoal in my back pocket and everyone would lose their mind when I would pull out a can of beef jerky instead
I haven’t tried this but the product Fume may be worth looking at. It’s some sort of thing that gives the habit of smoking without the smoke.
I smoked a pack of Newports a day at one point I do understand the act of smoking is a addiction in itself.
I tried this method at least 10x and it never worked for me, same for my girlfriend. We actually started smoking cigarettes with less nicotine and then started cutting the cigarettes in half and then quarters. We ended up just buying more and more. I don't actually know a single person who successfully slowly weaned themselves off of nicotine. My godfather quit smoking like 15 years ago and started chewing the gum and he still chose the nicotine gum to this Day and can't stop. I'm sure it works for some ppl but I'd have to guess it's a small a.ount. until I just finally said no more and 100% cold turkey I was always unsuccessful in quitting. Most the ppl I know who traded cigarettes for the vape just have been vaping the past 5+ years

I did the method of cutting down the nic. concentration all the way down to mixing my own at .5mg and after a while the nicotine was completely gone and then I just stopped. I smoked cigarettes for over 15 years and this was by far the best method I ever used. To each their own but the method can work. There is a difference between switching to light cigs and ultra-light vs a vape with little and then no nic. An ultra light feels like air whereas the vape really did not taste/feel any different as I tapered. Just my experience.
Thank you all. Will look into zyn pouches and try to find a lower nicotine juice

no dude, I enjoy the zyns and it won't save you if you want to drop nicotine you're just going to get hooked on a new device. you're only options are to look in the mirror man the F up and tell yourself to knock it the F off

or like suggested above get lower does vape oils. then when you get their lowest mix that 50/50 with a zero nicotine one.

quitting isn't that hard.
but it's incredibly hard. you just gotta commit. the upside is it's nothing like an opioid addiction. and you will likely only be irritable a couple of times over the course of a week or two then suddenly its gone.
I did the method of cutting down the nic. concentration all the way down to mixing my own at .5mg and after a while the nicotine was completely gone and then I just stopped. I smoked cigarettes for over 15 years and this was by far the best method I ever used. To each their own but the method can work. There is a difference between switching to light cigs and ultra-light vs a vape with little and then no nic. An ultra light feels like air whereas the vape really did not taste/feel any different as I tapered. Just my experience.

if a person doesn't want to quit cold turkey this is definitely the way to do it.

back in the day when the guys were all vaping I could enjoy 2-3 cigars on a round of golf. it's been so long now that when we got cigars for my brothers baby being born I just about puked it up lol.
no dude, I enjoy the zyns and it won't save you if you want to drop nicotine you're just going to get hooked on a new device. you're only options are to look in the mirror man the F up and tell yourself to knock it the F off

or like suggested above get lower does vape oils. then when you get their lowest mix that 50/50 with a zero nicotine one.

quitting isn't that hard.
but it's incredibly hard. you just gotta commit. the upside is it's nothing like an opioid addiction. and you will likely only be irritable a couple of times over the course of a week or two then suddenly its gone.

I still don’t even know what zyn is I never looked into it. I’m 100% just going to lower the nic dosage. and I plan on doing it slowly
The drug is nicotine, not tobacco or smoke. Your not even trading one addiction for another. It's nicotine. You're not quitting anything other then how you administer your drug, you get what I'm saying. I'm not saying do t do it, Do whatever you like, but you're not actually quitting anything you're just changing your administration process. It's like if I said I'm not going to shoot heroine anymore I'm just going to sniff it. But in this case you're not smoking Nicotine anymore you're absorbing it through your gums but you're still using nicotine.
nicotine is not what kills you dude its all the other chemicals and the fact that you are inhaling smoke into your lungs so yeah theres that...
nicotine is not what kills you dude its all the other chemicals and the fact that you are inhaling smoke into your lungs so yeah theres that...
Nicotine is what's addictive. I didn't say anything about what kills ppl, what's bad or anything of the sort. My post was purely about breaking the addiction
Nicotine is what's addictive. I didn't say anything about what kills ppl, what's bad or anything of the sort. My post was purely about breaking the addiction
well nobody gives a **** about nicotine. its addictive so what? the whole point of quitting smoking is the harmful effects of the smoke and chemicals. so if the dude can cut that out or lesson it then who are you to say anything. ive told you this think you know everything but most of the time you are just talking out of your ass.
well nobody gives a **** about nicotine. its addictive so what? the whole point of quitting smoking is the harmful effects of the smoke and chemicals. so if the dude can cut that out or lesson it then who are you to say anything. ive told you this think you know everything but most of the time you are just talking out of your ass.
Wtf are you talking about you assclown. Your not even talking about the same things as me. Your upset so you thought you would use this as a way to come at me. Get a life loser.

I don't talk about things I don't understand, everyone on earth is aware smoking is bad because of chemicals and a million other reasons. My post is irrelevant to that. It's about breaking addiction and what the addiction is, is irrelevant. You can't stop a alcohol addiction from switching from booze to beer. You can't break a nicotine addiction by switching from smoking to dipping. Now if breaking the addiction is not what there looking to do then that's perfectly fine. But your babbling random nonsense that I wasn't talking about.

You feel special now. The faceless person who's never contributed anything useful to the forum.
I’ll start off by saying I didn’t read any comments. Just your post.

You sound exactly like me. I chewed for years, decided to vape since it was “healthy” alternative.

I tried to quit, I tried the mints, I tried the patches… but guess what I was wearing patches while vaping. So I went back to dipping.

I dipped again, but this was when ZYN came out. I decided to try that.

I switched only to zyns I’d do 3 of the 6mg pouches. Tapered down to 2 pouches, and eventually 1.

After a while of just doing one pouch I was able to quit for almost 3 years.

Just Recently I decided to get some again but I’m not hooked but I should probably stop before it becomes problem again.

My two cents, try the zyns. It’s a good substitute, it works in its own way. You can even get the 3mg to taper more but I wasn’t paying full price for half the nicotine. I’m a cheap ass hole
Wtf are you talking about you assclown. Your not even talking about the same things as me. Your upset so you thought you would use this as a way to come at me. Get a life loser.

I don't talk about things I don't understand, everyone on earth is aware smoking is bad because of chemicals and a million other reasons. My post is irrelevant to that. It's about breaking addiction and what the addiction is, is irrelevant. You can't stop a alcohol addiction from switching from booze to beer. You can't break a nicotine addiction by switching from smoking to dipping. Now if breaking the addiction is not what there looking to do then that's perfectly fine. But your babbling random nonsense that I wasn't talking about.

You feel special now. The faceless person who's never contributed anything useful to the forum.
lol! pretty sure you havent contributed **** either dude! you need to learn how to use the edit feature so you wont have 300 posts back to back every time you have a random thought. its almost like you are trying to get your post count way up there. you went from trying to be helpful in this post to just being a straight up lecturing dick to this guy...
I'm just gonna leave this here and put up a challenge to the OP

Zyns are tobacco free nicotine pouches. If you wanna just quit cold turkey I'll do it with you.

Everyone else kiss and makeup Invalid Link Removed
I'm just gonna leave this here and put up a challenge to the OP

Zyns are tobacco free nicotine pouches. If you wanna just quit cold turkey I'll do it with you.

Everyone else kiss and makeup Invalid Link Removed
Do it Dustin. Kick the habit right in ballz