New member
Im looking to run my 3rd cycle this summer, probably in about 4-8 weeks. I had ran m1a for my first cycle and everything went great. I got my bloods back and my liver enzymes were barely even budged, never even came out of range. My 2nd cycle was more or less an attempt to solidy my gains from the first cycle. I ran hex, and methyldiazirinol. The methyl turned out to be bunk but the hex dried me out, made me feel good. It was underwhelming but i didnt dose too high because i was hoping the methyl would be the banger. Oh well **** happens.
Current stats
22 yo
3rd cycle
5 foot 6
195 lbs
Sub 10% pretty much all the time.
Support supps
Fish oils
(I have adex, aromasin, exemestane, and letro but i need to decide test base first obviously)
3rd cycle idea
Havoc epistane 30/30/30/40/40/40
M1a (hc bulk) 20/20/20
Androsterone (viciouslabs) 600/600/600/600/600/600
Test base options- androtest 4AD, freak show 4-dhea, olympus labs trans tr3st
Im havin a hard time picking out a test base. Androtest is 25mg per cap, i have 4 bottles so money isn't the issue, i just dont know how effective 200mg ED will be. Maybe ill do 400? Seems like ill be putting down a million caps. Anyone know how much 4 ad would keep the dick working?
Id rather do the tr3st but im paranoid about recovery for pct. I know 19nors are brutal on the shutdown, can anyone give me their experiences with recovering from TD trestolone?
So this is what im askin, 4AD vs trest for t base? How much 4AD is needed for an effective dose? What are your experiences with trest, and your recovery from that trest cycle
Current stats
22 yo
3rd cycle
5 foot 6
195 lbs
Sub 10% pretty much all the time.
Support supps
Fish oils
(I have adex, aromasin, exemestane, and letro but i need to decide test base first obviously)
3rd cycle idea
Havoc epistane 30/30/30/40/40/40
M1a (hc bulk) 20/20/20
Androsterone (viciouslabs) 600/600/600/600/600/600
Test base options- androtest 4AD, freak show 4-dhea, olympus labs trans tr3st
Im havin a hard time picking out a test base. Androtest is 25mg per cap, i have 4 bottles so money isn't the issue, i just dont know how effective 200mg ED will be. Maybe ill do 400? Seems like ill be putting down a million caps. Anyone know how much 4 ad would keep the dick working?
Id rather do the tr3st but im paranoid about recovery for pct. I know 19nors are brutal on the shutdown, can anyone give me their experiences with recovering from TD trestolone?
So this is what im askin, 4AD vs trest for t base? How much 4AD is needed for an effective dose? What are your experiences with trest, and your recovery from that trest cycle