

Well-known member
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Wow you guys got to relax on this topic, the product may suck or it may kick @ss but at least wait until its out for the drama. If you don't want to support USPLabs then don't but you don't have to turn this into a bb.com thread. This thread is like whacking off, you ain't going to get anything but a mess at the end.
I agree, I'm through feeding the trolls.


  • Established
Really? I kind of assumed that it was because the product is supposed to deliver decent gains and yet is not recommended for teens(i.e. you) just like every other supplement that is similar.

I ask again, what is your real problem? You might show a bit more class and choose not to post anymore within the thread, unless it contributes something.
Oh sorry my bad, I didn't know it was hormonal. Didn't know that it wasn't recommended for teens (remember he just said *I* shouldn't use it), never read that in any of USP's posts. I stand corrected guys, sorry for my misconception that Prime would be 100% natural. I think the confusion might have had something to do with the advertising, but I'm not playing the blame-game.


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Slow down, please! We do not want this thread closed!


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Lets all stop bashing, flaming, talking sh*t, etc......... and get on with the disscussion and any possible information that USP wants to release about the product. I really don't see the point of discussing the merits of USP products or other products in this thread. The thread is about this new product and if you want to learn about it you should check in here. If you want to bash USP you should go start another thread and then if everyone wants to go in there and bash USP they can. All this BS just really clutters up a thread and limits the useful information we can all get on a new product that may turn out to be good or not, but it will be for those who actually try the product to determine.



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Ever heard of DHEA? Right on the bottle, intended for 18 and above.

Not to mention all the herbal supplements which would do no harm to a 12 year old.

And what would be the significance in suggesting 21 if indeed it is not hormonal? Legal adulthood is 18, so if hormone panels are of no consequence when taking a supplement, then 18 should be as acceptable as 21.
homeboy chill no need for insults. im your same age i just take the age thing and listen. their is obviously a reason. so why push it?


  • Established
homeboy chill no need for insults. im your same age i just take the age thing and listen. their is obviously a reason. so why push it?
I didn't get any "age thing," though. I was trying to ascertain what age group this product is for, and could not for the life of me get a direct answer. The reason I wanted an age restriction is to decide whether it really is natural/nonhormonal. From what information I've been given, I must conclude that the "natural" claims are at least partially false, which incites my anger and undying fury!


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you use some strong diction my friend. I would say you dont even need to be checking into any products other than the supposed essentials as you know im sure. Thats what i try to do. I make better results with my workouts, diet, sleep, and essentials anyways.
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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i think the problem here is that people are responding to these bashers/d-bags. USPlabs just dont respond to them and go on with your product talk/disc.


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you use some strong diction my friend. I would say you dont even need to be checking into any products other than the supposed essentials as you know im sure. Thats what i try to do. I make better results with my workouts, diet, sleep, and essentials anyways.
Yea, but every now and then I like to try something a little off the beaten path. Anabolic Pump was an awesome example, and now I take Yellow Gold all the time. I was hoping this Prime thing would be something like that. The reason I thought this Prime thing would be like that is because of the 100% natural claim, which to my teenage ears sounds like non-hormonal/non-PH/non-steroidal. I also wasn't (and haven't yet been) told that it's unsafe for an 18 year old.

Oh yea, unfortunately I've been trained to habitually use strong diction. That's what 2 college English classes before the end of high school will do to you. =(


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i have those as well under my belt. English Comp 1,2. I already have 39 hours and havent even graduated beat that playa! haha. but yeah i have yet to try AP/Yellow gold. I have found stuff that works. ALso, just because its natural doesnt mean it wont mess with hormones. For example, mass FX is natty, but it boosts T levels. anythign containing Maca, nettle root extract, gaba, and those type of things will boost t-levels.


