How long is an opened vial of testosterone Cypionate good for?


New member
Peter MD gave me three 30 ml vials and said they were good for like 6 months I'm using .3 ml twice a week so one bottle should last longer than a month but it says expired 28 days after opening someone please help me I'm very confused


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It'll be fine. Just keep cool and out of sunlight. Use within a reasonable time.


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As long as you are properly cleaning the tops prior to drawing out your doses you should be fine. The "Discard after" warning is a CYA by the manufacturer as some people are less than ideal when it come to sterile procedure and after 28 days these people MAY contaminate the bottle beyond what the BA can handle and thus potentially cause an infection. It also makes folks toss it and buy more, in theory, as it's easier said than done with a C3 medication.

But I found an old script in the closet with 2ml left in the bottle. Since our leaders make it easier to obtain fent than they do testosterone I decided to use it. I drew a little out, squirted it on my hand and spread it around. I then smelled it to see if it had gone rancid. It smelled the EXACT same as it ever did. I took my shots and all was good. The bottle had EXPIRED COMPLETELY 3 years ago. Just saying, use common sense.


New member
As long as you are properly cleaning the tops prior to drawing out your doses you should be fine. The "Discard after" warning is a CYA by the manufacturer as some people are less than ideal when it come to sterile procedure and after 28 days these people MAY contaminate the bottle beyond what the BA can handle and thus potentially cause an infection. It also makes folks toss it and buy more, in theory, as it's easier said than done with a C3 medication.

But I found an old script in the closet with 2ml left in the bottle. Since our leaders make it easier to obtain fent than they do testosterone I decided to use it. I drew a little out, squirted it on my hand and spread it around. I then smelled it to see if it had gone rancid. It smelled the EXACT same as it ever did. I took my shots and all was good. The bottle had EXPIRED COMPLETELY 3 years ago. Just saying, use common sense.
Thank you this has been very helpful. I'm hoping Peter MD will get back to me and say something similar. Just started running TRT so I'm not very knowledgeable yet

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