How much slin can i use a day



can i use slin with every meal(6)? how may can carbs can each cap handle? trying to recomp/bulk. directions on the bottle just say "use 2-4 caps with meals".
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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can i use slin with every meal(6)? how may can carbs can each cap handle? trying to recomp/bulk. directions on the bottle just say "use 2-4 caps with meals".
SLIN is a strong product - very effective. Read my review -

I do not recommend using SLIN before every meal - you do not want to release TOO much insulin in your body, because then you experience insulin-like side effects, and trust me, from personal experience they are NOT pleasant.

Use 2-4 caps (start at 2 caps and increase as required) 15-20 minutes pre-meal before up to three meals (i.e. pre 1-3 meals) a day. You also want to make sure that you have at least 50g of carbohydrates in those meals for best effects, and don't wait longer than ~20 minutes after dosing before eating.



hey thanks so much for the input. also using neovar@3 caps twice a day.
noticing decent recomp with the following dosing.

neovar breakfeast (80g carb)
2 slin pre workout (60g carb)
neovar post workout (60g carb)
2 slin meal 4 (60g carb)
1 slin meal 5 (40g carb
1 slin pre bedtime shake(10pm) 30g carb

any suggestion on this? does it look good. thanks again
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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hey thanks so much for the input. also using neovar@3 caps twice a day.
noticing decent recomp with the following dosing.

neovar breakfeast
2 slin pre workout
neovar post workout
2 slin meal 4
1 slin meal 5
1 slin pre bedtime shake(10pm)

any suggestion on this? does it look good. thanks again
No worries, but did you READ my review? I was also using NeoVar with the SLIN, and as I said NOT a good combination. If you continue like this, it's highly likely that you're going to experience the same things I did.

Use ONE nutrient repartitioner/insulin mimic or the other - there is no need to use two different products at once, and if you do and use each at the full daily dosage, you increase the likelihood of having insulin-like side effects.

You do NOT need to dose SLIN pre-training.

If you're going to use one of those products pre-training, use NeoVar, since it IS a creatine product after all, dosing ~40-60 min pre-training.

If you ARE going to use BOTH, then only use SLIN once a day - I would say either 2 caps pre-meal 5 or 1 cap pre-bed.



rosie, why do suggest NOT using slin pre-workout. also you seem to suggest the use of slin for the last meals of the day. what is your reasoning if you dont mind me asking?
also read your review, whoa you dosed pretty high! 5 caps! i havnt tried more than 3. also i havnt not noticed any skin side effects hives or bumps. what are some other Insulin like side effects to look out for. i did dose 3neovar, 2slin and 1divanex about 10 days ago pre breakfast. i felt horrible, super lethargic, confused, hard to focus.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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rosie, why do suggest NOT using slin pre-workout. also you seem to suggest the use of slin for the last meals of the day. what is your reasoning if you dont mind me asking?
also read your review, whoa you dosed pretty high! 5 caps! i havnt tried more than 3. also i havnt not noticed any skin side effects hives or bumps. what are some other Insulin like side effects to look out for. i did dose 3neovar, 2slin and 1divanex about 10 days ago pre breakfast. i felt horrible, super lethargic, confused, hard to focus.
SLIN is an insulin mimic - it's best used and the most effective pre-meals. Dosing withOUT eating is likely to just cause mild hypoglycemia, which is not the nicest of feelings and could affect your training.

I recommend using SLIN for the last meal/s of the day if you are also going to be using NeoVar, since NeoVar takes care of the earlier meals, and also because there is no need to use a nutrient repartitioner/insulin mimic more than ~3 times a day.

Do a quick search re other effects.



thanks so much rosie you are a big help. i think i wasnt clear o my pre-workout slin use. i meant i use it with my pre-workout meal, not on an empty stomach pre-workout.


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Good answers there Rosie and totally agree :)
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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thanks so much rosie you are a big help. i think i wasnt clear o my pre-workout slin use. i meant i use it with my pre-workout meal, not on an empty stomach pre-workout.
No worries :)

Ok. Just a note that you generally don't dose nutrient repartitioner/insulin mimic with your meals, but 15-20 minutes PRE-meal - to allow it time to start working.

As far as what is best for you, dose NeoVar 15-20 min pre-pre-training meal and immediately post-training (which should be 15-20 minutes pre-post-training meal), and then dose SLIN at 2 caps 15-20 min pre-meal later in the day.


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