

New member
Whats everyones experiences with it, ive read up on it and researched it but it seems to have mixed results. I was planning on 2.5grams a day, HMB/Creatine cycle.
From everything I have read it is good when trying to cut.  I have never taken it any other time.  People say it is expensive but Link RemovedLink Removed has ultimate nutrition hmb cheap. 

Read the info at 1fast400

HMB is second tier supplement after Multi, protien and proper sleep and eating.
I did 1 gram of HMB post workout w/ a weight gainer shake and after about 2 weeks I was not getting as sore as usual in the days following my workouts, and I was getting stronger and gaining weight too...

so for me, I guess it worked pretty well...


LG. :cool:
I have used the EAS HMB for quite some time now, it works pretty good, and since i am a non-responder to creatine, HMB is a really good choice in that case.
It prevents protein catabolism and promotes protein synthesis, although i just notice that i don't suffer from as much DOMS if I am using it.
The only problem is that since it has a very short half life, you have to be taking 500 mg every hour or two, and so you have to carry the pills with you.
But hey, whatever works
Originally posted by MassMachine
Whats everyones experiences with it, ive read up on it and researched it but it seems to have mixed results. I was planning on 2.5grams a day, HMB/Creatine cycle.

here's my not use it unless you are willing to take 3 g/day.  I noticed results when i did that.  However, unless you can get it dirt cheap the results even off 3g is not worth the price.  I just used it bec. there was a close out on the twinlab stuff at gnc and i bought four bottles or so.  What i learned is that you want to take it on an empty stomach when insulin keveks are low.  Good luck and keep us posted on results.


 even at three grams it is not worth the normal price.  if you can get it dirt cheap go for it, otherwise by protein.
ya, well we sell it for $89.99, but with my employee discount i get it for a little cheaper.  The EAS is on sale right now, add my employee discount to that, its pretty cheap
they sell the large EAS bottle at GNC up here in canada for appx. $150 CDN.
Isn't that unreal?
Originally posted by MassMachine
ya, well i work at GNC Nutrition, so i get the large EAS bottle for 35 bucks

I work at one too.  Did you hear on the conference cal thatthey are dropping the bogo as of 11/23?  this is horrible news!  There was also talk of only letting the 20% gc apply to the top 1,000,000 customers.  if this all goes down I may quit and strat apicket line to boycot this horrible company.  They abuse theie customers, their sales associates and their managers.  I think everyone should go tell their local GNC how much it SUCKS!!!!
I don't have a whole lot to add here, but I'll give you my take. I started taking HMB about 6 years ago when EAS pimped it big time, and the results were decent while cutting, although I paid so much money I dare not think about it again. I've taken it several times in between, but gave up unless it gets dirt cheap sometime soon. But basically as said above, take at least 3g daily on empty stomch while cutting.

I have seen some benefits in muscle sparing while cutting, and it is reported to help increase protein synthesis, although this isn't exactly observeable, so you cn expect to if nothing else retain lean mass while cutting. The absolute best deal I have ever seen on this stuff is from Ultimate Nutrition, around a months supply for 12-15$. There is no reason to pay above this price if one were to actually buy HMB now.

Check out this post at by Will Brink, very interesting:

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