Help with some ideas for a cycle


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Hey guys. Looking for some ideas for my next cycle. I am on trt and use that dose on top fo my cycle 200mg a week. I have a few things and am going to be ordering the next weekt o finish it up. I knmow i should have had it all b4 i started but lots of crap has being going on OMG too much much to do with a crazy ex wife

SO here is pretty much what i have done and one option is this

700-750 test per week 1-15
625 eq per week 1-15
400mg deca week 1-12
400mg npp week 13-15 ( because of trt blood work is why i am switching the ester)

Now here is where i might hcange it. I debated running tren for the first time ( been using trt sicne 43. i am 48 and do two cycles a year never ran tren. NO side effects so far) i am not sure if i shoulod run say 150mg or tren a week or maybe up to 300 but my undestanindg is i should not run the whole 15 so i figured 10 of the tren and then npp the other 5

also i ahve 25mg of winstrol and 25mg dbol 60 tabs of each. was not sure how to turn. i was not sure how long to run then like 30 days or 8 weks or so. or if i should run both at hte start or one at the start and one at the end or just one during the cycle. Not really too familar with orals. once i ran 30mg day of dboll 30 days and that is all i did with orals

Another question. I have some decca/npp, eq, dbol and winstrol tabs to start. I need to order test as i have none except trt and the rest of the cycle. Here is what i am wondering my trt dose is 200mg a week. Could i use that as the test base for up to two weeks while i am waiting for the other stuff? would that be enough test? If i do run tren i will be waiting for it as well.

plan to start soon so any advice guys appreciated.


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Yes, you can start the deca and EQ now and begin the test in a few weeks when it shows up. They take longer to build up anyway. It’s even probably ideal - the eq & deca alone are a gram of gear, on top of your 200 test for TRT. You will do better not to blast 2 grams/wk right out of the gate.

And on that note, I would run the orals on the last 8 weeks. You could either run the 25mg Dbol for 60 days and add 50mg Winny last 30, or run 25mg each for last 60 days (that way the Winny keeps some water off from the Dbol).

That all being said, Dbol for any period of time beyond a couple weeks sounds absolutely miserable. Jacks my BP up hard and destroys my gut. Makes me strong, but it’s hard to tolerate for long.


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Thanks man. Apprecaite it. Main thing i really was wondering was would the trt dose be enough of a test base. I notice more people are talkinga bout orals at the end instead of starter.


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Thanks man. Apprecaite it. Main thing i really was wondering was would the trt dose be enough of a test base. I notice more people are talkinga bout orals at the end instead of starter.
The term test base implies a foundational amount of testosterone (and the estrogen & DHT it converts to) to maintain some more or less normal functions. 200mg is enough of a base for anyone, even high metabolizers will not have clinically low levels using that.

The idea behind using orals later is because: A. Your HDL will tank much faster on orals, but not really recover until the entire blast is discontinued. So waiting to use them keeps your cardiovascular system healthier longer into the blast, helping mitigate some of the potential damage.
B. You want total androgens/strongest load of gear at the end, when you are most adapted to the drugs already and need the most gear to keep getting more new results. Orals are stronger per mg (generally) so they make for a higher peak at the conclusion.


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The term test base implies a foundational amount of testosterone (and the estrogen & DHT it converts to) to maintain some more or less normal functions. 200mg is enough of a base for anyone, even high metabolizers will not have clinically low levels using that.

The idea behind using orals later is because: A. Your HDL will tank much faster on orals, but not really recover until the entire blast is discontinued. So waiting to use them keeps your cardiovascular system healthier longer into the blast, helping mitigate some of the potential damage.
B. You want total androgens/strongest load of gear at the end, when you are most adapted to the drugs already and need the most gear to keep getting more new results. Orals are stronger per mg (generally) so they make for a higher peak at the conclusion.
that is for each cycle this holds true for? Now what bout finishing the cycle and since orals have a much quicker time out of the systme ( i get blood work for trt and they check my test levels) what about just using the orals at the very end say 15 week cycle then take orals for 4 or 6 week while on trt dose or cruise?


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that is for each cycle this holds true for? Now what bout finishing the cycle and since orals have a much quicker time out of the systme ( i get blood work for trt and they check my test levels) what about just using the orals at the very end say 15 week cycle then take orals for 4 or 6 week while on trt dose or cruise?
The first part holds true in the sense that it is a solid TRT dose (and plenty of men would actually be over a standard reference range on it). But it does not mean it’s enough testosterone for certain combinations and desired effects. For example, only taking 200mg test with large amounts of primo, mast, or eq can cause often lead to very low estrogen symptoms for many over time. 2 weeks won’t be long enough to realize that, but a month or two definitely could become problematic.

Deca on the other hand increases aromatization of whatever test you take to estrogen. Different drugs do different things.

This isn’t to say more testosterone can’t be used higher for stronger effect like you intend to do, just explaining how most people try to at least maintain physiological amounts of testosterone as a minimum even with other anabolics.

Regarding using the orals after you stop the oils, that would extend the cycle out longer but not necessarily produce more permanent results if you wait until the oil levels are going back down. Deca and especially EQ do take a long time to clear, so you could wait to start the orals until you are finishing them, but I would keep the testosterone dose up for a few weeks past them. If you wait too long to start them, the oil levels will be declining and you probably won’t hit the same drug peak.

This is essentially a 5-month blast averaging 2 grams/wk, so I hope you realize bloodwork will take some real time to recover likely, especially with the oral use. Mentioning this since you’re talking about TRT bloods.


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thanks yeah. Doc is aware of blast and cruise so he pretty much looks for my test to be under 1000 so the nurses and pa ( all female) do not run to their rooms weeping to hide under hte covers.

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