Hair Loss Prevention



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Especially for those of us who play with fire. Fire = superdrol


Especially for those of us who play with fire. Fire = superdrol
I was thinking of kickstarting an 8-10 week test cycle with 30 days of superdrol, either discontiuned LGI or the real pharm grade superdrol from my AAS source. I knew SD was not good for MPB, but I didn't know it was the worst either. Is it indeed really bad on the hair? Is it worse than Dbol?? I wonder how much damage 30 days will do. I would be continuing my fina and foam and keta 2% shampoo to try to minimize the damage.


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No, it is said to be one of the safest for us shedders - I just sourced superdrol, because its really the only thing I use anymore. I can get away with short cycles and stil feel results. It's said to be the least androgenic or one one of the least, so I stick with it. H-drol is not as low, but still in the neighborhood. Still with any AAs/Ph you gotta expect some damage to the hair if you're prone.
I don't shed on SD, but I shed a little on clomid/torem during PCT.
Dbol - Dzine are pretty bad. I tried havoc and pstanz once and that was brutal on my hairline


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Anyone using research Chem fina? Used ur awhile back but my source is give and not sure if interest other sites fina. Debating ifbj should hop on rogaine, just afraid it'll shed quicker and won't grow back or thicken it


Personally, I wouldn't mess with research chem fina for something that is so important and will be used for the rest of your life. Generic Proscar 5mg is ridiculously cheap at Target and Walmart Pharmacy. Just cut the pill in 1/4's and you'll be fine. I previously mentioned something on this thread about not getting an even dose when doing this, butthe even dose doesn't matter when it comes to fina. As long as you are only cutting one pill at a time, then taking each quarter every day, you'll be fine. Get your Rogaine foam from Costco. Their Kirkland brand is far cheaper than the name brand. If you don't have a Costco around you'll have to do some research. Once you start you can't stop. Sounds like a pain, but I've been doing it for almost 5 years now and it's really not that bad. But you have to commit.


Yes. But you will only have to see the doc once. I found an urgent care clinic that would see me for $50 and prescribe it for me. Then the prescription itself costs between $4-$12 for a 4 month supply (30 pills divided into quarters) but only if you go to a cheap pharmacy. So once you pay the $50 or whatever it is to see the doc, you're set for life and can get the pills for really cheap. Call around to doctors offices and urgent care clinics and tell them what you want. Make sure they know that this is a lifetime thing and that you don't want to have to see the doc more than once (they should know this, but you better say it to be sure - if they don't agree or understand this, move on to another clinic).


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Have not read the whole thread but does Dutasteride or Finasteride prevents increases in strength and lbm when using a Superdrol or Ultradrol or any other DHT derivate?


I can only speak for Fina. No. It's actually a tremendously mild compound at 1mg. If you took a larger dose, maybe.

Take into account that DHT is an anti-estrogen and blocking it while your body has supraphysiological levels of testosterone (depending on what type of gear you are taking) might lead to gynecomastia, so it's advisable to take an AI like Arimidex or preferably Aromasin while on-cycle if you are taking a 5AR blocker like fina. Personally, I'm not experienced and educated enough to know exactly when you might need to do this and when you don't. I know for certain if you are pinning test, and talking fina, you should always take an AI because of this reason. I don't know if one is needed with SD or UD alone + fina, maybe not. (?)


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Thanks mate.
Have used 0.5mg/ed Duta almost a year now and in that time I've done a couple of cycles,Alpha Mass/LMG,H-drol/Tren,
never had problems with gyno.
If I want to be sure that a DHT blocker not prevents gains and want to do a break during cycle,
when should I stop taking Duta then?
Half life of Duta is about 5 weeks I think.
I also use Minox and Nizoral.


I don't know anything about Duta. Maybe someone else could answer that. I only know that you are safe with a low dose of fina. Tons of guys do it and I have never heard of any problems. The only "problems" you hear about are from guys who haven't tried it who speculate based on misinformation and/or misunderstanding.


Both finasteride and dutasteride are 5AR blockers, meaning they reduce the amount of testosterone that gets 5 alpha reduced to DHT. They "block" DHT from forming, but they have no effect on DHT itself. They will have zero effect on a compound that is already based on DHT.

