Historic lab data (pre/post cycle, pre/post PCT)


Instead of posting screenshots (unless requested), I will transcribe the values of all pertinent information available. This will be on-going and updated.

The following data is a summary of pre-cycle, post-cycle, and PCT (pre and post). I will update as data is gathered. Now that I found an easy and economical method to get lab work done locally, this will be easier to keep updated and to get more timely and pertinent data.

July 2022 (post SARM cycle, lab was part of my annual physical)
Due to my age (late 40s), the only tests the physician included is Total and Free Test

Total T = 666 ng/dL
Free T = 107 ng/dL

March 2023 (pre-cycle)
I got the physician to add this lab again because they wanted to put me on statins for high cholesterol. I agreed if only they would continue to monitor my Test levels. I did not begin taking the statins until the last 2 weeks of my cycle and only at 1/3 of the prescribed dose. Physician did not include Free T.

Total T = 1018 ng/dL

April 2023 (pre-cycle)
This was done through a TRT physician. I wanted to verify the previous data and get more pertinent hormone info. Unfortunately, it did not include FSH/LH or Free T.

Total T = 816 ng/dL
Estradiol = 25.5 pg/dL

Cycle began mid-July. Only regular supplementation between April's lab and cycle start.

September 2023 (post-cycle, pre-PCT)
Found a local lab. Labs gathered 7 days after last pin. No Free-T in this panel.
Arimidex used on-cycle when needed at 0.5 mg. Inhibit-P used towards the end and into the start of PCT.

Total T = 2390 ng/dL
Estradiol = 53 pg/dL
FSH = <0.7 mIU/mL
LH = <0.2 mIU/mL

October 2023 (post-cycle, PCT)
HCG for 20 days at 250 IU/day. Lab taken 3 days after last HCG pin. Aromasin used on 2 occasions at 12.5 mg (last taken 2 weeks before this lab). CJC(no DAC)/Ipa used alongside HCG and is still being used. The only other additional supplement is M-Test.

Total T = 716 ng/dL
Estradiol = < 15 pg/dL
FSH = 14.5 mIU/mL
LH = 14.6 mIU/mL

Began Nolva at 40 mg/day after this lab draw. Considered adding Clomid but wanted these lab results before deciding. Given the low E, I may reconsider what SERMS, dosage, or combo to use. No physical ailments are being experienced due to the low E. Aromasin will not be used.

I will update this post in about 4 weeks with more lab data. Let me know if this is helpful or if you have any questions/suggestions.
As promised, 4 week update

November 2023
Ran Nolva at 40 mg/day for the first week, then dropped it to 20 mg/day week 2. Based on Oct '23 data, with my LH and FSH in the high range, the body was already kicking in to restore T in the absence of Nolva. I did not want to over do it. By week 4 Nolva was at 20 mg/day EOD. Nolva and peptides were discontinued 5 days before this lab draw. Still using M-Test from CEL.

Total T = 934 ng/dL
Estradiol = 42 pg/dL
FSH = 19.8 mIU/mL
LH = 16.3 mIU/mL

All lab values are high. The only "sides" I feel may be related to prolactin and not estrogen. Unfortunately that was not included in the lab panels I have been ordering. Both Tren on cycle and the GHRPs I used post-cycle are possible culprits but I am blind without lab data. I may take 0.25 mg Caber to get a quick answer. If that fails to confirm/deny what I "feel", I will add P to my next lab draw. Aromasin and Arimidex are on-hand for the elevated E, but I am not too concerned with that right now.
4 weeks post-Nov 23 update

December 2023
Only taking low dose CJC/Ipa and M-Test on a daily basis. Took 12.5mg Aromasin twice in the 4 week period (last dose 1 week before this test).

Total T = 1056 ng/dL
Estradiol = 41 pg/dL
FSH = 13.5 mIU/mL
LH = 11.5 mIU/mL
Prolactin = 15.1 ng/mL

FSH and LH are both slightly above the high normal range. Estradiol elevated above the high normal range of 39. Ratio of T/E has improved. I feel great about being able to (almost) completely recover. Not bad for an almost 50 yo guy who hasn't run a cycle in years, and using Tren for the first time. This gives confidence to do another cycle, which I will start soon. I may do another lab test just before starting the next cycle.
February 2024 (mid-cycle update)
Started a cycle of Test C, NPP, Mast E at 1:1:1 ratio, 900 mg total, injection MWF. These results are at the 5 week mark..
Due to high E and prolactin symptoms, I began using half a tab 2 days/week Anastrozole week 2 and 0.125-0.5 mg prami per day week 3. The range is because I slowly ramped up prami.
Using hCG 3x/week @ 150 mcg/shot.

Total T = >3000 ng/dL
Estradiol = 32 pg/dL
FSH = <0.7 mIU/mL
LH = <0.2 mIU/mL
Prolactin = 7.4 ng/mL

FSH and LH are low. hCG shot was taken after the lab draw. Previous shot was 48 hrs. prior. I may up the hCG dose to 200 mcg/shot or go for daily dosing at 80-100 mcg now that E and P are under control.