  • Established
i have those as well under my belt. English Comp 1,2. I already have 39 hours and havent even graduated beat that playa! haha. but yeah i have yet to try AP/Yellow gold. I have found stuff that works. ALso, just because its natural doesnt mean it wont mess with hormones. For example, mass FX is natty, but it boosts T levels. anythign containing Maca, nettle root extract, gaba, and those type of things will boost t-levels.
WD History AP, Chem 2 AP, Eng 3AP, US History Dual Credit, Bio 2 AP, Eng 4 Dual Credit, Computer Science AP-A, German 4 Dual Credit, Government AP, Eco AP, Calculus 2 Dual Credit.
Did I beat it? I don't know I haven't counted the hours.

You need to try Yellow Gold at least. Makes eating really easy and staving off fat gain really easy. I hear you on the natural hormone boosters, but those are generally safe for someone who is 18, just not necessarily effective because of naturally heightened testosterone levels. Boosting the body's natural production of testosterone or disrupting sex hormone-binding globulins will not cause shut-down, and only in extreme cases could have negative impacts on hormone panels (impacts which will basically return to normal after quitting the supplement).

Stuff like 6-bromo and whatever in the world is in Jungle Warfare are the kinds of things I'm wary of being contained in Prime. Those are the types of pseudo-natural mysterious compounds its sellers won't openly discuss. The thing that really grinds my gears is that companies won't be straight-up about their products and discuss what's really in them.


Lol, awesome. Indirect answers meant to dodge the issue. Awesome supplements you guys have, and crappy business practices you guys have.

Didn't ask if it were for me. I don't plan on buying anything besides protein and BCAA's until next winter most likely. I asked if you would give this product to your 18 year old son, and keep in mind that son is dying for LBM gains to impress all the chicks, and you don't want to let him down yet you don't want to disrupt his delicate hormonal balance.

Try answering the question for real this time.
Your question holds no relevance in this thread.

1. The thread is not launching a product.
2. The thread is ONLY stating that PRIME is not a test booster
3. if you read the thread completely, I stated that we are waiting for university study to explore mechanism of action. Until the mechanism of action is Known(often in the pharmaceutical industry mechanism is never known but only that it works) and all blood tests are done. I cannot recommend anything.
4. An 18 year old is an adult that if raised properly can make his own decision. A smart 18 or 17 year old would wait for product release before acting foolish on a message board by pushing for justification on product that is not released.


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I am gonna ignore like this last half a page of bitterness....

Good luck with this J. People doubt most of your stuff anyways but its just there loss and my gain(and other USPLabs users) :D

I am interested in reading the mechanisms of action with how it seemed to effect test levels but does not. I enjoyed my 3 weeks of use and wish i could of had more!

Just something i was thinking tho is if people wanna doubt so much why do they even come in these threads?(no1 really needs to answer this i am not really looking for an answer) There are plenty of things i see posted that i doubt but that doesn't mean i go in the thread to try and bash everything in there :confused:

Strat i can't remember did you ever get a chance to try the beta?


  • Established
Your question holds no reveleance in this thread.

1. The thread is not launching a product.
2. The thread is ONLY stating that PRIME is not a test booster
3. if you read the thread completely, I stated that we are waiting for university study to explore mechanism of action. Until the mechanism of action is Known(often in the pharmaceutical industry mechanism is never known but only that it works) and all blood tests are done. I cannot recommend anything.
4. An 18 year old is an adult that if raised properly can make his own decision. A smart 18 or 17 year old would wait for product release before acting foolish on a message board by pushing for justification on product that is not released.
Ok, so you don't know enough to answer the question. That's all you had to say. Didn't have to dodge it like you did. Quite honestly, I'm not reading up on whatever this product is and just came across this thread. I read your first post and that's really all I know about the product. I didn't have enough information at hand to judge whether it was hormonal and/or natural. Therefore, I asked the question whether or not it would be safe for administration to a teen (whose hormones are in delicate balance). I was hoping the answer to this question would help me determine the nature of the product. Sorry if I was being foolish, just wanted real answers to simple and reasonable questions.