Thanks mate.
Have used 0.5mg/ed Duta almost a year now and in that time I've done a couple of cycles,Alpha Mass/LMG,H-drol/Tren,
never had problems with gyno.
If I want to be sure that a DHT blocker not prevents gains and want to do a break during cycle,
when should I stop taking Duta then?
Half life of Duta is about 5 weeks I think.
I also use Minox and Nizoral.


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Have not read the whole thread but does Dutasteride or Finasteride prevents increases in strength and lbm when using a Superdrol or Ultradrol or any other DHT derivate?
They will also likely be of no defense against Ultradrol. If you're worried about hairloss on cycle then I'd stay clear of Dzine, Ultradrol, D-plex, Epi, Tren and stick to the lower androgenic valued compounds. Some of the reports of excessive hairloss are obviously anecdotal for these particular compounds, but from what I've read, these are the biggest culprits


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Hey Please I need advice to stop my hair loss after a test p cycle

I have been on 4 month test p 100mg eod, HGH and peptides. When I began my cycle I increased my finasterid dose to 1.25 every 12 hours (evening & morning)

My hair loss program is
finasterid 1.25mg twice a day
Toco-8 ev
OMG laser therapy 3 times week
Rogain foam (minoxidil) twice a day and 1 hour later spironolactone cream on the thinning area
Regenepure shampo & N2 shampoo
Zink, omega3 and B5 vitamin...

I had some shedding during my cycle and I can see my crown now when it's exposing to the light.
I'm currently on my second week PCT on clomid, 100mg first day and 50mg ev for 30 days, MGF and IGF-lr3 and still taking 1.25mg finasterid twice a day... The problem is that I'm still shedding but maybe not that much like I was on the cycle... What do you guys suggest to stop the shedding?? Should I decrease the finasterid dose while I'm on PCT?? I also have some Nettle Root Extract which I might add when I decrease the finasterid dose....

All advice are appreciated


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so i just ordered kirkland 5% mino, im thinkin of doin the fina again but still undecided so help me with a new shampoo. should i just go n2? need somethin to thicken the hair, nioxin didnt do much for me along with aveda's products


It sounds like you're doing everything that can be done. Someone might suggest some kind of unproven herbal remedy, but just keep taking your finasteride and minoxidil. There will be NO added benefit to increasing your fin dose above 1mg per day (1.25 is fine, since you're splitting Proscar tabs). You might want to consider using Nizoral shampoo. The active ingredient is an anti androgen and there is one study showing that it was effective for hair loss. You need a script to get the 2% but you can get 1% at any drug store. Just be sure to leave it on your scalp for 5 minutes.

You might just be going through a shed, which may or may not be related to your steroid usage. Sometimes we get hit with what's called a telogen effluvium and there's really nothing that you can do about it. Keep in mind that just because your hair is falling out does NOT mean it won't grow back. Most of it will grow back, just gradually thinner and weaker while your MPB progresses. If I were you, I wouldn't run any more test cycles if you want to keep your hair. You can run hair safe compounds and just pin test at TRT levels. Yeah, you won't get the dramatic gains of test, but you'll have it as a literal base to avoid lethargy and the other side effects from being shut down. It just depends on which is more important to you -- and it sounds like you're pretty invested in keeping your hair.

Hey Please I need advice to stop my hair loss after a test p cycle

I have been on 4 month test p 100mg eod, HGH and peptides. When I began my cycle I increased my finasterid dose to 1.25 every 12 hours (evening & morning)

My hair loss program is
finasterid 1.25mg twice a day
Toco-8 ev
OMG laser therapy 3 times week
Rogain foam (minoxidil) twice a day and 1 hour later spironolactone cream on the thinning area
Regenepure shampo & N2 shampoo
Zink, omega3 and B5 vitamin...

I had some shedding during my cycle and I can see my crown now when it's exposing to the light.
I'm currently on my second week PCT on clomid, 100mg first day and 50mg ev for 30 days, MGF and IGF-lr3 and still taking 1.25mg finasterid twice a day... The problem is that I'm still shedding but maybe not that much like I was on the cycle... What do you guys suggest to stop the shedding?? Should I decrease the finasterid dose while I'm on PCT?? I also have some Nettle Root Extract which I might add when I decrease the finasterid dose....

