How to dose Stoked/Activate x/Glycobol/Lean x stack ?

Mike Monto

New member
Alright so i just ordered Stoked, Activate x, lean x, and glycobol as my crazy summer stack because i have a vacation coming up soon.... How should i dose these supplements? All help is apreciated,... thanks in advance.


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More or less, I would start off by following the labels on all of these products ;)

Stoked: 2 AM, 2 PM

Glycobol: 2 AM, 2 PM

Activate X: 2 - 3 servings per day. The new Driven Sports version is time released, so you could probably get away with just dosing all servings twice daily, one serving AM and one serving PM.

Lean Xtreme: Take a minimum of twice daily, once upon waking and another about four hours later. The other one to two servings can be taken before working out and or in the PM/before bed.

I'm not a DS rep, so you might want to do some further research of your own on their two products in case I'm missing anything.

Mike Monto

New member
More or less, I would start off by following the labels on all of these products ;)

Stoked: 2 AM, 2 PM

Glycobol: 2 AM, 2 PM

Activate X: 2 - 3 servings per day. The new Driven Sports version is time released, so you could probably get away with just dosing all servings twice daily, one serving AM and one serving PM.

Lean Xtreme: Take a minimum of twice daily, once upon waking and another about four hours later. The other one to two servings can be taken before working out and or in the PM/before bed.

I'm not a DS rep, so you might want to do some further research of your own on their two products in case I'm missing anything.
alright thanks. i was asking for dosing because i am taking activate and stoked so i thought that i should mess with the dosage a lil. thanks


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Meh...I would start off with the label's suggestions and then tweak it from there if you feel the need.

I would keep it as simple as possible though, that's why I suggested taking the AX twice daily along with the Stoked. It just makes it easier to stay on track and not get confused along the way. It can happen when you're taking so many different things ;)

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