Oh yea, what's "reveleance" =P
Just joshin'


You need to try Yellow Gold at least. Makes eating really easy and staving off fat gain really easy..
YG is my product that you absolutely love so why doubt a company thats made you a believer.

YG could be considered hormonal. Food can be considered hormonal. why.

YG will lower the need for insulin( a hormone). Different diets effect hormonal balance.

Prime is 100% Natural extract that will not cause inhibition.

Once the data is released, you can make an educated decision but until then buy more protein.

take care


  • Legend!
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...Strat i can't remember did you ever get a chance to try the beta?
Yes, I did. Two full bottles. I left a comprehensive feedback at USPLabsdirect.com. Awesome beta product! Truly, truly versatile and best-in-class! It probably deserves an entirely new category, as it delivers unique benefits in multiple directions.


Ok, so you don't know enough to answer the question. That's all you had to say. Didn't have to dodge it like you did. Quite honestly, I'm not reading up on whatever this product is and just came across this thread. I read your first post and that's really all I know about the product. I didn't have enough information at hand to judge whether it was hormonal and/or natural. Therefore, I asked the question whether or not it would be safe for administration to a teen (whose hormones are in delicate balance). I was hoping the answer to this question would help me determine the nature of the product. Sorry if I was being foolish, just wanted real answers to simple and reasonable questions.

Oh yea, what's "reveleance" =P
Just joshin'
The question was not dodged it just did not hold relevance in this thread. You attempted to squeeze information out of a thread that was addressing one issue and one issue only.

You comprehended wrong.


Is it a prohormone or designer steroid? If so, it will NOT be legal for very long, due to a new law about to be passed.


  • Established
If this were possible the pharm industry would already be producing it. If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. I am not saying the product will not be decent, but this is not going to give steroid like gains with zero suppression or hormonal fluctuation. The best scientist in the world have been trying to find a formula like this to cure several muscle wasting diseases but USP labs has figured it out. I like USP products I use a few myself but the hype with this company is just insane. :fool2::fool2:
What it seems like people are missing here, is that hes saying that it can yield good gains while not being suppressive or harsh on your internals and not being something that may be included in a future govt banned substance list. He didnt seem to claim it would put on 15-20 pounds of lbm, instead, good gains with no harsh sides and being non hormonal. It seems like a lot of people are misinterpreting the claims based on a pedestal view of epi and halo compounds. Those products arent going to put on 15+ pounds of solid muscle either. Although some people may get strict with their diets and up the calories considerably in conjunction with the start of a cycle, then claim "OMG Epi got me huge!"

So maybe ease up on the assessments that USP is mega dosing the hype. Hes not making that drastic of claims, he is just claiming that it will give a solid ability to make gains and no mild steroid like problems within your systems. Sounds like a legit claim to me.


  • Established
YG is my product that you absolutely love so why doubt a company thats made you a believer.

YG could be considered hormonal. Food can be considered hormonal. why.

YG will lower the need for insulin( a hormone). Different diets effect hormonal balance.

Prime is 100% Natural extract that will not cause inhibition.

Once the data is released, you can make an educated decision but until then buy more protein.

take care
I'll take that to mean Prime as it relates to hormones is on par with that of Yellow Gold. Now I have no doubts in this product, thanks for the clarification.


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i dont think anyone would prduce a new one with the ban going into affect jun 24


What it seems like people are missing here, is that hes saying that it can yield good gains while not being suppressive or harsh on your internals and not being something that may be included in a future govt banned substance list. He didnt seem to claim it would put on 15-20 pounds of lbm, instead, good gains with no harsh sides and being non hormonal. It seems like a lot of people are misinterpreting the claims based on a pedestal view of epi and halo compounds. Those products arent going to put on 15+ pounds of solid muscle either. Although some people may get strict with their diets and up the calories considerably in conjunction with the start of a cycle, then claim "OMG Epi got me huge!"