All advice are appreciated


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It sounds like you're doing everything that can be done. Someone might suggest some kind of unproven herbal remedy, but just keep taking your finasteride and minoxidil. There will be NO added benefit to increasing your fin dose above 1mg per day (1.25 is fine, since you're splitting Proscar tabs). You might want to consider using Nizoral shampoo. The active ingredient is an anti androgen and there is one study showing that it was effective for hair loss. You need a script to get the 2% but you can get 1% at any drug store. Just be sure to leave it on your scalp for 5 minutes.

You might just be going through a shed, which may or may not be related to your steroid usage. Sometimes we get hit with what's called a telogen effluvium and there's really nothing that you can do about it. Keep in mind that just because your hair is falling out does NOT mean it won't grow back. Most of it will grow back, just gradually thinner and weaker while your MPB progresses. If I were you, I wouldn't run any more test cycles if you want to keep your hair. You can run hair safe compounds and just pin test at TRT levels. Yeah, you won't get the dramatic gains of test, but you'll have it as a literal base to avoid lethargy and the other side effects from being shut down. It just depends on which is more important to you -- and it sounds like you're pretty invested in keeping your hair.
Yes bro! I wont run any more test cycles :( I will continue with only IGF-1 and peptides cycles... I had last year a turinabol cycle 50mg/50d and hadn't any hair loss under the cycle period but after 3 month I had the worst hair loss in my life, I could see how the hair were falling over the sink every morning and then when I started my hair loss program the shedding stopped and I had good regrowth in just two month.. I don't know if the resetting of my hormones after the t-bol cycle caused the shedding or Ghrp2 and Mod-grf because I overdosed the peptides and I ran like 500 mcg dos after workout, 200-300mcg in the morning and before bed and I ate like a monster which resulted in large weight gains and water retention


Yes bro! I wont run any more test cycles :( I will continue with only IGF-1 and peptides cycles... I had last year a turinabol cycle 50mg/50d and hadn't any hair loss under the cycle period but after 3 month I had the worst hair loss in my life, I could see how the hair were falling over the sink every morning and then when I started my hair loss program the shedding stopped and I had good regrowth in just two month.. I don't know if the resetting of my hormones after the t-bol cycle caused the shedding or Ghrp2 and Mod-grf because I overdosed the peptides and I ran like 500 mcg dos after workout, 200-300mcg in the morning and before bed and I ate like a monster which resulted in large weight gains and water retention
Tbol and Hdrol are pretty hair-safe. They both have a 4-cholo group which makes it very unlikely that there is any conversion to DHT. Of course, that assumes it was legit Tbol and not Dbol or something.


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regenepure vs N2, which is better
I'm assuming you mean better for hairloss prevention, so Regene would be my pick. It has Ketoconazol which has some research behind it for lowering dht. N2 doesn't. It might be good stuff though, and make your hair look shiny healthy like Cybill Shepherd's.


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Tbol and Hdrol are pretty hair-safe. They both have a 4-cholo group which makes it very unlikely that there is any conversion to DHT. Of course, that assumes it was legit Tbol and not Dbol or something.
Thats right! And thats why i chose t-bol but maybe it's different on every person or the overdosing of peptides was the reason


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I'm assuming you mean better for hairloss prevention, so Regene would be my pick. It has Ketoconazol which has some research behind it for lowering dht. N2 doesn't. It might be good stuff though, and make your hair look shiny healthy like Cybill Shepherd's.

just started mino today, gonna pick up research fina since i used this companies before and it worked. from my understanding, fina reduces shedding, mino will regrow hair now what will thicken the hair?


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I used it a little when I was using spectral dnc for minoxidil. Not much to report, maybe there wasn't enough? But the general info about it seems to be that it has a similar mechanism of action to minoxidil, it just doesn't have as many studies proving its effectiveness.


looks like its compared to rogaine but not much info on it
That's what Im finding out also, but its being put into shampoos... It would be nice to be able to just use rogaine at night and aminexil in the morning... ;-)
Nichechemicals has a 4.5% Minox with 2% Aminexil that they are selling, but Im looking for the strongest shampoo with it in it. There are a bunch on ebay and they are expensive... Look at auction # 121140769898, its not to bad on the price... It would be nice to find some Nizoral with Aminexil in it...