So maybe easy up on the assessments that USP is mega dosing the hype. Hes not making that drastic of claims, he is just claiming that it will give a solid ability to make gains and no mild steroid like problem within your systems. Sounds like a legit claim to me.
Thank you!

People associate Designer Steroids or even single steroids to stacks of Testosterone, D-bol, and deca that is common in bb game. Steroids are quilty by associaton and lack of understanding. Trust me the pros are not getting huge on Epi and h-drol stack.

Epidrol, winstrol, anavar, deca and etc are all mild steroids that will yield good strength and stamina gainse but not pack on 15lbs of solid muscle in 30 days.


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Yes, I did. Two full bottles. I left a comprehensive feedback at USPLabsdirect.com. Awesome beta product! Truly, truly versatile and best-in-class! It probably deserves an entirely new category, as it delivers unique benefits in multiple directions.
Nice i thought so....its just it was probably around the time my computer died, i had exams, and was coming home so i forgot. I may go look for one of your hugely informative posts over there :afro:


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Have you used Designer Steroids or are you "WOWED" by the desinger steroid stigma?

There are some DS that produce little to no effects so I'm confident with the statemen. People Gain 6-7 lbs a month on Epdrol and some less. I do not see the comparison as far fetched.

People should doubt it.

I've used all 4 products and can easily say the whole package(strength, libido, drive, intensity, muscle density, fat loss, strenght, pumps, alpha male mind set, free of testicular inhibition) is better than the above designer steroids.

But I'm just one person and own the company so do not buy it on that testimonial.
So you are saying that your product is better than designer steroids that produce little to no gains in many of the people who have used them?That is not much of an endorsement.
Despite your assertions that you are not trying to get the hype rolling on your product,you know very well that you are.


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I just stumbled across this thread, and I'm stoked!
Is this the new test booster you guys are working on???


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So you are saying that your product is better than designer steroids that produce little to no gains in many of the people who have used them?That is not much of an endorsement.
People Gain 6-7 lbs a month on Epdrol
I think he is saying that it could do that without being a mild steroid... And 6-7 lbs in a month is nothing to be ashamed of. Unless youre fat....


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I think he is saying that it could do that without being a mild steroid... And 6-7 lbs in a month is nothing to be ashamed of. Unless youre fat....
I take offense at that. You should be more sensitive. I'm a lil fatty.


  • Established
I take offense at that. You should be more sensitive. I'm a little fatty.
Should I be more sensitive, or should fat people be less sensitive? I didnt say anything bad about fat people anyway though. I simply stated that if you are fat, its not something to be proud of if you gain 6 pounds in a month. :)


  • Established
Is it a prohormone or designer steroid? If so, it will NOT be legal for very long, due to a new law about to be passed.
NO. It is a natural ingredient that is not an illegal compound. :)


So you are saying that your product is better than designer steroids that produce little to no gains in many of the people who have used them?That is not much of an endorsement.
Despite your assertions that you are not trying to get the hype rolling on your product,you know very well that you are.

Mr. 17 post,

I been a sponsor at AnabolicMinds since 2004 and established a nice consumer base.

The word was spreading that Prime was a test booster. I'm granted a bit of freedom to advise my consumer base otherwise.

Call it an informational promotion.


  • Established
Mr. 17 post,

I been a sponsor at AnabolicMinds since 2004 and established a nice consumer base.

The word was spreading that Prime was a test booster. I'm granted a bit of freedom to advise my consumer base otherwise.

Call it an informational promotion.
How big of a consumer base? What kind of income you guys making at USP? Will this thread answer any additional questions or is it an open-and-shut deal?


  • Established
LOL! :goodpost:

Plus... well I hate to break it to Jacob, but he went and put it in the wrong section again! Oops! You really gotta be more careful man. Lucky we look out for you here on AM.com!

Here's a link. Put it in favorites for all your future promotional threads! :hammer:

Lanbane, can't you read? This thread is NOT for promotions. It's to serve one purpose and one purpose only: To tell people Prime is not a test booster.