Does Azelaic Acid and Nizoral shampoo with Ketoconazole sell OTC in Toronto Canada? We have a Nizoral, so I was like woo hoo! But when I looked at it low and behold NO Ketoconazole!! Is my only option ordering online? Because I can't seem to find a supplier. Any help is appreciated guys. Wasn't looking with my eyes open it is in our Nizoral!!And I may have a lead on the Azelaic Acid.
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Well hair stopped shedding lately and forgot to put mino on today, gotta wAit 3 hours till home. Fina comin tomorrow and grabbed 2% keto shampoo from India for a good price on eBay


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I'm going to start a cycle of TB-500 for my shoulder, Ill update the group if any of the hair growth properties of it take place.


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Anyone tried (on their rats of course) these new PGD2 Inhibitors?


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What is PGD2?

New research shows that a lipid called prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) plays a primary role in hair loss.[1] PGD2 is expressed in the scalp by mast cells.[2] Inhibition of PGD2 is a novel therapeutic target for male pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia). Researchers discovered in 2008 that PGD2 was found in bald male scalps in triple the normal concentration, and the newest data (2012) demonstrates a causative role: PGD2 is responsible for baldness.[1] Prostaglandin D2 inhibitors, which will be discussed more in-depth later, are a class of drug that inhibits PGD2 in one of three ways: by inhibiting enzymatic synthesis of PGD2 (PGD2 synthase inhibitors), by binding to PGD2 receptors in an antagonistic fashion (PGD2 antagonists), or in the case of atypical PGD2 inhibitors, by preventing release of PGD2 from mast cells.

Prostaglandins (PGs) are cellular signaling lipids formed from arachidonic acid. Local or external stimuli create a cascade releasing arachidonic acid from cell membranes, and it is enzymatically converted to PGs. The signaling of prostaglandins is a local "autocrine" (meaning: produced within the same cell-type as the receptor-type to which the ligand binds) or "paracrine" (binding to nearby cells without systemic action) event. Prostaglandins are found throughout the body in diverse roles, but nearly always act locally. Their actions include “early male sexual development and masculinization, development of sexual behavior, induction of labor, inflammatory responses, pain, calcium movement, vasodilation, and hormone regulation.”[3]

Roles of PGD2

Prostaglandin D2 is found throughout the body; in adulthood, it acts as a component of the immune system and also plays an important role in the sleep-wake cycle. In development it plays a role in gender differentiation and other critical processes. The enzyme that generates PGD2 from Prostaglandin H2 is known as “PGD synthase” and is found in both hematopoietic form (meaning “related to blood cells and bone marrow” – found in lymphocyte T-helper2 cells and mast cells) and lipocalin forms, the latter of which primarily occurs in the brain and central nervous system[2]. H-PGDS and L-PGDS are functionally convergent and appear to have developed in parallel, with different roles; the outcomes of PGD2 via L-PGDS in specific tissues are essentially totally separate from the actions of PGD2 via H-PGDS. [4]

PGD2 recruits t-helper cells and other white blood cells and is also a mediator of inflammation; it is a key component of chronic allergic rhinitis and asthma. PGD2 is also the cause of the so-called niacin flush and plays an excitatory and inhibitory role in itching and scratching: PGD2 seems to be a primary mediator of itching, and scratching lowers it, but continued scratching results in dermatitis, a type of inflammation actually mediated by PGD2.[5,6]

Mechanism of PGD2 in baldness

Garza and Cotsarelis have demonstrated that not only are PGDS and PGD2 elevated in the scalps of bald men, the levels elevate further in periods of regression. When PGD2 was applied topically to mice, it was found to interact with the GPR-44 receptor (but not PTGDR1 receptor) to inhibit hair growth.[1] A transgenic mouse model lacking expression of enzymes that break down PGD2 in the skin developed alopecia (baldness), follicular miniaturization, and hyperplasia of sebaceous glands - all of which are "hallmarks of human [androgenic alopecia]."[1] The authors concluded that the PGD2-GPR44 pathway was a target for inhibitory drugs designed to slow or even reverse hair-loss.[1]

What the media is saying:

“In the answer to millions of men’s prayers, scientists may have got to the root of baldness. They have identified a scalp chemical that stops hair from growing. Excitingly, drugs that block the protein have already been developed for other purposes, meaning a hair restoring lotion or potion could be on the market in under five years. t is thought it would certainly stop balding in its tracks - and may even coax the growth of new hair.” (The Daily Mail

Researchers have identified a biological pathway previously unknown to have a role in male pattern hair loss.... The study “is likely to lead to new hair growth products based on prostaglandin biology,” says Anthony Oro, an epithelial biologist at Stanford University in California, who was not involved in the study.... It's also not known whether a treatment that inhibits PGD2 could restore hair to skin that's already bald, Cotsarelis says, but he hopes that it might. In 2011, he and his team showed that hair-follicle stem cells are still intact in balding skin, but that their proliferation is inhibited5. If PGD2 is the inhibitor, then blocking it may allow stem cells to proliferate and give rise to new follicles. (Nature: News

Researchers took an unbiased approach when scanning for potential biological causes of baldness, looking in scalp tissue from balding and non-bald spots from men with male pattern baldness and then corroborating findings in mouse models. They found that levels of PGD2 were elevated in bald scalp tissue at levels 3 times greater than what was found in comparative haired scalp of men with androgenetic alopecia. When PGD2 was added to cultured hair follicles, PGD2-treated hair was significantly shortened, while PGD2's derivative, 15-dPGJ2, completely inhibited hair growth. (Penn Medicine

This stuff sounds sweet if the side effects are low...


Allergan (Botox, Latisse) is working on FDA approval for scalp hair growth. It's the same drug that is in Latisse, but they are working on a delivery system that will reach the scalp hair follicle. It's still a couple of years off.

Who's selling pgd2 inhibitors? I've never seen them before


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Allergan (Botox, Latisse) is working on FDA approval for scalp hair growth. It's the same drug that is in Latisse, but they are working on a delivery system that will reach the scalp hair follicle. It's still a couple of years off.
Latisse is a pg2 inhibitor ??


I got that wrong. It doesn't inhibit PG2, but it simulates the "good" kind of prostaglandin that stimulates hair growth. It's a synthetic prostaglandin that was developed for cataracts. They noticed the crazy eyelash growth as a side effect, then marketed it for that. They think it will work on scalp hair too, which would be great.

Latisse is a pg2 inhibitor ??


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I got that wrong. It doesn't inhibit PG2, but it simulates the "good" kind of prostaglandin that stimulates hair growth. It's a synthetic prostaglandin that was developed for cataracts. They noticed the crazy eyelash growth as a side effect, then marketed it for that. They think it will work on scalp hair too, which would be great.
Everything I've read has said the % of active in latisse is too low for hair growth. I know the boys at mpb were buying bulk active and making up dosages at 20 times higher to see results on the head.


The company (Allergan) that makes Latisse is coming up with a formula that will be specifically for scalp hair growth. Because scalp hair follicles are farther down that eyelash follicles, the medicine doesn't penetrate that far, so they are trying different delivery vehicles and looking at pro-drug versions of the molecule. Hopefully they'll come up with something that works, but it will be a prescription drug and will be expensive, that's for sure.

Everything I've read has said the % of active in latisse is too low for hair growth. I know the boys at mpb were buying bulk active and making up dosages at 20 times higher to see results on the head.


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So I'm using Regenapure DR for shampoo. Anyone know of any conditioners that help with blocking DHT or is everyone just using moisturizing conditioners?


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So I'm using Regenapure DR for shampoo. Anyone know of any conditioners that help with blocking DHT or is everyone just using moisturizing conditioners?
use the Regenepure NT. makes my hair a lot fuller and non greasy. Can't beat it. Probably doesn't help with the dht but the DR is already.
BeastMode 1

BeastMode 1

Im experiencing alot of hair loss in pct. is this normal? i would think the lack of hormones would prevent this.

perhaps the nolva or DAA is helping cause this. has anyone else noticed this issue in pct? or using DAA?


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Im experiencing alot of hair loss in pct. is this normal? i would think the lack of hormones would prevent this.

perhaps the nolva or DAA is helping cause this. has anyone else noticed this issue in pct? or using DAA?
I think I lose more hair in PCT than on cycle, also. Likely the higher than normal testosterone = higher than normal DHT. Especially with Clomid (for me)


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anyone else experiencing more hair growth on there hands from either fina, ketoconzole or rogaine? lol been noticing my hand hair is growin quicker and more


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Which prohormone is supposed to be the safest for hair loss? I heard mechabol is good since it doesn't convert to dht...


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Im experiencing alot of hair loss in pct. is this normal? i would think the lack of hormones would prevent this.

perhaps the nolva or DAA is helping cause this. has anyone else noticed this issue in pct? or using DAA?
Happens every time for me. Hormones out of line = hairloss.

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